Some Features of the Proposed Draft Constitution
I have presented this draft at a symposium organized by Freedom Center at the University of Arizona and at a conference organized by NAAIMS at Princeton University. See here and here:
The following is a progressive constitution for peacemakers. It is not a utopia. Let’s discuss it, improve it, promote it, and work hard to make it the constitution of our countries!
The proposed Peacemakers Constitution:
- Balances modern powers, such as media and corporations, to create the government of people by people and for people.
- Aims to eliminate the role and influence of money in political system through separation of government from corporations, which we call it nocorpism or nopigism. As Jesus expelled the money-changers from the temple, we should also expel the corporate lobbyists, the hoarders and greedy pigs from bribing public servants and spreading their disease in public offices.
- Bans the privatization of military industrial complex to promote domestic and global peace, to eliminate the wars-for-profit.
- Proposes federal secularism and allows more room for reflection of cultural and religious differences within the limits of the constitution. Provides protection for atheists and heretics.
- Creates three houses through three different election processes. National Congress will consist of National House of Elected Politicians (EP), National House of Elected Experts (EE), and National House of Semi-Random Citizens (EE) with equal number of members. First house will be elected through national votes, the second through academia, the third will be determined through lottery election to monitor the financial transactions of the members of both houses and other high ranking public officers.
- Introduces automatic expiration date for the constitution so that each generation will be given the opportunity to live under their own constitution.
- Guarantees for each citizen the necessities of life, such as food, shelter, education and primary health care through work or social programs.
- Reduces the power and profits of banks, speculators, and financial institutions. As the government is for the people, not vice versa, the corporations will be for the people, not vice versa.
- Promotes competition and excellence, yet at the same time promotes cooperation and sharing among citizens.
- Requires critical thinking and philosophy among the core curriculum in education.
- Rejects the capitalistic dogmas, propaganda and consumerism that allowed big corporations to recklessly exploit workers, manipulate consumers, waste limited natural resources and pollute the environment.
- Provides maximum protection for individual freedoms and rights.
- Emphasizes the importance of human life, compassion and respect to nature and reflects those values in the proposed design of the new flag.
- And more…
So, please read the draft of the proposed Constitution for the United States and every country on the planet. Then, if you wish, you may join the discussion and contribute to its improvement. If you are convinced about its merit then you should bring it to the attention of your friends and countrymen. We should arrange meetings and conferences rallies and it is up to you to make it happen.
Why Drafting this Constitution Proposal?
Finally, there is sign of intelligent life out there. People living in the region called by the modern super powers as the “Middle East” have decided to change themselves in order to change their condition; they are rising against dictatorship, cronyism, corruption and oppression.
The urge for freedom in countries with pre-dominantly Sunni and Shiite population is unprecedented. Knowing, how a similar uprising in 1979 against corrupt and oppressive Shah regime was squandered by mullahs and turned topsy-turvy within a few years, the results of unfolding revolutions in the Middle East too is vulnerable to distortion and degenerative mutation and counter-revolutions.
The global hegemony once exploited and plundered the resources of people with darker skin through colonial governments, then the same powers planted their puppet dictators from the elites of those countries when colonialism became unfeasible. As the byproduct of the proliferation of Internet, easy access to information, and communication technology, the era of puppet dictators too has completed its life span; it has become prohibitively costly to maintain.
The external forces such as, the USA-Inc and Europe, and the regressive internal forces (proponents of Sunni or Shiite sharia laws) are competing to squander and distort these unfolding revolutions. Multinational corporations, that rule the imperialist forces and the biggest war machine in the history of humankind, will try to establish fake democracies that produce “elected puppet governments,” as they have done in occupied lands such as Iraq, Afghanistan, and West Bank.
There are also religious, nationalistic and economic internal factors that seek every opportunity to hijack the popular revolutions. For instance, proponents of Sunni or Shiite theocracies might be hoping to create another hell-on-earth like the ones in Saudi Arabia (Salafi version), Iran (Shiite version), and Afghanistan (Sunni version). The reactionary forces will work hard to mislead and entice religious segments of the population for the establishment of repressive theocracies.
