


20 August 20013

Women veil

SUBHAN ALLAH: Salam, I am familiar with the argument that khimar (24:31) is anything that covers. What do you understand by the word jilbab (33:59)? Does it refer to a “wrapping” garment or can it refer to any kind of garment/covering?

EDİP: Jilbab is outer garment. It is any type of cloth that people normally wear outside; which is not their underwear or night clothes.

As it seems, some people are approaching this simple issue like the Jewish Rabbis approached to the issue of heifer; as they asked the color and age of the heifer. The more you ask questions regarding certain practices the more it will become difficult for you (5:101). Why? Because of the cause-and-effect relationship between “demand and supply”… Religious scholars will provide volumes of stupid details for you to turn yours and everyone else’s lives into hell. In the end the women will be buried alive in black sacks, sometimes covering even their faces, thereby destroying their identity in society and turning them to slaves of ignorant and arrogant men.

I will no more respond to any question on clothes and fabric. If they wish, let them walk naked. It is much better than fabricating dress codes in the name of God. The best attire is righteousness (7:26).



Women in hell

Buhari: 29, 304, 1052, 1462, 3241, 5197, 5198, 6449, 6546. Muslim: 80, 885, 907, 2737, 2738. Tirmizi: 635, 2602, 2603, 2613. Nesei: 1493, 1575. İbni Maje: 4003. Malik: 445. Darimi: 1007. İbni Hanbel: 2087, 2706, 3364, 3376, 3559, 4009, 4027, 4111, 4140, 5321, 6574, 7891, 8645, 14386, 27562, 27567, 19336, 19351, 19415, 19425, 19480, 19484, 20743, 21729, 26508.

Buhari: 29, 304, 1052, 1462, 3241, 5197, 5198, 6449, 6546. Muslim: 80, 885, 907, 2737, 2738. Tirmizi: 635, 2602, 2603, 2613. Nesei: 1493, 1575. İbni Maje: 4003. Malik: 445. Darimi: 1007. İbni Hanbel: 2087, 2706, 3364, 3376, 3559, 4009, 4027, 4111, 4140, 5321, 6574, 7891, 8645, 14386, 27562, 27567, 19336, 19351, 19415, 19425, 19480, 19484, 20743, 21729, 26508.


37 Books


37 Books Recommended

49 Fantastic And Funtastic Books
Recommended by Edip Yüksel, in no Particular Order, Except the Obvious One

1.   Language and Symbolic Power, Pierre Bourdieu

2.   Innumeracy, John Alles Paulos

3.   Genius, Harold Bloom

4.   Philosophical Investigations, L. Wittgenstein

5.   Intelligent Design, William A. Dembsky

6.   Losing Faith in Faith, Dan Barker

7.   Exploring Islam in a New Light, Abdur Rab

8.   Universal History of Numbers, Georges Ifrah

9.   Jesus, Interrupted, Bart D. Ehrman

10. Islamic Theory of Evolution, T.O. Shanavas

11. Hegemony or Survival, Noam Chomsky

12. God & The New Physics, Paul Davies

13. The Blind Watchmaker, Richard Dawkins

14. Allah, Liberty and Love, Irshad Manji

15. Professor Stewart’s Cabinet of Mathematical Curiosities, Ian Stewart

16. Introduction to Logic, Copi and Cohen

17. Discipline & Punish, Michel Foucault

18. 101 Ethical Dilemmas, Martin Cohen

19. NINETEEN: God’s Signature in Nature and Scripture, Edip Yuksel

20. Human Body: a Family Reference, Parragon

21. 101 Philosophy Problems, Martin Cohen

22. Power of Logical Thinking, Marilyn Vos Savant

23. Quran, Hadith and Islam, Rashad Khalifa

24. The Philosophy Gym, Stephen Law

25. Is God a Mathematician, Mario Livio

26. The Demon-Haunted World, Carl Sagan

27. Flim-Flam, James Randi

28. Why People Believe Weird Things, Michael Shermer

29. Euphemism & Dysphemism, Keith Allan & Kate Burridge

30. Understanding Islamic Law (Shari’a), Raj Bhala

31. The Copernican Revolution, Thomas S. Kuhn

32. The Mathematical Experience, Philip J. Davis

33. Unsolved Problems in Number Theory, Richard K. Guy

34. Losing My Religion, Jeffrey Lang

35. The Math Book, Clifford A. Pickover

36. Perspectives from the Past: Primary Sources in Western Civ. (2 vol), James M. Brophy, et al.

37. Quran: a Reformist Translation, Edip Yuksel, Layth al-Shaiban, Martha Schulte-Nafeh

38. The End of Science, John Horgan

39. 501 Things You Shoulhd Have Learned about Philosophy, Metro Books

40. The Most Beautiful Mathematical Formulas; Salem, Testard, Salem

41. Critical Thinkers for Islamic Reform, Editor: Edip Yuksel et al.

42. The Quran: Unchallengeable Miracle, Caner Taslaman

43. The Big Bang, Philosophy and God, Caner Taslaman

44. Eureka: 81 Key Ideas Explained, Michael Macrone

45. The World’s Best Puzzles, Charles Barry Townsend

46. Running Like Zebras, Edip Yuksel

47. The 100 Greatest Most Influential Persons in History, Michael H. Hart

48. Manifesto for Islamic Reform, Edip Yuksel





Polycentric community


The Concept and Structure of
Polycentric community

Abdun Nur
31 March 2012

“We are all creatures of one world; we are all of one blood. To hate a man because he was born in another country, because he speaks a different language, or because he takes a different view on this subject or that, is a great folly. Desist, I implore you, for we are all equally created… let us have but one end in view, the welfare of mankind.” Johann Amos Comenius (slight edited)

The outline of the polycentric community is given in the essay polycentric community linked here. Community originates from Latin ‘communitas’ (cum, “with/together” + munus, “gift”)

“There is something about modern society which persistently denies mankind’s nature. People are separated from the natural conditions in which they might be happy and fulfilled and as a consequence social problems develop.” Community is the solution.


The concept of community is in direct opposition to that of the concept of State; a State holds control over the individual, regulating, licensing, monopolizing, and bureaucratising, as a master over a slave; while a community is common unity of interaction between individuals; the inherent tendency of the State is to concentrate, to narrow, and monopolize all social activities; the nature of community is, on the contrary, to grow, to broaden, and disseminate community and individual interactions in ever-wider circles, founded on social activity. In other words, the State is institutional and static; community is fluent, and dynamic. These two tendencies are incompatible and mutually destructive. The corporate system is based in the stagnance of the corpse, a dead systems of control through ownership, practically holding the living in a state of living death, a state they seldom even recognise as they have known no other state, as a result this commonly engenders feelings of depression, apathy, worthlessness and futility in life itself; in contrast community is the natural state of social life, a living state, a place few in the corporate dominated world have ever enjoyed.

The concept of community is not well understood, as the corporate system is a powerful force against it, working to suppress or removing it completely, it drains the resources, so opportunities for the individual, and squanders their time on the treadmill of predominantly pointless industry for the attainment of the delusion of accumulating wealth.

A community is a group of men, women and children living and interacting with one another in a particular environment for the benefit of both themselves and those around them. The individuals in a community affect each other’s abundance, distribution, and evolutionary adaptation in production, innovation and development. Depending on how broadly one views the interaction between individuals, a community can be small as in a family or group of friends, or local, as in a village or town community, or regional as the collective of communities that grow out from the individual community groups, where individuals interact regionally becoming wider then it’s a global community of individual interactions between distant communities, so manifesting diversity, creativity and common unity; like Russian dolls community hides within itself community, all from the common unity between living souls.

“We must do away with the absolutely specious notion that everybody has to earn a living….We keep inventing jobs because of this false idea that everybody has to be employed at some kind of drudgery because, according to Malthusian-Darwinian theory, he must justify his ‘right’ to exist….The true business of people should be to go back to school and think….” Richard Buckminster Fuller (1895-1983)

There are many structures that can be created as a basis of community; I will give a few examples to present the concept clearly.

A Technology Based Community

Technology is using knowledge and tools to solve existing problems, advance solutions of potential problems, or developing new avenues of creativity.

The corporate system functions on monopoly, either by State sanctioned privilege or economic State regulation, these globalised monopolies manifest in the retardation or complete suppression of new technological developments that would threaten an existing monopoly.

To a community based system that situation is a gifted which avails opportunity, this retardation of technology has existed for a least a 100 years. The State institutions of media, education and bureaucracy have worked to discredit these technological developments, marginalise the scientist responsible, through creating disinformation to confuse, deceive and mislead the common man.

“We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.” William Casey, CIA director (from Staff meeting 1981)

“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge” Stephen Hawking

A community based on the development of technology is by nature one of selective inclusion, as dictated by three elements, knowledge, skills and imagination. In many ways this community empowers all others; it is a potential engine of creation that lifts society out of scarcity and exclusion, therefore is the most important to develop. Technological communities are not limited to energy generating system, but all aspects of scientific knowledge.

If suppressed or ignored technologies are developed, this will make viable the creation of communities based on the allodial cooperative model, founded on the production, implementation or dissemination of these technological developments.

If the disinformation generated by the State is removed through the practical application and physical evidence of the creation of advanced technological products, it exposes the States disinformation for exactly what it is, both demonstrating the State, their universities and corporations as liars, but also making those in the community based model of society the most advanced and technological based system.

A Trivium Based University Community

Originally education was in social codes and manners within a systematic schooling and training for the benefit of performing work.

With the creation of the trivium this evolved into the developing of the powers of reasoning and judgment, and the general preparation of the intellectual faculties of the individual.

The State has worked diligently to remove the trivium from the State education system, leaving that method of the development of reason available only to those lucky enough to be in the private schools of the elite, a trivium based education is called a ‘classical education’. To understand the trivium method of reasoning please read this link ‘The Trivium’.

All State systems of education are based upon the Prussian school of education, which is based on memorisation and regurgitation of authoritative knowledge, this form of knowledge based on the logical fallacy of an appeal to authority without investigation of evidence or comprehension of the basis, structure or true nature of what is taught, the true form of knowledge is comprehended knowledge. This perversion from true education is a result of the Napoleonic War, which demonstrated to the elite a population able to reason through the methods of the trivium cannot be easily controlled, indoctrinated or confused.

The States further attacks the reasoning abilities of the population through chemical poisoning of water supply and food, and the promotion of misrepresented pharmaceutical medicines; this is compounded by the media system and bureaucratic system.

In the modern world education has fallen more and more into the manipulations and confusions of the elite sovereigns who dictate upon the people, this has inevitably lead to a situation where, what is taught is not what is useful, true or evolving.

For an example, within physics, nothing has truly advanced in theoretical physics since the 1930’s, the abstract mathematical theories are no longer held up purely through experimentation or the observation of physical phenomenon, but by the invention of new theories or forces invented to maintain the failures in practical application of the central theories, all founded on the extensively disproven big bang theory.

The desire of all States to maintain ignorance and propagate disinformation has led to the long standing situation of stagnation, in many areas of scientific investigation. Within physics it can be traced back to the modern banking system, which required the charging of energy to maintain its control of the world, hence our continued use of the combustion engine, a technology that has not fundamentally changed very much since its first development a 150 years ago.

“Today’s scientists have substituted mathematics for experiments, and they wander off through equation after equation, and eventually build a structure which has no relation to reality.” Nikola Tesla

The University of the Trivium as a basis of a community is by its nature one of selective inclusion, as dictated by three elements, knowledge, skills and imagination.

As the State corporate system has worked to corrupt or hide knowledge and has a corporate university system based upon profit and graduating in degree, as an attainment of memorised authoritative knowledge, knowledge widely consider wholly worthless in real life application such as industry, with the vast majority of graduates failing to gain any true benefit from the years spent attaining their very expensive certification.

Detractors may argue a community based university that granted qualifications would not have them recognised, however  a system based on comprehended knowledge that can truly be applied in the real world would afford the individual achieving such an education a vast and powerful advantage over the authoritative model of soon forgot memorisation.

A document signifying an understanding of the highest level of a subject would stand on its own merits, in physics for example you may not get the grants of the sovereign state but you will most certainly be sort out by anyone who wished to truly develop technologies utilising knowledge the conventional universities refuse or are prevented from having known.

A community based upon the University of the Trivium would have a huge potential of growth in symbiotic service communities around it, accommodating the endless influx of students, in temporary living accommodation, shops and restaurants, social facilities and entertainment.

The cost of attending a community based university would be a fraction of the cost of attending a conventional one, as would the cost of accommodation and services. This would also increase the appeal and open up greater opportunities for the less affluent. In theory it may even be free, in a system without taxation or profits, altruistic support would be the common and healthy reality, as the affluence of those who had gained benefit from the community contributed towards the education of others, and the allodial cooperatives who reaped the benefits of the knowledge and skills of graduates showed their appreciation and investment in potential future cooperative members.

Finding experts in the fields of study that would be taught within the university is also yet another gift of the corporate system, as those individuals that do not accept the conventional views, these conventional views standing against the physical evidence, are marginalized, often refused grants, job opportunities within state or lesser corporations, due directly to the control of the banking elite, wishing to make the truth an expensive career move. The true cream of all the intellectual minds, are the ones pushed out of the sovereign system. They are also the altruistic, the seekers of truth, the brave and the honest, intellectuals, pioneers and innovators as all these attributes are needed to stand up for the truth.

The creation of a university community would be the most advanced and would quickly become both sort after and highly regarded place of learning. The education provided would lift students up to genius levels of competence making them the true cream of intellectual, philosophical, technical and creative fields of every area of knowledge and development.

An Allodial Industrial Based Community

Industry is the physical production of goods or services diligently created.

An industrial community based upon allodial cooperatives are created based on production of goods or services; there are major advantages over the corporate model. A corporation is the organisation of a group of men and women who work together for their own advantage, to gain ‘profit’ through capital advantage, granted monopoly, and the protection of corporate legislation to remove accountability and limit liability for those involved.

The concept of ‘Profit’ is not well understood, it is an invented amount added to the selling price above all the cost of production. Profit has many logical fallacies applied to give it some justification; a common claim is as a pecuniary gain resulting from the employment of capital, please read the ‘Fraud of Capitalism’. The profit of the corporate system has many layers; each external element of production adds profit, as does the granting State corporation which adds its own profit, extracted through taxation, this applies to every aspect of production, fuel, transport, capital advances, rent (rates) from the State Corporation, etc. This profit is considered part of production costs, the producing corporation then adds it profit as does the granting State corporation as tax, as do all retailers who sell on the products and as does, again, the State corporation which adds its profit of taxation. The end result of this profit based system is, the end consumer of a product pays on average over 90% more for goods and services than the true value.

This corporate profit once removed gives enormous benefit to an allodial cooperative system, allowing the creation of products free of profit, but increasing the earnings of those who are producing significantly while reducing the cost to the end user by a vast amount.

The corporate system commonly produces goods with limited application through engineered redundancy, intentionally manufacturing goods to fail after limited use, in the view of the producing corporation as close to the end of the warranty as possible. The production of goods which are energy greedy and inefficiently designed, that do not take advantage of advances in technology that would weaken or remove the existing monopolies of the producing corporation.

For example: a washing machine created by the consumer products giants Unilever (who along with Procter & Gamble (P&G) in October 2012 have been fined 315m euros (£280m, $456m) for fixing washing powder prices in eight European countries) was developed that used no chemicals at all to clean clothes, and cleaned clothes considerably better than any chemical based cleaning additive, but instead of using washing powder it used oxygen in the form of ozone within the water, ozone generated by the washing machine. This technology would be easy to develop and produce within a cooperative model, further a machine could be designed to last a life time, being over engineered, designed easy to maintain and to repair. The adding of State taxation and corporate profit that inflates the cost of a washing machine, would not be applicable, an allodial cooperative could manufacture with cheaper costs than the corporate model, while being constructed from much higher quality components, attention to detail, workmanship and technology, while providing considerably more benefit financially to those actually labouring in its creation.

The truth is, an imposed monopoly, always creates an opportunity for those who it cannot be imposed upon, the media whore of the corporate system attempts to convince the masses that the existing system is the very best that can be offered, when it is the opposite.

Air Field Travel Based Community

At present the corporate system holds people within Corporate States, making a living man, woman or child a corporate entity, with a certified berth in the ship of citizen (birth certificate). When the State acts against or in benefit it is through the Citizen-ship, hence in court you are in a dock, a place to harbour a ship, or if you want to leave one Corporate State for another, you use a Port, a sea port, or an airport.

In reality a State is a fiction to enslave those within its control, but a living man or woman is not a fiction, and are not the property of a state, these fictions are imposed through the founding fiction of ownership, explained here ‘The Onion of Ownership’.

Within the corporate system the costs of flights are inflated by as much as 90% by State imposed taxation, in addition States impose a system of visas which are endorsements of certification to restrict or gain revenue from those wishing to pass from one port to another.

“A DEA helicopter was used to gun down two pregnant women and two 14-yr-old boys in Honduras because they were “suspected” of being drug dealers? Well, those same tactics are now being used in America.

After being pulled over for having a suspect “covered truck bed,” a vehicle which fled from Texas game wardens was shot at by Texas “Department of Public Safety” agents with a sniper rifle from a helicopter. While the police claim they were intending to disable the car, they instead killed two passengers, and sent another to the hospital. No drugs were found, and the DPS says their shooting was “within policy.” From a news report in San Antonio from 1 November 2012.

The agents of the Corporate States around the world murder many innocent people annually to prevent them from passing across their invented fictional borders, and their acts of cold blooded murder go without account, if in the corporate system you murder for the State, those murderers believe they have immunity from any accountability, this insanity cannot be allowed to continue, people must begin to wake up and remove themselves from these invented fictions. Those guilty of murder must be tried in a court of the living and if found guilty executed, their resources going to their victims’ families.

The allodial cooperative has many advantages over the corporate structure, with the creation of an airfield and facilities for the landing, take-off, shelter, supply, and repair of aircraft, and facilities used for receiving or discharging passengers and cargo at regularly scheduled times, the basics of an air field would be in place, this would be a large community project requiring many skilled members.

With no involvement of the Corporation of State the cost of transport would be a fraction of the corporate cost. Technology could be quickly improved developing air craft based on the Hutchison Effect, discovered by the Canadian John Hutchison, which allows anti-gravity systems that are far safer, cost effective, none polluting and quiet.

An Agricultural based community (hemp)

The corporate State prohibits the growing of hemp, as this single plant genus is the most important to agriculture. Under the lie of drug use, they have prevented the cultivation of this group of plants, it has no damaging side effects even as a recreational drug, in studies it has been shown to improve the health and capacity of the lungs, it aids the body in healing, it relaxes and calms the user, it is impossible to over dose on hemp, no one has ever died from using it as a drug.

“Whose property is my body? Probably mine, I so regard it. If I experiment with it, to who must I be answerable? I, not the State.” Mark Twain

Hemp is one of the most useful plants on Earth. For thousands of years, humans have used parts of the hemp plant for food, textiles, paper, fabric, and fuel oil. It grows quickly, naturally resists plant diseases, requires little weeding, thrives in most climates, and enriches the soil it grows in.

Hempseeds and hemp oil are highly nutritious and delicious. Hempseeds are an excellent source of protein, minerals, and dietary fibre. Hemp is the only plant that contains all of the essential fatty acids and amino acids required by the human body.

It is a natural emollient so is ideal for lotions and many other skin, hair, and cosmetic products.

Hemp has been used to make paper for thousands of years. It regenerates in the field in months, unlike trees which can take 30 years or more to become harvestable after planting.

It can be used to make a variety of fabrics, similar to but more durable than cotton. Hemp is also excellent for making rugs and other textiles. The word canvas comes from the Latin word for hemp.

Standard plastic is made from fossil fuels using toxic chemicals. Almost everything we buy is wrapped in cellophane and our landfills are full of it. A variety of alternatives to plastic can be made from hemp.

In 1941, Henry Ford held a media event where he swung an axe at a prototype car body made of hemp and other plant material to prove its strength, proven to be 10 times stronger than steel. The technology was never put into mass production, cars continued to be made of steel, and plastics made from petrochemicals became the norm.

Hemp based materials can replace wood and other materials used to build homes and other structures including foundations, walls, shingles, panelling, pipes, and paint. The modern hemp building materials Hempcrete and Isochanvre are lightweight, waterproof, fireproof, self-insulating, and resistant to pests.

As a base of a community hemp would provide the raw material of production endlessly, in diverse and sustainable areas.

These are just a few examples of what a cooperative based community could organise around, in fact the possibilities are limitless.


The structure of community can be varied, the main constraint being maintaining the inherent power of the individual, and the prevention of hierarchical structures being imposed upon any other.

The idea of a leader, boss, or superior authority is widely propagated by corporate society, it being founded on hierarchies; this creates inequity, a superior over an inferior man, who is driven, compelled to labour, is made dependent through the scarcity of monopoly, who lives in fear, taught wilful ignorance and subjugation. This leads to many who are made to feel inferiority themselves having a desire to dominate those weaker in society, so using others for their own advantage.

“There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former self.” Ernest Hemingway

Community is based on education, so the most valued members are not leaders, bosses, etc., but teachers; coaching and guiding others, generating trust and instilling passion, enthusiasm and security. Knowledge is the endless spring of transformation.

“Mighty little force is needed to control a man whose mind has been hoodwinked; contrariwise, no amount of force can control a free man, a man whose mind is free. No, not the rack, not fission bombs, not anything, you can’t conquer a free man; the most you can do is kill him.” Robert Heinlein

The central element of community is trade, people create and people require this is the nature of mankind. This means the central component of a community is the establishment of an allodial labour repository. Please read the essay ‘Repository Finance’.

Trading is done under the protection of the surety bond system, a surety bond is a written agreement between two living men or women that creates a reciprocal bond, an individual can have up to 23 bondsmen, if one bondsmen defaults on any trading obligation the other bondsmen will step in and fulfil that obligation to the best of their ability, this protects agreements in trade, providing security and certitude. Please read the essay ‘Surety Bond’.

As trade is central, and for the most part unique to mankind, the need for a market to exchange goods is also central, in the original system of market towns and village satellites, each village had easy access to several market towns, with each market opening on different days of the week, this allowed traders to move from one market to another to sell their goods. This was often refined to have different traders on different days; grocers and food goods market on one day, a clothes and furnishings market on another for example.

