This paper was the topic of an interdisciplinary symposium held in March 1999 at Yeshiva University, Cardozo Law School , New York. The symposium was moderated by David Golove, Professor of Law, Cardozo Law School. Panelists Thomas Christiano, Professor of Philosophy at the University of Arizona and Gregory Fox, Professor of Law at Yale Law School, focused on the philosophical paradox involving the banning political parties to protect democracies; William Pfaff, International Affairs Columnist at International Herald Tribune and Paul Magnarella, Professor of Law and Anthropology at the University of Florida focused on the democratic process and human rights violations in Turkey.
(The commentaries at the symposium are in the next page. Click on the next page number under this page.)
Edip Yuksel*
7 Cardozo Journal of International and Comparative Law, 423 (1999)
I. Introduction
Türkiye[1] boasts to be the only Muslim country that is ruled by democracy.[2] However, the Turkish version of democracy differs greatly from traditional Western notions of democracy and is also further distinguished by its unique and even odd practice of secularism. During the last half-century, the Turkish Constitutional Court[3] and the military regimes have banned more than thirty political parties. While there is no sign that their appetite to ban political parties has been quelled, such repressive political actions have become routine practice in “protecting the Turkish democracy.” Indeed, any argument that such actions are justified to protect the “Turkish democracy” is oxymoronic at best, and has lost credibility with the recent ruling by the Turkish Constitutional Court allowing the abolishment of Turkey’s largest political party, the Refah or Welfare Party.[4]
In a lengthy draft opinion to the Turkish Constitutional Court, Vural Savas, the Attorney General of the Turkish Republic, attacked the Welfare Party (Refah Partisi) and its members on ideological grounds.[5] Surprisingly, Savas, as a top official of the so-called “secular” republic, harshly criticized, blamed and condemned the sacred book of Islam and the religion of ninety-eight percent of the country. Months after the publication of his aggressive opinion, the Turkish Constitutional Court abolished the Welfare Party for trying to establish a theocratic system in Turkey.
This paper will address the opinion of the Attorney General, as it reflects the ideology of the Turkish elite, and will evaluate the decision of the Constitutional Court, reported on February 22, 1998 in the T.C. Resmi Gazete.[6] This paper will conclude with suggestions and remedies. The procedural details involved with the workings of the Turkish Constitution are beyond the scope of this paper.[7]
Attorney General Vural Savas’ opinion suffers five primary flaws:
1. Abolishment of the Welfare Party demonstrates that the oligarchy (consisting of major media, businessmen, and military leaders) uses “democracy” only if and when it serves its interests.
2. Abolishment of the Welfare Party increases the risk of hurling Turkey into an Algerian-like civil war. With the Welfare Party no longer intact, opportunities for the dissemination of propaganda from underground organizations and religious orders striving to establish “sharia” (sectarian jurisprudence) by means of force will be created. Turkey cannot endure the possible civil strife this may bring, especially with the already volatile situations existing in regions heavily populated by the Kurdish minorities who oppose the racist and militarist policies of the Turkish government. Neither the Turkish economy nor its military can survive such a widespread conflict on two fronts.
3. The Constitution is procedurally illegitimate and infected with substantial contradictions. It was imposed upon the people through a non-democratic process, and by non-elected generals. It contains articles that contradict the principles of “modern democracy,” even though the Turkish judiciary, its legislators, and the members of the military coup often refer to the notion of “modern democracy” when justifying their actions. The Constitution, infected by hero-worship and cults of personality, resembles the constitutions of communist and theocratic regimes. It contains dogmas and imposes unnecessary limits to personal and group liberty.
4. The Attorney General’s actions contradict the principles of “secularism.” Aggressive attacks on the Quran[8] by an official of a “secular” state who is paid by the taxes of its citizens is contrary to secularist ideals. Indeed, secularism is altogether different from atheism, and the actions of governments should follow non-religious legal authority rather than atheistic ideals.
