DEBATE: Questions for Persuasive Paper
(Edip Yuksel)
- Do humans have souls?
- Can psychics know the future?
- Do we have free will or is everything, including our choices, destined since the Big Bang?
- Should eugenics be legalized?
- Are the skills and intellectual aptitude of boys and girls grounded in their biological differences?
- Should affirmative action continue?
- Is capitalism the best economic system?
- Does American foreign policy serve Americans or only the short term interest of weapon, oil and other multinational big industries?
- Are American kids really spoiled?
- Who is right: Palestinians or Israelis?
- Should students have longer breaks between the classes?
- Do American TV stations and films contribute to violence?
- Should we ban guns?
- ShouldAmericacontinue spending billions of dollars on making more nuclear weapons?
- Should we have a national health care system where every American will have the right for primary health insurance?
- Should we restrict immigration further, or open our borders withMexicoandCanada?
- Is gambling and lotteries beneficial to the society?
- Is drinking wine really healthy?
- For a better democracy should we ban campaign contributions dramatically and let the tax money and TV airways to be used to inform public about candidates?
- Which one is true? Blind evolution or Intelligent Designer as the cause of first human.
- Should computer manufacturers be forced by the government to contain code recognition that will not allow copying of copyrighted music?
- Is there a Green House effect?
- Should we claim the right of preemptive nuclear strike?
- Should government have access to all our personal information, including bank accounts, health records, marriage, etc?
- What is nothingness?
- Should we open our South Borders?
- Is global economy beneficial to America?
- How can we fight against international terrorism?
- Is there life beyond Earth?
- Are UFO’s extra terrestrial vehicles from outer space?
- Are commercials and ads useful or harmful to customers?
- Should we open the market for transgenic crops?
- Are Americans growing horizontally each year? Why?
- Should homosexuals be allowed to work in the military?
- Is flex time useful?
- Should we give capital punishment to murderers?
- Should FDA regulate McDonalds and other fast food restaurants?
- Should fat and fatty foods be taxed like tobacco?
- Should we ban imports that are manufactured in countries with bad human rights records?
- Should we ban automobiles in inner cities?
- Is the prison population per capita inAmericanormal? What can be done to change it?
- What are the most common logical fallacies?
- Should we put more tax on inheritance, which are more than a million dollars, per person?
- Should we reduce the period for patent protection of medicine?
- Should we release criminals because of criminal procedure technicalities?
- Should we interfere with the internal affairs of the other countries if they abuse women or practice “unusual and cruel” punishment?
- How can we improve secondary education?
- When a student is “bored” is it the teacher’s fault or the student’s?
- Is Robert Spencer’s “Infidel’s Guide … ” a scholarly work or bogus intended to create hatred against muslims and justify invasions, massacres, and torture against them?
- Are some Christians 666 times more violent than the Salafi extremists?
- Is it ethical to shave the beautiful beard and then trim the mustache of a warmonger, such as Robert Spencer, to reflect his mission? Should it be considered a hoax or the visual version of the figure of speech, such as simile?