In the simple diagram below is graphic views of the idea of communities building outward, all variations of community are both independent and interdependent.

Polytechnic community


Community by definition must be tight knit, a group of strangers can only exist in a locality not in common unity. Group size varies according to what type of community is involved, for example within an allodial cooperative the group size should ideally never get above 15 members as it can generate conflicts within the group, when the group reaches or surpasses 15 it would be wise to split the group into two separate cooperatives.

Likewise in social community too great a number of members can remove the unity that is the foundation of community. Therefore ideally as a community grows too large it gradually and organically divides, what the ideal number is for a community would depend on that group of individuals.

Permaculture Common

The old system of a Common within a village community, where all could share the land for grazing, can be extended to a Permaculture Common; this is in addition to independent market gardens around a home, or the green house farming of out of season fruits and vegetables, or a cooperative based farm. If an area is designated for the purpose of a Common anyone who wished to contribute their time or resources into its creation and maintenance could do so.

Once established a permaculture system would require minimal maintenance, harvesting of food would be the main activity and that its self would be for the individual who wished to take what they needed in fruits and vegetables from that common source, the only constraint being it is free and not to take more than you require.

Permaculture design emphasizes patterns of landscape, function, and species assemblies, maximizing useful connections between components and synergy of the final design.

This would allow anyone requiring fresh and organic fruit and vegetables a seasonal supply with minimal labour and effort. Although all could share the resource of the permaculture Common not all would be involved in its creation and development, this does not matter as in a community many common elements are involved, common roads are created by some and used by all, common parks are created by some and used by all, everyone contributes as their nature allows some in labour others with the donation of resources, others through teaching, others through helping, all benefit.

Communal Agreement

Democracy is a fraud and is not the basis of community; see the essay ‘The Fraud of Democracy’. All decisions of a common nature, not decisions of an individual nature that do not need the consent of any others, are based on consensus, not majority dictate, and are always bound by the innate duty of care each has for those around them.

For example if a bridge is suggested over a river, at a location, the first thing to establish is if those who dwell directly around the site of the bridge have any objection. If they do another location would have to be found.

After this it must be supported by 23 members of the community.

Then the community must be informed of the proposal, and all suggestions, additional proposals and objections put forward for rebuttal or agreement. If objections are raised that cannot be settled between those for, and those against, then the dispute could be taken to arbitration, where a group of 23 peers randomly selected and unconnected to the case or any in dispute listen to the arguments for and against, and establish a conclusion that is binding in consensus.

If all are then satisfied and the bridge is to be built, those who wish its creation must either provide the resources and labour needed, or seek donations as unadulterated gifts of resources and labour to achieve their objective from community members, they must also seek or provide the competence to achieve the task technically, sustainably and harmoniously with its surroundings.

If a suggested project involves more than one community, for example a road between two communities, then a similar process is undertaken.

Communal Services

Enforced monopoly stagnates innovation, initiative, and engagement, and is not healthy for the community or the individual. States function upon the imposed monopoly of services, and rob the population through force or the threat of force to pay for these imposed services whether you want them or not.

If a service is truly required then people will create it locally for local use, for example children need education, in the corporate system parents do not have time to educate their children, but a parent is an important teacher in life, and would be the best early educator. If within a community a school is required it would be funded through the community repository as it is the foundation of the innate condition of mankind, we are created to learn, to reason, to imagine.

Those who wished could give the resources and labours towards the creation of the school, and any short fall would be provided by the repository which would advance the labour required to establish the school, and fund the teachers, and learning materials. The school would be a cooperative of all the teachers within it, the advanced labour would be repayable by the teachers but would be held in surety by every member of the community whose child was a student of the school, the teachers would not be bound to repay the advance it would fall straight to the surety.

The advance of labour would be repaid to the repository by donations from members of the community and through fund raising events.

The resources donated as unadulterated gifts that form the school, are held as the possession of nature, having been returned to nature, and so are held in the allodium of nature itself; no man or woman can make selfish use of shared elements of nature.

A community school would not teach based on the Prussian school of education, of memorisation and regurgitation of authoritative knowledge, but would teach based on the trivium so teaching and learning comprehended knowledge, as detailed in the essay ‘The Trivium’. This is known as a classical education.

Some services are open to two options, payment on utilisation or bonded assurance; these services include the multitude of medical services, and dental services. Please read the essay ‘Bonded Cooperative Assurance System’ to understand this further.

The vast majority of imposed services of the State are rendered redundant when theft, monopoly, subjugation and exploitation no long function through invented authority to dominate the people. The police for example are not required, as the surety bond system establishes order within the community, and those who champion the cause of the weak establish relief through the court of the living.

Court of the Living

Please read the essay ‘The Court System’



“To disarm the people… was the best and most effectual way to enslave them.” George Mason

An armed population is not dangerous, in fact educated and community based individuals are quiet capable of possessing a gun safely, just as they are of possessing a car, which can be used with equal destructive force if in the wrong hands. What is proven incredibly dangerous is a Corporate State holding a monopoly on gun possession.

We feed off of its industry, we bury its seed in the dust, we burn up its resources, we maintain its condition of indigence, what is it, the flesh of our neighbour.


Turkey’s False Nostalgia


Turkey’s False Nostalgia

New York Times, June 16, 2013

Gezi Parkı

ISTANBUL — THE demonstrators who have filled the streets of Istanbul and other Turkish cities for nearly three weeks complain that Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s Justice and Development Party, known as the A.K.P., has adopted an increasingly authoritarian attitude that threatens basic freedoms. They also resent his tendency to meddle in the personal lives of citizens — by condemning abortion or trying to control the sale and consumption of alcohol.

But Mr. Erdogan isn’t the first Turkish leader to have flirted with authoritarianism and social engineering. This is important to remember, since many of his opponents tend to hark back to a nostalgic past, best illustrated by the profusion of Turkish flags and images of the republic’s founder, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk.

Before claiming that Mr. Erdogan’s moves can be countered by returning to the foundations of the secular republic, we should recall that Turkey was not a democracy until 1950; that it was ruled consecutively from 1923 to 1946 by two unchallenged leaders, Ataturk and Ismet Inonu, each invested with dictatorial powers; and that its democracy was “interrupted” three times by military coups or interventions, in 1960, 1971 and 1980, not to mention a failed one in 1997. Moreover, Turkish “secularism” often marginalized and oppressed those who openly displayed their beliefs; head-scarf-wearing women were banned from universities, and few protections were given to religious minorities.

Turkey’s past has little to offer in terms of democratic inspiration. Ironically, there is hardly any difference between the nostalgia for Ataturk-era secularism and the A.K.P.’s glorification of the Ottoman imperial past. Both rest on the reinvention of an imagined golden age — the former with a secularist emphasis, and the latter with a focus on Islamic identity. And both look back fondly on authoritarian regimes, which makes them all the less credible as political models for a democratic present and future.

The current protest movement isn’t about the past; it is about today and tomorrow. It started because a new generation wanted to defend Gezi Park, a public green space, against the violent, abusive manner in which the government sought to sacrifice it to the gods of neo-liberalism and neo-Ottomanism with a plan to build a replica of Ottoman barracks, a shopping mall and apartments.

The real challenge for the protesters, therefore, is to ensure that this movement is not hijacked by a Kemalist backlash that seeks to reduce Turkey’s complex social problems to a simplistic dichotomy between Islam and secularism.

What Mr. Erdogan is currently undermining and destroying isn’t an imagined golden age of a secular and democratic Turkey, which never really existed, but rather the “état de grâce” that followed his party’s first electoral victory in 2002. For five or six years, the A.K.P. used democracy as its only defense against the authoritarian ways of the old guard — the coalition formed by the secular political parties and the army, long considered the guarantor of secularism.

It is disturbing that Mr. Erdogan, after years of successfully fighting the legacy of military control, has now chosen to revive precisely the same methods and strategies that characterized his predecessors’ rule. Banking on the combined power of religion and nationalism in a country whose population is known for its conservative attitudes on both counts, he is seeking to do with the help of the police what previous governments did with the help of the army.

Just as it seemed that the protesters had sealed their victory and forced the government to recognize their legitimacy, another brutal police crackdown began on Saturday evening. To make matters worse, Mr. Erdogan is now inciting and mobilizing his own supporters in a dangerous game of intimidation and escalation. Unless moderates in his own party abandon their unquestioning submission to his leadership and speak out, the situation could deteriorate further.

Turkey has come to a point where the government, setting aside timid attempts at conciliation, seems intent on waging all-out war against any opposition to its policies. A crisis that could have been managed through a democratic process has now escalated to a frightening level of polarization and violence.

A.K.P. leaders need to understand that true secular democracy is the only viable way to guarantee the rights and freedoms of all citizens, including Muslims. And Mr. Erdogan’s opponents must grasp that true secularism, contrary to its earlier Kemalist incarnation, requires that the principles of democracy be applied to all members of society. Unfortunately, the new egalitarian discourses rising from Gezi Park risk being drowned out in the clamor of an outdated political struggle.


Inherent Power


Inherent Power

Version 11 – 6th May 2013

Abdun Nur


 Abdun Nur - Inherent Power

Inherent power is unalienable and immutable; it is derived from the nature of your creation, and binds all in reciprocation as everything is connected. When the 99% of souls would never even consider being a solider to murder and destroy in the fictional name of liberty; when the 99% of souls would never even consider being a policeman to subjugate and extort their neighbours with corporate policy; when the 99% of soul would never even consider being a lawyer to impose upon the poor and protect the rich in the name of Vatican justice; when the 99% of souls would never even consider being a bureaucrat to regulate, license, permit or control their neighbours in the name of a fiction of govern-mental corporation; only then can a soul be truly free without challenge.

Many confuse the common law with the innate system, but common law is both positive and constructive law, so not founded on inherent power, and it is derived from imposed tradition, and given validity by use and precedent, but tradition does not make a practice valid. For example the Egyptians kept slaves for thousands of years; for centuries it was tradition to bind women’s feet in China; for two thousand years we assumed the whole universe rotated around planet earth; for two centuries we have believed that democratic politics can make corporate government serve its slaves (citizens).

All positive law models are claimed traditional practices or legislated policy, imposed upon those deemed mentally incompetent or children (through the authoring of the straw man of citizen), simply because they have been doing it for so long does not make it valid.

Our innate reciprocal conditions and natural qualities bind us all in conduct towards all around us as living souls, not the dictates of the men of power, who invent authority over others, with imposed sovereignty, which creates and inflicts positive laws, implemented through their invented fictions of government, State, or corporation.

Synchronicity through cause and effect is a foundation of nature, the coincidence of related events that are not obviously interrelated, from a result of everything being connected to everything else, if you do not understand this you may act against that nature. This means a tort against your neighbour binds you to action, as to ignore the suffering of another ripples through creation in negative waves and will impact at some point directly.

This means torts that are given full relief act synchronously in positive effect, this positive actions overwhelm negative ‘A’ symmetrically, just as in nature, darkness cannot drive out darkness, a wrong cannot rectify a wrong, evil cannot be removed by evil, hate cannot eradicate hate, the negative action cannot be the cure, an un-rectified negative act is synchronous and spreads through the reality like ripples upon a still pond, to give like for like negatively creates negative effects, positively gives positive effects, equally to return negative effects for positive gives negative and to give positive to negatives gives positive. The negative is far weaker, it is always the base state so easier to establish than the positive, but a base state is easily overwhelmed by the positive, just as light overwhelms the darkness, equity heals a wrong, altruism removes evil (excess), love eradicates hate, etc. The dichotomies of nature stand evident for all to see, yet most never look.

The true substantive innate axioms function upon the suffering of the mind; such wrongs are known as torts; if there is no mind there is no suffering and therefore no wrong to answer. This is profound and innate because only consciousness tangibly exists; everything else is perception or illusion.

For example trial by jury originated in places and times where there was no state power, centralised authority, martial oppressor, or where these forces if they did exist were violently hostile to due process and the equitable relief of a living soul from torts, but the State or imposed authority was too weak and distant to entirely suppress it. A State (nation, country, kingdom, empire etc.) is a feudal land boundary and the active prevention of tort relief is a requirement in both the initiation and implementation of the feudal model.

Juries investigated torts and determined relief for the victim, this contrasts with the positive law system of feudalism which punishes the guilty and ignores the victim, having no interest in establishing any relief on their behalf.

There is a choice, you may seek society, which is equitable manners of conduct, this has no hierarchy; or you may seek culture, which is the cult of feudalism, where masters dominate the slaves, a hierarchical system.

The feudal system is achieved simply by the removal of the ability of the victim to seek the relief of torts (wrongful acts). When others can inflict torts without accountability, then a soul cannot remain free, they must seek the strongest criminal to protect them from the weaker felons, giving all they have to retain only their life in slavery; a sworn subject in fealty; this is modern citizenship.

When souls encroach upon those around them without accountability you can be sure feudalism is in force; for example when a solider murders another in the employ of his masters; when a doctor’s wilful incompetence or neglect takes a life like a thief, when a soul is kidnapped and imprisoned that poses no danger to those around them; when usury can hold a soul in poverty, servitude, and subjugation, and those suffering such torts cannot seek relief, then you are in the cult of a feudal system, extorted, beyond the perception of relief from your masters or their agents inequitable manners of conduct.

When all resources are hoarded by a few, when the fictional ships of commerce sail upon the land without challenge; ships of ownership, kingship, citizenship, lordship, leadership,  and worship, etc.; all hardship classes of vessel for those slaves who crew them through serfdom and imposed subjugation; you can be sure feudalism is at the root.

In equitable society, tortious arbitration of all disputes to relief is the foundation that holds all souls free, only a slave needs a masters consent, given as rights granted; or the fictions of State, government, corporation or trust that dominate the feudal order, all designed to prevent tortious relief. The Monopoly of Violence

The idea of law, of actions being lawful or unlawful, or even more perversely legal or illegal, has culturally instilled emotional significance, which acts in general, contrary to our innate impulses; this generally prevents the acting out of revenge, the application of equitable reciprocation, and denies the preservation of the equanimity of the mind in exchange for the perception of defencelessness.

The power to act is subverted to the authority that holds the slave in subjugation, that master claims exclusive use of violence, the slave who acts in equitable revenge, or with the equitable reciprocation of violence must answer for their conduct. So for example if an agent of the subjugating authority acts violently against another living soul that violence has no relief, to act in reciprocation of  that violence results in escalation of violence by the imposed authority, ultimately in many cases to the murder of the slave. This transferal of the use of violence from the living soul leaves them open to further extortion through granted privilege; the subjugating authority grants privilege to legal entities to act against the individual, the community or the natural environment for their mutual advantage.

If violence were used to prevent such extortion, or to punish such conduct, then such violence would not indicate a danger to a reasonable soul, but merely a reaction to inequity or the threat or use of violence from agents of a subjugating authority.

Reciprocity- Society without hierarchy

Hierarchy originates from Greek ‘hierarchía’ meaning “the rule or power of the high priest”, and functions upon the removal of reciprocity and the creation of authority, privilege, monopoly and rank, and produces excess for a minority and comparative scarcity for the majority.

Reciprocity is the innate equity of nature, from Latin ‘reciprocus’ meaning “returning the same way, alternating”.

The principle of reciprocity is the highest good encouraging goodness and decency, creating balance and harmony. Reciprocity is a free exchange of the equivalent or balanced action between living souls or living souls and nature, conceptualised as:

Don’t take more than you need.

Give at least as much as you get.

Natural or innate inherent power of the individual can be understood as equitable principles to be applied through axioms, based upon the reasoned innate state of every living inventive, premeditating soul (inventivum anima), which dictates manners of conduct based upon ‘reciprocal’ obligations and responsibilities due to all around you. While manmade codes are regulations imposed upon you through force or the threat of force (positive law- positively enforced through force). Inherent power protects you through the application of the principles of a reciprocal obligation and responsibility binding through the innate nature of the family of living souls. While hierarchy structured in positive law, uses fear and invented authority to rob you through the imposition placed upon that inherent power, coupled with a belief they are powerless to prevent or address such impositions.

Every ‘living souls’ nature, not religion, not universal mechanics, not hedonistic philosophers, establishes the basis of the innate inherent power of the individual, which is unalienable and immutable.

What then constitutes or defines a wrong against another living soul?

A tort is a wrongful act that causes mental distress or discomfort, or tortious injury, against another through a proven intentional action.

No fiction of any sort, such as corporation, State, or government can therefore suffer a tort, as they have no mind to either suffer or inflict distress, this concept equally applies to all invented legal fictions such as trusts, corporations, the public, the country, etc.

In any equitable society nothing other than the living soul’s innate inherent power can form the universal manners of conduct, defined through the examination of torts declared freely by a living soul, the protection from torts that stand as axioms self-evident, and the execution of relief when determined in full.

So to establish an equitable society would be to establish the true innate nature within each of us. What corporate society teaches to the majority from birth, are corruptions, perversions and confusions, deviations from that innate inherent natural state, some travel so far from that natural state they can no longer recognise or understand the state they began life possessing.

Our nature is a condition of birth, as with all created reality, its nature is formed at the moment of its creation, there can be uniqueness in that nature, but all share the fundamental innate nature of like creations. For example I am an inventive, premeditating soul (inventivum anima), like all universal souls I am alive, I breathe the air, I am on the Earth shared by a vast array of life forms; that is innate. The innate nature of existence functions in many areas of life, in society, trade/exchange, manners of conduct, relationships, all have innate natures, the fact these are ignored, perverted, corrupted, or confused does not alter that state, it just means that the innate nature is not applied, unnatural order is then in forced, this is clear from the present miseries souls suffers at the hand of other souls.

An inventive living soul is social in the way that wolves and penguins are social, but not social in the way that bees are social.

The kind of society that is right for bees or ants, a eusocial (truly social) collective, or totalitarian society, is not right for any inventive living soul. In the language of socio-biology, humans are social, but not eusocial. So a social ecosystem of living souls follows from the collective innate nature that exists from birth of those souls.

To understand that innate nature, it should be examined.

As the good is that at which all things aim, the good of a ship builder is to build ships, the good of a squirrel is to be an effective, successful and functioning squirrel, the ultimate good for every living inventive, premeditating soul (inventivum anima) is happiness. It is also our nature to think, the good for inventivum anima must then consist in their functioning in a way consistent with and guided by their rational element, their reason and wisdom. Therefore whatever helps the pursuit of truth is good, whatever hinders it is bad.

It is in our nature to be social creatures, as all life is connected and interdependent, which means the altruism of one has selfish benefit; the inherent ends of the living souls nature must not do what frustrates true fulfilment from indulging vices of perception encroaching externally, but through establishing true society and therefore social harmony allowing personal growth, spiritual evolution and a fertile and fruitful environment for all life.

The innate inherent power of the individual expressed through the equitable axioms of the land are defined by Burlamaqui to be: “A rule which so necessarily agrees with the nature and state of man (every living soul) that, without observing its maxims, the peace and happiness of society can never be preserved. These are called natural laws (manners of conduct) because knowledge of them may be attained merely by the light of reason, from the fact of their essential agreeableness with the constitution of man’s (every living inventive souls) nature.”

Natural axioms of the land are structures as simple principles; therefore these principles do not require the writing down of every application of the axioms in the form of does and don’ts, as these principles are applied through reason, based upon two rules that must always be maintained.

“Reason obeys itself; Ignorance submits to what is dictated to it.” – Thomas Paine

The two rules:

a.       Do not encroach upon another.

b.      Do all you have agreed to do.

Although the term law in itself is incorrect in relation to the axioms binding all through inherent power this is another’s expression of the same concept.

“True law is right reason, consonant with nature, diffused among all men, constant, eternal…..It needs no interpreter or expounder but itself, nor will there be one law in Rome and another in Athens, one in the present and another in time to come, but one law and that eternal and immutable shall embrace all peoples and for all time and there shall be as it were one common master and ruler, the God of all, the author and judge and proposer of this law.” (C.H.McIlwain, The Growth of Political Thought in the west (New York Mac-millian, 1932)pp.111-12, quoting from the De republica)

The axioms are, but not limited to:

  • NO authority can compel; equitable innate inherent power expressed as axioms can only protect. If the manner of conduct of any court does not protect me as a victim or deal equitably with me as one who has been blamed, the conduct of that court does not apply to me. In other words, if there is no victim, one tangible and of substance, there is no wrong to answer, you cannot wrong a legal fiction of public, State, or imposed sovereign parasite.
  • The inherent power of a duty of care is incumbent upon every living soul through a reciprocal obligation and responsibility to those around them.
  • All living souls in sight of the axioms of the land are created equal in dignity, privilege, benefit, nobility, value; and vary only in knowledge and skills.
  • The Protection of the axioms of the land is such as you cannot promise, contract, or make agreement to bind yourself or any other into slavery. Human Slavery – The state of subjugation and control held upon you, of a master owning the fruits of your severe toils, and drudgery in exchange for the ‘benefits’ you receive from your disadvantage. Slavery is a relation founded in force, not in equity, existing, where it does, by force of legal codes (positive law).
  • There is no collective right or rights at all, only individual reciprocal obligations and responsibilities. As there is no superior to grant rights upon an inferior, only a slave has rights, a free living soul needs no rights, they have the innate inherent power each is born with, which demands by the innate nature of “Animas-kind” the family of the living soul’s manners of conduct through reciprocal obligations and responsibilities.
  • Force is ‘just’ to defend ourselves or the weak that are encroached upon, only the initiation of force is prohibited.
  • A wrong does not excuse a wrong.
  • No one is bound to betray themselves. Therefore they have a choice to remain silent.
  • Upon the plaintiff (the complainer) rests the proving
  • Any accused is permitted to face his accuser without fear (No one else can represent you in a court unless you are mentally incompetent or incapacitated or a child).
  • Every living inventive, premeditating soul (inventivum anima) has a natural exclusive possession of their own body; and every living soul has a natural reciprocal choice to freely determine their own destiny.
  • Equity always regards the intention, as the basis of the truth of every action.
  • You can only ‘own’ what you create yourself. (Allodial utilisation)
  • Animals need only one right: the right not to be property.
  • No living inventive, premeditating soul (inventivum anima) is compelled to sell their own resources.
  • Where equity is equal, the equity will prevail equally. (Arbitration of dispute will provide no specific relief where the parties are found equal, or where neither has been wronged.)
  • An agreement must be witnessed to be binding, and written to be detailed.
  • You can only form agreement with other tangible living inventive, premeditating souls (inventivum animas).
  • You have an unlimited ability to form agreement.
  • No living inventive, premeditating soul (inventivum anima) ought to enrich themselves at the expense of (meaning to the detriment of) others.



Teoria Islãmica da evolução


Teoria Islãmica da evolução por
T.O. Shanavas

Resenha do livro: Edip Yuksel

Islamic Theory of evolution
(Traducido por Pedro Miguel)

Darwin Brainbow Press


Concordo com a principal tese do Doutor Shanavas que o suporte anti-evolucionista promovido por sunitas contemporâneos e estudiosos xiitas contradiz os ensinamentos do Alcorao, bem como a evidência científica, de muitos dos estudiosos muçulmanos proeminentes que precederam o Darwin. Como todos os livros, também este deve ser estudado com a mente aberta e com um raciocínio crítico, uma epistemologia natural que o Alcorao nos lembra para usar em 39:18 e 17:36.

Este livro foi publicado anteriormente com o título Evolução e/ou Criação: uma perspectiva islâmica. Decidimos publicar a versão revista sob um novo título, Teoria da Evolução Islâmica: a ligação que faltava entre Darwin e a origem das espécies. A imagem de capa não pretende desvalorizar ou difamar Darwin, mas é destinada a descrever a atitude comum entre os defensores da teoria da evolução, como ignorar o importante contributo dos cientistas muçulmanos e eles abusam da teoria associando-se com conclusões filosóficas injustificadas, tais como o ateísmo. Consideramos que Darwin como um dos maiores cientistas que inconscientemente seguiu as instruções do Alcorao em 29:19-20 (ver abaixo).

Neste livro, o Doutor Shanavas defende a teoria da evolução científica e teologicamente e fornece um background histórico que foi erradicado da memória pública. Embora a grande maioria das pessoas, independentemente da sua religião, considerem Darwin como o iniciador da idéia da evolução, Shanavas lembra-nos que Darwin (1809-1882 ) e seu avô Erasmus Darwin foram influenciados pelo trabalho de cientistas muçulmanos que viveram séculos antes deles. Por exemplo, o Doutor Shanavas cita  John William Draper (1812-1883 ), primeiro presidente da Sociedade Americana de Química, um contemporâneo de Darwin, e um antigo presidente da Universidade de Nova York que resume a amnésia acadêmica deliberadamente induzida no Ocidente. Draper reconhece o fato de que os muçulmanos descreveram a teoria da evolução nas suas escolas séculos antes do Ocidente o fazer:

“Tenho a lamentar a forma sistemática como a literatura da Europa foi planejada para colocar fora de vista nossas obrigações científicas para com os Muçulmanos. Certamente elas não mais podem ser ocultas. Injustiça fundada no rancor religioso e vaidade nacional não pode ser eternamente perpetuada.” (Draper, John William. O desenvolvimento intelectual da Europa, pág. 42.)

“As autoridades teológicas [cristãs] foram, por conseguinte, forçadas a olhar com desfavor qualquer tentativa de levar a origem da terra a uma época indefinidamente remota, e a teoria da evolução Muçulmana que declarou que os seres humanos se desenvolveram ao longo de um longo período de tempo a partir de formas inferiores da vida, para a presente condição.” “às vezes, não sem surpresa, encontramos idéias com as quais podemos deleitar-nos com o terem originado nos nossos próprios tempos. Assim, a nossa doutrina moderna da evolução e desenvolvimento foram ensinadas nas suas [dos muçulmanos] escolas. De fato, eles levaram-as muito mais longe do que estamos dispostos a fazer, estendendo-as mesmo inorgânicamente e mineralmente.” (a história do conflito entre religião e ciência, John William Draper, 118, 187-188)

Ironicamente, essa amnésia ocidental quanto à contribuição científica de muçulmanos coincidiu com o declínio do mundo muçulmano. Abandonando o pensamento racional e a metodologia científica, que segundo o Alcorao é a condição necessária para ser um muçulmano, eles seguiram os dogmas e escrutinadores de história.

Will Durant, um historiador americano, relembra seus leitores que os livros medicos elaborados por Ali Ibni Sina (980-1037 ) e Abu Bakr Gamanga Muhammad ibn Zakariya al-Razi (844-926 ) foram utilizados como manuais em universidades europeias durante séculos, e que em 1395 o livro de Razi Kitab al-Hawi estava entre os nove livros didáticos utilizados pela Universidade de Paris. O mesmo livro informa o leitor que Avicenna’s Qanun fil Tibb, uma enciclopédia de ciência, foi o principal livro nas universidades de Montpelier e Louvain até meio do século 17. Devemos mencionar dois importantes cientistas muçulmanos que tiveram imenso impacto sobre o desenvolvimento científico na Europa: Abu Bakr Gamanga ibn Tufayl, conhecido no Ocidente como Abubacer (1107-1185 ) e o filósofo Abu al-Walid Muhammad ibn Rushd que tornou-se famoso no Ocidente pelo nome Averroes (1126-1298 ).

Os cientistas e filósofos muçulmanos do período medieval não hesitaram em aceitar a evolução como um sistema divino para a criação. Por exemplo, o proeminente pensador, filósofo e sociólogo muçulmano Ibni Khaldun (1332-1406 ), após um parágrafo sobre a origem da espécie humana, recorda ao leitor com uma estrofe descrevendo a natureza determinista do sistema de Deus: “Você nunca vai encontrar uma mudança no sistema de Deus.” No seu famoso livro Muqaddimah, Ibni Khaldun propõe uma teoria da evolução a partir de minerais. Minerais, de acordo com Ibn Khaldun, evoluiram e se tornaram plantas com e sem sements. Plantas evoluem e atingem a seu apogeu como árvores e videiras de palma. A evolução continua com caracois e animais do mar com conchas. A diversificação no reino animal atinge o zénite da criação através evolução gradual em seres humanos com consciência e habilidades racionais. Segundo Ibn Khaldun, os macacos são o elo entre os animais e a primeira fase da humanidade. Ibn Khaldun apresenta a teoria da evolução, utilizando linguagem científica, argumentando que a essência da criação (na terminologia moderna: código genético) passa por diversas alterações (mutações) gerando uma espécie após outra.

Para além destes, Muhammad al Haytham (965-1039 ), que é conhecido no Ocidente pelo nome Alhazen, defende a evolução humana a partir de minerais, plantas e animais na Kitabal Manazer, seu livro sobre ciência óptica. Os proeminentes líderes do sufismo, como Ibn Arabi (1165-1240 ) e Jaluluddin Rumi (1207-1273 ) também não tiveram qualquer problema em aceitar a ideia de criação através da evolução, uma ideia que era comumente aceite entre os muçulmanos. O muçulmano Geólogo al-Biruni (973-1048 ) no seu livro Kitab al-Jamahir também afirma que os seres humanos são criados após longos períodos de evolução de organismos simples através da seleção natural.

Infelizmente, a repressão violenta de fala e a aplicação gratuita da lei anti-Quranica da apostasia por governantes muçulmanos e sua maioria sunita e estudiosos xiitas escolhidos à mão mergulharam o mundo muçulmano numa idade das trevas. Os grandes cientistas e filósofos muçulmanos como Ibn Khaldun, Ibn Sina, Ibn Rushd foram posteriormente condenados como hereges e apóstatas. Actualmente, os muçulmanos parecem ter perdido sua capacidade de apreender o fato de que eles vivem numa idade das trevas. Uma cruzada semelhante à travada pela Igreja Católica contra o modelo heliocentrico promovido por Copérnico e Galileu agora está sendo travada contra a teoria da evolução identificada pelo cientista ocidental Darwin. Ironicamente, os apologistas sunitas e xiitas estabeleceram uma aliança contra a ciência com a ala cristã evangélica.

Um líder da cruzada sunita contra a teoria da evolução é um líder turco de culto que coloca sua marca e nome em dezenas de livros escritos, editados, improvisados, ou plagiados pelos seus seguidores que, segundo vários jornais turcos, foram arrancados às famílias mais ricas por membros do culto enquanto eles estavam na escola ou faculdade. Tenho exposto o modus operandi deste personagem num artigo, que ele habilmente escolheu Judeus e evolução como seus dois principais temas na sua ambição de declarar-se como um demagogo muçulmano. Atraindo e provocando as emoções religiosas e anticlasticas da população muçulmana, o culto publicou livros e artigos sobre Judeus e pedreiros, que cospem desinformação e ódio racista. O culto também publicou livros denunciando a evolução. O pretendente a mahdi tornou-se uma voz notória de um segmento reacionário da população muçulmana. Ele deve seu sucesso a muitos fatores, que incluem os vastos recursos financeiros do seu culto, sua auto-importância, o zelo dos seus seguidores que sofrem uma lavagem cerebral a acreditar que eles são os poucos escolhidos que irão ajudar o Mahdi e a ignorância endêmica entre seu público-alvo.

Há alguns anos atrás, escrevi um artigo filosófico intitulado The Blind Watch-watchers ou Cheirem o queijo: Am argumento inteligente e delicioso para um Design inteligente em evolução. Eu incluí o artigo entre os apêndices do Alcorao: uma Tradução reformista. Tenho argumentado que, contrariamente às afirmações das pessoas e dos ateus religiosos, a aceitação da teoria da evolução não reduz o poder dos argumentos para a existência de Deus, incluindo o argumento teleológico. A Evolução das espécies por mutação e seleção cumulativa, tal como subscrito pela comunidade científica moderna, fornece elementos suficientes para a existência de design inteligente imanente na natureza. O artigo suscitou fortes reações de seguidores fanáticos de ambos os grupos. Abaixo estão dois excertos do artigo:

Em suma, milhões de compostos orgânicos e inorgânicos, incluindo os que ainda estão para serem descobertos, com as suas características físicas e químicas distintas, devem ser a materialização da informação imanente no bloco de construção mais pequeno do universo, ou seja, o hidrogênio. Indo para trás, as mesmas qualidades devem ser deduzidas para a partícula subatômica mais fundamental. Não admira que Heráclito tenha inferirido brilhantemente essa lei intrínseca permeando o universo, e chamou-lhe “logos.”

Além disso, quando uma combinação específica de um determinado conjunto de elementos em proporções específicas e ordem gera a função que chamamos vida, as leis ou regras de tal acontecimento devem ter existido antes da ocorrência do evento. Por outras palavras, as leis e regras que determinam como uma determinada seqüência de DNA irá se comportar deve ter precedido a ocorrência real do evento. Por que razão deverá uma configuração particular de moléculas específicas de uma combinação específica de elementos levar a uma célula ou a um organismo vivo? Quem ou o que determinou uma tal configuração mágica? Ninguém, apenas por acaso? Não, não por uma chance! Não, não por acaso! O Acaso não leva a leis. De fato,o próprio acaso está sujeito às leis das probabilidades. As leis que dominam o universo iniciaram-se com o primeiro momento do Big Bang. Se você apostou sua riqueza inteira num casino você irá provavelmente perdê-la e você irá merecer o título de “outra pessoa matematicamente contestada” e você pode até mesmo receber uma medalha de prata no próximo Prêmio Darwin. Mas você pode apostar a sua riqueza na sua totalidade numa previsão científica baseada em leis naturais e você provavelmente irá ganhar.

É por causa das leis naturais de causa e efeito que os cientistas podem empregar a razão e predizerem os eventos. Mendeleiev sabia que alguns elementos não estavam agindo discricionariamente, assim ele descobriu a tabela periódica. Assim, é irrelevante como muitos milhões ou bilhões de anos se passaram antes que o primeiro organismo existice entre cadeia aleatória e caótica de eventos químicos e físicos. A partir dos primeiros segundos de criação de partículas materiais 13,7 bilhões de anos atrás, as pré-condições e leis da vida devem ter entrado em existência . O que os cientistas fazem não é inventar, eles simplesmente descobrem. Os cientistas não inventam as leis da física ou química; eles aprendem essas leis bocado a bocado, após experimentação enfadonha e, com base na informação que adquirem eles juntam as peças do Lego. As características de cada forma recentemente descoberta foi codificada na sua natureza desde o início do universo.

Assim, quando um observador de cegos observadores se refere à idade do mundo, e o seu tamanho para explicar as maravilhas da seleção cumulativa cega, não se deve aceitar cegamente o seu argumento. As informações ou as leis da vida existiam bilhões anos antes do surgimento da vida. Por isso, devemos exigir uma explicação quanto a uma informação a priori criando o design dos organismos vivos…

Dawkins oferece cálculos de probabilidade de um trabalho aleatório num computador utilizando 26 letras do alfabeto e uma barra de espaço, totalizando 27 caracteres. De forma aleatória tipo as declarações das 28 personagens de Hamlet, PENSO QUE É como uma doninha, seriam necessárias 27 das 28 teclas pressionadas, que seria uma probabilidade muito baixa, cerca de 1 em 10.000 milhões milhões milhões milhões milhões milhões. Em vez de um único passo de variação aleatória, Dawkins sugere-nos programar o computador para utilizar seleção cumulativa. O computador gera alguns 28 caracteres aleatórios e escolhe a que mais se assemelha à frase escolhida, PENSO EU…

“O que importa é a diferença entre o tempo tomado pela seleção cumulativa, e o tempo que o mesmo computador, trabalhando intensamente com a mesma taxa, poderia tomar para chegar à frase escolhida, se foram forçados a utilizar o outro procedimento de selecção de passo único: cerca de um milhão de milhões milhões milhões milhões de anos. Isto é mais do que um milhão de milhões milhões de vezes desde que o universo existe até agora. ( …) Considerando que o tempo tomado por um computador trabalhando aleatória mas com a condicionante de seleção cumulativa para executar a mesma tarefa é da mesma ordem que os seres humanos normalmente podem compreender, entre 11 segundos e as vezes, leva para almoçar… Se o progresso evolutivo teve de confiar na seleção de passo único, ela nunca teria chegado a qualquer lugar. Se, no entanto, tivesse existido qualquer forma em que as condições necessárias para a seleção cumulativa poderiam ter sido criadas pelas forças cegas da natureza, as conseqüências poderiam ter sido estranhas e maravilhosas. No entanto foi exatamente isso que aconteceu com este planeta, e nós estamos entre os mais recentes, se não os mais insólitos e mais maravilhosos, daqueles consequências.” (Richard Dawkins, o relojoeiro cego, Norton, 1987, p. 49).

Embora ele seja um cientista brilhante e articulado, Dawkins toma muitos fatos e acontecimentos como garantidos sem sequer os mencionar: como, por exemplo, o número de caracteres, a sua proporção, o computador programador e programa que seleciona os caracteres certos, a energia que realiza o trabalho, os materiais que compõem os caracteres, tempo e espaço, a continuidade de sua existência, etc. Na página seguinte, Dawkins distingue o seu exemplo do processo evolutivo da vida.

“A evolução não tem uma meta de longo prazo. Não existe um alvo a longa distância, nenhuma perfeição final para servir como um critério de selecção, embora vaidade humana celebre a ideia absurda que a nossa espécie é a meta final da evolução. “… O “relojoeiro” que é seleção natural cumulativa é cego para o futuro e não tem meta de longo prazo.” (Id, P. 50).

Aqui Dawkins reconhece que ele acrescentou sua inteligência e intenção teleológica, determinando um alvo, um critério de selecção. Assim, Dawkins toma como garantidos muitos fatos e acontecimentos, e faz uma analogia de um simples programa de computador no qual ele basta olhar para sua inteligência, um alvo, e um critério de selecção para explicar algo que, segundo ele, não tem nenhum deles.

Como alguns cientistas têm alergia à idéia de considerar Deus, muitas pessoas religiosas estão ansiosas para ignorar as evidências avassaladoras apoiando a teoria da evolução.

Porque é que algumas pessoas não conseguem aceitar a teoria da evolução dos primatas? Embora não tenham nenhum problema com evolução de uma gota de substância branca malcheirosa e um embrião, num feto de um sapo, ou de um bebé que tenta chupar tudo em estreita proximidade, eles não conseguem entender como um chimpanzé pode ser seu primo distante? Gostaria de compartilhar com você um ponto de Hulusi Başar Çelebi, um participante do fórum turco em 19.org. Em resposta a um crítico sunita do meu artigo defendendo a teoria da evolução, ele escreveu o seguinte:

“O Que é um mais grave: erradicar os tabus ou protegen-los? Macaco, ou gato, cobra ou morcego … que animais humildes, não são? Eles cheiram mal como carcaça e caminham em terrenos sujos. Meu estômago revolta-se! Como para os seres humanos, eles são excepcionais desde que os seus corpos estejam envolvidos. Cheiram de rosas e flores. Compostos a partir de substâncias muito diferentes… pele perfeita, sem pêlos ou hormonas… Eles são inodoros e transparentes. Derramem leite nos seus corpos e lambam-no. Não enterrem os seus cadáveres; pendurem seus pulmões na parede, de modo que os vossos olhos e corações façam uma festa. Que desilusão! Todos partilham os mesmos ingredientes. Isso também é outro sinal divino; certo para aqueles que têm visão. Se você não gosta, passe o Darwin, passe o materialismo, mas a evolução é um fato. Todos os seres vivos que já passaram por mutações durante milhões de anos mudaram suas formas e também as características.”

Ironicamente, quem colocou o planeta terra no centro do universo há séculos teve problemas com uma massa rotativa, e seus seguidores estão agora repetindo a mesma coisa. Desta vez, em vez de planetas centram-se  noutra fantasia centrada nos humanos: os seres humanos são uma espécie à parte separada das outras criaturas, somos seres perfeitos, e que somos a espécie final!

Não devemos distorcer e comprometer o nosso raciocínio com hormonas primitivas. A oposição às teorias científicas devido a dependência de emoções moldadas pela cultura e dogma tem servido como uma importante causa de problemas no passado. A representação Quranica da criação não contradiz a teoria da evolução. De fato, ela apoia-la:

15:26 Criamos o homem de argila, de barro modelável.

Este versículo acima, descreve a lama com a palavra masnun, chama a nossa atenção para o prolongado tempo da criação. A criação do barro tem dois significados. (1) argila como a substância de origem, e (2) argila como um lugar de origem. Ambos os significados podem ser verdadeiros ao mesmo tempo. Podemos aprender com outros versículos que argila não é a única substância utilizada na nossa criação; também a água é um ingrediente vital. Como o Alcorao, a Bíblia menciona água e solo como a origem principal ou ingredientes da vida (Gênesis 1:20-21 ; 2:19).

Nosso Criador começou a evolução biológica de organismos microscópicos em camadas de argila. A recente investigação científica levou alguns cientistas a considerem a argila como a origem da vida, desde que a argila é uma rede frouxa de átomos arranjados geodesicamente dentro formas otaédricas e tetraédricas. Esta concepção gera camadas flexíveis e deslizantes que catalisam reações químicas. Os seres humanos são os frutos mais adiantados da vida orgânica que começou há milhões de anos a partir de camadas de argila. Veja 29:18-20 ; 41:9-10 ; 7:69; 24:45; 32:7-9; 71:14-17 .

24:45 E Deus criou da água todos os animais; e entre eles há os répteis, os bípedes e os quadrúpedes. Deus cria o que Lhe apraz, porque Deus é Onipotente.

É importante ressaltar que os humanos estão incluídos na classificação dos seres vivos em função de características fisiológicas. Isto está em consonância com outros versículos que indicam um método evolutivo na criação do corpo biológico de Adão. Há milhões de anos, a habilidade do mamífero Homo erectus de andar de pé sobre duas patas foi considerado um ponto crítico na evolução do cérebro humano e a criação do Homo Sapiens. Andar sobre dois pés poderia parecer como uma alteração ortopédica simples, mas seu efeito sobre a transformação neuropsicológica é enorme. Veja 29:18-20 ; 41:9-10 ; 7:69; 15:26; 32:7-9; 71:14-17 .

29:19 Não reparam, acaso, em como Deus origina a criação e logo a reproduz? Em verdade, isso é fácil a Deus..

29:20 Dize-lhes: Percorrei a terra e contemplai como Deus origina a criação; assim sendo, Deus pode produzir outra criação, porque Deus é Onipotente.

levantamentos arqueológicos mostram que a raça humana se desenvolveu por mutação e seleção natural a partir de organismos microscópicos. O Capítulo 71, que se centra na história de Noé, informa-nos da nossa criação neste planeta em termos de evolução, mais do que um instantâneo.

71:13 Que vos sucede, que não depositais as vossas esperanças em Deus,

71:14 Sendo que Ele vos criou gradativamente?

71:15 Não reparastes em como Deus criou sete céus sobrepostos,

71:16 E colocou neles a lua reluzente e o sol, como uma lâmpada?

71:17 E Deus vos produziu da terra, paulatinamente.

71:18 Então, vos fará retornar a ela, e vos fará surgir novamente.

71:19 Deus vos fez a terra como um tapete,

71:20 Para que a percorrêsseis por amplos caminhos.

71:21 Noé disse: Ó Senhor meu, eles me desobedeceram e seguiram aqueles para os quais os bens o filhos não fizeram mais do que lhes agravar a desventura!

A Evolução é uma linha de montagem concebida por Deus. Os versos acima fornecem uma associação interessante entre Noé e a evolução por simples justaposição. Esta dica é suportada por um outro versículo. No versículo seguinte, pode-se inferir que o ser humano passou por uma grande evolução durante o tempo de Noé:

7:69 “Estranhais, acaso, que vos chegue uma mensagem do vosso Senhor, por um homem da vossa raça, para admoestar-vos? Reparai em como Ele vos designou sucessores do povo de Noé, e vos proporcionou alta estatura. Recordai-vos das mercês de Deus (para convosco), a fim de que prospereis..”

Este versículo avaliado juntamente com os versículos do capítulo 71, informa-nos da fase evolutiva ou melhoramento genético na nossa criação após Noé.

Discordo do irmão Shanavas quando intercala citações de hadith, que são relatos contraditórios de rumores falsamente atribuídos a Maomé séculos após sua morte. Contrariamente às suas expectativas, eles desvalorizam o poder do seu argumento. Também não concordo com o irmão Shanavas quanto ao significado de khalifa. Não posso aceitar que os humanos sejam os representantes ou substitutos de Deus. Os seres humanos são sucessores (khalifa) das espécies anteriores, substituindo-os no topo da cadeia alimentar. Com a confusão dos controladores (anjos) que expressam suas expectativas negativas do comportamento humano, pode-se inferir que eles haviam testemunhado primatas violentos em roaming pelo planeta.

