20 August 20013
SUBHAN ALLAH: Salam, I am familiar with the argument that khimar (24:31) is anything that covers. What do you understand by the word jilbab (33:59)? Does it refer to a “wrapping” garment or can it refer to any kind of garment/covering?
EDİP: Jilbab is outer garment. It is any type of cloth that people normally wear outside; which is not their underwear or night clothes.
As it seems, some people are approaching this simple issue like the Jewish Rabbis approached to the issue of heifer; as they asked the color and age of the heifer. The more you ask questions regarding certain practices the more it will become difficult for you (5:101). Why? Because of the cause-and-effect relationship between “demand and supply”… Religious scholars will provide volumes of stupid details for you to turn yours and everyone else’s lives into hell. In the end the women will be buried alive in black sacks, sometimes covering even their faces, thereby destroying their identity in society and turning them to slaves of ignorant and arrogant men.
I will no more respond to any question on clothes and fabric. If they wish, let them walk naked. It is much better than fabricating dress codes in the name of God. The best attire is righteousness (7:26).