Robert Spencer:
A Crusader Riding a Catholic Zebra
Is the Zionist-Crusader who Inspires Terrorists and Warmongers, in fact:
an Intellectual Coward With a Plastic Sword Riding a Zebra?
(Robert Spencer was cited by Anders Behring Breivik, the Christian Terrorist, as his main source of inspiration. On 22 July 2011 Breivik bombed the government buildings in Oslo, which resulted in eight deaths. He then carried out a mass shooting at a camp of the Workers’ Youth League (AUF) of the Labour Party on the island of Utøya where he killed 69 people, mostly teenagers. Robert Spencer himself is a coward, yet his sole mission is to inspire torture, massacre, wars against one billion Muslims and anyone who defends them. Robert is a Zionist-Catholic, a new mutation of Crusaders.)
Edip Yuksel
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Well, from the silly title above, what I really mean is this: Robert Spencer is pretending to be an intellectual islamophobe, while he is a coward and a liar. Several years ago, I had two Internet symposium with Robert, which was moderated by the online Frontpage Magazine founded by David Horovitz, a Zionist who argues that torture and massacres are kosher as long as in the receiving end are muslims. During that symposium, Robert and his friends were exposed as bigots and ignorant hatemongers. The symposiums are published online at www.19.org and also as two chapters of my book, Peacemaker’s Guide to Warmongers.
Upon the suggestion of some hyperactive islamophobes, such as, Chris Logan and his gang, Robert accepted my challenge of a face-to-face live debate. For some of the tweets see:
Knowing his disappointing performance in those two symposiums, Robert then started having fear and perhaps panic attacks. Below are the Twitters he started sending around and our email conversation regarding the debate. As you will see, he tried every excuse to escape from a face-to-face live debate, since he is smart enough to know that he would be exposed as a liar and fake expert through the Socratic Method.
Today Robert Spencer tweeted several messages about our potential debate and falsely accused me:
Robert Spencer @jihadwatchRS
@OccupyBawlStree Dont know; it happens often @loonwatchers is notorious coward; @edipyuksel ran away when asked to formulate topic properly
Robert Spencer @jihadwatchRS
@Bill21594045 @OccupyBawlStree @loonwatchers @edipyuksel I am ready if any of these clowns ever work up the courage. @harris_zafar as well.
And from some of the responses to his tweeter, I learned that, thank God, there were some people who were watching him:
LoonWatch @loonwatchers
@Bill21594045 @jihadwatchRS @OccupyBawlStree @edipyuksel @harris_zafar All you need to know about the bigot Spencer: spencerwatch.com
LoonWatch @loonwatchers
@Bill21594045 @jihadwatchRS @OccupyBawlStree @edipyuksel @harris_zafar SpencerWatch: http://www.spencerwatch.com #Islamophobia
Robert is MISREPRESENTING the truth, as you will see in the 21 EMAIL communication below:
Robert Spencer @jihadwatchRS
Mysterious money and motive behind monster mosque in Murfreesboro: Why is a huge Muslim compound going up where … http://tinyurl.com/7fqcnzp
6h Robert Spencer @jihadwatchRS
@edipyuksel My email is director@jihadwatch.org. Dearborn is near Detroit.
14h Robert Spencer @jihadwatchRS
@LogansWarning @edipyuksel Fly to Dearborn, I’ll be there to film ABN show & we can both do debate in-studio. Email me to set date & topic.
16h Robert Spencer @jihadwatchRS
Please help us stand for freedom against violent intimidation and Hamas-linked CAIR: Who stands for the right of… http://tinyurl.com/7djsoap
16h Robert Spencer @jihadwatchRS
@GroverNorquist …or with the Muslim Brotherhood (cf. that check Abdurrahman Alamoudi wrote out to you a few years back).