Thus, it is imperative that those who are rising for their freedoms, livelihood and dignity should be resolute against both external and internal negative forces and establish a system that will serve the welfare of all its citizens and world peace.
With the promising development in the Middle East, which I have been praying for it since I have become a rational monotheist, I decided to embark a project. I might be dreaming and some might even laugh at me, yet I know that all major progress in the history of humanity started with a dream, occasionally of humble and obscure men. I would like to invite you to join me in this project. The project might not receive the expected attention of people in Egypt, Libya, Iran, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Jordan, Syria, Israel, Lebanon, yet without trying it we will not know. Besides, I consider it as my duty in support of this promising transformation, and I hope that you do consider the same for yourself.
We need to support the freedom fighters through our knowledge and experience. We have the privilege to know both the West and East and thus perhaps by mere “chance” we are in a better condition to appreciate the goodness and the weakness of both sides.
The intention of this project is to provide spring-board or support for the intellectuals of the population in the “Middle East,” a population that have long time being oppressed and repressed by authoritarian, corrupt regimes and their imperialist masters in the West.
After consulting with some friends, I was reminded by my friend Layth Saleh al-Shaiban of his draft constitution for Iraq. I knew about it, but unfortunately I had forgotten. Thus, after receiving his draft, I made some revisions and modifications.
Now, we are submitting it to your critical evaluation and contribution, and perhaps after your endorsement, we will share it with activists on the ground and the general public.
PS: This draft proposal is based on lessons learned from history, knowledge extracted from human experience, nature, and the Quran through deductive and inductive reasoning (Quran 17:36; 4:174; 8:42; 10:100; 11:17; 74:30-31; 35:28; 4:162; 9:122; 22:54; 27:40; 29:44,49). For those of you who would like to learn the theological background and arguments for this Constitution proposal, I invite you to study Quran: a Reformist Translation and Manifesto for Islamic Reform.
Edip Yuksel
May 2011.
Revision: August 2013
The Constitution of Peaceland
We, the people of Peaceland, hereby establish this Constitution in order to promote peace, freedom, justice, fairness, equality, security and pursuit of happiness for all.[1]
This constitution, and its subsequent laws, shall override and supersede any existing constitutions, treaties, agreements, legislations and/or laws.
This constitution shall take effect in all states, provinces and areas in Peaceland which have been defined by treaties and international law.
All persons and legal entities within the republic are obligated to uphold this constitution and its amendments at all times, until it is replaced in accordance with the Article XIV.[2]
Citizens are deemed those persons who are born in Peaceland or naturalized by law.
The citizens of this nation shall be called Peacemakers.[3]
Peace within, peace with other nations, and peace with nature is the ultimate goal of this nation.[4]
Peace can only be attained and maintained with justice and liberty; and with individuals empowered with dignity, creativity, critical thinking and reliable information.
The government of peacemakers promotes total global peace. As an achievable step towards that goal, nations will be invited to join global cease-fire for 4 consecutive months, gradually extending global peace to 12 months as an ultimate goal.[5]
Wars are only for self-defense against military aggression or a party declaring an offensive war. Peaceful solutions for conflicts should be explored and exhausted before military engagements.
To reduce incentives for wars, private companies within Peaceland are prohibited from designing, manufacturing and selling weapons. Mercenary activities by citizens of Peaceland in any part of the World are prohibited. The government shall neither sell nor donate weapons to any other nation and Peacemakers should not make a profit out of weapons or war.
The rule of law, justice and peace is above any other affiliation.[6]
The freedoms and rights of Peacemakers are not limited to the ones enumerated in this constitution. The following freedoms and rights are available to every adult person in the republic, regardless of their gender, ethnicity, and nationality, and religious or political affiliations. Such freedoms and rights may not be suspended, diluted, limited, or obstructed.
