Archive of posts tagged god
Seven Questions to Solve the Problem of Evil
The Kangaroo Debate: Can Statements about God be Meaningful?
Eternal Hell and Merciful God?
Suffering in an eternal Hell creates a contradiction between this divine justice, since eternity can not be equal to an evil committed in during a limited life span of a human. However, eternal punishment in life time of a non eternal Hell avoids such a contradiction. After receiving an equivalent punishment the chief evil-doers like those referred in verse 4:48, will be eliminated from existence. They will end up in Hell and Hell will end up in nothingness.
How Much Muslim Are You?
Edip Yüksel Islam is not a proper name; it simply means submission and peace. There are many aspects of being a muslim or submitter to God. There are at least three spheres of divine law. Submitting oneself to those laws is the only way of attaining peace and eternal happiness. These laws are: