بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Bismi Allahi alrrahmani alrraheemi
In the name of God, the Gracious, the Compassionate.
The Monotheist Group
In the name of God, the Almighty, the Merciful.
Muhammad Asad
In the name of God, The Most Gracious, The Dispenser of Grace:
Rashad Khalifa
In the name of GOD, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. ,
Shabbir Ahmed
All praise is due to God, the Lord/Cherisher/Sustainer of the Universe and everything therein.
Bismillâhir rahmânir rahîm.
Edip Yüksel
Rahman, Rahim Allah'ın ismiyle
Yaşar Nuri Öztürk
Rahman ve Rahim Allah'ın adıyla...
Muhammed Esed
Ali Bulaç
Rahman ve Rahim olan Allah'ın adıyla

51:1 والذريت ذروا

Transcription (English)
51:1 Waalththariyati tharwan
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
51:1 By the atoms that scatter.1

Note 1

These verses are traditionally translated as a description of wind, rain and sailing ships. However, the audience of the Quran transcends time. These words can also be understood as a description of the movement of electrons and their ability to carry information.

The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
51:1 By the winds that blow.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
51:1 CONSIDER the winds that scatter the dust far and wide,
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
51:1 The blowing winds.,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
51:1 Consider those who broadcast.1

Note 1

This is the 51st Surah of the Qur’an. It has 60 verses. At no point do we find the Book of God demanding blind faith. Those who wish to attain conviction in the truth, for them are signs on earth and within their own persons. Mankind has been created to live by the Creator’s law, for their own good. In so doing, they would make the best use of the gift of life since it affords them the chance to achieve immortality and Eternal bliss.

With the Glorious Name of God, the Instant and Sustaining Source of all Mercy and Kindness

Individuals and communities that spread the Divine Word

51:2 فالحملت وقرا

Transcription (English)
51:2 Faalhamilati wiqran
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
51:2 Carrying a charge.
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
51:2 Carrying rain.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
51:2 and those that carry the burden [of heavy clouds],
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
51:2 Bearing rain.,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
51:2 And those who carry a great burden of responsibility.

51:3 فالجريت يسرا

Transcription (English)
51:3 Faaljariyati yusran
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
51:3 Flowing smoothly.
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
51:3 Traveling easily.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
51:3 and those that speed along with gentle ease,
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
51:3 Bringing provisions.,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
51:3 And those who glide gently (toward success).

51:4 فالمقسمت امرا

Transcription (English)
51:4 Faalmuqassimati amran
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
51:4 Distributing a command.
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
51:4 Distributing as commanded.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
51:4 and those that apportion [the gift of life] at [God's] behest!1

Note 1
These symbolical epithets, consisting of adjectival participles without any mention of the nouns which they qualify, have been variously interpreted by the early commentators; but since there is a consensus of opinion regarding the first of these participles - adh-dhariyat - as denoting "dust-scattering winds", we may assume that the other three relate to different phases or manifestations of the same phenomenon (Razi) - namely, to the life-giving function of the combination of wind, clouds and rain - pointing, symbolically, to the miraculous creation of life as such and, thus, to the existence of a conscious, purposeful Creator.
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
51:4 Distributing them as commanded.,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
51:4 And those who convey the command.

51:5 انما توعدون لصادق

Transcription (English)
51:5 Innama tooAAadoona lasadiqun
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
51:5 What you are being promised is true.
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
51:5 What you are being promised is true.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
51:5 Verily, that which you are promised is true indeed,2

Note 2
I.e., life after death.
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
51:5 What is promised to you will surely come to pass.,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
51:5 What you are promised, will come to pass.2

Note 2
The Qur’an shall ultimately prevail. 9:33

51:6 وان الدين لوقع

51:6 wan aldyn lwaqA
Transcription (English)
51:6 Wa-inna alddeena lawaqiAAun
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
51:6 The Judgment will come to pass.
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
51:6 And the Judgment will come to pass.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
51:6 and, verily, judgment is bound to come!
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
51:6 The Day of Judgment is inevitable.,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
51:6 And the Divine System of Life will be established.

51:7 والسماء ذات الحبك

Transcription (English)
51:7 Waalssama-i thati alhubuki
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
51:7 By the sky with orbits.
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
51:7 By the heaven that is woven.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
51:7 CONSIDER the firmament full of starry paths!3

Note 3
I.e., "think of the Creator of this great universe and, hence, of your responsibility to Him".
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
51:7 Despite the perfectly created sky.,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
51:7 Witness is the sky full of stellar orbits.

51:8 انكم لفى قول مختلف

51:8 ankm lfy qwl mKtlf
Transcription (English)
51:8 Innakum lafee qawlin mukhtalifin
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
51:8 You are in verbal discord.
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
51:8 You are saying what is different.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
51:8 Verily, [O men,] you are deeply at variance as to what to believe:4

Note 4
Lit., "you are indeed in a discordant opinion (qawl)", i.e., as to whether or not there is life after death, whether God exists, whether there is any truth in divine revelation, and so forth.
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
51:8 You continue to dispute the truth.,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
51:8 It is you who deeply differ in what to believe.

