37 Books

37 books recommended by Edip Yüksel, in no particular order, except the obvious one.
1. Language and Symbolic Power, Bourdieu
2. Innumeracy, John Alles Paulos
3. Genius, Harold Bloom
4. Philosophical Investigations, L. Wittgenstein
5. Intelligent Design, William A. Dembsky
6. Losing Faith in Faith, Dan Barker
7. Exploring Islam in a New Light, Abdur Rab
8. Universal History of Numbers, Georges Ifrah
9. Jesus, Interrupted, Bart D. Ehrman
10. Islamic Theory of Evolution, T.O. Shanavas
11. Hegemony or Survival: Noam Chomsky
12. God & The New Physics, Paul Davies
13. The Blind Watchmaker, Richard Dawkins
14. Allah, Liberty and Love, Irshad Manji
15. Professor Stewart’s Cabinet of Mathematical Curiosities, Ian Stewart
16. Introduction to Logic, Copi and Cohen
17. Discipline & Punish, Michel Foucault
18. 101 Ethical Dilemmas, Martin Cohen
19. NINETEEN: God’s Signature in Nature and Scripture, Edip Yuksel
20. 101 Philosophy Problems, Martin Cohen
21. Human Body: a Family Reference, Parragon
22. Power of Logical Thinking, Marilyn Vos Savant
23. Quran, Hadith and Islam, Rashad Khalifa
24. The Philosophy Gym, Stephen Law
25. Is God a Mathematician, Mario Livio
26. The Demon-Haunted World, Carl Sagan
27. Flim-Flam, James Randi
28. Why People Believe Weird Things, Michael Shermer
29. Doublespeak, William Lutz
30. Understanding Islamic Law (Shari’a), Raj Bhala
31. The Copernican Revolution, Thomas S. Kuhn
32. The Mathematical Experience, Philip J. Davis
33. Unsolved Problems in Number Theory, Richard K. Guy
34. Losing My Religion, Jeffrey Lang
35. The Math Book, Clifford A. Pickover
36. Perspectives from the Past: Primary Sources in Western Civ. (2 vol), James M. Brophy, et al.
37. Quran: a Reformist Translation, Edip Yuksel, Layth al-Shaiban, Martha Schulte-Nafeh

Matine Yuksel Meets Noam Chomsky

In an email conversation with Noam Chomsky we talked about the interconnection of ethnicity, culture, politics, religion and world economy. I gave him the example of Chobani Yogurt, which has been very successful in the USA yogurt market. Yogurt is originally a Turkish food and the name yogurt is originally Turkish. It is owned by Kurdish people from Turkey and for political/marketing reasons it is described as Greek Yogurt to sell American consumers. Kurd-Turk-Greek-American all in one yogurt 🙂 During our conversation, I promised Chomsky to serve him Chobani Yogurt when I visit him again at MIT, Boston. Well, my younger Son Matine, who is accepted to Princeton University and other competitive colleges, traveled to Boston to visit MIT, just to compare it with Princeton to make sure that he still wants Princeton. I told him to visit Noam and deliver him a few Chobani Yogurt as my gift. Beforehand, I called Noam’s secretary to treat my son and wrote to Chomsky the following:

Mixing Politics in Yogurt and Falafil

I have been communicating with Noam for quiet some time. After I interviewed him on November 14 in his office at MIT, we kept in touch. With his permission, I decided to share with you a trivial but interesting email conversation so that you know what the two very serious people are talking about while others are celebrating the New Year 🙂