2:30 (Recorda-te ó Profeta) de quando teu Senhor disse aos anjos: Vou instituir um legatário na terra! Perguntaram-Lhe: Estabelecerás nela quem alí fará corrupção, derramando sangue, enquanto nós celebramos Teus louvores, glorificando-Te? Disse (o Senhor): Eu sei o que vós ignorais.

2:31 Ele ensinou a Adão todos os nomes e depois apresentou-os aos anjos e lhes falou: Nomeai-os para Mim se estiverdes certos.

O versículo 2:31 puxa a nossa atenção para nossa inata capacidade de relacionar e discriminar, utilizando habilidades sofisticadas abstratas e linguagem.

O livro de Shanavas fornece argumentos persuasivos para a evolução, ao mesmo tempo demonstra que se tratava de uma teoria aceite entre os muçulmanos muito antes de Darwin introduzir uma evidência esmagadora para ela. Espero que este livro leve os muçulmanos contemporâneos a questionarem os dogmas que contradizem fatos científicos. Isto também servirá como um lembrete para o mundo ocidental sobre as raízes de algumas das descobertas científicas importantes. Gostaria de terminar esta introdução com uma citação de Dra. Shanavas: “Na nossa pesquisa do pensamento muçulmano precoce e o estudo do Alcorao, aprendemos que os estudiosos muçulmanos descreveram o processo evolutivo em pormenor. Embora eles e o Alcorao não utilizem a terminologia usada por cientistas de hoje, eles acreditaram no sempre crescente arbusto chamado vida muito antes dos cientistas modernos, como Stephen Jay Gould, Ernst Mayr. Não foram só os estudiosos ocidentais a seqüestrar os fundamentos da teoria muçulmana da evolução e apresentá-la como sua idéia primitiva, mas eles também excluíram os muçulmanos dos seus arquivos consciente ou inconscientemente. Por exemplo, a Enciclopédia da evolução por Richard Milner, com prefácio de Gould, exclui os autores muçulmanos com a história do Teoria da evolução. Essa omissão é comparável ao escrever a história dos Estados Unidos sem mencionar George Washington, John Adams e Thomas Jefferson, ou Abraham Lincoln”.


“Como podemos observar as orações Salaat seguindo unicamente o Alcorão?”


“Como podemos observar as orações Salaat seguindo unicamente o Alcorão?”

Edip Yuksel

(Traducido por Pedro Miguel)

 Salat prayer


“Como podemos observar as orações Salaat seguindo unicamente o Alcorão?” é uma pergunta favorita entre muçulmanos sunitas e xiitas que seguem textos derivados, ensino religioso, ensinamentos e leis, que são escritos por homens. Com esta pergunta, ambas as seitas tentam justificar a necessidade e a proliferação de ensinamentos contraditórios sectária, cultura árabe medieval, cheia de leis opressivas proibições e regulamentos – todos falsamente atribuídos a Deus e ao Seu profeta.

Como resultado, o monoteísmo é redefinida como uma “sociedade limitada”, no qual o reconhecimento e submissão a Deus tornam-se um paradoxo, uma contradição nos termos em que outros “parceiros” são submetidos e aceites por esses “crentes”. O mais comum set-up para sunita shirk é: o Alcorão (Deus) + hadiths e sunnah (mensageiro) + a prática dos companheiros do Profeta + a prática dos companheiros dos companheiros do Profeta + a opinião dos imams (qiyas e ijtihad) + consenso “ulama” em uma seita particular (ijma ‘) + os comentários e opiniões dos seus alunos + os comentários e opiniões dos primeiros “ulama” + os comentários e opiniões de mais tarde “ulama” + a fatwas de vida “ulama. ”

Na versão xiita “shirk”, além dos parceiros acima mencionados, os 12 Emams Infalíveis (todos os parentes e os descendentes do profeta Maomé começando com Ali) e Emam substituto vivo é adicionado ao conselho de administração da Parceria Sagrado Limitada. O Alcorão é considerado geralmente um livro ambíguo e é basicamente usado para a justificação deste “shirk”, isto é, estabelecendo parcerias com Deus. (Para uma discussão extensa sobre o assunto consulte “19 Perguntas Para estudiosos muçulmanos” no http://www.moslem.org/yuksel).

Islam, que significa submissão, é o estado de espírito de todas as pessoas que se submetem a Deus. Todos os mensageiros, Noé, Abraão, Moisés, Salomão, Jesus e todos os monoteístas anteriores foram Submissos (2:131; 5:111; 7:126; 10:72,84; 22:78; 27:31,42,91; 28 : 53; 72:14). Assim, a única religião aprovada por Deus é a submissão a Deus (3:19). É Deus Todo-Poderoso que usa esse atributo para descrever aqueles que se submetem a Sua lei (22:78). O Islã é referido como a “religião de Abraão” em muitos versos desde que os adoradores de ídolos de Meca foram alegando que eles estavam seguindo seu pai Abraão (2:130,135; 3:95; 4:125; 6:161; 12:37-38; 16:123; 21:73; 22:78). E Maomé era um seguidor de Abraão (16:123).

Ignoram o fato de que Ibrahim practicava as orações de contato (21:73), muitos muçulmanos contemporâneos desafiam Deus, perguntando onde podemos encontrar o número de unidades em cada oração de contato. Ignoram o fato de que Deus afirmou que Quran está completo (6:11-116), eles não “reparam” que todas as práticas religiosas de Submissão / Monoteísmo foram estabelecidas e praticadas antes da revelação do Alcorão (8:35; 9:54; 16:123; 21:73; 22:27; 28:27). Mensageiros anteriores a Abraham praticavam Salaat, a caridade obrigatória e o jejum (2:43; 3:43; 11:87; 19:31,59; 20:14; 28:27; 31:17).

Os mushriks de Meca costumavam acreditar que eles eram seguidores de Abraão. Eles não estavam adorando “estátuas” ou “ícones” como alegado pelos fabricantes de hadith, mas eles estavam orando para “Shafaat” (intercessão) de alguns nomes de santos, como al-Lat, al-Uzza, e al-Manaat (53: 19-23). Assim, ao contrário da sua afirmação falsa de ser monoteístas (6:23), eles foram acusados ​​de serem “mushrik” ou de associar parceiros a Deus (39:3).

Estudiosos sunitas e xiitas, posteriormente fabricaram histórias numa tentativa de apagar quaisquer semelhanças entre eles e os mushriks, mas ao fazê-lo exposeram as suas próprias mentiras inerentes descrições contraditórias dos estatutos (Por exemplo, veja o livro clássico de Al Kalbi-sobre estatutos: Kitab- ul Asnam). Os Mushriks de Meca que se orgulhavam da lenda de Abraão não poderiam praticar a observância literal da idolatria; eles estabeleceram uma armadilha satânica mais metafísica por aceitarem a intercessão e as proibições religiosas criadas pelo Homem (6:145-150; 39:3). Eles eram metafísicos ou adoradores de ídolos espirituais.

Os Mushriks de Meca, durante a época do Profeta Muhammad (a paz esteja com ele) respeitavam a Masjid Sagrada construída por Abraão (09:19). Eles praticavam as orações de contato, o jejum e a peregrinação (2:183,99; 08:35 o significado deste verso é deliberadamente distorcida nas traduções tradicionais; 09:54; 107:4-6). Embora soubessem do Zakat (caridade obrigatória) não estavam cumprindo a sua obrigação (53:34). Durante o tempo doas pessoas Profeta Muhammad as pessoas sabiam o significado de “Salaat”, “Zakat”, “Sawm”, e “Hajj”. Elas não eram palavras estrangeiras.

Deus enviou o Alcorão na sua língua. Tal como acontece com cada livro precedente, a revelação foi dada no seu tempo, na lingua das pessoas que receberam a revelação. Deus ordena e revela de uma forma que pode ser tanto entendida e seguida, e então Ele detalha as Suas exigências ao seu povo através do Seu livro (16:103; 26:195). Além disso, se Deus quiser adicionar um novo significado para uma palavra conhecida, Ele nos informa. Por exemplo, a palavra árabe “al-din” em 1:04 é explicado em 82:15-19.

16:123 este verso é uma prova direta de que todas as práticas religiosas no Islã estavam intactas quando Muhammad (a paz esteja com ele) nasceu. Assim, ele foi chamado para “seguir a religião de Abraão.” Se eu pedir-lhe para andar de bicicleta, presume-se que você sabe o que é uma bicicleta e você sabe ou aprende com os outros como montá-la. Da mesma forma, quando Deus ordenou a Muhammad (a paz esteja com ele) para seguir as práticas de Abraão (16:123), tais práticas deviam de ser bem conhecidas.

No entanto, contrariamente à crença popular, o Alcorão detalha as orações de contato. Embora nem o Alcorão nem livros hadith contenham ilustrações para salaat ou clipes de vídeo mostrando como os profetas praticavam salat, o Alcorão descreve a oração. A descrição corânica do Salaat é muito superior pelas seguintes razões:

1. A língua do Alcorão é superior à linguagem das hadiths. Hadiths são coleções de narrações contendo numerosos dialetos diferentes e são afectadas por problemas linguísticos crônicos e endêmicos . A língua do Alcorão é muito mais simples como testemunhado por aqueles que estudam tanto o Alcorão como a Hadith. A eloquência da língua do Alcorão é enfatizada no Alcorão com uma pergunta retórica repetida (54:17, 22, 32, 40).

2. Os Livros Hadith podem conter mais detalhes. Mas serão esses detalhes úteis e consistentes com o Alcorão? Como é que um crente pode decidir entre as informações conflitantes? Será que ele só escolhe a palavra do seu Imam favorito? Se seguirmos as palavras de um imam favorito, isso significa que estamos realmente seguindo a prática do profeta? Por exemplo, você pode encontrar dezenas de hadiths em Sahih Muslim narrando que o Profeta Muhammad (a paz esteja com ele) inclinava-se para ler al-Fatiha, sem ler nenhuma versículos adicionais do Alcorão. Você vai encontrar muitos outros hadiths alegando que o Profeta lia este ou aquele capítulo, depois da al-Fatiha. Há também muitos hadiths conflitantes sobre a ablução, que é a fonte de rituais diferentes entre seitas. Hadith, não pode guiar-nos para a verdade. Tornou-se um mal necessário para os crentes ignorantes e líderes comunitários que pretendiam manipulá-los.

3. Os Livros de Hadith narram uma história boba sobre os tempos de oração Salaat e sua ordenança. A história da Mirage é uma das mais longas hadiths na Bukhari. Consta que, depois de receber conselhos de Moisés, indo para cima e para baixo entre os sexto e sétimo céu, Muhammad negociou com Deus para reduzir o número de orações a partir de 50 vezes por dia (uma oração para cada 28 minutos) a 5 vezes por dia. Este hadith retrata Maomé como um líder sindical compassivo a salvar seu povo da demanda impiedosa e impossível de Deus.

ORAÇÃO Salat acordo com o Alcorão

Praticar a oração Salaat é freqüentemente mencionada junto com praticar a caridade e, assim, enfatizar a consciência social e responsabilidade comunal de quem observa a oração (2:43,83,110; 4:77; 22:78; 107:1-7).

A oração Salaat é usada para comemorar e lembrar de Deus sozinho (6:162; 20:14). Esta lembrança protege os Submissos dos pecados e de prejudicar outros(29:45). O Salaat deve ser observado continuamente até á morte (19:31; 70:23,34).


Para observar a oração deve-se fazer a ablução (4:43; 5:6). Ablução é anulada apenas por relações sexuais ou ao urinar ou defecar. Ablução permanece válida mesmo se passou gás, apertou as mãos com o sexo oposto, ou uma mulher menstruada. A mulher menstruada pode observar orações contato, ao contrário das supersticiosas crenças culturais (5:6; 2:222; 6:114-115).

Código de vestir

Não existe um código de vestimenta especial para a oração, de fato, se você quiser você pode orar nu em sua privacidade. Cobrir o nosso corpo é uma necessidade social e cultural que tem como objetivo nos proteger de mal-entendido, do assédio e das indesejadas conseqüências (7:26; 24:31; 33:59).

Tempos de oração

Alcorão menciona três períodos de tempo em conjunto com a oração Salaat. Em outras palavras, o Alcorão qualifica a palavra “Salaat” por três diferentes palavras temporais: (1) Salaat al-Fajr (oração da manhã), (2) Salaat al-Esha (Oração da Noite), (3) Salaat al-Wusta ( Médio / Oração Noon). A oração da manhã (24:58) e oração da tarde(24:58) deve ser practicada em ambas as extremidades do dia, isto é, início da noite (11:114) e da Oração Médio (2:238). (Discutiremos os tempos de orações Salaat mais tarde em detalhe no final deste artigo).

Para direção de Oração

Para a oração é preciso enfrentar o Masjid Sagrado construído por Abraão, a Caaba (2:125, 143-150; 22:26). Para encontrar o qibla corrigir uma pessoa deve ter em mente que o mundo é um mundo, muito diferente do mapa plano de Mercator. Desde a oração durante a emergência e o medo é reduzido a uma unidade, em condições normais, a oração deve ter pelo menos duas unidades e durante a oração deve-se reduzir drasticamente a sua / seu contato com o mundo externo (4:101-103). Orações, ao contrário de jejum, não podem ser realizadas mais tarde, pois elas devem ser observados na hora certa (4:103).

Oração congregacional

Crentes, homens e mulheres, uma vez por semana são convidados a um determinado local para rezar juntos a cada dia Juma (Congregacional). Eles voltam ao seu trabalho e programação diária normal após a Oração Congregacional que pode ser liderada por um homem ou uma mulher (62:9-11). As mesquitas ou masjids deve ser dedicadas a Deus, portanto, o convite deve ser restrito para adorar a Deus sozinho, e nenhum outro nome deve ser inscrito nas paredes de mesquitas e ninguém menos que Deus deve ser comemorado (72:18-20) . Aqueles que vão para masjids devem vestir-se bem pois as masjids são para adoração e reuniões públicas (07:31).

Posição Para Oração

Deve-se começar a oração Salaat na posição de pé (2:238; 3:39; 4:102) e não deve mudar a sua / seu lugar, exceto em circunstâncias incomuns, como durante um percurso ou condução (2:239). Submissão a Deus deve ser declarada física e simbolicamente, primeiro curvando e prostrando (4:102; 22:26; 38:24; 48:29). Este ritual físico não é necessário nos momentos de emergências, de medo, e circunstâncias não usuais (2:239).

Compreensão e propósito da oração

Devemos compreender o significado de nossas orações, pois estes são os momentos em que nos comunicamos diretamente com Deus (4:43). Devemos ser reverentes durante as orações do nosso contato (23:2). Junto com a compreensão do que dizemos, nós podemos recordar um dos atributos de Deus, dependendo da nossa necessidade e condição durante o tempo da nossa oração (17:111). A oração é para comemorar a Deus, e Deus sózinho (6:162; 20:14; 29:45). A oração é para louvar, exaltar e lembrar a Sua grandeza, Sua Misericórdia e, finalmente, a nossa dependência em cada um desses atributos (1:1-7; 20:14; 17:111; 02:45). De modo que mencionar outros nomes além de Deus contradiz o nosso amor e dependência Dele (72:18; 29:45).

Durante a recitação da oração Salaat

Preferindo o Alcorão para recitação tem benefícios práticos desde os crentes de todo o mundo podem rezar juntos sem discutir em qual idioma escolheu ou que tradução usar. O capítulo al-Fatiha (A Abertura) é o único capítulo que trata de Deus em sua totalidade e é uma oração apropriada para Salaat. Para os não-árabes não deve ser muito difícil de aprender o significado das palavras em al-Fatiha, uma vez que consiste em sete versos curtos. Aqueles que são incapazes de aprender o significado de al-Fatiha devem orar na língua que ele ou ela entende. Eu não vejo nenhuma razão prática para recitar em árabe durante as orações observadas individualmente.

Devemos recitar orações Salaat em tom moderado, e não devemos tentar esconder as nossas orações nem tentar orar em público para manifestação política ou religiosa (17:111). Se for observada com a congregação, devemos ouvir a recitação dos homens ou das mulheres que conduzem a oração (7:204; 17:111). Depois de completar a oração Salaat, devemos continuar lembrança de Deus (4:103).

Unidades de Oração

O Alcorão não especifica qualquer número de unidades para as orações. Ele deixa a nosso critério. As unidades da Oração Congragational são 2 está revelando, uma vez que é mais provável que seja preservada precisamente.

Oração funeral

Orações fúnebres não são obrigatórias. Elas são observadas para recordar aqueles que morreram como monoteístas e fornecer o apoio da comunidade para seus parentes.

Inovações sectária

Há muitas inovações sectária que diferem de seita em seita. Algumas das inovações são: combinar os tempos de oração, realizando as orações omitissas no seu tempo adequado, encurtando as orações durante as viagens normais, acrescentando orações extras, como “sunnah” e “nawafil,” inovando o pagamento a um clérigo para liderar as orações , proibindo as mulheres de liderar a orações, ao sentar-se recitar uma oração “no-Tahiyatu”, que aborda o profeta Maomé como ele está vivo e onipresente, adicionando o nome de Maomé à Shahada, recitando zumm-us Sura (capítulos extra) após o al -Fatiha, entregando-se a argumentos sectários em detalhes de como segurar suas mãos e dedos, lavando a boca eo nariz como elementos de tomar ablução, escovar os dentes com “misvak” (um galho seco de uma arvore batido em fibras numa extremidade como  escova de dentes) mesmo antes de iniciar as orações, vestir turbantes ou lenços para receber mais créditos …

Quantas orações POR DIA?

Apenas três Orações de contato são mencionados pelo nome no Alcorão. Em outras palavras, a palavra “salaat” é qualificada com palavras descritivas em três instâncias. Estas são:

    1. Salaat al-Fajr-ORAÇÃO DAWN (24:58; 11:114).

    2. Salaat-al-Esha NOITE DE ORAÇÃO (24:58; 17:78; 11:114)

    3. Salaat al-ORAÇÃO Wusta-MEIO DIA (2:238; 17:78)

Todos os versos que definem os tempos das orações são atribuíveis a uma dessas três orações. Agora vamos ver os versículos relacionados:

DAWN & NOITE ORAÇÕES pelos seus nomes:

“Esta deve ser feita em três instâncias:…… Antes da oração da alvorada, ao meio-dia quando você muda sua roupa para descansar, e após a oração da noite” (24:58).

Por outro uso da palavra “esha” (à noite) ver: 12:16; 79:46

Os tempos de ORAÇÕES TARDE & NOITE definidos:

“Você deverá observar as orações de contato em ambas as extremidades da luz do dia, isto é, durante as horas ao lado da noite…” (11:114)

Tradutores tradicionais e comentaristas consideram a última cláusula “Zulfan minal layl” deste versículo como uma oração separada, mencionando a “noite” de oração. No entanto, consideramos que a cláusula não como um complemento, mas como uma explicação da cláusula anterior ambígua, que explica a direção temporal do fim do dia. Os limites da “Nahar” (luz do dia) é marcada por dois pontos distintos: o nascer e o pôr do sol. Em outras palavras, duas orações devem ser observadas não apenas depois do sol nascer e antes dele se pôr, mas antes e depois do anoitecer.

Além disso, o entendimento tradicional depara-se com o problema de contradizer a prática da tradição que pretende promover. Tradicionalmente, tanto orações da manhã e à noite são observadas num período de tempo que Quranicamente é considerado “Layl” (noite) desde Layl começa a partir do pôr do sol e termina ao nascer do sol. A palavra “Layl” em árabe é mais abrangente do que a palavra “noite” usada em Inglês.

Se a expressão “tarafayin nahar” (ambas as extremidades do dia) refere-se à manhã e à noite que fazem parte da “Layl” (noite), então, a última cláusula não pode estar descrevendo um outro tempo de oração.

O tempo de oração e NOON NOITE definido.

“Você deve observar a oração de contato desde o declínio do sol até à chegada da noite, e cumpre a recitação matinal, porque é sempre testemunhada.(17:78).

O declínio do sol pode ser entendido tanto o seu declínio a partir do ápice marcando o início da oração Noite ou seu declínio por trás do horizonte, marcando o início da oração do final da tarde. Há duas teorias opostas sobre a finalidade do uso de “duluk” (esfregar) no verso, no entanto, nenhuma delas irá contradizer a idéia de orar 3 vezes por dia uma vez que tanto a do meio-dia e da noite são aceites.


“Você deve sempre observar as orações de contato, especialmente ORAÇÃO do meio dia, e dedicar-se totalmente a Deus.” (2:238).

38:32 este verso implica que o tempo da oração do Meio dia termina com o pôr do sol.

Podemos facilmente compreender a oração do meio como uma oração entre as duas outras orações mencionado pelo nome (pôr do sol e à noite).

O Antigo Testamento tem pelo menos três versos referindo-se às Orações de contacto (Salat) e confirmam esse entendimento. Embora não possamos confiar nas traduções da Bíblia literalmente, mas não podemos considerá-los como erros já que a consistência interna e externa das passagens bíblicas sobre as Orações de contato são impressionantes.

“E logo que o rapaz tinha ido embora, David surgiu de um lugar para o sul, e caiu com o rosto em terra, e inclinou-se três vezes: e eles se beijaram um ao outro, e choraram um com outro, até que David se excedeu . ” (1 Samuel 20:41)

“Quanto a mim, clamo a Deus, e o Senhor me salvará à tarde e de manhã e ao meio-dia, orarei, e clamarei, e ele ouvirá a minha voz.”. (Salmo 55:16-17) (PS: clamando aparentemente significa orar com paixão).

“Quando Daniel quando soube que o edito estava assinado, entrou em sua casa (ora havia no seu quarto janelas abertas do lado de Jerusalém), e três vezes no dia se punha de joelhos, e orava, e dava graças diante do seu Deus, como também antes costumava fazer.” (Daniel 6:10)

Os seguidores da seita xiita observam cinco orações em três tempos: manhã, tarde e noite. Esta prática estranha, talvez, foi o resultado de um compromisso histórico com os sunitas dominantes que practicavam cinco vezes por dia.