51:9 يؤفك عنه من افك

51:9 yafk Anh mn afk
Transcription (English)
51:9 Yu/faku AAanhu man ofika
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
51:9 Misled by it is the deviant.
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
51:9 To mislead those who are misled.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
51:9 perverted in his views thereon is he who would deceive himself!5

Note 5
Lit., "perversely turned away from this [truth] is he who is made to lie" - or, according to the Taj al-'Arus, "he who is perverted in his reason and opinion", i.e., who is a priori disposed to deceive himself: implying that belief in God and, hence, in life after death is inherent in man's mind and feeling, and that, therefore, a departure from this belief is but an outcome of intellectual perversion.
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
51:9 Deviating therefrom are the deviators.,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
51:9 Those who deceive themselves wander aimlessly.

51:10 قتل الخرصون

51:10 qtl alKraSwn
Transcription (English)
51:10 Qutila alkharrasoona
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
51:10 Woe to the deceitful.
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
51:10 Woe to the deceitful.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
51:10 They but destroy themselves,6 they who are given to guessing at what they cannot ascertain –7

Note 6
For this rendering of the expression qutila, see note 9 on 74:19.

Note 7
Thus the Taj al-'Arus, explaining the deeper meaning of al-kharrasun. "That which they cannot ascertain" is, in this context, synonymous with al-ghayb, "the reality which is beyond the reach of human perception".
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
51:10 Woe to the falsifiers.,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
51:10 Belittle themselves those who live by guesswork.

51:11 الذين هم فى غمرة ساهون

Transcription (English)
51:11 Allatheena hum fee ghamratin sahoona
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
51:11 Who are in mischief, unaware.
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
51:11 Who are in mischief, unaware.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
51:11 they who blunder along, in ignorance lost –
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
51:11 In their blundering, they are totally heedless.,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
51:11 Careless in an abyss, they know not that they know not.

51:12 يسلون ايان يوم الدين

Transcription (English)
51:12 Yas-aloona ayyana yawmu alddeeni
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
51:12 They ask: "When is the day of Judgment?"
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
51:12 They ask: "When is the Day of Recompense?"
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
51:12 they who [mockingly] ask, “When is that Day of Judgment to be?"
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
51:12 They question the Day of Judgment.,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
51:12 They ask (mockingly), “When is the Day of Judgment coming?”

51:13 يوم هم على النار يفتنون

Transcription (English)
51:13 Yawma hum AAala alnnariyuftanoona
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
51:13 The day they are tested upon the fire.
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
51:13 The Day they ordeal upon the Fire.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
51:13 [It will be] a Day when they will be sorely tried by the fire,8

Note 8
This "trial (fitnah) by the fire" is in tune with several Quranic allusions to the effect that the otherworldly suffering described as "hell" is not to be eternal: see in this connection notes 114 on 6:128, 40:12 and note 53 on 43:74.
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
51:13 The day they are presented to the fire.,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
51:13 It is the Day when they will be tormented at the fire.

51:14 ذوقوا فتنتكم هذا الذى كنتم به تستعجلون

Transcription (English)
51:14 Thooqoo fitnatakum hatha allatheekuntum bihi tastaAAjiloona
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
51:14 "Taste this trial of yours; this is what you asked to be hastened."
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
51:14 "Taste this ordeal of yours; this is what you asked to be hastened."
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
51:14 [and will be told:] “Taste this your trial! It is this that you were so hastily asking for!"9

Note 9
A reference to their one-time sarcastic demand that they should be punished for their rejection of the Quranic message: cf. 6:57 and 8:32 .
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
51:14 Taste the retribution; this is what you used to challenge.,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
51:14 Taste the trial that you brought upon yourselves. This is what you asked to be hastened.

51:15 ان المتقين فى جنت وعيون

Transcription (English)
51:15 Inna almuttaqeena fee jannatinwaAAuyoonin
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
51:15 The righteous are in paradises and springs.
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
51:15 The righteous are in gardens and springs.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
51:15 [But,] behold, the God-conscious will find themselves amid gardens and springs,
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
51:15 The righteous have deserved gardens and springs.,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
51:15 In the midst of Gardens and springs are those who chose to live upright.

51:16 ءاخذين ما ءاتىهم ربهم انهم كانوا قبل ذلك محسنين

Transcription (English)
51:16 Akhitheena ma atahumrabbuhum innahum kanoo qabla thalika muhsineena
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
51:16 Receiving what their Lord has bestowed to them, for they were before that pious.
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
51:16 Receiving what their Lord has bestowed to them, for they were before that pious.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
51:16 enjoying all that their Sustainer will have granted them [because], verily, they were doers of good in the past:10

Note 10
Lit., "before that (Day)".
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
51:16 They receive their Lord's rewards, for they used to be pious.,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
51:16 Enjoying all that their Lord grants them, for, aforetime they used to benefit others.

51:17 كانوا قليلا من اليل ما يهجعون

Transcription (English)
51:17 Kanoo qaleelan mina allayli mayahjaAAoona
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
51:17 They used to rarely sleep the whole night.
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
51:17 They used to rarely sleep the whole night.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
51:17 they would lie asleep during but a small part of the night,
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
51:17 Rarely did they sleep the whole night.,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
51:17 And rarely did they fall asleep at night without reflection.3

Note 3
Haju’ = Fall asleep like an exhausted horse

51:18 وبالاسحار هم يستغفرون

Transcription (English)
51:18 Wabial-ashari humyastaghfiroona
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
51:18 Before dawn, they would seek forgiveness.
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
51:18 And before dawn, they would seek forgiveness.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
51:18 and would pray for forgiveness from their innermost hearts;11

Note 11
See note 10 on 3:17 .
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
51:18 At dawn, they prayed for forgiveness.,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
51:18 And whole-heartedly sought to be guarded against their imperfections.4

Note 4
Sahr = Morning = Being proactive = Early action = Core of the heart Lisan-al-Arab. Ghafarah = Helmet = Guarding

51:19 وفى امولهم حق للسائل والمحروم

Transcription (English)
51:19 Wafee amwalihim haqqun lilssa-iliwaalmahroomi
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
51:19 And in their money was a portion for the needy and the deprived.
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
51:19 An in their money was a portion for the beggar and the needy.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
51:19 and [would assign] in all that they possessed a due share unto such as might ask [for help] and such as might suffer priva­tion.12

Note 12
Sc., "but could not beg" - and this applies to all living creatures, whether human beings or mute animals (Razi), irrespective of whether the need is of a physical or an emotional nature.
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
51:19 A portion of their money was set aside for the beggar and the needy.,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
51:19 And in their wealth was the Divinely ordained right of those who ask and those who are deprived.5

Note 5
See 2:3, 6:141, Zakaat and the Day of the Harvest

51:20 وفى الارض ءايت للموقنين

Transcription (English)
51:20 Wafee al-ardi ayatunlilmooqineena
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
51:20 In the earth are signs for those who reason.
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
51:20 And on the earth are signs for those who comprehend.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
51:20 AND ON EARTH there are signs [of God's exis­tence, visible] to all who are endowed with inner certainty,
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
51:20 The earth is full of signs for those who are certain.,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
51:20 And on earth are signs for those who wish to attain conviction,6

Note 6
Its resources must remain open for all. 15:20, 41:10, 55:11

51:21 وفى انفسكم افلا تبصرون

Transcription (English)
51:21 Wafee anfusikum afala tubsiroona
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
51:21 Within yourselves; do you not see?
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
51:21 And within yourselves; do you not see?
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
51:21 just as [there are signs thereof] within your own selves:13 can you not, then, see?

Note 13
See note 3 on 45:4.
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
51:21 And within yourselves; can you see?,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
51:21 And also in yourselves, your individual psyche and soma, your people and the unity in diversity among the human communities. Can you not then use your vision?7

Note 7
Anfusikum entails all the meanings rendered here. 9:31, 13:31:48, 18:48, 41:53, 48:28, 51:20, 61:9

51:22 وفى السماء رزقكم وما توعدون

Transcription (English)
51:22 Wafee alssama-i rizqukum wamatooAAadoona
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
51:22 In the heaven is your provision, and what you are promised.
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
51:22 And in the heaven is your provision, and what you are promised.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
51:22 And in heaven is [the source of] your sus­tenance [on earth] and [of] all that you are promised [for your life after death]:14

Note 14
I.e., both physical (rain) and spiritual (truth and guidance).
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
51:22 In the heaven is your provision, and everything that is promised to you.,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
51:22 And in the heaven is all your providence and all that you are promised.8

Note 8
‘In the heaven’ = A metaphor for God’s Almightiness

51:23 فورب السماء والارض انه لحق مثل ما انكم تنطقون

Transcription (English)
51:23 Fawarabbi alssama-i waal-ardiinnahu lahaqqun mithla ma annakum tantiqoona
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
51:23 By the Lord of the heaven and the earth, this is truth just as the fact that you speak.
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
51:23 By the Lord of the heaven and the earth, this is truth just as the fact that you speak.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
51:23 for, by the Sustainer of heaven and earth, this [life after death] is the very truth - as true as that you are endowed with speech!15

Note 15
Lit., "even as you speak" or "are able to speak": an allusion to man's ability to think conceptually and to express himself - that is, to something of which man is absolutely, axiomatic­ally conscious.
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
51:23 By the Lord of the heaven and the earth, this is as true as the fact that you speak.,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
51:23 And by the Lord of heaven and earth! This is the truth, as true as the fact that you speak.

51:24 هل اتىك حديث ضيف ابرهيم المكرمين

Transcription (English)
51:24 Hal ataka hadeethu dayfiibraheema almukrameena
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
Abraham's Guests51:24 Has the story of Abraham's noble guests come to you?
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
51:24 Has the narrative of the noble guests of Abraham come to you?
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
51:24 AND HAS the story of Abraham's honoured guests ever come within thy ken?16

Note 16
This story (as well as the subsequent mention of what happened to Lot's people and to the tribes of Ad and Thamud, of Moses and Pharaoh's people, and of Noah's people) is connected with the preceding references to the "signs", visible and conceptual, of God's existence and almightiness and the inflexible moral causality apparent in what the Qur'an describes as "the way of God" (sunnat Allah). The story of Abraham's angelic guests appears also in 11:69 ff. and - in a somewhat shorter version - in 15:51 ff. as well.
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
51:24 Have you noted the history of Abraham's honorable guests?,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
51:24 And (as a historical evidence) has the story of Abraham’s honored guests reached you?

51:25 اذ دخلوا عليه فقالوا سلما قال سلم قوم منكرون

Transcription (English)
51:25 Ith dakhaloo AAalayhi faqaloosalaman qala salamun qawmun munkaroona
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
51:25 When they entered upon him, they said, "Peace." He said, "Peace to a people unknown!"
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
51:25 When they entered upon him, they said: "Peace." He said: "Peace to a people unknown!"
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
51:25 When those [heavenly messengers] came unto him and bade him peace, he answered, “[And upon you be] peace!" - [saying to himself,] “They are strangers."17

Note 17
Lit., "unknown people" - i.e., not realizing that they were angels.
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
51:25 They visited him, saying, "Peace." He said, "Peace to you, strangers!",
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
51:25 When they visited him greeting him with “Peace!” He answered, “Peace to you strangers!”

51:26 فراغ الى اهله فجاء بعجل سمين

Transcription (English)
51:26 Faragha ila ahlihi fajaabiAAijlin sameenin
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
51:26 Then he went to his family and brought a fat roasted calf.
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
51:26 Then he went to his family and brought a fat calf.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
51:26 Then he turned quietly to his household, and brought forth a fat [roasted] calf,
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
51:26 He asked his family to prepare a fat calf.,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
51:26 Then he went quietly to his household, and brought forth a well-bred roasted calf.

51:27 فقربه اليهم قال الا تاكلون

Transcription (English)
51:27 Faqarrabahu ilayhim qala alata/kuloona
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
51:27 He offered it to them, he said, "Do you not eat?"
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
51:27 He offered it to them, he said: "Do you not eat?"
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
51:27 and placed it before them, saying, “Will you not eat?"
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
51:27 When he offered it to them, he remarked, "Do you not eat?",
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
51:27 And placed it before them, saying, “Will you not eat?”

51:28 فاوجس منهم خيفة قالوا لا تخف وبشروه بغلم عليم

Transcription (English)
51:28 Faawjasa minhum kheefatan qaloo latakhaf wabashsharoohu bighulamin AAaleemin
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
51:28 He then became fearful of them. They said, "Do not fear," and they gave him good news of a knowledgeable son.
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
51:28 He then became fearful of them. They said: "Do not fear," and they gave him good news of a knowledgeable son.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
51:28 [And when he saw that the guests would not eat,] he became apprehensive of them;18 [but] they said, “Fear not" - and gave him the glad tiding of [the birth of] a son who would be endowed with deep knowledge.19

Note 18
See note 101 on 11:70.

Note 19
I.e., with prophethood (cf. 15:53 ).
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
51:28 He harbored fear of them. They said, "Have no fear," and they gave good news of a knowledgeable son.,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
51:28 Then he felt apprehensive of them. They said, “Fear not!” And they gave him the good news of a son who would be endowed with knowledge.9

Note 9
Abraham was concerned, since people with aggressive designs used to refuse hospitality. But they were hurrying to Sodom. 11:69, 15:50, 26:69, 29:31

51:29 فاقبلت امراته فى صرة فصكت وجهها وقالت عجوز عقيم

Transcription (English)
51:29 Faaqbalati imraatuhu fee sarratin fasakkatwajhaha waqalat AAajoozun AAaqeemun
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
51:29 His wife then approached in amazement. She slapped upon her face, and said, "I am a sterile old woman!"
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
51:29 His wife then approached in amazement. She slapped upon her face, and said: "A barren old woman!"
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
51:29 Thereupon his wife approached [the guests] with a loud cry, and struck her face [in astonishment] and exclaimed: “A barren old woman [like me]!"
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
51:29 His wife was astonished. Noting her wrinkled face: "I am a sterile old woman.",
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
51:29 Then his wife came forward with a loud cry and struck her face in astonishment and said, “An old barren woman!”

51:30 قالوا كذلك قال ربك انه هو الحكيم العليم

Transcription (English)
51:30 Qaloo kathaliki qalarabbuki innahu huwa alhakeemu alAAaleemu
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
51:30 They said, "It was such that your Lord has said. He is the Wise, the Knowledgeable."
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
51:30 They said: "It was such that your Lord has said. He is the Wise, the Knowledgeable."
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
51:30 They answered: “Thus has thy Sustainer decreed; and, verily, He alone is truly wise, all- knowing!"
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
51:30 They said, "Thus said your Lord. He is the Most Wise, the Omniscient.",
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
51:30 They said, “Thus your Lord has spoken. He, He alone is All Wise, All Knower.”

51:31 قال فما خطبكم ايها المرسلون

Transcription (English)
51:31 Qala fama khatbukumayyuha almursaloona
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
51:31 He said, "What is your undertaking, O messengers?"
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
51:31 He said: "What is your undertaking, O messengers?"
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
51:31 Said [Abraham]: “And what [else] may you have in view, O you [heavenly] messengers?"
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
51:31 He said, "What are you up to, O messengers?",
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
51:31 Abraham said, “And now what is your task, O Messengers!”

