Alcohol Makes You Smarter OR Another Bogus “Study” to Serve Alcohol Industry

The benefit of the wine comes from the grape juice, not the alcohol. A recent Yale study demonstrated a correlation flaw in the so-called studies showing the benefit of wine against heart diseases. Besides, the beer and wine industry spends billions of dollars annually to promote their products, and part of the promotion is sponsoring “scientists” to come up with good news about their products. I have heard the same story of benefits of wine, for years after years cooked and presented by the media as “fresh” news.

Myth of Moderate Drinking

Many correlations are ignored by the so-called researchers. For instance, studying the impact of wine consumption on health, without taking into account the income, health insurance, diet, lifestyle, genetic make up, and environment of wine-drinkers, will not produce a reliable cause-and-effect relationship. Interestingly, some of the health benefits attributed to alcohol have been listed for grape juice, though in higher doses. Even if alcohol or any other drug had some economic, social and even health benefits, the Quran reminds us of the proven fact that their harms outweigh their benefits.