Freedom of Speech and Activism
Every person has the right to free speech, freedom of the media, free assembly, and peaceful protest.[7]
In order to prevent media with loudspeakers from manufacturing consent for the policies designed by special interest, the diversity of media, print, radio, television, Internet, electronic channels and others will be promoted and facilitated by law.
In order to prevent unnecessary auto-censorship, public officials and figures are not protected against slander and libel with the exception of objective falsehoods.
With the exception of print media, one month before presidential elections all cable, electronic and media using satellites and radio frequencies will be required to allocate one hour everyday during their prime time period to political debates. The same allocation of hours is required for the local media until two weeks before local elections. Candidates collecting the signatures of a minimum 2% of voters from their districts will be eligible to participate in these public debates for equal time. Fairness and opportunity to discuss all popular and unpopular ideas in public is imperative for a government of people, by people, for people.
Freedom of Faith and Heresy
All persons have the right to hold any faith and adhere to any religion they may see fit. This freedom of faith includes the establishment of temples, mosques, synagogues, churches, schools, foundations and any other constructs and associations used for such purpose. Similarly, all persons have the right of not holding any faith or adhering to any religion. The freedom of atheism and heretic ideas includes the establishment of foundations, organizations, clubs, schools, and any other constructs and associations used for their purpose.[8]
Right against Unjustified Discrimination
All persons are to be granted equal rights and opportunities irrespective of their race, gender, color, national origin, wealth, faith, or political affiliation.[9]
Right to Seek Justice
All persons and/or legal entities have the right, without obstruction or undue delay, to demand justice against any wrongdoing or crime that befalls them. To reduce the time and the cost of seeking justice, establishment of unofficial local arbitration and reconciliation centers administered by suitable citizen volunteers should be encouraged and facilitated by the local government.[10]
Right to Information
Citizens have the right to petition for the release of government information on specific issues… Government records shall be publicly available upon creation. Exceptions may be defined by the legislature on the basis of national security and privacy, but shall be subject to judicial review
Right to Clean Air, Water and Land
Citizens have rights to clean air, water, land, and environmental protection. The government shall promote economic development that is sustainable, with minimum environmental impact, and with maximum utilization of renewable energy.
Freedom of Movement
All persons may travel freely throughout the public lands of the republic, exit and/or enter its borders, in a legal manner, without hindrance or delay. Such rights extend to include the movement of goods.[11]
Right to Privacy
All persons have the right to privacy and freedom from spying, eavesdropping, trespassing, entering homes without the permission of the owner, obtaining and/or sharing information that has a reasonable expectation of privacy.[12] This right may be infringed upon to protect others from physical harm. This right may not be suspended except during exigent circumstances or a judicial warrant based on probable cause. There is no right to hide one’s face in public.
Right to Trade and Possess Wealth
The accumulation and the transfer of wealth by individuals and legal entities may be regulated.[13]
Natural resources are the property of all citizens as a whole, and all income from their extraction will be used on public projects and institutions. To create and maintain a healthy competition in vital sectors such as healthcare, pharmaceuticals and education, public and non-profit organizations will be encouraged to compete against private companies and vice versa.
Markets such as the trading of human organs; gambling; interest or usury on money and goods burrowed for personal needs; manufacturing and sale of cigarettes, alcohol, drugs; and prostitution; which exploit the desperation/weakness of individuals or groups and cause extreme harm for the traders or for the society are considered “noxious markets”, and are subject to strict regulations. The sale and/or consumption of cigarette, alcohol, and drugs, are not prohibited for adults. Advertisement and promotion of prohibited or strictly regulated products and services is also prohibited or strictly regulated by law.[14]
In order to prevent the concentration of wealth in the hands of a few, anti-trust laws and proportional taxation of wealth and inheritance will be employed. Intellectual properties of citizens may be protected through patent laws for no more than nineteen years.[15]
Right to Welfare
All citizens, especially children, elderly and handicapped citizens, have the right to security in their person and property, vital food, primary health care, education, and equal employment opportunities within the ability of the republic.[16] Minimum one fifth of the annual budget will be allocated for such services.[17] If these rights are abused by the institutions or recipients they may be limited or suspended.
The legislative powers of the republic shall be vested in an elected National Congress that shall be representative of the people and academia, conducting its duty in accordance to the constitution via open discussion and consultation in all matters.[18] National Congress will consist of National House of Elected Politicians (EP) and National House of Elected Experts (EE). Both houses will be monitored by Committee of Semi-Random Citizens (RC) with equal numbers of members.
National House of Elected Politicians
State and local governments can pass laws that reflect the cultural, religious, social, economic, and other concerns and interests, providing they do not violate the constitution, the international treaties, or the laws of secular federal government.
Elections will be based upon districts, whereby each district is defined as an independent area with a minimum citizen population of 1% of the total population of the republic.
Areas that have populations below 1% of the population shall have their number added to the nearest geographical area until that number reaches or exceeds 1%. Seats for the National House of Elected Politicians will be allotted on the basis of a minimum of one seat for every district, with districts having populations of multiples of 1% being allotted one extra seat for each exceeding multiple.
To prevent duopoly, ballots will be designed to allow preferential voting such that voters can rank candidates in order of their preference.
Persons eligible for the EP shall be citizens, male or female and who are residents of the district they run for election. There is no minimum or maximum age requirement.[19]
Eligible voters shall be those male and female citizens who have reached the age of nineteen or older, and who are present within the borders of the republic at the time of voting.
Considering the vital role of informed voters in a democratic society, it is a duty of the federal and local governments to promote and facilitate debates in town hall meetings including every running candidate in the districts. To promote public participation in political debates, any voter in the district that participated in one of the town hall gatherings for a minimum of four hours should receive a one-time payment of a full day’s wage, no less than the minimum wage prescribed by law.
Seats of the EP will be granted to those nominees who achieve a majority vote from the district where they reside. Votes in single member districts will be made on the basis of alternative voting, whilst votes in multiple member districts will be made on the basis of single transferable voting.
The EP members, unless re-elected, shall serve one term of five years beginning on the first day of the first month of the new year.
Elections shall be concluded ninety days prior to the closing of the existing EP members’ term of office to ensure a smooth transition and hand-over of duties and responsibilities.
In cases of death or resignation, a new EP member shall be elected from the same district to serve the remaining term of the departed EP member.
Each EP member carries one vote with Congress decisions becoming law based upon simple majority or more votes on the issue(s).
National House of Elected Experts
Making laws related to many areas such as technology, medicine, energy, criminal justice, and environment requires great deal of scientific knowledge and research.[20] Thus, a separate house shall be elected from full-time academics at the nation’s top 20 universities by the votes of full-time academics in those universities.
The votes of every full-time professor will be multiplied by the inverse of the selectiveness of the university. The vote of a full-time professor at a university, say with 7% of application selection ratio will be multiplied by the factor of 14 in favor of the EE candidate he or she voted.
The EE will have power to entirely or partially veto or confirm a proposed legislation passed by the EP. Reasons for veto must be made public. A vetoed proposal will go back to EP, where it might be ignored, modified or passed for the second time. The EP may bypass the review and potential second veto of EE if they pass the modified or re-affirmed proposal by 2/3 of votes of EP members. A proposed legislation vetoed for the second time may not be introduced to EP within a year.