17h Robert Spencer @jihadwatchRS
Muslim convert gets 11 1/2 years of prison dawah for misunderstanding Islam, threatening “South Park” creators f… http://tinyurl.com/7pep9a4
22h Robert Spencer @jihadwatchRS
Tunisia: Muslim leader calls on Tunisians to wage jihad against the government, establish an Islamic state and w… http://tinyurl.com/78j4ewa
23h Robert Spencer @jihadwatchRS
German neo-Nazis helped Islamic jihadists murder 11 Israeli athletes at 1972 Munich Olympics: Nazis and jihadis … http://tinyurl.com/7pnfxm2
21 Jun Robert Spencer @jihadwatchRS
“Time for jihad”: Misunderstander of Islam accused in US jihad bomb plots including dams, nuclear plants and hom… http://tinyurl.com/7jzhmte
21 Jun Robert Spencer @jihadwatchRS
Sharia in action: Teenager lashed 100 times in Timbuktu for having child out of wedlock: Imam Rauf must already… http://tinyurl.com/85emlyn
21 Jun Robert Spencer @jihadwatchRS
First Apostasy Lawsuit Comes to Jordan: The true face of the “Arab Awakening’ continues to manifest itself. Acco… http://tinyurl.com/7q8fwkz
21 Jun Robert Spencer @jihadwatchRS
@cairchicago “Director of the anti-Sharia movement,” eh? You clowns are good fiction writers.
21 Jun Robert Spencer @jihadwatchRS
@Infiltrator4JC Thank you. Just answered: http://www.jihadwatch.org/2012/06/useful-idiot-cathy-young-wonders-which-is-the-more-serious-problem-today-islamic-extremism-or-anti-i.html
21 Jun Robert Spencer @jihadwatchRS
Radical Christians murder two children at Sunni shrine — no, wait…: It seems actually to have been an explodi… http://tinyurl.com/7r75mm4
21 Jun Robert Spencer @jihadwatchRS
Waqf tells UK student to remove kippa on Temple Mount: Islamic antisemitism: the student was told that he was no… http://tinyurl.com/7hfxf62
21 Jun Robert Spencer @jihadwatchRS
Islamic Radicalization in America — on The Glazov Gang: On this week’s Glazov Gang, Dr. Nancy Bonus, Eric Allen … http://tinyurl.com/7rg4e5l
20 Jun Robert Spencer @jihadwatchRS
Military instructor suspended over Islam course: Of course we are not at war with Islam. Obviously we aren’t, as… http://tinyurl.com/6wms6xg
20 Jun WND News @worldnetdaily
@pamelageller rips #DOJ for ‘engaging in collusion’ with #jihad groups http://www.wnd.com/2012/06/aps-war-on-national-security/ @jihadwatchRS @frankgaffney #tcot #sharia #ocra
Retweeted by Robert Spencer
20 Jun Robert Spencer @jihadwatchRS
Obama’s Justice Department secretly drops terrorism charges in Taliban case: One thing you can say about Obama: … http://tinyurl.com/88bqly3
20 Jun Robert Spencer @jihadwatchRS
@ZNovetsky Not low enough to read your self-important dhimmi nonsense.
20 Jun Robert Spencer @jihadwatchRS
St. Louis: Iranian ex-Muslim and his Christian pastor receive death fatwa from Islamic Revolutionary Army in Ira… http://tinyurl.com/7zcpxtj
20 Jun Robert Spencer @jihadwatchRS
Discipline recommended for 7 U.S. troops in Qur’an burning: Administrative punishments for doing their job. Thes… http://tinyurl.com/75q6yu3
20 Jun Robert Spencer @jihadwatchRS
Islamic honor killings in America — on The Glazov Gang: Dr. Nancy Bonus, Eric Allen Bell and Karla Moxley battle… http://tinyurl.com/749mg9b
19 Jun Robert Spencer @jihadwatchRS
Sharia in action: Saudi man beheaded for witchcraft, sorcery: Imam Rauf, call your office. Somehow the Saudis ha… http://tinyurl.com/cx9j24w
From: Edip Yuksel <19@19.org>
Date: Sat, Jun 23, 2012 at 8:43 AM
Subject: Setting up time for a face-to-face debate with Robert Spencer at Dearborn
To: director@jihadwatch.org
Cc: Aslbek, Ahmet, Caner, Layth, Arnold, Irshad
6h Robert Spencer @jihadwatchRS
@edipyuksel My email is director@jihadwatch.org. Dearborn is near Detroit.
14h Robert Spencer @jihadwatchRS
@LogansWarning @edipyuksel Fly to Dearborn, I’ll be there to film ABN show & we can both do debate in-studio. Email me to set date & topic.
I will be teaching an accelerated summer class in weekends between June 9 – August 12.
Thus, I might be available during the first week of June, from June 3-8 inclusively. This is a possibility.
During the month of June, I will be available in weekdays.
