Archive of posts filed under the 5. EDIP YUKSEL category.
Mixing Politics in Yogurt and Falafil
I have been communicating with Noam for quiet some time. After I interviewed him on November 14 in his office at MIT, we kept in touch. With his permission, I decided to share with you a trivial but interesting email conversation so that you know what the two very serious people are talking about while others are celebrating the New Year 🙂
God and Mathematics
Pythagoras: “All things accord in number.” Plato: “The highest form of pure thought is in mathematics” Nicomachus: “As it appears, the universe is designed with mathematics.” Hrovista Gandersheim: “God created the world from nothingness and constructed everything with numbers.” Rene Descartes: “All intellectual issues can be united and should be united through mathematics.” Galileo Galilei: “Mathematics is the language God wrote the universe with.” David Hume: “If we take in our hand any volume of divinity or school metaphysics, for instance; let us ask, does it contain any abstract reasoning concerning quantity or number? No. Does it contain any experimental reasoning concerning matter of fact and existence? No. Commit it then to flames: for it can contain nothing but sophistry and illusion.” John Arbuthnot: “Mathematical knowledge adds vigour to the mind, frees it from prejudice, credulity, and superstition.” Arthur Schopenhauer: “All truth passes through three stages: First, it is ridiculed; Second, it is violently opposed; Third, it is accepted as self-evident.” James Jeans”The universe appears to be have been designed by a pure mathematician.” Albert Einstein “How is it possible that mathematics, a product of human thought that is independent of experience, fits so excellently the objects of physical reality?” Paul Dirac: “If there is a God, he’s a great mathematician”
My Pant: “Watch your waist!”
Holy Violence
Nine Points of My life
Though I am an ordinary man, the events in my life have been extraordinary. My life’s story is rich with internal and external conflicts, relentless quest for truth, courage, intellectual honesty, sacrifice, and dedication to promote peace, freedom, social democracy, and rationalism. My life story may provide a unique and precious insight how to approach the so-called “clash of civilization.” I am the child of that clash! I have a mirror in my hand for the Crusader and the Jihadi, for the West and East. I do not claim to have panacea for the problems of the world, but I have a perspective on some theo-political issues that worthy of consideration.
Real Terrorist
“Our real enemies are not those living in a distant land whose names or policies we don’t understand; The real enemy is a system that wages war when it’s profitable, the CEOs who lay us off our jobs when it’s profitable, the Insurance Companies who deny us Health care when it’s profitable, the Banks who take away our homes when it’s profitable. Our enemies are not several hundred thousands away. They are right here in front of us.” – Mike Prysner
My father and your father
Palestinians are Thanking Israel and IDF
We are even more thankful to IDF for illuminating our skies with fireworks to entertain our terrorized and under nourished children. Tough last time during the Cast Lead firework entertainment 1400 hundred of us, 400 being children, died because of over excitement and joy, we understand that every activity, including entertainment, will cause some collateral damage. We now appreciate more the considerate pamphlets they are dropping in Gaza to warn us against the side effects of fireworks.
Time Travel and Naked Reality
I met myself and my family in a different time zone, in stone age. I had a time travel. The documentary, written, produced and directed by Jean-Pierre Dutilleux, film is one of the most inspirational films I have ever watched. It made me cry from the beginning to the end.
The Jinni and You: Who is serving who?
The list of benefits of carrying all those gadgets in one’s pocket is long, but the list of harms might be longer. So, do not fall in love with the jinni in your pocket. Use it carefully, and less. Watch people around you in malls and trains: they ears are plugged, their eyes are fixated, their fingers are tickled… Then look at ourselves. We are swallowed by corporate black holes. We are swallowed into a parallel universe dominated by plutocracy or global oligarchy: Facebook, Google, and similar mass-spying and manipulation programs. We need to start unplugging and get to know our neighbors and help each other.
The Meaning of Life
The Meaning of Life 1999 FURKAN: Let’s begin with the most significant question of existence. What is the meaning of life? And related to this question, what should the purpose of living be? EDIP: The meaning of limited human life is zero since a century is zero compared to infinity. Death is inevitable. Even …
Department of Aggression
The poster tells the truth about wars, that the USA-Inc leaders are so willing to start. Unfortunately, the USA is addicted to wars, since the military industrial complex (MIC) feeds more than 40 million Americans, and big corporations make billions of dollars from the making, destruction and sales of weapons. As the late US Major General Smedley Darlington Butler once said, War is a racket!
The monstrous inequality
Here is the distribution of wealth in the USA in 2010. As you see, the top 1% owns more than one third of the entire wealth. Let’s not forget that most of this wealth is acquired through exploitation of the workers, legalized thievery (finance or banking) and through pillaging and plundering the resources of third world countries through puppet regimes, imperialistic mandates, wars and occupations.
Your Prayers are Accepted!
The most immoral countries in income distribution
Imagine a Religion
Yes, how can such a religion, with a fake name, with a fabricated doctrine, with bizarre pagan practices, and with such a miserable historical record and bitter fruits belong to God? How can it be attributed to a philosopher, to a peacemaker, to an advocate of the rights of the weak, to a human messenger of God?