National House of Semi-Random Citizens
To protect the government from the corruptive influences of corporate and special interests, financial transactions and lobbying activities of the members of Congress shall be monitored. A monitoring committee, three times the number of the other two houses, shall be elected through a televised live lottery drawing from the identification numbers of all adult citizens, excluding those with mental or felony records. Within a month of the lottery election, the elected Congress members will select 1/3 of the winning numbers after public examination and hearings. Each member of both houses (NHEP and NHEE) shall be randomly assigned to these citizens, ten Congress members for each monitor, thereby allowing independent and multiple sources of scrutiny. Semi-Random Citizens shall have the authority to subpoena and track all the financial transactions and deals of the elected Congress members and will be required by law to share the questionable or illegal financial records with the public every six months. In cases of suspicious transactions, following the approval of four assigned RC monitors, the Congressmen suspected of abusing public trust will be charged and scheduled for an impeachment hearing by Congress within a month. Any RC member, who provides evidence for a quid-pro-quo illegal financial transaction or hiring of a former member of Congress, will have standing in the court. After initial investigation and discovery of probable cause, a qui tam litigation should be initiated in lower courts against the former member of Congress.[21]
Any individual or group wishing to hold a private meeting with public officials should be required by law to donate a cause which is peaceful and necessary, such as food supply, housing and health care for the needy. The public official should have no affiliation with or financial benefit from the charitable organization receiving such donation.[22]
Members of both houses in the National Congress and Semi-Random Citizens shall be paid no less than the national median salary and this payment should not exceed five times of the same. The term of RC will end with the election of the new National Congress, and they cannot serve for more than one term.
The National Congress is provided the following powers:
- The powers to make, review, amend and repeal laws in accordance with the principles of justice.[23]
- The power to employ policies and strategies necessary to ensure the smooth functioning of the republic.[24]
- The power to appoint and/or renew a president and his/her ministers for a term totaling five years.[25]
- The power to prematurely conclude the term of the president or any of his/her ministers.[26]
- The power to regulate citizen naturalization requirements and criteria.[27]
- The power to appropriate payment and compensation schemes for every level of government, including the National Congress.[28]
- The power to stipulate taxation for individuals and corporations, on condition that such taxation does not exceed 20%.[29]
- The power to establish benchmarks for weights, measures, time-keeping, and minimum wages within the republic.[30]
- The power to coin money as legal tender, on condition that such money is coined in gold or silver or backed by gold or silver.[31]
- The power to lend and/or borrow money, interest-free, on behalf of the republic.[32]
- The power to lease public lands for the purposes of development and betterment.[33]
- The power to preserve and protect wildlife and natural ecological balance.[34]
- The power to allocate funds and approve budgets for every government agency.[35]
- The power to call for audits on any branch/department/agency of government.[36]
- The power to initiate, locally and/or abroad, legal proceedings and claims on behalf of the republic.[37]
- The power to enter into treaties and agreements with foreign nations/peoples.[38]
- The power to establish a military for land, sea and air.[39]
- The power to declare draft such that the sacrifice and pain of defending the country is spread across every segment of the population.[40]
- The power to establish a security force for the protection of people and their rights within the republic.[41]
- The power to mediate via peaceful means, an end to armed conflict between foreign nations.[42]
- The power to aid and/or assist oppressed people in foreign nations by granting them asylum and/or negotiating on their behalf, on condition that they have requested such help.[43]
- The power to provide humanitarian aid and/or assistance for crisis relief of any foreign nation and/or people in need.[44]
- The power to declare war and appropriate a war cabinet if the republic is under physical attack, and/or if its security and/or citizens are under an imminent and recognizable threat of attack.[45]
- The power to call for a public drafting in defense of the republic and its lands if it is attacked or under an imminent and recognizable threat of attack.[46]
The National Congress shall elect two speakers from amongst the both houses of the National Congress members to regulate the proceedings of its assemblies.
The National House of Elected Politicians shall assemble, at a minimum, of every ninety days for a length of three days to discuss legislation and/or appropriation and/or any matters that concern the well-being of the republic and its citizens. The EP may vote to shorten or extend the length of such assembly based on specific requirements.
The EP may also be called for assembly at any other time during the year at the request, submitted to the speaker, of at least 1/3 of the count of EP members. Such announcements for assembly must be broadcast publicly and clearly, and presented in writing to all EP members.
During times of war or danger, the EP may be excluded from physical assembly and decisions may be conducted by way of obtaining signatures from the respective Congress members to meet the 2/3 or more required votes.