We had debated extensively via an Internet Symposium facilitated by the Frontpage.org. Though we had frank and occasionally heated debate, I found you a worthy adversary to deal with. However, I was surprised to see you in the company of Christopher Logan, Jarrad Winter and their ilk in the TWEETER world. I do not know about the nature of your affiliation with these bigots, but I did not expect such a cozy relationship…
These people have been bombarding Brook Goldstein and me throw twitters and website articles. They have been calling me all sorts of names. Their attitude and language does not invite intelligent conversation or debate. They are attacking everyone who is Muslim, even those who support the American warmongers and Neocons, such as Daniel Pipes, Zuhdi Jasser, and many other anti-Islamists such as Tarek Fatah. See: http://19.org/1813/warmongers/
These people are ignorant, bigoted, rude, aggressive, racist and bigoted. They are the Christian version of Taliban. All they want, is to create fear and hate against more than a billion Muslims and justify all sorts of discrimination and military aggression against them. This attitude might bring short-lived popularity among American jingoists, knee-jerk rapture-freak evangelists and the Zionists, but it is invitation to a total annihilation of both East and West. The Western world, or Christendom, will not survive through this attitude against a quarter of world population. We already know the financial and moral cost of the warmongering attitude of Neocons. The USA-Inc is in recession and prognosis is not promising. The USA is falling way behind of other industrialized countries in education, health care, infrastructure.
From: Robert Spencer <director@jihadwatch.org>
Date: Sat, Jun 23, 2012 at 8:51 AM
Subject: Re: Setting up time for a face-to-face debate with Robert Spencer at Dearborn
To: Edip Yuksel <19@19.org>
Why do you lie? I know Logan slightly, but I do not know Winter at all, and do not work with either.
I know well who you are and what you are trying to do.
You mean July, not June below, right? If so let’s set it up for early July.
From: Edip Yuksel <19@19.org>
Date: Sat, Jun 23, 2012 at 9:17 AM
Subject: Re: Setting up time for a face-to-face debate with Robert Spencer at Dearborn
To: Robert Spencer <director@jihadwatch.org>
Lie? Lie involves intentional distortion. Where did you get evidence regarding my intention? I noticed that Logan was tweeting you as an ally. Thus, I wrote this: “I do not know about the nature of your affiliation with these bigots, but I did not expect such a cozy relationship…”
As it seems, my perception and interpretation of your relationship was wrong. Thus, I apologize for making such an error. In fact, I am glad that you are not affiliated with those bunch.
Yes, I meant July…
After consulting my agent, I will contact you again, soon.
From: Robert Spencer <director@jihadwatch.org>
Date: Sat, Jun 23, 2012 at 11:11 AM
Subject: Re: Setting up time for a face-to-face debate with Robert Spencer at Dearborn
To: Edip Yuksel <19@19.org>
We can do it anytime on skype. ABN will broadcast it. I just learned that they are not available for us both to be in studio. I apologize, as I thought they would be. If you find a face-to-face venue, let me know.
From: Edip Yuksel <19@19.org>
Date: Sat, Jun 23, 2012 at 11:47 AM
Subject: Re: Setting up time for a face-to-face debate with Robert Spencer at Dearborn
To: Robert Spencer <director@jihadwatch.org>
Cc: Aslbek, Ahmet, Caner, Layth, Arnold, Irshad
No problem Robert… I really prefer a face-to-face and friendly discussion.
It is important to hear and feel each other. I am tired of sound-bites, finger-pointing. We should talk not only on problems, but on solutions.
So, if you are okay with it, I will try to find a location to meet each other. Would you mind travelling to Tucson Arizona? We could have the debate here at the University of Arizona or Pima Community College.
I will respect your wish if you prefer no audience at all.
From: Robert Spencer <director@jihadwatch.org>
Date: Sat, Jun 23, 2012 at 11:50 AM
Subject: Re: Setting up time for a face-to-face debate with Robert Spencer at Dearborn
To: Edip Yuksel <19@19.org>
Cc: Aslbek, Ahmet, Caner, Layth, Arnold, Irshad
An audience is fine. Would need expenses covered — flight, hotel.
From: ……
Date: Sun, Jun 24, 2012 at 6:25 PM
Subject: Re: Setting up time for a face-to-face debate with Robert Spencer at Dearborn
To: Edip Yuksel <19@19.org>
I will cover the expenses. Flight, lodging and cameraman.
From: Edip Yuksel <19@19.org>
Date: Mon, Jun 25, 2012 at 12:57 PM
Subject: Robert let me know whether the location and time is okay for the debate?