51:32 قالوا انا ارسلنا الى قوم مجرمين

Transcription (English)
51:32 Qaloo inna orsilna ilaqawmin mujrimeena
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
51:32 They said, "We have been sent to a criminal people."
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
51:32 They said: "We have been sent to a criminal people."
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
51:32 They answered: “Behold, we have been sent unto a people lost in sin,20

Note 20
I.e., Lot 's people.
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
51:32 They said, "We have been dispatched to criminal people.,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
51:32 They replied, “We have been sent to a guilty people who violate human rights and choose to do wrong,

51:33 لنرسل عليهم حجارة من طين

Transcription (English)
51:33 Linursila AAalayhim hijaratanmin teenin
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
51:33 "To send down upon them rocks of clay."
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
51:33 "To send down upon them stones of clay."
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
51:33 to let loose upon them stone-hard blows of chastisement,21

Note 21
Lit., "stones of clay" - the noun "clay" (tin) is, according to Zamakhshari , identical with the term sijjil mentioned in 11:82 and tentatively explained in the corresponding note 114 as signifying "chastisement pre-ordained".
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
51:33 "We will shower them with rocks of clay.,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
51:33 That we may shower them with stones of clay,

51:34 مسومة عند ربك للمسرفين

Transcription (English)
51:34 Musawwamatan AAinda rabbika lilmusrifeena
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
51:34 "Prepared by your Lord for the transgressors."
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
51:34 "Prepared by your Lord for the transgressors."
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
51:34 marked out in thy Sustainer's sight for [the punishment of] such as have wasted their own selves."22

Note 22
For an explanation of this rendering of the term musrifin, see note 21 on 10:12 .
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
51:34 "Marked by your Lord for the transgressors.",
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
51:34 Marked out by your Lord for those who have wasted their own ‘self’.”

51:35 فاخرجنا من كان فيها من المؤمنين

Transcription (English)
51:35 Faakhrajna man kana feehamina almu/mineena
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
51:35 We then vacated from it all those who acknowledged.
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
51:35 We then vacated from it all the believers.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
51:35 And in the course of time23 We brought out [of Lot 's city] such [few] believers as were there:

Note 23
Lit., "And then", i.e., after the events described in 11:77 ff. and 15:61 ff.
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
51:35 We then delivered all the believers.,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
51:35 We then brought forth safe all believers that were in town.

51:36 فما وجدنا فيها غير بيت من المسلمين

Transcription (English)
51:36 Fama wajadna feehaghayra baytin mina almuslimeena
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
51:36 But We only found in it one house of those who had peacefully surrendered.
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
51:36 But We only found in it one house of those who had submitted.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
51:36 for apart from one [single] house24 We did not find there any who had surrendered themselves to Us.

Note 24
I.e., Lot 's family.
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
51:36 We did not find in it except one house of submitters.,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
51:36 But We found therein none but one Muslim household!

51:37 وتركنا فيها ءاية للذين يخافون العذاب الاليم

Transcription (English)
51:37 Watarakna feeha ayatanlillatheena yakhafoona alAAathaba al-aleema
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
51:37 We have left in it a sign for those who fear the painful retribution.
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
51:37 And We left in it a sign for those who fear the painful retribution.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
51:37 And so We left therein25 a message for those who fear the grievous suffering [which awaits all evildoers].

Note 25
I.e., in the utter destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah.
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
51:37 We set it up as a lesson for those who fear the painful retribution.,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
51:37 And so We left therein a sign for those who fear a painful consequence (of their misdeeds).

51:38 وفى موسى اذ ارسلنه الى فرعون بسلطن مبين

Transcription (English)
51:38 Wafee moosa ith arsalnahuila firAAawna bisultanin mubeenin
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
Previous Generations51:38 Also Moses, for We sent him to Pharaoh with a clear authority.
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
51:38 And also Moses, for We sent him to Pharaoh with a clear authority.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
51:38 AND IN [the story of Pharaoh and] Moses, too, [We left the same message: for]26 when We sent him unto Pharaoh with [Our] manifest authority,

Note 26
The above interpolations are based on the consensus of most of the classical commentators regarding the phrase "And in Moses, too".
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
51:38 In Moses (there is a lesson). We sent him to Pharaoh with manifest proofs.,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
51:38 And in Moses too! We sent him to Pharaoh with a clear authority.

51:39 فتولى بركنه وقال سحر او مجنون

Transcription (English)
51:39 Fatawalla biruknihi waqala sahirunaw majnoonun
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
51:39 But he turned away, in arrogance, and he said, "A magician, or crazy."
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
51:39 But he and his camp turned away, and said: "A magician, or crazy."
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
51:39 and he turned away in [the pride of] his power and said, “A sorcerer [is this Moses], or a madman!" –
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
51:39 But he turned away, in arrogance, and said, "Magician, or crazy.",
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
51:39 But he turned away proud of his might and said, “A wizard or a madman!”

51:40 فاخذنه وجنوده فنبذنهم فى اليم وهو مليم

Transcription (English)
51:40 Faakhathnahu wajunoodahufanabathnahum fee alyammi wahuwa muleemun
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
51:40 So We took him and his troops; We cast them into the sea, and he was to blame.
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
51:40 So We took him and his troops; We cast them into the sea, and he was to blame.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
51:40 We seized him and his hosts, and cast them all into the sea: and [none but Pharaoh] himself was to blame [for what happened].27

Note 27
This is an illustration of the Quranic doctrine that the suffering which is bound to befall an evildoer in this world or in the life to come, or in both, is but a consequence of his own doings.
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
51:40 Consequently, we punished him and his troops. We threw them into the sea, and he is the one to blame.,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
51:40 So We seized him and his troops, and flung them in the sea, and he was blameworthy.