The executive powers of the Republic of Peaceland shall be vested in a president appointed by the EP.[47]
The president shall be responsible for the selection of his/her cabinet of ministers to be presented for approval by the EP.
The president shall be responsible for carrying out the approved policies and strategies of the EP.
The president shall be responsible for administration and management of all branches of government setting rules and regulations necessary to ensure the smooth functioning of branches and budget preparation.
The president shall be responsible for the planning, budgeting, and execution of all public projects and activities required for the service of the public or the betterment of life for people in the republic.
The president shall be responsible for regulation of all private sector activities/projects encompassing: manufacturing, mining, energy, agriculture, trade, services, construction, transport, travel, education, medical, technology, charities and any other activity or construct that is legitimately requested by people in the republic.
The president shall represent the republic before foreign dignitaries/nations and may engage in negotiations/discussions which relate to the republic that are not binding except with the ratification of the EP.
The president shall present a detailed report of his/her activities prior to each scheduled EP assembly. The president will make himself/herself present at the scheduled EP assemblies and he/she is also required to attend, at the request of the Congress speaker, non-scheduled sessions in order to give a briefing on the state of the republic as well as to address any questions/clarifications concerning Congress members.
The judicial powers of the republic shall be vested in an independent High Court and its subsequent lower courts. The High Court shall have judicial review over the laws passed by national and local legislators in accordance with the constitution.[48]
The High Court shall be comprised of twelve judges who shall be appointed by the EP and who shall hold office as long as they maintain integrity, proper conduct, and attendance of duty. The full term of High Court judges is nineteen years, ending with the expiration of a new constitution. A person cannot be appointed to the High Court twice.
The High Court shall have the responsibility of appointing Federal Court judges, presiding over cases of treason and presiding over legal proceedings and/or impeachment charges made against the president, cabinet ministers and/or any EP member(s).
The High Court shall have original jurisdiction over cases between states or cases between state and federal government.
The High Court will also have the final say in matters of appeal from lower courts.
The decisions of the High Court are binding based upon a 2/3 or more vote.[49]
The salary of a member of High Court will be equal to the salary of a member of Congress.
All persons accused of a specific crime, where the accusation is supported by a court warrant, will have their constitutional rights as outlined in Article III temporarily suspended and replaced with the following rights:
Right to Presumption of Innocence
All persons accused are considered innocent until proven guilty. The burden of proof falls upon the accuser. No detainee may be held for longer than 24 hours unless a court order for further detainment is obtained based on the assessment of credible evidence concerning the charges brought forth. No detainee may be subjected to physical or psychological torture, and/or humiliation, forcing of confession or any other form of physical or psychological harm or abuse. If the court finds the accused innocent of the charges brought forth, no further legal proceedings or accusations on the same case may be presented.[50]
Right to a Fair and Speedy Trial
All persons accused of a crime have the right to a fair trial free of prejudice, influence, or external factors that may cause injustices to occur. The accused also has the right to be tried quickly without unnecessary delay.[51]
Right to an Attorney
All persons accused of a crime shall have the right to be represented through a specialized attorney if they so choose. If an attorney cannot be arranged or afforded by the accused, then it is the responsibility of the republic to provide an attorney at no expenses for the accused.[52]
Legality versus Morality
All immoral acts are not necessarily illegal and all illegal acts are not necessarily immoral. Acts that harm others can be made illegal by law, but acts that have trivial impact or no harm to the society may not be made illegal. The government acting in the name of society shall have interest in passing laws to protect and foster the physical and mental health and integrity of its members, the family unit and children, the society, the international peace and the ecological system.
Punishment Proportional to the Crime
The court is responsible for ensuring that all punishments and rulings decreed by its judges are proportional to the nature of the crime committed. Therefore, excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unreasonable punishments inflicted.[53]
Corporal Punishment
Corporal punishment is illegal; unless it does not inflict permanent injury/scarring or extreme pain upon the body, and unless its primary function is public shaming.[54]
Right of Confrontation
Any person accused of crime has the right to face his/her accusers.[55]
Right to Appeal
All persons have the right to appeal a ruling that is found to be against them by requesting that a new trial be set with a different presiding judge. An appeal may only be carried out once, unless it can be proven through credible evidence that both trials did not display fairness or a full analysis of the facts. In this case the High Court will preside over the matter, its judgment superseding all other judgments.[56]
Government shall be funded by revenue generated from the legal sale of the products of the natural public resources, and revenue generated by government through services and taxation.