To: Robert Spencer <director@jihadwatch.org>
Cc: Aslbek, Ahmet, Caner, Layth, Arnold, Najafi, Irshad, Raymond, Matthew, Mike
Robert, peace:
We have reserved a studio in Salem, one-hour distance from Portland/Oregon, for Tuesday July 17th from 1-5 p.m.
The debate, God willing, will be recorded by an experienced crew in HD in a studio. The moderator will let us discuss the theological, political and philosophical issues with minimum interruptions. We might have a few audiences so that they could ask us questions for further explanation, etc.
If that is okay with you, then we should get you a round trip ticket from where?
Would you prefer to come the night before and leave on 18th of July? You will be picked from Portland airport to the studio.
In case, this arrangement is approved, we are considering to reserve a room for you at: http://www.grandhotelsalem.com/
If you would like to invite some friends or your readers to the studio as an audience please feel free do to so.
From: Robert Spencer <director@jihadwatch.org>
Date: Tue, Jun 26, 2012 at 9:54 PM
Subject: Re: Robert let me know whether the location and time is okay for the debate?
To: Edip Yuksel <19@19.org>
Cc: Aslbek, Ahmet, Caner, Layth, Arnold, Najafi, Irshad, Raymond, Matthew, Mike
Why are you cc’ing all these people?
Need to settle topic, moderator, etc.
10. EDIP
From: Edip Yuksel <19@19.org>
Date: Wed, Jun 27, 2012 at 2:01 AM
Subject: Re: Robert let me know whether the location and time is okay for the debate?
To: Robert Spencer <director@jihadwatch.org>
I cc’d some of the people who might wish to join us there. Perhaps many will not be make it.
Here are some of the topics:
- The theological, political and economic causes of terror and violence.
- Does Islam/Christianity promote peace or violence?
- What are the solutions for the current conflict/clash between the Western world and the Muslim World?
- The present and future of the Middle East.
- Muhammad, his life and message.
- Reason versus Faith
- Freedom of Expression and Islam
- Zionism and End Times Evangelism
- ….
If you have other topics in your mind, please let me know.
As for the moderator, he is Henry Najaf. He has produced numerous educational interviews with moderate Muslims and Christians.
I would appreciate if you confirm the date(s) so that we could purchase the ticket and reserve the room. If you wish to talk via phone, you may reach me via 520 … ….
From: Robert Spencer <director@jihadwatch.org>
Date: Wed, Jun 27, 2012 at 3:18 AM
Subject: Re: Robert let me know whether the location and time is okay for the debate?
To: Edip Yuksel <19@19.org>
Too many topics.
None of them are debate topics.
Do you know how to formulate a debate topic? I agreed to one debate, not eight. Please formulate one debate topic properly, and propose it, and I’ll evaluate it.
Why are you choosing the moderator without any input from me? I just have to accept dictated terms?
12. EDIP
From: Edip Yuksel <19@19.org>
Date: Wed, Jun 27, 2012 at 8:51 AM
Subject: Re: Robert let me know whether the location and time is okay for the debate?
To: Robert Spencer <director@jihadwatch.org>
Cc: Aslbek, Ahmet, Caner, Layth, Arnold, Najafi, Irshad, Raymond, Matthew, Mike
These were the possible set of topics, I thought worth discussing… You could choose one or two of them… Or you could come up with your own. We have a whole world of differences. Since, it appears that you are expert in formulating topics, I welcome your help.
“Please formulate one debate topic properly, and propose it, and I’ll evaluate it.”
Okay, what about discussing your book; The Complete Infidel’s Guide to the Quran? Here, how we might word this topic:
- Robert Spencer, Defending the Complete Infidel’s Guide to the Quran against a Complete Muslim, Edip Yuksel.
- A Muslim’s Challenge to the Author of the Complete Infidel’s Guide to the Quran
- An infidel Challenges the translator of the Quran: a Reformist Translation
- Which one to believe? The Complete Infidel’s Guide to the Quran, or the Quran: a Reformist Translation?
- Did Robert Spencer, the author of the Complete Infidel’s Guide to the Quran, influence Anders Behring Breivik, the Norwegian terrorist?
So, that is the topic. Yes, perhaps with the exception the last one, they are just different statement of one topic, to provide you with choices. If you know how to “formulate” it better, please go forward and come up with your formula.
“Why are you choosing the moderator without any input from me? I just have to accept dictated terms?”
