Lecture at British Parliament and Oslo Conference

The first part of Edip Yuksel’s speech at British Parliament is here: LONDON God willing, I will be visiting London to give a lecture at the British Parliament on “The nine factors behind the rise of ISIS: from the USA to Saudi Arabia”. During my visit (Nov25-Dec2), I will be meeting politicians, academics and community …

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Theopolitical Roots of the so-called “Islamic Terrorism”

Militant clerics, whether they are the collaborators with the totalitarian regimes or are the dissidents, should be taken seriously. Using the language of religion, the proverbs of their forefathers, they can mobilize gullible masses to bloody conflicts. The best way to deflate the power of militant clergymen is (1) to support intellectuals who promote democracy and freedom, and (2) denounce and punish the oppressive leaders without favoring one to another, through international legal devices such as, freezing their assets in foreign countries and trying them in international tribunals during their reign or after they are ousted from power.