Torture Shame for Humanity


Torture Shame for Humanity
We Should Never Forget

Edip Yüksel
30 April 2013


I know torture first hand. I have told about it in my upcoming autobiography. And I knew that I was tortured with American devices by the members of the fascist military regime who were called by the USA as “our boys.” From that experience, whenever I see anyone trying to justify torture, it invokes powerful emotions. I see them as animals, as monsters, as ogres disguised under fancy clothes, modern grooming and rich arsenal of lexicon and sophistry to fool scared people.

Thousands of prisoners in Iraqi jails, especially, in Abu Gharib were subjected to appalling series of systematic terror and tortures. It was the application of the so-called Torture Manuals, which was partially declassified in 1996 by the Pentagon. Thousands of Iraqis and Afghans were raped and sodomized by American soldiers and contractors for years. And knowing the history of imperialism, I am sure that it still continues in many places around the world. No more than 30 of the despicable men and women who committed those atrocities were punished. Compared to their crimes, they received light punishment. They also betrayed the American people by inflaming the rage and anger against Americans, thereby adding more recruits to the terrorist organizations. The New York Times, on January 12, 2005, reported testimony suggesting that the following actions had taken place at Abu Ghraib:

  • Urinating on detainees.
  • Jumping on detainee’s leg (a limb already wounded by gunfire) with such force that it could not heal properly afterward.
  • Continuing by pounding detainee’s wounded leg with collapsible metal baton.
  • Pouring phosphoric acid on detainees.
  • Sodomization of detainees with a baton.
  • Tying ropes to the detainees’ legs or penises and dragging them across the floor.

Though many Americans were shocked to hear the news of torture, they forgot about it as fast as they were shocked by it!

Knowing the power of state propaganda, jingoism and common hypocrisy, many politicians to promote torture based on outlandish scenarios and fear, despite the fact that torture does not help in gathering reliable information.

The table blow is sufficient to indict the USA as the major violator of human rights. It is from my friend Noam Chomsky’s book, The Washington Connection and Third World Fascism.


Torture (Countries With US training) – Post World War II to 1975

Torture Countries identified by Amnesty International 

Torture Country



US military Aid in $ 




















South Korea



South Vietnam






Saudi Arabia

































Dominican Republic



















Source: The Washington Connection and Third World Fascism, Chomsky N, Herman ES, Spokesman (1979), ISBN 0-89608-090-0, pg 361

Aba Gharib Torture 3

Aba Gharib Torture 4

Aba Gharib Torture 2

Aba Gharib Torture

Aba Gharib Torture 5





Matine Yuksel Meets Noam Chomsky


Matine Yuksel visits Noam Chomsky at MIT

26 April 2013

Matine Yuksel, Noam Chomsky and Monica Seng at MIT, 26 April 2013

Matine Yuksel, Noam Chomsky and Monica Seng at MIT, 26 April 2013


In an email conversation with Noam Chomsky we talked about the interconnection of ethnicity, culture, politics, religion and world economy. I gave him the example of Chobani Yogurt, which has been very successful in the USA yogurt market. Yogurt is originally a Turkish food and the name yogurt is originally Turkish. It is owned by Kurdish people from Turkey and for political/marketing reasons it is described as Greek Yogurt to sell American consumers. Kurd-Turk-Greek-American all in one yogurt 🙂 During our conversation, I promised Chomsky to serve him Chobani Yogurt when I visit him again at MIT, Boston. Well, my younger Son Matine, who is accepted to Princeton University and other competitive colleges, traveled to Boston to visit MIT, just to compare it with Princeton to make sure that he still wants Princeton. I told him to visit Noam and deliver him a few Chobani Yogurt as my gift. Beforehand, I called Noam’s secretary to treat my son and wrote to Chomsky the following:

25 April 2013

Dear Noam,

My younger son, Matine, has been accepted by several Ivy schools. Though he will most likely choose Princeton, which offered him a generous scholarship and welcomed him like a prince, he decided to visit MIT where he has friends. He and his high school classmate Monica is currently staying with their close friend, Brianna, at MIT. Matine (18) is a young admirer of your work and activism. He was lucky to have Steve Saradnik as a teacher for his AP History class and years ago read “A People’s History Of The United States” by Howard Zinn.

Today, he visited your office to deliver you a few cups of yogurt, but you were not in the office. I called Bev and told her to be nice to them 🙂 I hope that tomorrow you will have a few minute with this young man and his friends. A picture of you eating yogurt together with these brilliant students who value peace and justice, would be very “cool” 🙂



A resume for college


A Resume of a Hard-Working Student

Edip Yüksel

Matine and his older brother in 2006

Matine and his older brother in 2006


My younger son Matine (b. 1994), who has been in love with learning since his pre-school years has been accepted by numerous top colleges in the USA. He chose Princeton, which offered a generous scholarship of $52000, which will cover 93% of his annual fees, boarding and other expenses. Princeton shares the number one position together with Harvard among the top universities in the USA. I pray that Matine will use this opportunity to contribute to the well-being of the oppressed and suppressed, the poor and weak after his graduation.


Matine Yuksel

[Address deleted]



AP: Junior year I became a National AP Scholar


  • AP Calculus BC: 5
  • AP Calculus AB: 5
  • AP US Government: 5
  • AP English Language and Composition: 5
  • AP European History: 4
  • AP Comparative Government: 4
  • AP Psychology: 4
  • AP Statistics: 4
  • AP Physics: 4
  • AP Chemistry: 4

Before high school:

  • AP US History: 3
  • AP Studio Art 2D: 3
  • AP Chinese Language and Culture: 3


GPA: 4.0




Science Olympiad

  • I have participated in Science Olympiad competition since 6th grade. I have received numerous awards in various categories statewide. See the AWARDS below.

Foreign Affairs:

  • Visited China as a foreign exchange student three times.

Cognitive Learning Project (CLP): My Senior Project

  • Past 3 times I have taught English to Chinese students.
  • Used the latest Cognitive Science methods to teach these students English
  • We are posting all of our edited videos on the school website, http://www.allgrades.com/secondary/projects/clp/, in an attempt to demonstrate these concepts.

Books for Africa

  • I am currently volunteering for an organization led by Prof. Leslye Obiora (Professor of Law at the University of Arizona who served as the Ministry of Mines and Steel Development, Federal Government of Nigeria, 2006 – 2007). I categorized the donated books and prepared them for shipment to Nigeria.

Trial Court Experience (10th grade):

  • I was appointed by school administrators to defend a student accused of plagiarism, and my defense changed the mind of the jury in favor of acquitting her of all chargers.

Student Council:

  • Held various offices throughout schooling
  • But this year (senior year) I was elected President.

National Honor Society:

  • I have been participating since 6th grade (I was in National Junior Honor Society before high school)
  • As a member, I volunteered at various homeless shelters


  • I have been tutoring my classmates and students in lower grades since I was in 5th grade. My accomplishment made the evening news at KOLD Channel 13 (A CBS-affiliate channel in Arizona) under the title: Tucson Fifth-Grader Tackling College Courses.

College Course:

  • I took and passed an English Composition class at Pima College while I was in 7th grade.


  • I played 9 years of club soccer before high school.
  • Then played a variety of hobby sports throughout high school: predominantly Ultimate Frisbee.
  • Charter member of the Ultimate Frisbee Club


  • Took lessons at a music center since middle school, but now I learn on my own.


  • Referee: I worked as a soccer referee for NYS soccer while I was in middle school
  • Pizza Maker: I have been working at Magpies Gourmet Pizza for almost two years now. I am considered a model employee.


Advanced Placement Awards:

  • 2012 AP National Scholar Award
  • 2011 AP Scholar With Distinction Award
  • 2010 AP Scholar With Honor Award
  • 2009 AP Scholar (8th grade)

Science Olympiad (since 6th grade):

  • 2012
    • Fermi Questions (Silver/2nd)
    • Thermodynamics (Gold/1st)
    • Robot Arm (Coached younger team to Gold/1st)
    • Mission Possible (Coached younger team to Silver/ 2nd)
    • Thermodynamics (Coached younger team to Silver/ 2nd)
    • 2011
      • Mission Possible (Gold/1st )
      • Fossils (4th) ( Coached to 1st)
      • 2010
        • It’s About Time (Gold/1st)
      • 2009
        • Electric Car (1st)



Educational Version of David vs Goliath


Educational Version of David vs Goliath

Accelerated Learning Lab’s (ALL) Victory at 2013 Arizona State Science Olympiad is İncredible

ALL high school, with a population of only 17 students
Wins 2nd Place, against 35 high schools with population of 60155 students in Arizona

2013 Science Olympiad Team 1

On March 3, my son Matine and his high school team (total 15 students) participated in Arizona State Science Olympiad competition at Chandler, Phoenix. Accelerated Learning Lab has been the smallest school participating in this scientific and engineering competition event for years. ALL is a Charter school, a public school ran privately, and its doors are open for all students. Of course, the team would not be successful without the education, training and support of ALL’s dedicated staff: thanks to the headmaster Dr. David Jones, math teacher Dr. Marcus Calhoun-Lopez and the counselor Serei Kay.

David Jones, the principle of this non-profit school is the brains and heart behind many accomplishments of this tiny school in the middle of nowhere in Tucson. For instance, it won the first prize in Math Olympiad for years. Since it has started graduating students, most of its graduating students won scholarships to top schools, including MIT and Princeton.

I am amazed about how far this little school has gone. I was the assistant coach of my son’s team between 2006-2010. Our first year was a disaster. Then, we started winning some events and started showing up in top 10, then top 8, then 6, then 5, then 3rd and this year we lost only to one team among total 36 participants.

Every year since 2006, both the B (junior) and C (high school) teams got better and better. The acceleration of this tiny school in the ranks of the competition has been an incredible story. It is the educational version of David versus Goliath. ALL students, again participated in all 26 events.

The number of all K-12 students in ALL is 373, and it has only 17 students at its high school. In other words, with the exception of 2 students the team consisted of the entire high school population. Compare it with the list of the following participating 35 schools with student population in hundreds and even thousands, such as Hamilton, University Hight, Catalina Foothills, etc. (Average population 1700). Consider the fact that it includes magnet schools that offer curriculum for gifted students such as University High. Some are private schools such as St. Gregory. Also consider the fact that some big schools participated with 2 teams and had couches for every event and/or team member.

Here is the list of 36 high schools followed by their enrolled student population, in order of their ranking in 2013 Arizona Science Olympiad Competition:

  1. Catalina High School – Tucson, AZ –  Enrollment: 1890
  2. Accelerated Learning Laboratory – Tucson, AZ –  Enrollment: 17
  3. University High School – Tucson, AZ –  Enrollment: 669
  4. Catalina High School – Tucson, AZ –  Enrollment: 1890
  5. Desert Mountain High School – Scottsdale, AZ –  Enrollment: 2449
  6. Mcclintock High School – Tempe, AZ –  Enrollment: 1915
  7. Saguaro High School – Scottsdale, AZ –  Enrollment: 1748
  8. S. Gregory College Preparatory School – Tucson, AZ –  Enrollment: 344
  9. Empire High School – Tucson, AZ –  Enrollment: 327
  10. Desert Mountain High School – Scottsdale, AZ –  Enrollment: 2449
  11. Hamilton High School – Chandler, AZ –  Enrollment: 2975
  12. Empire High School – Tucson, AZ –  Enrollment: 327
  13. Corona Del Sol High School – Tempe, AZ –  Enrollment: 2803
  14. Canyon Del Oro High School – Oro Valley, AZ –  Enrollment: 1763
  15. Saguaro High School – Scottsdale, AZ –  Enrollment: 1748
  16. Cienega High School – Vail, AZ –  Enrollment: 1622
  17. Canyon Del Oro High School – Oro Valley, AZ –  Enrollment: 1763
  18. Marana High School – Tucson, AZ –  Enrollment: 1783
  19. Morenci High School, – Morenci, AZ –  Enrollment: 520
  20. St. Augustine High School – Tucson, AZ –  Enrollment: 140
  21. Mcclintock High School – Tempe, AZ –  Enrollment: 1915
  22. Sunnyslope High School – Phoenix, AZ –  Enrollment: 1987
  23. Centennial High School – Peoria, AZ –  Enrollment: 2261
  24. Desert Vista High School – Phoenix, AZ –  Enrollment: 2935
  25. Centennial High School – Peoria, AZ –  Enrollment: 2261
  26. Desert Vista High School – Phoenix, AZ –  Enrollment: 2935
  27. Coronado High School – Scottsdale, AZ –  Enrollment: 1314
  28. Mountain Pointe High School – Phoenix, AZ –  Enrollment: 2501
  29. Holbrook High School – Holbrook, AZ –  Enrollment: 762
  30. Sandra Day O’connor High School – Glendale, AZ –  Enrollment: 1954
  31. Mountain Pointe High School – Phoenix, AZ –  Enrollment: 2501
  32. Saguaro High School – Scottsdale, AZ –  Enrollment: 1748
  33. Willow Canyon High School – Surprise, AZ –  Enrollment: 2625
  34. Joy Christian High School – Glendale, AZ –  Enrollment: 200
  35. Tucson Magnet High School – Tucson, AZ –  Enrollment: 2888
  36. Compass High School – Tucson, AZ –  Enrollment: 263


Preparation for the events – ALL, Tucson, Arizona:


Competition – Glendale, Phoenix, Arizona:



PS: The complete list of high schools in Arizona can be found at the following page:



Naked Pope in a Glass House


The Naked Pope in a Glass House

By a Child in the Crowd with a Slingshot


Pope on Chair

“The emperor comes to speak about the issue of jihad, holy war,” the pope said. “He said, I quote, ‘Show me just what Mohammed brought that was new, and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached.’ “ Pope: Conversion by Violence not of God, September 12, 2006, Associated Press, and CNN.

(The full text of the speech can be found at Vatican’s official page: http://www.vatican.va/holy_father/benedict_xvi/speeches/2006/september/documents/hf_ben-xvi_spe_20060912_university-regensburg_en.html)

“The divinity of Jesus is made a convenient cover for absurdity. … As I understand the Christian religion, it was, and is, a revelation. But how has it happened that millions of fables, tales, legends, have been blended with both Jewish and Christian revelation that have made them the most bloody religion that ever existed?” John Adams, American Statesman.

Let me start with a clarifying headnote. In this article, I use the words Western, Christian, Christendom, Muslims, and Muslim World loosely and in a general sense, since there are many sects and shades of each and it is not the topic of this paper to clarify this ambiguity. I consider Jesus and his message as a message of peace and reason and I acknowledge that most of the Gospels promote such a message. However, I cannot say the same for many verses of the Old Testament which promotes violence and cruelty and I cannot accept them as the instructions of a Benevolent and Just God. Furthermore, when I refer to America, I mostly refer to the American governments, or the US-Inc, which usually do not represent the will of American people but the will of big corporations and influential lobbies such as AIPAC. If you are not a fan of the Pope, this article should not be considered an offensive to your religious sensitivities, since the Pope’s attack on Islam was not just a religious or theological criticism but a cunning political provocation that came when the invading forces of the US-Inc supported by right-wing Christian voters caused a civil war in Iraq, and so far led to the death of about 600,000 Iraqis and millions of orphan children and wounded members of the population.[1] You should also consider that at the same time, the same forces committed and justified all kinds of torture in open and hidden prisons and gave the green light to its most favored ally in the Middle East for invasion and destruction of Lebanon’s infrastructure, resulting in killing of thousands of Lebanese civilians, mostly children. You should know that this child does not always scream in the crowd while aiming his slingshot towards priests’ glass houses. But, this time the Emperor and his top clergyman declared war against truth, peace, and justice in heinous and hypocritical ways, forcing the child to yell to the crowd, Yes, both the Emperor and his Pope are naked. And on top of that, they live in glass houses!

I do not know whether you are among those who are impressed by individuals who wear ostentatious clothes and pretend to carry halos on their heads. I am not. I am neither impressed by the long beards of mullahs and their turbans, nor by the dots on the foreheads of monks and the mantras on their lips. I am not awed by any holy-shmoly person, especially those who show off with funny and colorful hats, zucchettos, stoles, palliums, chasuble, and cassocks while maintaining straight faces. I cannot decide whether to laugh or cry when I see an old guy waving a smoke-generating device or spraying “holy water” by shaking a bulbous object called aspergillum on a crowd denigrated to the level of a flock of sheep. I get nausea when I witness a pretentious cannibalistic ceremony, in which pastors serve wine and bread in a chalice, paten, and ciborium while asking their flock to pretend that these objects are really the flesh and the blood of their savior.

I lose my hope in humanity when I see almost a quarter of the human population revering a man who pretends to be infallible, a man who follows a chain of many “infallible” others who burned people on stakes, led witch hunts, tried to stop the earth from rotating around the sun, sold indulgences, issued edicts for bloody crusades, baptized slavery and racism, all while playing the tune of imperialism. I lose my hope in the honesty of humanity when a man arrogates himself to be called the “Holy Father” (Christian title for God), and claims the right of forgiveness for people in the name of the “Holy Father,” and yet does not make it in the Guinness Book of World Records as the world’s greatest imposter and charlatan.

No wonder Thomas Jefferson, a rational monotheist and a peacemaker, likened popes and their entourage to darkness:

“I abuse the priests, indeed, who have so much abused the pure and holy doctrines of their Master, and who have laid me under no obligations of reticence as to the tricks of their trade. The genuine system of Jesus, and the artificial structures they have erected, to make them the instruments of wealth, power, and preeminence to themselves, are as distinct things in my view as light and darkness; and while I have classed them with soothsayers and necromancers, I place Him among the greatest reformers of morals, and scourges of priest-craft that have ever existed. They felt Him as such, and never rested until they had silenced Him by death.” (Thomas Jefferson, Letter to Charles Clay, Jan 29, 1815).

So, when I heard a papal incarnation of historical absurdity and violence preaching to the world about reason and peace, my initial reaction was a smile on my face, since that kind of contradiction would perfectly fit the entire theatrical absurdity. It is as absurd as the Sunni Usama Bin Laden or his Evangelical counterpart George W. Bush preaching to the world about peace and reason. However, when I remembered that about a billion people take this guy’s word seriously, and that the world’s only super-duper power is run by an idiot evangelist who thinks that he is a messenger of God, then my smile faded. It must be the another sign of the end of the world! Take notice, dear Jehovah’s Witnesses! This time you might have a hit!

The Pope’s recent depiction of Islam and Muhammad reminded me of Karl Marx and his famous statement, “Religion is the opium of masses.” Marx described only one face of the holy Janus. But the mess the Pope produced with his speech attacking Islam served as no opium for masses. It was holy fuel added to the fire created by a coalition of Evangelical Crusaders, Neocons, Zionists, Sunni and Shiite extremists, and the Taliban. It was the Pope’s way of baptizing another holocaust, the Third World War, the Tenth Crusade. It was the Pope’s style of joining the Left-Behind Christian’s self-fulfilling prophecy of Armageddon. It was not an inconsequential holy blunder, but a calculated and cunning political wink to the global hegemony.

I have met hundreds of Catholic students in my philosophy and logic classes. I do not recall any negative incident with them. I have many close friends affiliated with many different religions, including Catholicism. I like and respect them, yet I do not act as a hypocrite by declaring my respect to their nonsensical beliefs if they try to preach to me. I consider myself a rational monotheist (a redundancy), and I have little respect for organized religions that have produced human idols and preached irrational dogmas, thereby causing many miseries and tragedies in human history.

Thus, I consider the moral and intellectual integrity of religious power-brokers such as brahmas, mullahs, ayatollahs, gurus, rabbis, pastors, priests, bishops, and of course the Pope, below used car salesmen; since polytheistic clergymen of all hats and robes — and all turbans and beards — rape the minds of masses and exploit the wealth of nations. A deal with a used car salesman may get you a pricey used car, but a deal with a priest will most likely get you a bunch of lies about God, life, and death, along with mind-torturing contradictions, complicated silly rituals, anti-scientific and irrational dogmas, and occasionally bloody jihads and crusades…

Of course, there are exceptions among organized religions, such as the Amish, Quakers, Uniterian Universalits, and Jehovah Witnesses, or such as Bahais and Sufis. These might have redeeming social and political factors. There are exceptions even among the ranks of Catholic Church; some clergymen might indeed honestly believe in their mission and they might have admirable social and political positions, such as the Anglican Bishop Desmund Tutu of South Africa who quoted Jomo Kenyatta who profoundly depicted the role of clergymen in the troubles inflicted on his country and the continent:

“When the missionaries came to Africa, they had the Bible and we had the land. They said: ‘Let us pray.’ We closed our eyes. When we opened them we had the Bible and they had the land.”

As the members of institutions that usually peddle the most absurd lies and useless rules in the name of our Creator, clergymen present themselves as the gatekeepers for eternal salvation. Ironically, according to the Pope’s own book, the man who he worships also shared with me the same aversion towards clergymen:

“Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For ye devour widows’ houses, and for a pretence make long prayer: therefore ye shall receive the greater damnation. Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For ye compass sea and land to make one proselyte, and when he is made, ye make him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves. Woe unto you, ye blind guides, which say, Whosoever shall swear by the temple, it is nothing; but whosoever shall swear by the gold of the temple, he is a debtor! Ye fools and blind: for whether is greater, the gold, or the temple that sanctified the gold?” (Matthew 23:14-17)

As a rational monotheist, I consider God and the truth sanctified above everything including Pope’s hat. Because of my aversion to logical contradiction and to hypocrisy, I generated many enemies among the religious crowd, including my father, a prominent Sunni mullah, who disowned me when I rejected my religious faith. This story is expressed in my best-selling books from the country of my birth. I am still a child in the crowd who announces the nakedness of the king, the sultan, the pope, and the caliph with no inhibition:

“And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” (John 8:32).

“Most of them only follow conjecture. While conjecture does not avail against the truth in anything. God is knower of what they do.” (Quran 10:36).

So upon his invitation for dialogue, I decided to start an honest dialogue with the guy who calls himself a title stolen from his God Holy Pope (Holy Father), with a straight face. This guy is the only man with hundreds of millions of followers who pretends to be “infallible,” along with his predecessors. I can accept a priest or bishop to be an honest person who honestly yet ignorantly peddles lies and false stories, but I cannot accept the Pope’s personal honesty and sanity as long as he claims “infallibility” since every honest and sane person, by age five, should know that he or she is not infallible. It is not a metaphysical mystery to know that you are limited in your knowledge, and that you make mistakes, lots of them.

Before directing my questions to the Pope, let me share with you one of the few poems I have written in English, my fifth language:

Smile to the Child in You

Shunning mature eyebrows nearby,

I smile to the child in me, I smile conspicuously.

Peter Pan is jumping around with his little sword.

Paying my friends no special attention:

Trifling with traditions and taboos;

Prickling the illusive mask of social convention.

Ticklish questions hop from his sling:

                Whizzing “why”s, buzzing “how”s

                Jolt and pester sacred cows

Stunning jittery faces nearby,

I cheer the child in me, I cheer joyously

I won’t hush him if he shouts,

                When kings are naked in the crowd,

                When priests are telling stories on God!

Scaring travelers in bandwagons nearby,

I give candies to the child in me, I give generously.

Each time you blink at a “what” or a “how” or a “why “

                I think of the child in you, I think anxiously.

                I wink at the child in you, I wink curiously.


In the end of Manifesto for Islamic Reform, I extended an invitation to Muslims, Christians and Jews. Well-versed in their histories, theologies, and good and bad deeds, I looked in their eyes and took the mirror to their faces. The section related to Christianity started with the following paragraphs.

“If Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad were alive today, Jews would condemn the first as Anti-Semite, Christians would denounce the second as the Antichrist, and Muslims would revile the third as the Dajjal (The Great Imposter).”

“Imagine a religion in which its members worship the murder weapon, perform rituals to pretend that they are drinking the blood and flesh of their heroic victim, claim that 1+1+1 equals to 1, adopt a word as their name which was used by none of the early adherents, misspell and mispronounce the name of their hero, follow someone’s teachings that were prophetically condemned by their hero, accept a formula coined by a self-appointed commission 325 years after the founder, sing love and peace yet remain responsible for most of the bloodshed and weaponry in the world, mobilize children for centuries of barbarism termed the Crusades, sell parcels of heaven, excommunicate scientists, burn the first translator of their holy book, burn women in witchhunt crazes, invent ingenious torture devices and torture many in their holy courts, declare the earth as the flat center of the world for more than a millennium, lead and pray for colonialists, defend and practice slavery and racism until they were unable to, side mostly with kings and the wealthy, deny women many of their rights, condemn the theory of evolution, support occupations and wars with jingoistic slogans, etcetera etcetera. Yes, how can such a religion with a fake name, with a fabricated doctrine, bizarre pagan practices, and such a miserable historical record and bitter fruits belong to God? How can the religion be attributed to a philosopher, to a peacemaker, to an advocate of the rights of the weak, to a human messenger of God? (Here, I should exclude the “theory of evolution” from my indictment of the Catholics, since they have finally conceded it to science. I will discuss these and many other issues in the upcoming revised version of “”19 Questions For Christian Clergy“)

Now, after hearing the Pope’s criticism directed at Islam for being violent and irrational, add another question to the end of the paragraph above: How does the top promoter of such a religion retain the audacity to talk in the name of peace and reason?

Mr. Ratzinger, I will not call you “Dear Holy Pope” for the reasons that I explained above, but I will call you “dear Joseph” or “Mr. Ratzinger.” I do not think that you use drugs, but I am sure that you are one of the biggest drug dealers in the history of the world, the drug that intoxicates normal rational people and transforms them into Crusaders, Talibans, Witch-hunters, Inquisitors, Torturers, Armageddonites, Suicide Bombers, Zionists, Fascists, Bigots and Hypocrites, depending on their nationality or the flavor of the drug. I agree with Physicist Steven Weinberg who once wrote, “With or without religion, you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion.” I would also add political dogmas to religion.

Most likely you did not hear the Turkish proverb: “Tencere dibin kara; senin ki benden kara!” Or its English version, “Pot calls the kettle black.” Neither did you heed a Biblical maxim: “Who have glass houses should not cast stones to others.” Thus, your glass house is now going to suffer from the many stones of your own casting, and the bottom of your pot will be exposed with all its smoke and dirt. I call it the Boomerang Rule, the Pot Rule or the Glass House Effect.

I will ask you 13 questions on violence and reason. I expect answers from you or from anyone from the list of your ostentatious and complicated hierarchy such as cardinals, primates, metropolitan archbishops, titular archbishops, coadjutor archbishops, emeritus archbishops, ordinary bishops, auxiliary bishops, coadjutor bishops, titular bishops, and bishops emeriti, promontories, apostolic monsignors, prelates of honor of his holiness monsignors, chaplains of his holiness pastors, all the troops of priests, deacons, parishes, and Roman Curia. To fulfill your invitation for dialogue, I would be glad to answer your questions in return. You are also welcome to poke fun in my hat if you find one on my head, or to question my claim of infallibility if you smell any.

1.       Did Muhammad Promote Islam through Swords and Violence?

Ironically, to falsely portray the birth of Islam and to accuse Muhammad of this crime, you resort to a quotation NOT from Gandhi, Mandela, Jimmy Carter, or another accepted man of peace, but from a Byzantine Emperor. I believe that you chose a bad person and a bad argument to hatch your provocative and false accusations of Muhammad, as we will discuss.

A critical examination of the history of Muhammad will reveal an abundance of evidence that he was a man of peace. When Muhammad escaped to Medina, many of his close friends were tortured and killed. Yet when he entered Mecca, he gave up his sword. He declared amnesty for all those leaders who mobilized wars against him. Not a single one was punished. He was a man of peace, in contradiction to what you wished us to believe in your speech:

“The emperor certainly knew that Sura 2, 256, reads ‘No force in matters of faith.’ It is one of the early suras, from a time — as experts say — in which Mohammed himself was still powerless and threatened.”

What is your evidence for such a remark? This is an utter lie and a false statement. Though I consider the Quran alone as a book in divine matters and I do not rely on external hearsay sources about the chronology of revelation, the experts you refer to consider Sura (Chapter) 2 to be revealed after immigration to Medina, where Muhammad was an elected leader of a diverse group consisting of Christians, Jews, Pagans and Muslims. So I demand the name of your experts! I hope they are not Taliban and their like-minded tyrants who wish to justify their atrocities. There is no other verse in the Quran contradicting the universal principle stated in verse 2:256. The Quran permits fighting only for self-defense (See the Quran: 2:256; 4:140; 10:99; 18:29; 88:21-22; 60:7-8. Also, see the Introduction of the upcoming Quran: A Reformist Translation).

I think you and your followers need to be educated regarding the true message of Islam, beyond the ignorant remarks of a Byzantine emperor or the distortion of Sunni or Shiite extremists. Since the Quran was the only book delivered by Muhammad, since all other sectarian books were hearsay fabrications compiled centuries after the revelation of the Quran, since we have powerful empirical and mathematical evidence confirming the Quran’s claims about its authenticity as God’s protected word, and since all muslims regardless of their sects agree on the Quran, here is a brief description of Islam according to the Quran. ISLAM:

  • is not a proper name, but a descriptive noun coming from the Arabic root of surrendering/submission/peace, used by God to describe the system delivered by all His messengers and prophets (5:111; 10:72; 98:5), which reached another stage with Abraham (4:125; 22:78).
  • involves surrender to God alone (2:112,131; 4:125; 6:71; 22:34; 40:66).
  • is a system with universal principles which are in harmony with nature (3:83; 33:30; 35:43).
  • requires objective evidence in addition to personal experience (3:86; 2:111; 21:24; 74:30).
  • demands conviction not based on wishful thinking or feelings but based on reason and evidence (17:36; 4:174; 8:42; 10:100; 11:17; 74:30-31).
  • esteems knowledge, education, and learning (35:28; 4:162; 9:122; 22:54; 27:40; 29:44,49).
  • promotes scientific inquiry regarding the evolution of humankind on earth (29:20).
  • rejects clergymen and intermediaries between God and humans (2:48; 9:31-34).
  • condemns profiteering from religion (9:34; 2:41,79,174; 5:44; 9:9).
  • stands for liberty, accountability, and defiance of false authorities. (6:164).
  • stands for freedom of expression (2:256; 18:29; 10:99; 88:21-22).
  • requires consultation and representation in public affairs (42:38; 5:12).
  • promotes a democratic system where participation of all citizens is encouraged and facilitated (58:11).
  • prohibits bribery and requires strict rules against the influence of interest groups and corporations in government (2:188).
  • requires election of officials based on qualifications and principles of justice (4:58).
  • promises justice to everyone regardless of their creed or ethnicity (5:8).
  • acknowledges the rights of citizens to publicly petition against injustices committed by individuals or the government (4:148).
  • encourages the distribution of wealth, economic freedom, and social welfare (2:215, 59:7).
  • promotes utmost respect to individuals (5:32).
  • relates the quality of a society to the quality of individuals comprising it (13:11).
  • recognizes and protects an individual’s right to privacy (49:12).
  • recognizes the right to the presumption of innocence and the right to confront the accuser (49:12).
  • provides protection for witnesses (2:282).
  • does not hold innocent people responsible for the crimes of others  (53:38).
  • protects the right to personal property (2:85,188; 4:29; exception 24:29; 59:6-7).
  • discourages a non-productive economy (2:275; 5:90; 3:130).
  • encourages charity and caring for the poor (6:141; 7:156).
  • unifies humanity by promoting gender and race equality (49:13).
  • values women (3:195; 4:124; 16:97).
  • values intellect (5:90).
  • offers peace among nations (2:62; 2:135-136, 208).
  • considers the entire world as belonging to all humanity and supports immigration (4:97-98).
  • promotes peace while deterring the aggressive parties (60:8,9; 8:60).
  • pursues the gold-plated brazen rule of equivalence, otherwise known as retaliation with occasional forgiveness (42:20; 17:33).
  • stands up for human rights and the oppressed (4:75).
  • encourages competition in righteousness and morality (16:90).
  • stands for peace, honesty, kindness, and deterrence from wrong doing (3:110).
  • expects high moral standards (25:63-76; 31:12-20; 23:1-11).
  • asks us to be in harmony with nature and the environment (30:41).
  • No wonder that the only system/law approved by God is Islam (3:19,85).

2.       Was the Byzantine Emperor you Quoted a Man of Peace and Reason?

You quoted Manuel II Palaiologus. Here is what Wikipedia Encyclopedia writes about him:

“Manuel II Palaiologos used this period of respite to bolster the defenses of the Despotate of Morea, where the Byzantine Empire was actually expanding at the expense of the remnants of the Latin Empire.”

Ironically, the English word “despot” is historically linked to “Despotates” after the Fourth Crusade, and your source falsely accuses Muhammad of promoting Islam through sword. I understand his aversion towards Muslims and Ottoman Empire, and I myself never condone the aggression of Ottoman empire just as I never condone Crusaders. However, it is unfair to blame Muhammad for the aggression and atrocities of kings and sultans who deviated from his message of peace, tolerance, justice and reason. Can we blame Jesus for aggression and atrocities committed by Crusaders, Despotates, Emperors and Popes?

When I read further about your source, I noticed that as the emperor of a declining empire, he did not share the typical arrogance of Crusaders:

“God is not pleased by blood – and not acting reasonably is contrary to God’s nature. Faith is born of the soul, not the body. Whoever would lead someone to faith needs the ability to speak well and to reason properly, without violence and threats… To convince a reasonable soul, one does not need a strong arm, or weapons of any kind, or any other means of threatening a person with death…”

This is exactly what Muhammad preached through the Quran. The Quran always depicts polytheists as being belligerent and repressive against messengers and their supporters. Thus, as a messenger of God, Muhammad condemned violence and promoted peace and tolerance not only when he was weak but also when he became the victor at the zenith of power.

But later, I learned that Pope’s Emperor did not utter those nice words when he had power. To the contrary, only when he lost everything and sought refuge in a monastery did he started writing about peace.

Gary Leupp, a Professor of History at TuftsUniversity, in an article titled, “Defender of the West, Scourge of Islam, The Crusade of Pope Rat” sheds some light about the Pope’s hero and asks the following question to the “Vicar of Christ”: Did the Byzantine emperors generally act according to “reason”—any more than their Persian, Turkish, or Arab contemporaries?

Prof. Leupp then questions the “reason” of Manuel II, who asked for help from the Muslim Turks when he lost his throne to his brother in 1376. We are informed that Pope’s model of peace and reason voluntarily paid tribute to the Turkish Sultan and lived as a “vassal” at the Turkish court! “But he rebelled in 1391, the very year that he wrote the above-quoted remark about God’s nature while in the ‘barracks at Ankara’ mentioned by the Pope. Then, Leupp quotes Encyclopedia Britannica: “A treaty in 1403 kept peace with the Turks until 1421, when Manuel’s son and co-emperor John VIII meddled in Turkish affairs. After the Turks besieged Constantinople (1422) and took southern Greece (1423), Manuel signed a humiliating treaty and entered a monastery.” Here is an excerpt from Prof. Leupp’s article:

“And when did the Byzantine Empire ever tolerate a “dialogue of cultures” or apply “reason” to religious issues?”

“Seems to me that the Byzantine emperors, including the Palaeologan line from the thirteenth century, persecuted religious minorities, including Jews, Manichaeans and dissident Christians, during centuries in which the Islamic world showed relative tolerance. I’ve read the texts of anathemas that virtually everyone in some parts of the Empire was obliged to pronounce publicly in the sixth century: “I renounce Mani, Buddha his teacher,” etc. On pain of death, basically. There was no division between church and state. Many Byzantine Jews welcomed the initial Muslim Arab advances, providing relief from Christian persecution.”

“One increasingly expects historical distortion and hypocrisy in the speeches of Bush administration officials. The effort to depict the Terror War as a war on “Islamofascism” shows their desperation. They must be delighted to hear the pope conflate Christianity, the west, and Reason explicitly while implicitly linking Islam, violence, and irrational intolerance. How sweet that His Holiness’s erudition should elliptically reference Iran, while the Bush administration prepares to attack it!”

As it seems, Pope’s pick for his ventriloquial preaching about peace and reason was neither a man of reason nor peace.  Pope should be contrite for calling such a man “erudite.”

3.       Which One of these Committed More Violence: Muslims or Christians?

The word terror is used in a hypocritical way by Western media, including by those who promote Christian values. According to their propaganda, terror should not mean terrorizing civilians and killing innocent people, since the West or Christendom has outdone Muslims in murder of civilians and innocent people, perhaps by factor of 666!

For instance, the worst terrorist act in modern history occurred in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, which killed hundreds of thousands civilians including children and doomed millions to tribulations from immediate injuries and long-term effects due to radiation. Sure, the bomb was not made in the Vatican nor it was dropped by a bishop. But let’s examine the previous trail of events to understand the influence.

After abusing its power for centuries, the Vatican was castrated through reformation, and all churches then lost most of their official power through the emergence of secular governments. However, to feed their thirst for human sacrifice, Catholic and Protestant leaders adapted to the change. Instead of direct involvement in bloodshed and aggression, they now manipulate governments through bloc votes that support religious leaders of secular governments. Going back to the Japanese cities, it is a fact that the bombs were made by a majority Christian nation, and the order to pick those two cities was given by a Christian president and supported by the prayers of Christians and Christian leaders such as Bill Graham. The perpetrator was a state, not a gang, and it has yet to apologize to humanity for its atrocities. To the contrary, it still tries to justify this historic crime through absurd excuses similar to the propaganda from authoritarian regimes. Ironically, the same terrorist state now demonstrates the audacity to pre-emptively bomb other countries who might dream of having a nuclear weapon!

The recent Israeli aggression and terror against Lebanon ruined its cities and bridges, killed thousands of Lebanese civilians, and injured many more. It terrorized the entire nation even though it was justified by the magical word “collateral damage.” But the West preferred to label Hezbollah; they were terrorists who terrorized the poor state of Israel by “kidnapping” two poor Zionist Israeli soldiers having a happy potluck picnic on the other side of the border. Furthermore, the Western propaganda machine did not use the word “kidnap” to depict Israel as kidnappers of the democratically elected Palestinian members of congress. The Western media, which includes Christians and those manipulated by CAMERA, a Zonist organization aimed to force American media to autocensor, kept using the same label for Hezbollah who targeted the occupying Israeli soldiers and killed 150 Israelis, more than a hundred of them being Israeli soldiers.

So, when you, as “the Pope” in a holy robe and funny hat, accuse Muslims and their religions with violence, you deceive us all. While a reborn Christian president, as part of his Tenth Crusade, leads the world’s biggest war machine through deception and lies to a war against one of the poorest countries ruled by one of their discarded despot puppets, you do not accuse Christians and their religions of deception, warmongering, and violence. When the American military, which received and still continues to receive the support and prayers of American churches and evangelical leaders, “shocked and awed” (code word for terror) millions of people living in Baghdad, killed tens of thousands Iraqi civilians, wounded hundreds of thousands, tortured thousands of their young men and women in Abu Ghraib and other prisons, created a torture industry by  holding them in secret prisons in countries with horrible human rights records, massacred families, raped their women, destroyed their infrastructure, deliberately or recklessly instigated and inflamed sectarian fighting, wasted billions of dollars of American taxpayers’ money while letting a few big corporations in the so-called defense, oil, and construction industries rake in obscene profits — yes, when all these lies, atrocities, thefts, massacres, and terror were committed by Christians and supported by Armageddonite, Left-behind Crusaders,  you did not criticize Christianity nor Evangelical and Protestant groups! Somehow you could not find a Byzantine emperor to speak for the truth!

Indeed, Muslims have become losers in science and technology although the West is destroying the earth with its consumerist wasteful lifestyle and capitalistic greed. We know that the Muslim world, despite the teachings of the Quran, have contradicted their mostly tolerant history and have become less tolerant to different religious and political ideas. However, almost all the authoritarian rulers in the Middle East, since the turn of the 20th century have been the puppets of USA-Inc and UK-Inc imperial powers — from Egypt’s Sadat and Mubarak which gave birth to a violent strand of the Muslim Brotherhood, including Islamic Jihad lead by al-Zawahiri, to Iran’s Shah which gave birth to Mullahs, to Saudi Kings that gave birth to Bin Laden and many other Wahhabi extremists, to General Musharraf whose regime gave birth to Talibans and a fanatic and angry new generation. We also know that the Muslim world have treated their women unjustly and deprived them from many blessings enjoyed by men (even though they got their misogynistic ideas and practices from your dogmas and medieval churches, which I document it in Manifesto for Islamic Reform, available at www.islamicreform.org, and even though women are abused and mistreated in the West differently).

Yes, Christendom leads the Muslim world politically, socially, economically, and technologically, but it also leads them militarily. For each drop of blood shed by Muslims, Christendom shed a gallon. If we conduct a body-count, Christians and Jews outnumber Muslims by far slaughtering humans. Just one look at the world map will show another ignored yet very striking fact. Virtually the entire Muslim world is under occupation, either militarily or covertly. The Western media has perfected its propaganda to hide atrocities committed by so-called civilized world, while using their cameras like a microscope to pick and focus on the angriest and ugliest faces among Muslims. These Muslim faces appear to be on the losing end of the clash of West and East, resembling the “barbarian American Indians” who experienced a similar problem in the past centuries.

Instead of directing a big portion of your criticism to state terrorism, imperialistic aggression, violent occupations, and covert operations, instead of chastising jingoist American Christians for switching the golden rule with the iron rule, instead of condemning the USA-Inc’s bullying and its commitment to the worst of all rules “might makes it right,” and instead of standing against the Western interferences that gave birth to small-gang terrorism and violence in traumatized societies — yes, instead of doing the right thing, you chose to condemn the victim for being angry and frustrated, you generalized the acts of the few extremists among them, you distorted the history and the message of Islam (that is, peace and submission to God alone), and you attacked Muhammad through the words of an Byzantine emperor. This, again and again, shows one of the historical consistencies and patterns regarding your church: Unlike your idol Jesus, you side with the bully, you side with the emperor, and you side with the superman!

4.       Do these Biblical verses serve justice, and are they from God?

Here are a few examples of intolerance and cruel punishment attributed to God through Moses, for those who harbor differing opinions or choose different religious beliefs (The Quran refers to the distortions made in the Bible: 2:59; 2:79; 5:13-15; 5:41-44):

“The Lord said to Moses: ‘Take the blasphemer outside the camp. All those who heard him are to lay their hands on his head, and the entire assembly is to stone him. Say to the Israelites: If anyone curses his God, he will be held responsible; anyone who blasphemes the name of the Lord must be put to death. The entire assembly must stone him. Whether an alien or native-born, when he blasphemes the Name, he must be put to death…. Then Moses spoke to the Israelites, and they took the blasphemer outside the camp and stoned him. The Israelites did as the Lord commanded Moses.” (Leviticus 24:13-16)

“If your very own brother, or your son or daughter, or the wife you love, or your closest friend secretly entices you, saying, ‘Let us go and worship other gods’ … Show him no pity. Do not spare him or shield him. You must certainly put him to death. Your hand must be the first in putting him to death, and then the hands of all the people. Stone him to death, because he tried to turn you away from the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out the land of slavery. Then all Israel will hear and be afraid, and no one among you will do such an evil thing again.” (Deuteronomy 13:6-11)

“Then shall thou bring forth that man or that woman, which have committed that wicked thing, unto thy gates, even that man or that woman, and shall stone them with stones, till they die.” (Deuteronomy 17:5)

“These are the statutes and judgments, which ye shall observe to do in the land, which the LORD God of thy fathers giveth thee to possess it, all the days that ye live upon the earth. Ye shall utterly destroy all the places, wherein the nations which ye shall possess served their gods, upon the high mountains, and upon the hills, and under every green tree: And ye shall overthrow their altars, and break their pillars, and burn their groves with fire; and ye shall hew down the graven images of their gods, and destroy the names of them out of that place.” (Deuteronomy 12:2-4)

Do you think that these instructions to commit terror and violence were given by God? If not, then why do you still consider the Old Testament a divine book?

The Old Testament instructs a stoning-to-death penalty for various sins and crimes, including witchcraft; blasphemy, violation of the Sabbath, and murder:

Leviticus 20:2. “Again, thou shall say to the children of Israel, Whosoever he be of the children of Israel, or of the strangers that sojourn in Israel, that gives any of his seed unto Molech; he shall surely be put to death: the people of the land shall stone him with stones.”