Well, what should I have done? This is the time for your input. I was ready to fly to your “anti-islam evangelist den”, the IBNSAT studio in Detroit. I did not mind which Evangelical Christian or islamophobe, Crusader or warmonger you would be having as a moderator, did I? After you told me that the facility of IBNSAT was not ready for our debate, upon your request, I looked for a professional studio with a moderator; and I found one in Salem, which is a perfect name for this debate. Salem = Salaam = Shalom = Peace = Ashiti…
Okay, as it seems, you are nervous. Knowing your performance during the two symposium, which I published in Peacemaker’s Guide to Warmongers, I understand. Since you have problem with a moderator with Persian last name; then should I suggest someone with an Anglo last name? I am serious. I can find a fantastic Anglo or Italiano with a last name and skin color that would make you feel at home. If you insist, I can search for a Catholic, a Zionist, or even a Rapture-freak Evangelist.
Or would you like to bring your moderator, your assistants, your managers, your agents, and some of you reader’s with you? No problem. You may even bring with you an American version of Anders Behring Breivik!
As I told you from beginning, Robert, I am ready to meet you anywhere, except in places such as Infidel’s Hell, Las Vegas or a pig farm. So, you have three choices in this regard:
- Pick your studio, your moderator, your producer, your city, your whatever; and I will fly there solo.
- Let me pick the studio and moderator.
- Come up with a constructive suggestion, modification.
If you know a fourth option, let me know.
So, are you ready for the debate, or are you going to find excuses?
PS: I really wanted to a more friendly tone, which was evident in my previous email. But, the language and tone of your two recent emails led me to respond in the same way in accordance to the Quranic rule, Golden-plated Brazen Rule. Now, it is up to you to soften the tone and language of this debate even before it starts.
Peace; and I mean it.
From: Robert Spencer <director@jihadwatch.org>
Date: Wed, Jun 27, 2012 at 10:19 AM
Subject: Re: Robert let me know whether the location and time is okay for the debate?
To: Edip Yuksel <19@19.org>
Find out how to formulate a debate topic and get back to me. You challenged me, it is up to you to do it.
14. MIKE
From: Mike
Date: Wed, Jun 27, 2012 at 10:56 AM
Subject: Re: Robert let me know whether the location and time is okay for the debate?
To: Edip Yuksel <19@19.org>
Cc: Aslbek, Ahmet, Caner, Layth, Arnold, Najafi, Irshad, Raymond, Matthew
Spencer is shrewd; I have dealt with him many times.
Your goal is to clarify things and find the truth; his goal is the opposite, to slander Islam, that is his business and reason for making money.
However, one thing he is not; dishonest and that goes strongly in his favor.
He will quote Ibn Kathir and other short sighted Islamic scholars whose words are considered Gods words by many Muslims. He will make it between you and Ibn Kathir. Ultimately it will end up Edip against established Islamic scholars, a losing proposition.
We need to establish mis-information, and mis-interpretations of them old boys, and get it authenticated by major known names. You are a scholar, absolutely with the reformed translation, but to an average muslim a paved way is safer than yet to be concretized road.
A symposium is a much better format as a first step towards the process of sinking in the reforms. You say your things, and he says his….make a few attempts to see a different point of view, but largely, leave Muslims in a thinking mode and non-Muslims in a similar mode… That would be a advancement, rather than righting or wronging the other.
That’s been my experience. I’m embedded with every religious group, neocons as well as the liberals… My message of pluralism is advancing instead of getting challenged… Let’s win by not letting others loose, that would be a significant gain.
Just my thoughts, Thanks
15. MATT
From: Matthew
Date: Wed, Jun 27, 2012 at 11:18 AM
Subject: Re: Robert let me know whether the location and time is okay for the debate?
To: Mike
Cc: Edip, Aslbek, Ahmet, Caner, Layth, Arnold, Najafi, Irshad, Raymond
I agree with everything Mike says.
Make sure you clarify all the logistical details on paper beforehand w Mr. Spencer. Get a contract in which he agrees to publication of the video/interview. Might need to make sure that you don’t make him overly antsy when you’re describing these details to him.
And for the speech – stay positive and avoid ad hominem attacks. As Quran says (I paraphrase), argue your points in a reasoned and beautiful manner. … Make sure that his logical fallacies are hammered HOME to the audience. This guy needs a cold-water wake up call.
16. EDIP
From: Edip Yuksel <19@19.org>
Date: Tue, Jul 3, 2012 at 11:52 AM
Subject: Fwd: Robert let me know whether the location and time is okay for the debate?
To: Aslbek
Cc: Ahmet, Caner, Layth, Arnold, Najafi, Irshad, Raymond, Matthew, Mike
I am not sure what is Robert talking about? He is patronizing me with an enigmatic “formula”? I thought we were NOT going to discuss algebra, physics or chemistry.
Any help to satisfy Robert’s obsession with the formula?
17. MIKE
From: <MikeGhouse@aol.com>
Date: Tue, Jul 3, 2012 at 2:43 PM
Subject: Re: Robert let me know whether the location and time is okay for the debate?
To: 19@19.org, ahimaswelde@gmail.com
Cc: Aslbek, Ahmet, Caner, Layth, Arnold, Najafi, Irshad, Raymond, Matthew
Salaam Edip,
Start off with this and modify as you go:
Format: Symposium
Topic: Status of Women in Islam
Source: Qur’aan
Participants: Robert Spencer & Edip Yuskel
Time: 2 Hours
Venue: College Campus
Recording: Will be videotaped and made available to the public through net
Audience: Open invitation
Registration: All guests need to register in advance
- Issues to be listed and exchanged in advance
- Focus on a singular point with reference to specific verse from Qur’aan
- Each participant will present the issue, and the other will respond, then two more exchanges
- If the disagreement is on the source, conversation concludes
- Add more…
18. EDIP
From: Edip Yuksel <19@19.org>
Date: Wed, Jul 4, 2012 at 8:39 AM
Subject: Re: Robert let me know whether the location and time is okay for the debate?
To: Robert Spencer <director@jihadwatch.org>
Format: Live one-to-one debate
Topic: Peace, war and violence according to the Quran
Source: Quran
Participants: Robert Spencer & Edip Yuskel
Moderator: Henry Najafi (or you choose)
Time: 2 Hours
Venue: Film studio, Salem, Oregon
Alternative venue: A church in Tucson
Recording: Will be videotaped and made available to the public through net
Audience: Open invitation
Registration: All guests need to register in advance
- Issues, upon request, to be listed and exchanged in advance
- Focus on a singular point with reference to specific verse from Quran
- Each participant will present the issue for 15 minutes each. Then, each will respond for 10 minutes. Then free discussion on unsettled important points for 30 minutes. The rest of the 50 minutes will be used to answer the questions from the moderator/audience.
From: Robert Spencer <director@jihadwatch.org>
Date: Wed, Jul 4, 2012 at 8:55 AM
Subject: Re: Robert let me know whether the location and time is okay for the debate?
To: Edip Yuksel <19@19.org>
I told you before: formulate the debate topic properly, and then we will have something to discuss. Until then, you’re wasting my time.
Obviously you don’t know how to formulate a debate topic. Do some research and figure it out.
20. EDIP
From: Edip Yuksel <19@19.org>
Date: Wed, Jul 4, 2012 at 9:40 AM
Subject: Re: Robert let me know whether the location and time is okay for the debate?
To: Robert Spencer <director@jihadwatch.org>
Cc: Ahmet, Caner, Layth, Arnold, Najafi, Irshad, Raymond, Matthew, Mike, Aslbek
I see, Rorbert. You remind me the Turkish proverb:
“Oynamayı bilmeyen gelin, yerim dar dermiş. yerini genişletmişler, yenim dar demiş.”
No problem, I will, God willing, start writing a book refuting your distortions of the Quran in your Infildel’s guide. Then, perhaps you will be interested in “formulating a debate” and paying for my expenses too :))
Joke aside, you did not need to be afraid of an oral debate on your book, especially after receiving all the concessions you wanted. I am sharing this conversation with a few colleagues of mine and please feel free to share it with yours too.
PS: I am still open to the live debate, anytime you feel that you can endure the Socratic method. For instance, see here:
From: Robert Spencer <director@jihadwatch.org>
Date: Thu, Jul 5, 2012 at 5:45 AM
Subject: Re: Robert let me know whether the location and time is okay for the debate?
To: Edip Yuksel <19@19.org>
Cc: Ahmet, Caner, Layth, Arnold, Najafi, Irshad, Raymond, Matthew, Mike, Aslbek
Whatever. Write all the books you want. I am perfectly willing to debate you. All I asked is that you suggest a debate topic formulated properly. If that is too much for you, that’s your affair.