51:41 وفى عاد اذ ارسلنا عليهم الريح العقيم

Transcription (English)
51:41 Wafee AAadin ith arsalnaAAalayhimu alrreeha alAAaqeema
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
51:41 Also Aad, for We sent upon them the hurricane wind.
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
51:41 And also 'Aad, for We sent upon them the barren wind.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
51:41 And [you have the same message] in [what happened to the tribe of] Ad, when We let loose against them that life-destroying wind
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
51:41 In `Aad (there is a lesson). We sent upon them disastrous wind.,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
51:41 And in ‘Aad (there are lessons) - When We sent upon them the devastating wind.

51:42 ما تذر من شىء اتت عليه الا جعلته كالرميم

Transcription (English)
51:42 Ma tatharu min shay-in atatAAalayhi illa jaAAalat-hu kaalrrameemi
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
51:42 Anything that it came upon was utterly destroyed.
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
51:42 Anything that it came upon was utterly destroyed.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
51:42 which spared nothing of what it came upon, but caused [all of] it to become like bones dead and decayed.28

Note 28
See 69:6. For the story of the tribe of Ad as such, see second half of note 48 on 7:65.
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
51:42 Anything that it came upon was utterly destroyed.,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
51:42 It spared nothing that it blew on and smashed it to dust.

51:43 وفى ثمود اذ قيل لهم تمتعوا حتى حين

Transcription (English)
51:43 Wafee thamooda ith qeela lahumtamattaAAoo hatta heenin
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
51:43 Also Thamud, for it was said to them: "Enjoy for a while."
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
51:43 And also Thamud, for it was said to them: "Enjoy for a while."
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
51:43 And in [the story of the tribe of] Thamud, too, when they were told, “You shall enjoy your life for [but] a little while,"29

Note 29
Cf. 11:65. An outline of the story of the Thamud is given in 7:73.
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
51:43 In Thamoud (there is a lesson). They were told, "Enjoy temporarily.",
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
51:43 And in Thamud. They were told, “Enjoy life for a little while.”

51:44 فعتوا عن امر ربهم فاخذتهم الصعقة وهم ينظرون

Transcription (English)
51:44 FaAAataw AAan amri rabbihim faakhathat-humualssaAAiqatu wahum yanthuroona
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
51:44 But they rebelled against the command of their Lord. So the lightning struck them while they were looking.
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
51:44 But they rebelled against the command of their Lord. So the lightning struck them while they were looking.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
51:44 after they had turned with disdain from their Sustainer's commandment - whereupon the thunderbolt of punishment overtook them while they were [helplessly] looking on:
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
51:44 They rebelled against the command of their Lord. Consequently, the lightning struck them as they looked.,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
51:44 But they defied their Lord’s commandment, whereupon the thunder seized them while they looked on.

51:45 فما استطعوا من قيام وما كانوا منتصرين

Transcription (English)
51:45 Fama istataAAoo min qiyaminwama kanoo muntasireena
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
51:45 They were unable to rise up, nor could they win.
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
51:45 They were unable to rise up, nor could they win.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
51:45 for they were unable even to rise, and could not defend themselves.
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
51:45 They could never get up, nor were they helped.,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
51:45 And they were unable even to rise up and could not help themselves a bit.

51:46 وقوم نوح من قبل انهم كانوا قوما فسقين

Transcription (English)
51:46 Waqawma noohin min qablu innahum kanooqawman fasiqeena
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
51:46 The people of Noah before; they were a wicked people.
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
51:46 And the people of Noah before; they were a wicked people.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
51:46 And [thus, too, We destroyed] Noah's people aforetime: for they were iniquitous folk.30

Note 30
Lit., "the sky" or "the heaven", which in the Qur'an often has the connotation of "universe" or, in the plural ("the heavens"), of "cosmic systems".
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
51:46 And the people of Noah before that; they were wicked people.,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
51:46 And the people of Noah aforetime! They were a community that drifted away from the truth.

51:47 والسماء بنينها باييد وانا لموسعون

Transcription (English)
51:47 Waalssamaa banaynahabi-aydin wa-inna lamoosiAAoona
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
Expanding Universe51:47 We constructed the universe with might, and We are expanding it.2

Note 2

God who created the universe billions of years ago by His command of "Be" (21:30), is continuously expanding the universe in time and space. Remarkably, this 1400-year old proclamation has just recently in the 20th century been shown by modern science to be a fact. See 4:82.