5. The Attorney General’s criticisms of the Quran are based on erroneous interpretations of its text.[9]
II. The Constitution of the Turkish Republic
In late 1982, the current Constitution of the Turkish Republic was put on the ballot.[10] This was the third constitution for the young Republic in sixty years, and much like Turkey’s constitutions of the past, it was drafted under the supervision of its military leaders.[11] The Constitution, allegedly approved by a super-majority of voters, however falls far behind Ataturk’s[12] dream of being a vehicle by which Turkey would catch up with “modern civilization.” Some learned criticisms of Turkey’s Constitution note that the document lacks political legitimacy and that it was made primarily to preserve the state, not to promote the welfare of its people.
Ersin Kalaycioglu, Professor of Political Science at Bogazici University, criticizes Turkey’s last two constitutions, the Constitutions of 1961 and 1982, and asserts that they “were both designed without the full participation or cooperation of all the major political forces in the country. Thus, they contributed mainly to a crisis of political legitimacy.”[13] Turkey’s current Constitution, however, is more restrictive of individual and group rights than its predecessor.[14]
Suna Kili, Professor of Political Science at Bogazici University, finds the Constitution of 1982 aimed “fundamentally at the preservation of the state.”[15]
Professor Kili notes that “under Article Fifteen [of the Turkish Constitution], the declaration of a state of emergency is a reason for the suspension of rights and freedoms. . . . Thus, the Constitution of 1982 allows for the restriction and/or suspension of rights and freedoms by administrative acts.”[16] Professor Kili also heavily criticizes a procedural provision in Article 153:
Given this provision, laws and freedoms may remain in force for up to one year after they have been ruled unconstitutional. Moreover, the Constitution of 1982 deprives the Constitutional Court of the power to review those decrees which carry the force of law issued by the cabinet during a state of emergency, martial law, or war.[17]
A. Theocratic Dogmas and Logical Fallacies in the Turkish Constitution[18]
Article 1 of the Turkish Constitution very simply and beautifully states that: “The Turkish State is a Republic.” However, later squeezed among the beautiful words of the Constitution is the name ‘Ataturk,’ the founder general of the Turkish Republic. Ataturk, the charismatic leader who led a series of revolutions in the 1920s and 1930s that changed the direction of Turkey from a medieval theocratic monarchy to a modern secular republic, was so popular that he succeeded in changing the alphabet of the entire nation.
However, allusions to national heroes and founding fathers (no matter how popular they may be) in a country’s constitution is a characteristic of a totalitarian and theocratic regimes. For instance, the names of Marx and Lenin can be found in Article III of Albania’s pre-1991 constitution. In the preamble to China’s constitution, one can find the name of Mao Tse Tung in addition to the names of Marx and Lenin within its text. In Saudi Arabia’s constitution, the Saudi family is praised, and in the preamble to Iran’s constitution, Khomeini is praised. Indeed, no developed country with an established democracy has the names of its founding fathers or heroes in the text of its constitution.[19]
While official religions and dogmas created in the name of national heroes may not be sufficient to explain why those countries are not among democratically civilized nations, they do provide a clue in that regard. Turkey, by placing Ataturk’s name in the Constitution, has created a sacred dogma in his name and has thereby made Ataturk’s name a symbolic trademark of the Turkish militarist and racist oligarchy.