Leviticus 20:27. “A man also or woman that hath a familiar spirit, or that is a wizard, shall surely be put to death: they shall stone them with stones: their blood shall be upon them.”

Leviticus 24:16. “And he that blasphemes the name of the LORD, he shall surely be put to death, and all the congregation shall certainly stone him: as well the stranger, as he that is born in the land, when he blasphemes the name of the LORD, shall be put to death.”

Numbers 15:35. And the LORD said unto Moses, The man shall be surely put to death: all the congregation shall stone him with stones without the camp.”

Numbers 35:17. And if he smite him with throwing a stone, wherewith he may die, and he die, he is a murderer: the murderer shall surely be put to death.”

Deuteronomy 22:20-21. “But if this thing be true, and the tokens of virginity be not found for the damsel: Then they shall bring out the damsel to the door of her father’s house, and the men of her city shall stone her with stones that she die: because she hath wrought folly in Israel, to play the whore in her father’s house: so shalt thou put evil away from among you.”

Exodus chapter 21 has many more stoning-to-death instructions. Even animals get their share of this stoning penalty:

Exodus 21:28. “If a bull gores a man or a woman to death, the bull must be stoned to death and its meat must not be eaten.”

According to the Old Testament, a rapist should be forced to marry the girl he violated. This rule punishes the victim to share the rest of her life with the violent and shameless man who violated her (Deuteronomy 22:28-30). How can these and many other unjust laws be imposed by a just and compassionate God?

5.       Do these Biblical verses Promote Peace and Justice, and are they from God?

The Old Testament contains numerous instructions for violence and terror, which cannot be attributed to a benevolent and just God. They are mixed and introduced together with beautiful and constructive instructions:

Exodus 32:27-28. “And he said unto them, Thus says the LORD God of Israel, Put every man his sword by his side, and go in and out from gate to gate throughout the camp, and slay every man his brother, and every man his companion, and every man his neighbor. And the children of Levi did according to the word of Moses: and there fell of the people that day about three thousand men.”

Joshua 6:21. “And they devoted the city to the Lord and they utterly destroyed all that was in the city, both man and woman, young and old, and ox, and sheep, and ass, with the edge of the sword.”

1Samuel 15:3. “Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass.”

Also see the following verses from the Old Testament:

Exodus 22:18-19. Kill witches, perverts, polytheists.

Leviticus 20:1-27. Stone to death anyone gave offspring to Molech. Kill anyone cursing father or mother. Kill the adulterers. Kill homosexuals. Kill and burn those committing incest. Kill those who commit bestiality and their animals. Kill the fortune-tellers.

Leviticus 21:16-23. Lynch and stone the blasphemer to death.

Leviticus 24:13-18. Stone the blasphemer to death.

Numbers 15:32-36. Stone to death the man who collected sticks on the Sabbath.

Numbers 31:1-18. Children of Israel killed all the males of Midianites and took all the women of Midian captives, their little ones, their property. Then burned all their cities, and killed all the little boys.

Deuteronomy 13:6-10. Stone to death any of your relatives who serve the gods of other tribes.

Deuteronomy 17:2-7. Stone to death man or woman who served other gods after two or three witnesses testifies against them.

Deuteronomy 20:16-17. Kill every living being in the cities of Hittites, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites, and Jebusites, and utterly destroy their cities.

Deuteronomy 22:23-24. Stone to death the adulterers.

Deuteronomy 25:11-12. Cut off a woman’s hand if she holds the balls of another man while her husband is fighting with.

Joshua 6:20-21. Joshua and his men utterly destroyed all that was in the city, both man and woman, young and old, ox, sheep and ass, with the edge of the sword.

Judges 1:4-12. Judah killed ten thousand men from Canaanites and Perizzites; and cut off the thumbs and toes of their leaders. Judah fought against Jerusalem and set it on fire. Then, Judah slew Sheshai, Ahiman,Talmai, and then attacked the inhabitants of Debir.

Judges 3:22-29. The people of the Israel were saved by an assassin who deceptively reached to the King Eglon of Moab and stabbed him to death. Ehud led a gang of Israelis to Moab and killed 10,000 of their men.

1 Samuel 15:3. God sent Samuel to smite Amalek and utterly destroy all they have, sparing nothing, slaying both men and women, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass.

2 Kings 2:23-24. When the little children of Bathel called Elisha ‘baldhead’ he cursed them and soon two bears came out and mauled 42 of the children.

2 Chronicles 15:13. Whosoever would not seek the Lord God of Israel should be put to death, whether small or great, whether man or woman.

Psalms 58:10-11. The righteous shall rejoice when he sees the vengeance: he shall wash his feet in the blood of the wicked.

Psalms 137:9. Happy is he who dashes the infants of Babylon to the rocks.

Psalms 149:6-9. Praise God and execute vengeance with a two edged sword against heathens.

Isaiah 13:13-16. Their infants will be dashed to pieces before their eyes; their houses will be looted and their wives ravished.

Jeremiah 48:10. Whoever keeps his sword from bloodshed is cursed.

Jeremiah 51:10-24. Israel is God’s battle axe and weapons of war. Ambush Babylon and destroy them to take vengeance. With Israel God will break the nations in pieces, will break the man and woman, the old and young in pieces,

Ezekiel 9:5-6. Go to Jerusalem and kill, without showing pity or compassion. Slaughter old men, young men and maidens, women and children, but do not touch anyone who has the mark.

Ezekiel 23:25. Israel’s God will direct his jealous anger against Babylonians, Chaldeans, Pekod, Shoa, Koa, and the Assyrians, and they will be dealt with in fury. Their noses and ears will be cut off, and they will fall by the sword. Their sons and daughters will be taken, and those who are left will be consumed by fire.

Zephaniah 3:8. The fire of God’s jealous anger will consume the whole world.

The New Testament, however, contains a better teaching. Nevertheless, since the New Testament relies on many verses of the Old Testament and ambiguities exist regarding the degree of its validity for Christians, Christians have justified many barbaric acts, atrocities, and torture by using and abusing the verses of both Old and New Testaments. These include:

Matthew 5:17-18. “Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill. For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.”

Matthew 10:34. “Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.”

1Peter 2:13-14. “Submit yourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lord’s sake: whether it be to the king, as supreme; Or unto governors, as unto them that are sent by him for the punishment of evildoers, and for the praise of them that do well.” (Following this instruction, many atrocities and wars were committed by Christians)

Below are other verses in the New Testament that have been used for justification of violence and many atrocities:

Mat 29-30;

Mat 19:12;

Mat 21:19;

John 15:6 (was abused by the church and used together with Exodus 22:18  to burn witches)

6.       Were the Crusaders and their Popes good Christians?

You might justify Pope Alexander II giving papal blessings that started the Crusades against the advancing Muslim invaders, but what about Saint Augustine of Hippo’s justification of use of force in the service of Christ? How does it differ from justifications given by Muslims? How do you explain the violence and atrocities committed by Crusaders against Muslims when they took Jerusalem during the Third Crusade, compared to the forgiveness and tolerance of Muslims who won under the leadership of Sultan Saladin?

What do you think about the atrocities of Crusaders against Orthodox Christians and Jews? What do you think of Pope Innocent III who considered the alleged Christian children’s interest in joining the crusade as good news? What do you think about anti-Semitic legislations imposed by Pope Innocent III? Was he also “infallible” or “innocent” like all other Popes including you?

7.       Was the Church Justified in Strangling and Burning Tyndale on the Stake?

For the crime of translating the Bible into English, in 1535, Tyndale was tried by the Catholic Church for heresy and treason and then strangled and burnt at the stake. Do you condemn the Pope who allowed Cardinal Wolsey to roast Tyndale? How can the Pope who approved such a religious verdict still be considered “infallible” by your religion?

8.       Were the witch-hunters Christians?

Starting from the middle fourteenth until the beginning of eighteenth century, the Catholic Church terrorized Europe, especially its women population, through the witch craze. During that period, it is estimated that well above two hundred thousand people were burned, hanged, and tortured as witches. This was one the biggest acts of terrorism in human history.

There was no possible piece of evidence that could show that the accused was not a witch. Once an accusation was made, no matter how flimsy the grounds for it, the accused was arrested. At this point, the accused was asked to confess to the charges. If the confession was not made, the accused was tortured. If a confession was still not made, the torture continued… There was no way out. If one confessed without torture to be witch, one was executed. If one did not confess at once, one was tortured until one did and was then executed. If one confessed and later recanted the confession, the torture started anew. To make matters worse for the accused, who might be willing to confess at once simply to escape torture, one was asked to name acquaintances who had engaged in witchcraft. If names were not forthcoming, they were extracted, again, under torture. These other individuals were then rounded up and tortured into confessing and naming still more “witches,” and so the horrible cycle went on. (Pseudoscience and the Paranormal: A Critical Examination of the Evidence, Terrence Hines, Prometheus Books, 1988, pp. 18-19).

Here is a description of some torture methods from Encyclopedia Wikipedia :

“One of the most common forms of medieval inquisition torture was known as strappado. The hands were bound behind the back with a rope, and the accused was suspended this way, dislocating the joints painfully in both arms. Weights could be added to the legs dislocating those joints as well. Other torture methods could include the rack (stretching the victim’s joints to breaking point), the thumbscrew, the boot (some versions of which crushed the calf, ankle, and heel between vertically positioned boards, while others tortured the instep and toes between horizontally oriented plates), water (massive quantities of water forcibly ingested–or even mixed with urine, pepper, diarrhea, etc., for additional persuasiveness), and red-hot pincers (typically applied to fingers, toes, ears, noses and nipples, although one tubular version [the “crocodile shears”] was specially devised for application to the penis in cases of regicide), although it was technically against church policy to mutilate a person’s body. If stronger methods were needed, or death, the person was handed over to the secular authorities who were not bound by any restrictions.”

This evil Church tradition might explain why the so-called reborn Evangelical Christian president of the US did not hesitate to permit the Military, CIA, and FBI to torture Muslim prisoners in Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo, and secret prisons in other countries, even though these prisoners were mostly innocent people held without charge and due process of law.

To learn more about torture and the creative torture machines invented by our preachers of love and peace, see the following websites:





9.       Were Hitler, Mussolini, Pope Pius XII, and their followers Christians?

In Mein Kampf, Hitler refers to the Bible numerous times to justify his actions. His supporters considered themselves Christians.

“My feelings as a Christian points me to my Lord and Savior as a fighter. It points me to the man who once in loneliness, surrounded by a few followers, recognized these Jews for what they were and summoned men to fight against them and who, God’s truth! was greatest not as a sufferer but as a fighter. In boundless love as a Christian and as a man I read through the passage which tells us how the Lord at last rose in His might and seized the scourge to drive out of the Temple the brood of vipers and adders. How terrific was His fight for the world against the Jewish poison. To-day, after two thousand years, with deepest emotion I recognize more profoundly than ever before the fact that it was for this that He had to shed His blood upon the Cross. As a Christian I have no duty to allow myself to be cheated, but I have the duty to be a fighter for truth and justice… And if there is anything which could demonstrate that we are acting rightly it is the distress that daily grows. For as a Christian I have also a duty to my own people.” -Adolf Hitler, in a speech on 12 April 1922 (Norman H. Baynes, ed. The Speeches of Adolf Hitler, April 1922-August 1939, Vol. 1 of 2, pp. 19-20, Oxford University Press, 1942)

It is claimed that Hitler was a Catholic and that he was never excommunicated by your church. I am not a historian who has the proper erudition and learning to study this claim on my own. However, we know that millions of Germans and the majority of Italy’s population who supported Fascist aggression and atrocities called themselves Catholics. Mr. Ratzinger, if you know how to browse the Internet, which I doubt, please check the following links regarding the religious justifications and references made by Hitler:


History is filled with Christian leaders who professed deep religious conviction, yet were responsible from most horrendous crimes. Here is a short list of modern Christian racists, Christian fascists, Christian terrorists, and Christian warmongers:

Jefferson Davis (1808-1889): As a leader of the Confederacy, he enslaved a tenth of Americans and declared war on the other 60 percent. The Jefferson Davis Society’s web page at Georgia’s official state site brags about his Christian values: “May we never forget that Jefferson Davis, even though a leader of ‘a cause that lost’, as President of the Confederate States of America was indeed the commander-in-Chief of the Army, Navy, and several state militias of a government whose history proved to have fought one of the mightiest wars of modern time… The name Jefferson Davis will always inspire the hearts of young and old with patriotic thoughts, deeds of heroism, noble endurance, and Christian kindness, and will shine in the firmament of history to all generations to come.” http://www.state.ga.us/civilwar/davis.html

Hong Xiuquan (1814-1864): Christian Rebel who led an authoritarian sect and enacted atrocities costing the lives of millions in China.

Nathan Bedford Forrest (1821-1877): The Confederate general who became the first Grand Wizard of the KKK.

King Leopold of Belgium (1835 –1909): With the support of Christian missionaries, he pursued a colonialist and genocidal policy, killing an estimated 5 to 15 millions of Congo Africans. He turned the Belgian Congo into “a colonial regime of slave labor, rape and mutilation”.

D.F. Malan (1874-1952): The Dutch-ordained minister, together with other Christian missionaries, helped in the creation of the Apartheid system in South Africa.

Pope Pius XII (1876-1958): Born as Eugenio Maria Giuseppe Giovanni Pacelli, this guy, according to some historians, supported Hitler in his rise to power. His representative Archbishop Cesare Orsenigo met Hitler personally in 1936 in Berlin. Papal Chamberlain and Roman Catholic priest Monsignor Joseph Tiso shook hands with Hitler in 1941. Pope Pius refused to publicly denounce Nazis in 1943. Even if the Pope whole-heartedly did not support Nazi’s, it is clear that he acted cowardly and stood by complacently when Christians committed one of the biggest atrocities in history against Jews and other minorities.

Adolph Hitler (1889-1945): Supported by Protestant Germans and Catholic Italy, he committed genocide and horrendous atrocities against Jews, Gypsies, and other minorities. The Catholic Church remained silent.

Billy Graham (1918?): This protestant evangelist who has prayed with ten successive U.S. presidents and received number 7 on Gallup’s list of admired people for the 20th century. As one of the most prominent members of the Southern Baptist Convention, he baptized many aggressive wars and atrocities committed by the US government.

Rios Montts (1926-?): Evangelical Christian who became the dictator of Guatemala in 1982, he enacted his reign of terror with rapes, death squads and genocide, wiping over 400 indigenous villages.

Pat Robertson (1930-?): The influential televangelist who passionately supports the occupation of Palestine by the terrorist Zionist forces that have massacred tens of thousands of Palestinians and killed many of their young children. He also issued a fatwa for the assassination of Hugo Chavez, Venezuela’s popular anti-imperialistic president.

If one tallies the number of dead and injured as the cause of just the above-listed Christians, and compares it to the number of dead and injured by Muslims, one will find that violence committed by Christians and their allies is at least greater by a factor of 666 than the violence committed by Muslims.

10.    Do You Consider George W Bush and his Supporters Christians?

First let me briefly introduce George W. Bush (1946-2007). He is the grand-grand-son of Samuel Prescott Bush, who made a fortune in arms deals as one of the most prominent “Merchants of Death,” the grand-son of Senator Prescott Bush, who was implicated in profiting off slave labor and off the Auschwitz concentration camp, and the son of George H. W. Bush who started the first war against Iraq. He is an evangelical re-born Christian, and a Left-Behind, Armageddonite crusader. He adopted the iron rule — that is, “pre-emptive strike” — and waged war on Iraq based on lies and deception, causing the death of tens of thousands of civilians and the destruction of an entire nation who had not attacked the US. He supported Israel unconditionally even in the face of its fascist policy against Palestinians and its recent aggression and atrocities against Lebanon. He also ordered the torture of prisoners and tried to legalize torture and take many of the civil rights cherished by American citizens.

Now, why don’t you condemn Bush and Company? Why don’t you declare them warmongers, war-profiteers, terrorists, and irrational individuals? The Wahhabi Bin Laden caused the death of thousands of innocent people. On the other hand, the Evangelical Bush and his company deliberately deceived the American people and caused the death of hundreds of thousands of innocent people, thousands of which are the children of “lower class” Americans. Ironically, Bush’s ardent supporters in his warmongering and torture-justifying policies have been the Evangelical Church and clergymen. Bin Laden might have duped a few thousand people to join his terrorist gang, but Bush and his company duped a superpower with 300 million people and hundreds of billions of dollars to join his terror and neocolonialism. From Bosnia to Chechnya, from Afghanistan to Iraq, from Palestine to Lebanon, many more Muslim children and innocent civilians are killed by the bombs and bullets of Christians and their allies than the other way around. It is no surprise that cruel occupations and atrocities committed by the so-called civilized terrorist states have given birth to gang terrorism in those lands.

So, if you indeed follow the teachings of Jesus, then shouldn’t you have stopped using the double standard and raised your voice for justice and peace!

11.    When did the world start rotating around the sun in the Vatican?

The Catholic Church, with its extensive hierarchy and powerful alliances, tried to suppress many different faiths, philosophies, and scientific ideas. The Church condemned any idea questioning its dogmas as “heresy,” and tried to intimidate and eliminate the proponents of such ideas. It occasionally used extremely cruel and barbaric methods. For instance, Manicheans, Arians, Catharis, Waldenses, Hussites, Lutherans, Calvinists, and Rosicrucians were all targeted for their differing religious ideas and practices.

Starting with the ruling of Pope Gregory IX, a more systematic suppression of heresies was initiated in 1231. Life imprisonment, capital punishment, burning at the stake, and numerous sadistic tortures were carried out against “heretics.” Furthermore, all the properties of the convicted heretics were confiscated by the Catholic Church. Thus, a significant portion of the Vatican’s wealth is the spoil of those robberies and murders committed in the name of Jesus. The Spanish Inquisition specially became notorious for its atrocities against converted Muslims, Jews and illuminists.

“In 1231, Pope Gregory IX published a decree which called for life imprisonment with salutary penance for the heretic who had confessed and repented, and capital punishment for those who persisted. The secular authorities were to carry out the execution. Pope Gregory relieved the bishops and archbishops of this obligation and made it the duty of the Dominican Order, though many inquisitors were members of other orders or of the secular clergy. … Penalties went from visits to churches, pilgrimages, and wearing the cross of infamy to imprisonment (usually for life, but the sentences were often commuted) and (if the accused would not abjure) death. Death occurred by burning at the stake, and it was carried out by the secular authorities. In some serious cases when the accused had died before proceedings could be instituted, his or her remains could be exhumed and burned. Death or life imprisonment was always accompanied by the confiscation of all the accused’s property.”  (The Inquisition, http://galileo.rice.edu/chr/inquisition.html)

Galileo was one of the many who suffered the holy condemnation of the “infallible” Pope. In 1616, the consultants working for the so-called Holy Office declared the idea of Earth rotating around the Sun, to be “foolish and absurd in philosophy.” After this ruling, The Revolution of Heavenly Bodies by Copernicus was listed in the Index of Forbidden Books. Galileo was threatened regarding his affirmation of the same ideas as Copernicus, and in 1633 he was tried by the Inquisition court for his scientific claims.

Before Galileo, another scientist, Italian philosopher Giordano Bruno was tortured and then burned at the stake as a heretic for speculating that there could be life in other worlds.

Do you think that the Popes who opposed Galileo and Bruno in the name of God were “infallible?” Who was the first Pope that accepted the reality that the Earth is rotating around the Sun, not the other way around? Who was the first Pope that accepted the possibility of extraterrestrial life? How could a religious teaching that follows science centuries behind be considered divine?

12.    Was Your Great Hero Tertullian a Man of Reason?

Tertullian, the one who gave birth to the doctrine of the Christian Trinity in the 325AC Nicene Conference, wrote one of the fanciest defenses for dogmatism, bigotry and narrow-mindedness. He tried to banish reason by using lousy reasoning:

“These are human and demonic doctrines, engendered for itching ears by the ingenuity of that worldly wisdom which the Lord called foolishness, choosing the foolish things of the world to put philosophy to shame. For worldly wisdom culminates in philosophy with its rash interpretation of God’s nature and purpose. It is philosophy that supplies the heresies with their equipment… After Jesus Christ we have no need of speculation, after the Gospel no need of research. When we come to believe, we have no desire to believe anything else; for we begin by believing that there is nothing else which we have to believe.” (The Prescriptions Against the Heretics).

According to the 43 articles of your polytheistic Athanasian Creed, those who do not believe faithfully in your twisted math and logic which can be summarized as 1+1+1=1 cannot be saved.  You define God and Man differently, yet you think that Jesus was at the same time fully God and fully man. No linguistic somersault and no holy mumbo jumbo will be able to make such an absurdity compatible with reason. Is it reasonable for a person who accepts a logical contradiction as the center of his faith to preach to others about reason? Is it reasonable for an institution considering a bigot named Tertullian as a holy man to preach reason?

13.    What about Misogynistic Eunuchs, Celibate Pastors and Popes?

First, I would like present you the following two paragraph; from my notes on verse 42:21 in Quran: a Reformist Translation.

The religion that the so-called Muslims inherited from their parents and try hard to practice today has little to do with the system of surrendering to God alone, which was delivered by Muhammad through the Quran. These clergymen who arrogated themselves and falsely claimed to be the “ulama” (people of knowledge), polluted the message of islam with ignorance. They fabricated numerous sharias (laws), prohibitions, veils, beards, turbans, rules on how to clean one’s bottom, rules on how to pee in the bathroom, toothbrushes, right hands, left hands, right feet, left feet, hadiths, sunnas, intercession, holy hair, holy clothes, holy teeth, holy feet traces, hazrats, lords, saints, mawlas, mahdies, innocent emams, orders, sects, rosaries, amulets, dreams, holy loopholes, prayer caps, circumcisions, shrines, extra prayers, extra prohibitions, and numerous Arabic jargon such as mandup, mustahap, makruh, sharif, sayyid and more nonsense. Thus, the religion of Sunnis and Shiites contradicts the divine laws in nature and scripture and condemns its sincere followers to misery and backwardness. The religious leaders and their political allies contribute greatly to the backwardness of the Muslim world. God Almighty now wants to reform us and open the path of progress with the message described as “one of the greatest” (74:30-37).

