10 Days in Europe
Avrupa’da 10 Gün
Edip Yuksel
1 June/Haziran: Brüksel, Belgium
Live interview/Canlı Söyleşi, Nuce TV (Erdal Er), at 21.00
3 June/Haziran: Rotterdam, Netherlands
Converstaions/Sohbetler, (Volkan at: 31641763876)
5 June/Haziran: Brüksel, Belgium
Live interview, Nuce TV, at 20:00
7 June/Haziran: Brüksel, Belgium
Speech at European Parliament, daylong conference
Live interview, Sterk TV (Günay Aslan), 19:00
9 June/Haziran: London, UK
Debate on code 19 and Discussion on Islamic Reform Movement, The Muslim Institute, CAN Mezzanine, 49-51 East Road, London N1 6AH (Nearest Underground Station: Old Street), 12:00-14:30
10 June/Haziran: Dortmund, Germany
Conference, Technische Universität Dortmund, Internationales Begegnungszentrum, Emil-Figge-Str. 59, 44227 Dortmund, 14:00
If you live in Germany and Netherlands and would like to get information about the dates and locations of conferences, debates, and meetings for the two weekends, that is June 2-3 and 9-10, please visit here frequently, or join my Twitter and Facebook accounts at:
English Twitter: @19org
Turkish Twitter: @edipyuksel
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100003629920311
Facebook Fan: http://www.facebook.com/19.org
Invitation to the Conference on 7th June, 2012
in The European Parliament, Brussels
May 29, 2012
Thursday 7th June, 2012
09h30-13h00 & 15h00-18h30
European Parliament – Room ASP 1G2
Place de Luxembourg – Brussels (Belgium)
(Interpretation available in Turkish, English, French, German)
Dear Sir/Madam,
We would like to kindly invite you to attend the conference on THE DERSIM MASSACRE (1935–38): TURKEY AND THE INTERNATIONAL LAW on June 7th, 2012 in the European Parliament, Brussels (B).
The main purpose of this conference is to put THE DERSIM MASSACRE (1935–38) on the political agenda of the international community and more especially of the European Union.
There is no conference fee to be paid, but due to already engaged funds for the conference the organizing committee unfortunately cannot cover the cost of your travel.
We hope you can accept our invitation and look forward to hearing from you as soon as possible. Please send us your flight schedule and we’ll try to arrange transportation from the airport. Let us also know if you book your own hotel or if you want us to book a room for you.
Please note that in order to enter the European Parliament, details about your full name, date of birth, place of residence and ID card / Passport number are required. Please include this information in your answer to this invitation, before the 1st of June, to the following mail: dersimkonferans2012@yahoo.com . Please also find attached a conference’s draft program.
Best regards,
The Conference Organizing Committee
Thursday 7th June, 2012
Room ASP 1G2
09h30-13h00 & 15h00-18h30
European Parliament
Place de Luxembourg – Brussels (Belgium)
(Interpretation available in Turkish, English, French, and “passive” German)
(Including some technical information on how to participate and enter the E.P.)
The Conference will take place next Thursday 7th of June 2012 (09h30-13h00 & 15h00-18h30) in the European Parliament in Brussels (Belgium), room ASP 1G2 (building Altiero Spinelli, 1st floor, section G, room n.2 = ASP 1G2).
Please use the European Parliament’s main entrance in Place de Luxembourg (the so-called “Espace Simone Weil” and/or entrance “Altiero Spinelli”).
An official “European Parliament personal badge / pass” will be provided to all participants to the Conference.
All participants MUST communicate to dersimkonferans2012@yahoo.com the following information:
1) Name and surname
2) Date of birth
3) Place and country of residence (if possible, the full address of residence)
4) Number of a valid document (ex: passport, national ID, ecc…)
This information must be sent to the above-mentioned mail before the 1st of June.
Please note that NO ACCREDITATION will be accepted after this deadline, according to the rules established by the Security Department of the European Parliament.
Your “personal badge / pass” will be ready and delivered to you starting from 7th of June 2012 at 08h30. It will be available at the main entrance of the European Parliament (Place de Luxembourg – main European Parliament building “Altiero Spinelli” – just after the sliding doors you’ll find a conference desk).
09.30-10.30 – Opening Session
– MEP Mr. José Bové, Greens – European Free Alliance Group in the European Parliament
– MEP Mr. Jürgen Klute, European United Left – Nordic Green Left Group in the European Parliament
– Mr. Haydar Isik , Writer, Chairperson of the association “Rebuild of Dersim”
– Ms. Ayfer Ber, Chairperson of “Dersim Genocide Association”
10.30-11.30 – Panel I
The Dersim Massacre (1935-38): historical perspectives
MEP Mr. François Alfonsi, Greens – European Free Alliance Group
in the European Parliament
Dersim between history and nationalism
– Mr. Munzur Çem, Writer and Researcher
– PhD Mr. Berat Özipek, Associated Professor, Journalist daily newspaper “STAR”
Dersim, the Turkish state and foreign countries
– Mr. Martin van Brunessen, Historian (to be confirmed)
Dersim and “The Red Heads”
– Mr. Ali Köylüce, Chairperson of FEDA (Fédération Démocratique Des Alévis”)
Short video (10 min) on “DERSIM ‘38”, followed by a message by Ms. Fatma Tosum, survivor and witness of the massacre
11.30-13.00 – Panel II
International law, legal definitions and juridical responsibilities of the massacre
Mr. Erdal Dogan, Lawyer of Hrant Dink
The international covenants on human rights
– PhD Prof. Roland Mönch, Lawyer and legal expert
Dersim and the international justice
– Mr. Yusuf Alataş, Lawyer, Vice President of “International Human Rights Federation” (FIDH)
– Mr. Edip Yüksel, Lawyer and philosopher
– PhD Prof. Barry Fisher, , Juris Doctor and Doctor Jurisprudence, lawyer of “Dersim Genocide Case”
15h00-16h30 – Panel III
Towards a truth and reconciliation process?
Turkish political parties’ proposals
MEP Hélène Flautre, Co-President of the EU-Turkey Joint Parliamentary Commission, Greens – European Free Alliance Group
in the European Parliament
Political discussion with & between the following Members of Turkish Grand National Assembly and guests:
– MP Mr. Mehmet Danış, President of the Commission of Inquiry on Dersim, AKP Party (to be confirmed)
– MP Ms. Şafak Pavey, CHP Party
– PhD Prof. Mehmet Bekaroğlu,www.ekurd.net Vice-Chairperson of HAS Party
– MP Ms. Gülten Kışanak, Co-Chairperson of BDP Party
16h30-18h00 – Panel IV
Fundamental and minorities’ rights in Turkey, the Kurdish question and the current situation of Alevis
Mr. Ferhat Tunc, Artist
Ms. Nuray Mert, Writer and academic (to be confirmed)
Turkey and the Kurds
– MP Ms. Sebehat Tuncel, BDP Party
Turkey and the Alevis
– Mr. Ali Kenanoğlu, Chairperson of Alevi Cultural Associations of Hubyar Sultan
Sharing democratic values and constructive discussions
– Ms. Hilal Kaplan, Journalist, “Yeni Şafak” daily newspaper
– Mr. Dengir Mir Mehmet Firat, former MP of AKP Party
18.00-18.30 – Conclusions
Mr. Erdal Er, Journalist
MEP, Jürgen Klute, GUE/NGL Group
MEP, François Alfonsi or José Bové, Greens-EFA Group (to be confirmed)