Natural resources can neither be sold to private entities nor to foreign countries. The process of contracting the management of the production of natural resources should be open to public and the lease should not exceed nineteen years. The contracts may be extended after nineteen years after being voted and approved by the National Congress.
All branches of the government of Peaceland shall operate with complete transparency and openness. Records must be made public, and all meetings of the National Congress shall be deliberated to an open audience.[57]
The only exception to the requirement of transparency requirement shall be matters that are deemed critical to the security of the republic and/or the general well-being of its citizens. In such cases, the records of deliberations of any kind may be concealed from the public for a maximum period of one year, to be extended only with the approval of the High Court, for a maximum period not exceeding ten years.[58]
Government officials, government employees and elected National Congress members, shall not hold any other position while serving in government or the National Congress.
All government officials, government employees, and elected National Congress members shall be obligated to take the Oath of the Republic before commencing their duties:
Oath of the Republic: “I [name of person to be placed here] solemnly swear before God and before the witness of the citizens of this republic to uphold the role of [position to be placed here] to the best of my abilities and to protect the integrity of the constitution and the republic. I swear to live my life according to the laws and regulations of the republic and to uphold the highest moral character. I swear to work in the best interest of the republic and to consistently strive to improve life for its citizens. I swear never to abuse my position or authority in any way, shape or form for personal gain. I swear never to carry favor for any person, group or entity beyond what is fair and just. I swear to stand for and to promote the laws of peace, justice and equality wherever I may be. I have placed God as a witness over this oath of mine, and may He have mercy on my person and guide me to always do what is right.”[59]
The breaking of this oath shall be the basis for legal proceedings and/or impeachment. An agnostic, atheist or heretic may replace the word God with “my conscience and citizenship duties.”
With the exception of declarations of war made by the National Congress (EP & EE), no branch of government, or person from within the republic, may directly or indirectly finance, sponsor or engage in, the destabilization or undermining of any country or nation by way of design and/or by way of covert or otherwise armed operations.[60]
Government shall encourage and support the pursuit of creativity, arts, sciences, exploration, technical innovation, community work, philanthropy, and good work ethics within the republic.[61]
To promote good citizenship through role models, Congress will establish annual awards to be presented by the president and Congressional leaders in an annual televised event. The awards should distinguish and reward five citizens and five non-citizens in each of the following categories: Artists, Athletes, Authors, Blue-collar workers, Educators, Entrepreneurs, Freedom-fighters, Good Samaritans, Inventors, Parents, Peacemakers, Philanthropists, Public employees, Scientists, Students, and Teens.[62]
Government shall also ensure that intellectual rights are protected from infringement and unauthorized duplication.[63]
PeaceCity shall be designated as the permanent capitol for the republic. The language of the majority shall be the official language of the republic.[64]
The dimensions of Peaceland’s flag will be in the golden ratio, representing our respect for nature. A human fetus is located in the center of nineteen hexagons atop a black background, respectively representing our emphasis on intellectual and spiritual qualities of humanity and the importance of human life and integrity; the nineteen rules of deduction installed in our brains by our Creator, and the mystery, unity, and providence in our common and specific origins: the Big Bang and a mother’s womb. The hexagons represent honeycomb and numerous lessons from bees: work ethics, community work, efficiency, unity against aggressors, etcetera… The grey background represents wisdom and justice; the green color stands for our respect for the environment and ecological system, while the orange color represents joy and optimism. The hundred-and-fourteen stars represent the number of stable elements in our universe, the chapters of the Quran, God’s attribute the Compassionate, and our progressive values and aspirations.
The constitution and laws that are written by one generation should expire with the end of that generation. Every constitution, including this one, must expire within nineteen (or forty) years. This rule about change in nineteen (or forty) years cannot be removed or amended. A year before the expiration date, this constitution will be formally subjected to public debate and a new constitution, which could include some or all the articles in this one, must be ratified by 3/4 of the members of the National Congress. If the required number of votes is not obtained by the deadline, the term of the constitution will automatically be extended for another nineteen years.
In order to create a fair and free condition and mechanism for debates and referendum on the proposed articles for the new Constitution, an impartial commission should be elected. For this purpose, a 12-member legal commission should be elected by lottery among the lawyers and judges in the country. The Monitoring Committee will have the authority to facilitate the lottery election of the legal commission.
Amendments towards the betterment of this constitution may be made based on a 5/6 vote of the National Congress and a 5/6 endorsement from the members of High Court as to the legality of the amendment in view of the existing articles of constitution. All amendments must be listed as such and not inserted into the original text of this constitution.[65]
In God we have placed our trust…
[1] Quran 16:90-91
[2] Quran 48:10
[3] Quran 22:78. (Verse 49:14 distinguishes regular peacemakers from the peacemakers who have also made peace with their Creator by acknowledging the authority and message of Truth. These peacemakers are called mumin, that is, the one who acknowledges).
[4] Quran 2:62; 2:135-136, 208
[5] Quran 2:217; 5:07; 9:2; 8:61; 2:208
[6] Quran 8:72; 16:91,92
[7] Quran 71:5-9
[8] Quran 10:99, 18:29, 88:21-22; 2:256
[9] Quran 49:13; 5:8; 3:195; 4:124; 16:97
[10] Quran 4:148, 42:39
[11] Quran 29:56
[12] Quran 24:27-29, 49:12
[13] Quran 3:14
[14] 2:275; 5:90; 3:130;
[15] Quran 59:7; 2:215
[16] Quran 30:38, 59:7
[17] Quran 8:41
[18] Quran 42:38; 5:12
[19] Quran 46:15, 49:13
[20] Quran 4:58; 35:28; 17:36; 10:100.
[21] Quran 2:188
[22] Quran 58:12-13
[23] Quran 4:58
[24] Quran 12:47-49
[25] Quran 4:59
[26] Quran 58:11
[27] Quran 60:10
[28] Quran 28:27
[29] Quran 8:41
[30] Quran 6:152, 7:85
[31] Quran 9:34
[32] Quran 2:275, 2:282
[33] Quran 7:74
[34] Quran 5:1-2, 30:41
[35] Quran 17:27-29
[36] Quran 17:36
[37] Quran 42:39
[38] Quran 8:72
[39] Quran 8:60; 9:36,122
[40] Quran 9:41
[41] Quran 22:41
[42] Quran 49:9-10
[43] Quran 4:75, 8:72
[44] Quran 2:177
[45] Quran 2:190-193
[46] Quran 8:65, 9:41
[47] Quran 27:32
[48] Quran 4:58
[49] Quran 42:38
[50] Quran 10:68, 24:11, 49:12
[51] Quran 4:58
[52] Quran 26:12-14
[53] Quran 16:126
[54] Quran 24:1-18. 5:38; 13:4; 2:166; 6:94; 7:160; 7:167; 9:110; 47:15; 47:22; 21:93; 22:19; 23:53; 12:31; 12:50; 5:33; 7:124; 20:71; 26:49; 13:31
[55] Quran 49:12
[56] Quran 21:78-79
[57] Quran 58:9-10
[58] Quran 58:9
[59] Quran 48:10
[60] Quran 2:11-12, 2:204-205, 38:28
[61] Quran 27:40, 34:13, 55:33
[62] Quran 16:90; 2:177, 3:92; 5:2; 57:9; 25:63-6; 31:18; 23:1-11
[63] Quran 3:188
[64] Quran 17:9, 5:48
[65] Quran 11:88