Reformist Translation vs Sectarian Translations

On the following pages, you will find several comparisons between our translation and that of traditional orthodox English renditions of the Quran. By the word “tradition,” we refer to the works that heavily rely on hearsay reports such as hadith, sunna, and sectarian jurisprudence. We chose to compare our work primarily with the translation of Yusuf Ali, Pickthall, and Shakir, since they reflect most of the common errors and ­distortions, and because they are popular translations among the English-speaking Sunni population.

NINETEEN: God’s Signature in Nature and Scripture. EXAMPLES:

NINETEEN: God’s Signature in Nature and Scripture. EXAMPLES: The number of Arabic letters in the opening statement of the Quran, BiSMi ALLaĤi AL-RaĤMaNi AL-RaĤYM (1:1) 19 x 1 Every word in Bismillah… is found in the Quran in multiples of 19 The frequency of the first word, Name (Ism) 19 x 1 The frequency of …

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Fatwa against Islamic Reform

Apparently, they were convinced or intimidated by a review (more accurately, a fatwa) of “a very well-established professor,” who misleadingly likened our annotated translation of the Quran to Salman Rushdie’s Satanic Verses. This was akin to a medieval publishing house turning down Martin Luther’s 95 Theses after consulting “a very well-established” Catholic Bishop! It is telling that Palgrave’s “very well-established scholar” in his several-page review, had only one substantive criticism, which consisted of our usage of a word, yes a single word in the translation: progressive.

Practical Benefits of Code 19

Interestingly, with the exception of a few, most of your criticism was focused on some of the errors in Rashad’s early works, which he corrected afterwards. During our debate in London, which was sabotaged by the moderator of your choice, you indulged in those early errors. You forgot that you could do exactly the same thing to refute the heliocentric model, by finding errors in Copernic’s calculations. Similarly, you could reject the theory of Evolution by listing the many errors in Darwin’s book or the work of other scientists who did substantial contribution to the theory of evolution.

The Prime Argument

Edip Yuksel and Carl Sagan argue on the “mathematical structure” of the Quran and its philosophical implication regarding the existence of God. Carl Sagan, as an agnostic astronomer, expresses his doubts about such an inference. The two-round short argument provides a different perspective on the “Miraculous Code 19” of the Quran. It is a prime argument on a mysterious prime number.

Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips, a Hoaxer or a Murderer?

Though, unlike his sheikh he was raised in the Western world and studied in secular schools, he got his share of backwardness from the same “university” where Sunni students are trained in ignorance. In his Hoax book, Abu Ameenah briefly mentions my name:

Freedom of thought, it’s your God-given right

I believe that the spirit of ijtihad should not simply be brought back. It should be democratized and popularized beyond the academics and imams. Some scholars will object, insisting that to exercise ijtihad one must have skills developed by years of training. Otherwise, they say, we wind up with anybody quoting the Qur’an to justify radical behavior, as is already happening with the rise of the internet and the decline of traditional authority.

“How can we Observe the Sala Prayers by Following the Quran Alone?”

“How can we observe the Sala prayers by following the Quran alone?” is a favorite question among Sunni and Shiite Muslims who follow derivative texts, religious instruction, teachings and laws, all of which are written by men. With this question, both sects try to justify the necessity and proliferation of contradictory sectarian teachings, medieval Arab culture, oppressive laws filled with prohibitions and regulations–all falsely attributed to God and His prophet.

Innumerate, Ignorant and Arrogant Sunni and Shiite Scholars

Muslims started developing theories regarding the number of the letters of Bismillah after the revelation of “one of the greatest” (74:35) miracles in 1974. Interestingly, after realizing the radical theological ramification of Code 19, contemporary Sunni and Shiite scholars started disagreeing on the number of letters contained in Bismillah. To deny the existence of the Code, every possible argument, regardless how ridiculous, is tried. Some clergymen increased the number of its letters to 20, 21 and even upto 22. Some preferred to reduce the letter count to 18. We will discuss this preposterous but common reaction to the mathematical structure of the Quran later.

What was the Name of the Last Prophet: Muhammad or Muhammed?

In summary, according to the teaching of the Quran, the name of the last prophet could not have been Muhammad; it was MUHAMMID, similar to the linguistic form of Muallim (teacher) or Musawir (designer). It is not the prophet who deserves the praise, but it is Allah (the god), our Lord, the One, the Initiator, the Designer, the Compassionate, the Living, the Eternal, the Almighty, and the Omniscient God. Praise is to the Lord of the Universe.

The Story of a Precious Crown

You are shocked. You cannot believe that the inscription was a false promise. You feel confused and contradicted. On one hand, you know now, not on faith, but through knowledge and evidence, that the crown is unique and priceless; on the other hand you also know that it contains a fake diamond and a false inscription! What to do with this?

The Background and Chronology of the Discovery

The Background and Chronology of the Discovery (From: NINETEEN: God’s Signature in Nature and Scripture, Edip Yuksel, Brainbowpress, 2011, 620 pages) Below is the outline of the major revelations and discoveries regarding the mathematical design of the Quran in chronological order. It includes some of my own contribution and experience: 610: Born in 570 ACE, …

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The 19 Rules of Inference

The prototype disbeliever who is challenged by the number 19 is described as the one who makes erroneous inferences (74:18-20). The repetitious reference to his fallacious logic emphasizes the importance of thinking and inferring properly.

God has embedded in our hardware and system software the rules of logical thinking (rooh and aql), which amazingly work perfectly in harmony with the rules of external or natural world. If we employ these rules they will help us to understand God’s law in the nature and the scripture. Our ego, our weakness to follow the crowd, our short term petty interests and similar interference can prevent us from employing those rules correctly or efficiently.

Was the Discovery of the Code 19 a Coincidence?

Edip Yüksel Dr. Rashad Khalifa did not have any knowledge that his curiosity regarding the meaning of the alphabet letters that initialize 29 chapters of the Quran would end up with the discovery of its mathematical system. His computerized study that started in 1969 gave its fruits in 1974 by the discovery of the 14 …

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