The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
51:47 And the heaven We constructed with resources, and We are expanding it.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
51:47 AND IT IS We who have built the universe31 with [Our creative] power; and, verily, it is We who are steadily expanding it.*

Note 31
See note 38 on the first part of 21:30 . The phrase inna la-musi'un clearly foreshadows the modern notion of the "expanding universe" - that is, the fact that the cosmos, though finite in extent, is continuously expanding in space.
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
"Expansion of the Universe Theory" Confirmed51:47 We constructed the sky with our hands, and we will continue to expand it.,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
51:47 And it is We Who built the Universe with power, and certainly, it is We Who are steadily expanding it.10

Note 10
Samaa = Sky = Heaven = Allegorically the Universe. Bi-Ayidin = With both hands = With power. The expansion of the Universe was first proposed by the Belgian cosmologist Georges Lemaitre and the Russian scientist A. Friemann. In 1929, it was observed for the first time by the American astronomer Edwin Hubble. 78 Km/Sec in 2012. The Qur’an had given us this knowledge 14 centuries ago! 55:5, 36:38

51:48 والارض فرشنها فنعم المهدون

Transcription (English)
51:48 Waal-arda farashnahafaniAAma almahidoona
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
51:48 The earth We furnished; We are fine Providers.
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
51:48 And the earth We furnished; so glory to the Makers.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
51:48 And the earth have We spread out wide - and how well have We ordered it!32

Note 32
I.e., in accordance with the requirements of the living organisms that were to - and did - develop on it.
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
51:48 And we made the earth habitable; a perfect design.,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
51:48 And We have spread out the earth, and how excellent a Spreader We are!

51:49 ومن كل شىء خلقنا زوجين لعلكم تذكرون

Transcription (English)
51:49 Wamin kulli shay-in khalaqna zawjaynilaAAallakum tathakkaroona
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
51:49 From everything We created a pair, perhaps you may remember.
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
51:49 And of everything We created a pair, perhaps you may remember.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
51:49 And in everything have We created oppos­ites,33 so that you might bear in mind [that God alone is One].34

Note 33
Lit., "of every thing have We created pairs"- a phrase which is explained in note 18 on 36:36.

Note 34
Cf. 89:3 and the corresponding note 2.
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
51:49 We created a pair (male and female) of everything, that you may take heed.,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
51:49 And all things We created in pairs and in opposites (such that one complements the other), so that you may reflect.

51:50 ففروا الى الله انى لكم منه نذير مبين

Transcription (English)
51:50 Fafirroo ila Allahi inneelakum minhu natheerun mubeenun
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
51:50 So escape to God. I am to you from Him a clear warner.
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
51:50 So turn towards God. I am to you from Him a clear warner.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
51:50 And so, [O Muhammad, say unto them:] “Flee unto God [from all that is false and evil]! Verily, I am a plain warner to you from Him!
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
51:50 You shall escape to GOD. I am sent by Him to you as a manifest warner.,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
51:50 (Say), “Therefore, find your way to God alone. I am a plain warner to you from Him."11

Note 11
To emphasize the urgency to do good in this short, unpredictable human life, the word 'say' in this verse is merged with Fafirru = So flee = Therefore, rush = So, go forth now = So, escape = Find your way

51:51 ولا تجعلوا مع الله الها ءاخر انى لكم منه نذير مبين

Transcription (English)
51:51 Wala tajAAaloo maAAa Allahi ilahanakhara innee lakum minhu natheerun mubeenun
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
51:51 Do not make any other god with God. I am to you from Him a clear warner.
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
51:51 And do not make any other god with God. I am to you from Him a clear warner.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
51:51 And do not ascribe divinity to aught side by side with God:35 verily, I am a plain warner to you from Him!"

Note 35
Lit., "do not set up any other deity".
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
51:51 Do not set up beside GOD any other god. I am sent by Him to you as a manifest warner.,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
51:51 Set up no god or ‘authority’ along with God. I am a plain warner to you from Him.

51:52 كذلك ما اتى الذين من قبلهم من رسول الا قالوا ساحر او مجنون

Transcription (English)
51:52 Kathalika ma ata allatheenamin qablihim min rasoolin illa qaloo sahirunaw majnoonun
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
51:52 Likewise, when a messenger went to those before them, they said, "A magician, or crazy."
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
51:52 Likewise, when a messenger went to those before them, they said: "A magician, or crazy."
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
51:52 [But] thus it is: never yet came any apostle to those who lived before their time but they said, “A spel1binder36

Note 36
Lit., "sorcerer".
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
51:52 Consistently, when a messenger went to the previous generations, they said, "Magician," or, "Crazy.",
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
51:52 But, thus it is. No Messenger came to those before their time, but they said, “A wizard or a madman!”

51:53 اتواصوا به بل هم قوم طاغون

Transcription (English)
51:53 Atawasaw bihi bal hum qawmun taghoona
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
51:53 Have they passed down this saying to each other? Indeed, they are a wicked people.
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
51:53 Have they passed down this saying to each other? Indeed, they are a wicked people.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
51:53 Have they, perchance, handed down this [way of thinking] as a legacy unto one another? Nay, they are people filled with overweening ar­rogance!
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
51:53 Did they make an agreement with each other? Indeed, they are transgressors.,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
51:53 Have they handed down this (behavior) as a last will from one to another? Nay, but they have been people who wished to live without moral bounds.

51:54 فتول عنهم فما انت بملوم

Transcription (English)
51:54 Fatawalla AAanhum fama anta bimaloomin
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
51:54 So turn away from them; you will not be blamed.3

Note 3

Jonah was criticized for abandoning his mission before completing it (37:142). For the Old Testament's account, see the four short chapters of the book of Jonah.

The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
51:54 So turn away from them; you will not be blamed.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
51:54 Turn, then, away from them, and thou shalt incur no blame;
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
51:54 You may disregard them; you cannot be blamed.,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
51:54 Turn, then, away from them, and you shall not be blameworthy.

