Lecture at British Parliament and Oslo Conference

The first part of Edip Yuksel’s speech at British Parliament is here: LONDON God willing, I will be visiting London to give a lecture at the British Parliament on “The nine factors behind the rise of ISIS: from the USA to Saudi Arabia”. During my visit (Nov25-Dec2), I will be meeting politicians, academics and community …

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The monstrous inequality

Here is the distribution of wealth in the USA in 2010. As you see, the top 1% owns more than one third of the entire wealth. Let’s not forget that most of this wealth is acquired through exploitation of the workers, legalized thievery (finance or banking) and through pillaging and plundering the resources of third world countries through puppet regimes, imperialistic mandates, wars and occupations.

Democracy and Corrupt Elite

Nevertheless, the author is silent regarding the implementations of this right in western countries, especially in the USA. When we reflect on the role of interest groups and lobbyists in the political landscape of Washington, we cannot stop but ask ourselves: is this really a “democracy” representing all the people? Is this the system that was hailed as “by the people for the people of the people”? How can electoral participation be considered “equal” in a country where 1% of population owns the 39% of total wealth and lobbyists are the respected pigs of the political carnival? Why not question the practice of democracy and its electoral system? Can “democracy” be a new clandestine, efficient and clever device to establish the dicta of the powerful elite? Can it be another “opium of masses,” a diabolic mass-deception?

Capital Punishment for Capitalism and the Epithet for its Tombstone

This is CAPITALISIM. One of the thousands pictures depicting the barbaric nature of capitalism. The Indian government, instead of distributing the MILLIONS of tons of wheat to starving population, let it rot! While people dying of starvation? Why? In order to keep wheat prices high.