Helping the Scholars and Clergymen
to Count the Letters Correctly
Edip Yuksel
This one is for those so-called scholars and clergymen who cannot even count the 19 letters of the Basmalah correctly. I colored each letter according to the order in Rainbow, God’s ribbon on the sky for those who can appreciate God’s blessings.
This is the first statement of the Quran that repeats 114 (19×6) times. It consists of 19 letters and it is the key of the mathematical code of the Quran, which was kept as a prophetic secret in chapter 74, titled “The Hidden”, for 19×74 lunar years until 1974.
This miracle was discovered by a monotheist chosen by God through the creature made of silicon, which was promised in 27:82 in accordance to 72:28. This great event, which has been described as “One of the Greatest” (74:35), has been exposing the ingrates, polytheists, bigots, and hypocrites and has been supporting those who search for truth with critical mind and good intention. Your reaction to this ultimate miracle and prophecy will determine whether you belong to those who progress or regress (74:37).
If you are blind to see this miracle and try hard to find excuses for why you are blinding yourself to it, then you will be among those who stay behind and are condemned in Saqar. If you have witnessed this great event, then you are the luckiest person on earth and you will have more responsibility. Thus, you must live your life as righteous person and serve your Creator as an active peacemaker and you should promote justice and the rights of the poor and weak.