51:55 وذكر فان الذكرى تنفع المؤمنين

Transcription (English)
51:55 Wathakkir fa-inna alththikratanfaAAu almu/mineena
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
51:55 Remind, for the reminder benefits those who acknowledge.
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
51:55 And remind, for the reminder benefits the believers.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
51:55 yet go on reminding [all who would listen]: for, verily, such a reminder will profit the believers.
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
51:55 And remind, for the reminder benefits the believers.,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
51:55 Yet continue reminding, for the believers will benefit from it and gain eminence.

51:56 وما خلقت الجن والانس الا ليعبدون

Transcription (English)
51:56 Wama khalaqtu aljinna waal-insailla liyaAAbudooni
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
51:56 I did not create the Jinn and the humans except to serve Me.4

Note 4

See 2:35

The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
51:56 I did not create the Jinn and mankind except to serve Me.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
51:56 And [tell them that] I have not created the invisible beings37 and men to any end other than that they may [know and] worship Me.38

Note 37
For a full discussion of the term jinn ("invisible beings"), see Appendix III. As pointed out by most of the philologists - and stressed by Razi in his comments on the above verse - this term includes also the angels, since they, too, are beings or forces "concealed from man's senses".

Note 38
Thus, the innermost purpose of the creation of all rational beings is their cognition (marifah) of the existence of God and, hence, their conscious willingness to conform their own existence to whatever they may perceive of His will and plan: and it is this twofold concept of cognition and willingness that gives the deepest meaning to what the Qur'an describes as "worship" (ibadah). As the next verse shows, this spiritual call does not arise from any supposed "need" on the part of the Creator, who is self-sufficient and infinite in His power, but is designed as an instrument for the inner development of the worshipper, who, by the act of his conscious self-surrender to the all-pervading Creative Will, may hope to come closer to an understanding of that Will and, thus, closer to God Himself.
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
The Purpose of Our Existence51:56 I did not create the jinns and the humans except to worship Me alone.,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
51:56 And I have not created the ‘jinn’ and the ‘ins’ but that they obey (serve) Me alone.12

Note 12
Jinn = Nomads. Ins = Urbanites. Check Surah 72 Al-Jinn, author’s note, for details. Ibadah is usually translated as worship but in that sense it applies better to idol-worship. And since the Qur’an consistently promotes action over ritual,Ibadah means obeying God by serving His creation

51:57 ما اريد منهم من رزق وما اريد ان يطعمون

Transcription (English)
51:57 Ma oreedu minhum min rizqin wamaoreedu an yutAAimooni
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
51:57 I need no provisions from them, nor do I need them to give food.
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
51:57 I need no provisions from them, nor do I need them to give food.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
51:57 [But withal,] no sustenance do I ever demand of them, nor do I demand that they feed Me:
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
51:57 I need no provisions from them, nor do I need them to feed Me.,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
51:57 No sustenance do I ever require of them, nor do I ask that they feed Me.

51:58 ان الله هو الرزاق ذو القوة المتين

Transcription (English)
51:58 Inna Allaha huwa alrrazzaquthoo alquwwati almateenu
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
51:58 God is the Provider, the One with Power, the Supreme.
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
51:58 God is the Provider, the One with Power, the Supreme.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
51:58 for, verily, God Himself is the Provider of all sustenance, the Lord of all might, the Eternal!
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
51:58 GOD is the Provider, the Possessor of all power, the Supreme.,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
51:58 God is the Provider of sustenance, the Lord of might, Invincible.

51:59 فان للذين ظلموا ذنوبا مثل ذنوب اصحبهم فلا يستعجلون

Transcription (English)
51:59 Fa-inna lillatheena thalamoothanooban mithla thanoobi as-habihimfala yastaAAjiloona
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
51:59 The transgressors will have the same fate as their previous friends; so let them not be hasty.
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
51:59 The transgressors will have the same fate as their previous friends; so let them not be hasty.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
51:59 And, verily, they who are bent on doing evil shall have their share [of evil] like unto the share of their fellows [of old]:39 so let them not ask Me to hasten [their doom]!

Note 39
Implying that every act of evildoing bears the seed of its own retribution either in this world or in the hereafter.
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
51:59 The transgressors have incurred the same fate as their previous counterparts; they should not challenge.,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
51:59 But the violators of human rights trail behind in humanity as their comrades did in the past. (They deserve the same fate as the previous ones.) So, they should not ask Me to hasten the retribution.

51:60 فويل للذين كفروا من يومهم الذى يوعدون

Transcription (English)
51:60 Fawaylun lillatheena kafaroo minyawmihimu allathee yooAAadoona
Edip-Layth (Quran: A Reformist Translation)
51:60 So woe to those who rejected from the day that is waiting for them.
The Monotheist Group (The Quran: A Monotheist Translation)
51:60 So woe to those who rejected from the Day that is waiting for them.
Muhammad Asad (The Message Of Quran)
51:60 For, woe unto those who are bent on denying the truth - [woe] on the Day which they have been promised
Rashad Khalifa (The Final Testament)
51:60 Woe to those who disbelieved from the day that is awaiting them.,
Shabbir Ahmed (Quran As It Explains Itself)
51:60 Anguish awaits the deniers of the truth on that Day of theirs which they are promised.