Similar distortion and corruption was inflicted upon the system of islam (submission to God in peace) by professional religious leaders. For instance, soon after Jesus, a Pharisee-son-of-Pharisee who claimed to have seen Jesus in his vision started preaching in the name of Jesus. His passionate, yet diabolic doctrine was rejected by the monotheists and muslims, but a majority of people were duped with his delusional passion and clever salesmanship. As a result, he made major changes, including transformation of monotheism into polytheism and coinage of the name Christian (Acts 11:26). Jesus never silenced women nor put them down with xenophobic teachings but St. Paul asked women to submit to men and hush (1 Timothy 2:7-15;  1 Corinthians 14:34-35; 1 Peter 3:7). Jesus never asked for money for preaching but St. Paul asked for money shamelessly and likened his audience to a flock of sheep to be milked by the holy shepherd! (1 Corinthians 9:7). He was a master of deceit as opposed to Jesus who did not twist the truth to gain followers. Paul made up anything he deemed helpful to increase the number of his milk-giving flock (1 Corinthians 9:22). See the Quran: 9:31; 33:67. Also, see 2:59; 3:45,51-52-52,55; 4:11,157,171; 5:13-15,72-79; 7:162; 19:36.

Now, please read the following paragraphs, which are also excerpts from my notes on verse 57:27:

According to a law attributed to Moses, eunuchs were not respected. “No one who has been emasculated by crushing or cutting may enter the assembly of the Lord” (Deuteronomy 23:1). However, Christians who later fabricated hadith attributing them to Jesus, turned castration or hermitic life into a righteous act: “Jesus replied, ‘Moses permitted you to divorce your wives because your hearts were hard. But it was not this way from the beginning. I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for marital unfaithfulness, and marries another woman commits adultery.’ The disciples said to him, ‘If this is the situation between a husband and wife, it is better not to marry.’ Jesus replied, ‘Not everyone can accept this word, but only those to whom it has been given. For some are eunuchs because they were born that way; others were made that way by men; and others have renounced marriage–because of the kingdom of heaven. The one who can accept this should accept it'” (Matthew 19:8-12). “These are they which were not defiled with women; for they are virgins…” (Revelation 14:4). St. Paul, the voice behind the Gospels of the Nicene Conference, praised hermitic life: “Now for the matters you wrote about: It is good for a man not to marry” (1 Corinthians 7:1).

Today, only the Catholic Church and some small sects are struggling to keep this innovation alive. However, as the Quran states, they do not follow their own fabricated practice of celibacy. Worse, their churches have become notorious for pedophilia and child abuse, and many rich churches have recently declared bankruptcy because of a series of litigations by abused children. The unnatural religious innovation in the name of God led many priests to engage in child abuse and sodomy, perhaps attracting homosexuals to the ranks of priesthood for various reasons. Some religious men with homosexual tendencies who thought celibacy to be a cure for their desires ended up getting more opportunity to spend time with altar boys in their churches. Perhaps some homosexuals picked the profession just to indulge in their perverted act behind holy curtains. This perversion was most likely going on for centuries, and it was kept a “holy secret” by the powerful and secretive Church. It is only in the last decades that children have more of a voice, and the Church’s financial and social power to keep the evil deeds of her priests as secrets behind the confession session is weakening.

The Catholic Church, which is also having problems recruiting priests, remains locked in a dilemma. If they adhere to their centuries-old celebrated rule, then they will continue to suffer from the perverted behavior of priests and a shortage in new recruits. If they amend their rules and abandon the practice, then their credibility and claims to infallibility will get hurt again. If history is a guide, the Church will resist until reality will force them to abandon it. They will always find a way to justify their blunders to their faithful, who consider reason and religion to be like ice and fire, with their eternally “infallible” teachings of their Popes! The popes who not only stole the power of forgiveness, infallibility, and the keys of heaven from God, but also stole the Biblical title of God, “holy father.” According to the maxims of the Old, most of the New, and the Final Testaments, the Pope is no different than the Pharaoh, since he claims divine powers. According to the Quran, Catholics are mentally and spiritually enslaved by their Popes. Isn’t it time to accept the truth so that truth will set us all free?

Now let’s read a report about the sexual perversion endemic on the other side of the confession chamber, on the side where a eunuch pretending to be a representative of God on earth listens to the sinner’s “Holy Father”!

John Jay Study Reveals Extent of Abuse Problem

Four percent of priests serving over last 50 years accused of abuse

By Agostino Bono

Catholic News Service

WASHINGTON (CNS) — About 4 percent of U.S. priests ministering from 1950 to 2002 were accused of sex abuse with a minor, according to the first comprehensive national study of the issue.

The study said that 4,392 clergymen — almost all priests — were accused of abusing 10,667 people, with 75 percent of the incidents taking place between 1960 and 1984. During the same time frame there were 109,694 priests, it said.

Sex-abuse related costs totaled $573 million, with $219 million covered by insurance companies, said the study done by the John Jay College of Criminal Justice in New York. It noted, however, that the overall dollar figure is much higher than reported; 14 percent of the dioceses and religious communities did not provide financial data and the total did not include settlements made after 2002, such as the $85 million agreed to by the Boston Archdiocese.

The study listed the main characteristics of the sex abuse incidents reported. These included:

  • An overwhelming majority of the victims, 81 percent, were males. The most vulnerable were boys aged 11 to 14, representing more than 40 percent of the victims. This goes against the trend in the general U.S. society where the main problem involves men abusing girls.
  • A majority of the victims were post-pubescent adolescents, with a small percentage of the priests accused of abusing children who had not reached puberty.
  • Most of the accused committed a variety of sex acts involving serious sexual offenses.
  • The most frequent context for abuse was a social event, and many priests socialized with the families of victims.
  • Abuses occurred in a variety of places with the most common being the residence of the priest.


So, Mr. Ratzinger, why don’t you allow your pastors, bishops, and all in between to get married and become normal human beings, the way God created them. You may be justified not to marry a woman or to show no interest in them. This is your personal choice and I respect it. You may even get a Darwin Award for taking your genes out of the multiplication pool. You may redeem yourself for one unwanted baby, out of millions who are born because of the unreasonable contraception prohibitions which have contributed to overpopulation. But, based on what REASON you are defending such an unnatural choice as a righteous act, and based on what REASON you are considering it as a requirement to serve in your church? Isn’t it an unreasonable and ungrateful attitude to tacitly accuse your Creator for endowing you with a useless and harmful organ? As you see, many altar children have paid a high price for your unnatural rule and arrogant declaration, “I am so holy that I do not need Eve.” Well, do I need to remind you how were you born?

A friendly advice to you Mr. Ratzinger:

I have no doubt that if you had the old glory and power, you would continue the inquisition rather than give lip service to dialogue, since you have yet to condemn Pope Innocent III, Pope Gregory IV, and all the other Popes who justified torture and swords against heretics. You cannot fool reasonable people that you do not hide the same holy virus in your genes without denouncing the tortures and the murderer Popes. To the contrary, you deem them to be “innocent” or “infallible” holy guys.

If you wish to serve humanity, you should discard all those Halloween or Santa Claus customs and cease all your silly rituals, as well as order your bishops and pastors to resign from their positions and get real jobs. Stop pretending to be God’s representative on earth, and go learn some skills besides preaching nonsense. Contribute to the society as a working man, not as an audacious leach assuming the right to milk the flock as was assumed by Saul (1 Corinthians 9:3-14).. The vast wealth and power your institution accumulated has generated plenty of holy lies, tragedies, irrational conflicts, wars, superstitions, misogyny, racism, slavery, inquisition, torture, and mental and financial exploitation. Return all the Vatican’s wealth to the descendants of those that were massacred by Christians, and distribute all those billions of dollars you have collected from your gullible herd to the poor people of the third world countries, which have been occupied, bombed, terrorized, tortured, and destroyed by cross-carrying soldiers. Then, put your resume on monster.com and wait to find a real job, a beneficial job. You should not be interested in any teaching job since you do not qualify. You will contribute to the society much better if you pray in the opera or guide people to their seats in theaters or baptize fresh vegetables in a grocery store with a water spray in your hand. Remember that Moses was a shepherd, Jesus was a carpenter, and Muhammad was a merchant. Stop following the lead of Pharisees and the top Pharisee Paul, the mutated Saul! Get a life! This may be the only way you can redeem yourself in the sight of God.

3:71        “O people of the book, why do you dress the truth with falsehood and conceal the truth while you know?”

4:171     O people of the book, do not overstep in your system, nor say about God except the truth. Jesus the son of Mary was no more than God‘s messenger and the fulfillment of His word to Mary, and an inspiration from Him. So acknowledge God and His messengers, and do not say, ‘Trinity.’ Cease, for it is better for you. God is only One god, be He glorified that He should have a son! To Him is all that is in the heavens and what is in the earth. God is enough as a caretaker.”

5:48        “We have sent down to you the book with truth, authenticating what is present of the book and superseding it. So judge between them by what God has sent down, and do not follow their desires from what has come to you of the truth. For each of you We have made laws, a structure. Had God willed, He would have made you all one nation, but He tests you with what He has given you, so advance the good deeds. To God you will return all of you, and He will inform you regarding that in which you dispute.”

9:33        “He is the One who sent His messenger with guidance and the system of truth, to make it manifest above all other systems, even if those who set up partners hate it.”

[1]        [As of October 2009, the Iraqi Death Estimator at www.justforeignpolicy.org/iraq estimates 1,339,771 Iraqi deaths due to U.S.-led invasion, which delibaretly started civil war to crush the uprising against the brutal invasion, massacres, and torture.]


New Pope or Old Dope?


New Pope or Old Dope?

I will not have hope from this Pope until he does the following list

Edip Yüksel
16 March 2013

 Pope Fransis

“Pope Francis, giving his clearest indication yet that he wants a more austere Catholic Church, said on Saturday that it should be poor and remember that its mission is to serve the poor. Francis, speaking mostly off-the-cuff and smiling often, made his comments in an audience for journalists where he explained why he chose to take the name Francis, after St. Francis of Assisi, a symbol of peace, austerity and poverty. He called Francis ‘the man who gives us this spirit of peace, the poor man”, and added: ‘Oh, how I would like a poor Church, and for the poor.’ “– REUTERS/Osservatore Romano March 16, 2013

“The Vatican has large investments with the Rothschilds of Britain, France and America, with the Hambros Bank, with the Credit Suisse in London and Zurich. In the United States it has large investments with the Morgan Bank, the Chase-Manhattan Bank, the First National Bank of New York, the Bankers Trust Company, and others. The Vatican has billions of shares in the most powerful international corporations such as Gulf Oil, Shell, General Motors, Bethlehem Steel, General Electric, International Business Machines, T.W.A., etc. At a conservative estimate, these amount to more than 500 million dollars in the U.S.A. alone.”

“The Catholic Church, must be the biggest corporation in the United States. We have a branch office in every neighborhood. Our assets and real estate holdings must exceed those of Standard Oil, A.T.&T., and U.S. Steel combined. And our roster of dues-paying members must be second only to the tax rolls of the United States Government. … The Catholic church is the biggest financial power, wealth accumulator and property owner in existence. She is a greater possessor of material riches than any other single institution, corporation, bank, giant trust, government or state of the whole globe. The pope, as the visible ruler of this immense amassment of wealth, is consequently the richest individual of the twentieth century. No one can realistically assess how much he is worth in terms of billions of dollars.”  — The Vatican Billions, Avro Manhattan, 1983

The Christian use the word “Father” (in Italian, Pope) for God. And the same Christians call their clergymen “Father” too. Can’t you imagine Satan pleased with them with a huge smirk on its face? Why would anyone call God “pope/father” and the chief clown “pope/father”? It must be the effect of the holy smoke and all the silly rituals and hoopla. It must be the effect of the mass hypnosis, or carnival spirit.

The crimes committed by Vatican against humanity since its start is horrendous. Vatican never stood against colonialism and imperialism of our times; it never stood against big corporations who care less about humanity; to the contrary, it always allied itself with the most powerful global bullies.

Pope Francis and CardinalsLet’s forget its past crimes of Crusades, inquisition, witch-hunting, baptizing colonialism…  Let’s forget its promotion of idolworship and violation of the first two commandments. Let’s see it in our time. This institution did not stand against the illegal occupation of Iraq and the killing of more than a million humans there. It did not stand against Israeli aggression and atrocities against Palestinians, as it should be. It did not fight against big corporations that exploit the natural and human resources of the world, that pollute the air, the land and the sea, thereby inflicting major environmental damage to our world. It covered up endemic and epidemic pedophilia among its ranks. While preaching the world about abstinence the church leaders engaged in sexual abuse and cover up.

Of course, to promote its image, this corrupt and wicked institution does spend a fraction of its income to feed a few hungry people here and there, and promotes some vintage social causes; yet it usually fails. For instance, its historic position of banning divorce in the name of God have not stopped Catholics from divorce, which ranges between 25% and 35% depending how you interpret the statistics; not much different than the rate for general public. Furthermore, unlike for the general public, this fabricated rule leads religious Catholics to commit an act of hypocrisy by engaging in a “holy trick” called annulment. Another of many sins of the Vatican is another fabricated canon in the name of God: prohibition of contraception. This crime alone is sufficient to declare Vatican as the enemy of humanity, since the increasing world population is a ticking clock for major disasters around the world; from mass hunger to major wars for water and natural resources.

So, when I read the news that the new Pope, who just started to call himself Pope Francis, is humble and sensitive to the plight of the poor and underprivileged, and when I hear the American media putting a positive spin on this corrupt and diabolic institution called Vatican, I do not hold my breath. I see another clown in childish and fancy cloths shaking a smoke generating toy in his hand, sitting on a golden chair, telling the hundred plus opium-peddlers, dressed in red to distinguish themselves from normal people, as the authority in fabricating lies in the name of God.

  • I will not have hope from this Pope until I hear him denouncing a long list of many former Popes as murderers, liars, corrupt, and satanic.
  • I will not have hope from this Pope until I hear him asking Catholics not to support militaries of any government that attacks other countries.
  • I will not have hope from this Pope until I hear him advice his followers not to be fooled by flags or national hormones.
  • I will not have hope from this Pope until I hear him advice people not to believe any dogma, any religious or political idea without subjecting them to proper questioning and  demanding for rational and empirical evidence to support.
  • I will not have hope from this Pope until I hear him declare capitalism as an immoral system like its rival sister communism.
  • I will not have hope from this Pope until I see him divest Vatican’s billions of dollars from corporations that manufacture weapons, banks that rob people, corporations that destroy the planet and corrupt the political systems.
  • I will not have hope from this Pope until I see him in public confession, opening up the secret files and crimes of Vatican.
  • I will not have hope from this Pope until I see him opening the ranks of bishops and cardinals to women.
  • I will not have hope from this Pope until I hear him denouncing Trinity, the doctrine fabricated in year 325 that insults human intelligence and violates the teachings of all God’s messengers, including Moses and Jesus: monotheism.
  • I will not have hope from this Pope until I see him take away the sainthood title of Paul, the delusional “Pharisee the son of a Pharisee”, who contrary to the teaching of Jesus, fabricated theological lies, who promoted slavery, misogyny, and asked for money.
  • I will not have hope from this Pope until I see him denounce the secretive and criminal past and present deeds of Jesuit order, including their infiltration in politics and their secret oath in which killing a ‘heretic’ is not considered a crime.
  • I will not have hope from this Pope until I hear him declare a society or nation to be immoral and diabolic if it does not guarantee basic necessities of life, such as food, shelter, primary education and health for every its members.
  • The list is longer as Martin Luther’s 95 theses…

If Jesus came today and entered Vatican, he would repeat his words when he entered the Synagogue controlled by Pharisees. In fact, he would be even more furious, since these modern Pharisees are doing even worse and this time in his name!

Pope on Chair



10 Companies Profiting Most from Wars


10 Companies Profiting Most from Wars

11 January 2013

liberty atomica_low

(For details see: http://www.nbcnews.com/business/10-companies-profiting-most-war-330249 )

Below, you will see the magnitude of the devil, a.k.a. The USA-INC, stealing hundreds of billions of dollars from our tax money to use the children of poor Americans to kill the children of poor people in other countries to benefit multinational corporations. The euphemistically called Department of Defense (DoD) has been an Department of Aggression (DoA) for about century. These companies are the enemies of American people and humanity:

1. Lockheed Martin 

  • Arms sales 2010: $35.73 billion
  • Total sales 2010: $45.80 billion
  • Arms sales as pct. of total sales: 78 percent
  • Total profit: $2.93 billion
  • Total employment: 132,000
  • Sector: Aircraft, Electronics, Missiles, Space

2. BAE Systems

  • Arms sales 2010: $32.88 billion
  • Total sales 2010: $34.61 billion
  • Arms sales as pct. of total sales: 95 percent
  • Total profit: $1.67 billion
  • Total employment: 98,200
  • Sector: Aircraft, Artillery, Electronics, Missiles, Military vehicles, Small arms/ammunition, Ships

3. Boeing 

  • Arms sales 2010: $31.36 billion
  • Total sales 2010: $64.31 billion
  • Arms sales as pct. of total sales: 49 percent
  • Total profit: $3.31 billion
  • Total employment: 160,500
  • Sector: Aircraft, Electronics, Missiles, Space

4. Northrop Grumman 

  • Arms sales 2010: $28.15 billion
  • Total sales 2010: $34.76 billion
  • Arms sales as pct. of total sales: 81 percent
  • Total profit: $2.05 billion
  • Total employment: 117,100
  • Sector: Aircraft, Electronics, Missiles, Ships, Space

5. General Dynamics

  • Arms sales 2010: $23.94 billion
  • Total sales 2010: $32.47 billion
  • Arms sales as pct. of total sales: 74 percent
  • Total profit: $2.62 billion
  • Total employment: 90,000
  • Sector: Artillery, Electronics, Military vehicles, Small arms/ammunition, Ships

6. Raytheon (NYSE: RTN)

  • Arms sales 2010: $22.98 billion
  • Total sales 2010: $25.18 billion
  • Arms sales as pct. of total sales: 91%
  • Total profit: $1.88 billion
  • Total employment: 72,400
  • Sector: Electronics, Missiles


  • Arms sales 2010: $16.36 billion
  • Total sales 2010: $60.60 billion
  • Arms sales as pct. of total sales: 27%
  • Total profit: $0.73 billion
  • Total employment: 121,690
  • Sector: Aircraft, Electronics, Missiles, Space

8. Finmeccanica

  • Arms sales 2010: $14.41 billion
  • Total sales 2010: $24.76 billion
  • Arms sales as pct. of total sales: 58%
  • Total profit: $0.74 billion
  • Total employment: 75,200
  • Sector: Aircraft, Artillery, Electronics, Missiles, Military vehicles, Small arms/ammunition

9. L-3 Communications (NYSE: LLL)

  • Arms sales 2010: $13.07 billion
  • Total sales 2010: $15.68 billion
  • Arms sales as pct. of total sales: 83%
  • Total profit: $0.96 billion
  • Total employment: 63,000
  • Sector: Electronics, Services

10. United Technologies (NYSE: UTX)

  • Arms sales 2010: $11.41 billion
  • Total sales 2010: $54.33 billion
  • Arms sales as pct. of total sales: 21%
  • Total profit: $4.71 billion
  • Total employment: 208,220
  • Sector: Aircraft, Electronics, Engines

Wars, Wars, and more Wars


Wars, Wars, and more Wars
Promoted by the American Media and Political Jargon

Edip Yuksel
11 January 2013

2-15-06 Blasphemous


The Military Industrial Complex or the war machine is lubricated by blood. War is a racket and more than 40 million Americans make living by working for the war industry. Boeing, Lockheed Martin, Northrup Grumman and even GE are main manufacturers of military weapons and gears. Cutting defense budgets angers millions of Americans who work in the business of killing and destruction.

Thus, making the war a household name, making killing humans a pastime entertainment is good for the business. An average American child is exposed to the most extreme violence through movies and video games and they watch hundreds of bloody killing scenes every day. There is a systematic campaign of desensitizing Americans against wars and violence. In fact, it is even more: they have transformed the war into an American pastime, snack.

Imagine the power of this industry: About 30 millions of wrong-wing or rapture-freak evangelical Christians chant and vote for more wars, more invasions, more killing, and more military spending after singing “peace” and “love your enemy” in their churches! The word war is ubiquitous in American media and political jargon:

  • War on Drugs,
  • War on Crime,
  • War on illiteracy
  • War on Poverty,
  • War on Women,
  • War on Terrorism,
  • War on the Middle-class,
  • Star Wars,
  • Property Wars,
  • Storage Wars,
  • Junkyard Wars,
  • Cupcake Wars,
  • War and Whatever!

PS: For my speech at the European Parliament on this issue see:

The last statement (1 minute):

The first part of the speech (15 minutes):

The poster of the Middle Finger to imperialism and the Military Industrial Complex:

For the list of the top 10 American Companies profiting from wars, see the articles listed under the category Warmongers:


Rainbow Letters


Helping the Scholars and Clergymen
to Count the Letters Correctly

Edip Yuksel

 114 Bismillah with 19 Letters

This one is for those so-called scholars and clergymen who cannot even count the 19 letters of the Basmalah correctly. I colored each letter according to the order in Rainbow, God’s ribbon on the sky for those who can appreciate God’s blessings.

This is the first statement of the Quran that repeats 114 (19×6) times. It consists of 19 letters and it is the key of the mathematical code of the Quran, which was kept as a prophetic secret in chapter 74, titled “The Hidden”, for 19×74 lunar years until 1974.

This miracle was discovered by a monotheist chosen by God through the creature made of silicon, which was promised in 27:82 in accordance to 72:28. This great event, which has been described as “One of the Greatest” (74:35), has been exposing the ingrates, polytheists, bigots, and hypocrites and has been supporting those who search for truth with critical mind and good intention.  Your reaction to this ultimate miracle and prophecy will determine whether you belong to those who progress or regress (74:37).

If you are blind to see this miracle and try hard to find excuses for why you are blinding yourself to it, then you will be among those who stay behind and are condemned in Saqar. If you have witnessed this great event, then you are the luckiest person on earth and you will have more responsibility. Thus, you must live your life as righteous person and serve your Creator as an active peacemaker and you should promote justice and the rights of the poor and weak.