Article 4 poses a logical problem. The article lists the un-amendable articles but fails to include itself among the list. The required majority of the members of the Congress may change Article 4, however unlikely that may be. Indeed, publically voicing such an intention under Turkish law could lead to the denial of liberty and personal freedom under Article 27, “Freedom of Science and Art” of the Constitution. Under the Constitution, such actions would be justifiedby the following clause in the Constitution: The right to freedom of expression cannot be used to promote amendments to Articles 1, 2 and 3 of the Constitution.[20]
B. The Prohibited Language
Articles that supposedly grant the freedom of expression and protect the press against censorship, contain clauses justifying prohibition of speeches, periodicals or literature written in Kurdish.[21] For example, Article 26 of the Turkish Constitution states: “No language prohibited by law shall be used in the expression and dissemination of thought.”[22] Article 28 states that “[p]ublication shall not be made in any language prohibited by law.”[23]
While no other articles referring to “prohibited languages” in the constitutions of any other country come to mind, ironically, the expression “language prohibited by law” is mentioned under articles which are entitled with the word “freedom.” The freedom of prohibiting the language of an oppressed minority, as it appears, is what the Turkish Constitution protects.[24]
Admittedly, all of the prosecutors do not share the same mentality. There are government attorneys who have digested the principles of democracy and are promoters of freedom and civil rights for individuals. Nevertheless, a single prosecutor is enough to issue an arrest warrant and drag an author to court. Similarly, despite many high ranking military officials who are against the military’s intervention in domestic politics, a gang of top generals can flirt with politicians, give orders, and overthrow the government. Turkey has witnessed three military coups d’etat and several military warnings since its formation in 1923.[25]
C. Other Repressive Articles
Article 2 of the present Constitution exemplifies the official mentality of the totalitarian regime and Article 4 exhibits the poor judgment of its drafters. Surprisingly, the Constitution contains articles explaining the goals and duties of the state and the rights and freedoms of citizens. However, in the articles where the Constitution details the use of individual rights and freedoms, it takes back the granted rights in the articles or paragraphs that follow. The Constitution does not use impolite, rude, or unpolished language. The style of the Constitution does not resemble that of the neighborhood bully. Rather, the Constitution employs clever and adept linguistic techniques while restricting individual rights and freedoms, techniques that are well-known by copywriters of advertising agencies. It pours acid on the roots of rights and freedoms while it appears to be showering the citizens with numerous rights and freedoms. Article 13 illustrates how the rights and freedoms given by spoon can be taken away by ladle in a civilized manner.[26] Articles 26, 27 and 28 define those ladles. Articles 33 and 34 under the guise of bestowing citizens with rights and freedoms, empower the state with arbitrary censorship and prohibition.[27]
The states that turn their constitutions to prohibitions grow to be cannibal or vampire democracies. Political parties are sacrificed on the whims of the oligarchy. Many totalitarian and theocratic regimes use their constitutions to show off or to fool the international community, and they systematically violate human rights which they had agreed to observe. In states with working democracies, on the other hand, constitutions impose minimum limitations on the individual and group rights and freedoms; they aim to protect minorities from the tyranny of the majorities.[28] While all constitutions reflect the ideal goal, the constitutions of democratic countries do not enforce taboos and dogmas attributed to their heroes or founding fathers; they provide protection for ideas that are unorthodox or perceived as infidel or unpatriotic. In this regard, the Turkish Constitution is far behind the constitutions of countries labeled as “Western.” For example, if one were to compare the Turkish constitution to that of Switzerland or even of Mongolia and their practice of democracy, one will find that the Turkish one lacks the color and spice of true democracy.[29]
III. The Military as the Guardian of the Turkish Democracy
After the coup in 1980, the generals who drafted the current Constitution inserted themselves into the daily politics of the country. They cited the Constitution as relevant authority[30] and began participating in weekly cabinet meetings, involving themselves in every decision they deemed related to the security of the secular, Kemalist Republic. [31]
Al literally “stinking” example of how the National Security Council protects the peace and security of the country has recently become a big issue in Turkey. During Muslim’s biggest holiday, The Festival of Sacrifice, many families sacrifice farm animals such as sheep and cows. The skins of these animals are usually donated to religious non-profit organizations or mosques. However, until recently, Muslims had a choice between donating their skins to a religious organization or to the Turkish Air Foundation (“TAF”), a government organization. Despite official commercials and declarations promoting the TAF, and legally imposed restrictions on private donation collectors, the TAF was only able to obtain a fraction of the skins donated during the Festival. To rectify this situation, the Ministry of Justice, upon the advice of the National Security Council, issued an order asking prosecutors to punish any non-TAF organization or individual who collects or accepts the skins of sacrificed animals by placing such individual in prison for six months.[32]
Additionally, the ‘head-scarves’ of women has long been another ‘peace and security’ issue with the military.[33] The leading Turkish military generals have publicly declared their opposition to Prime Minister Mesut Yilmaz and given him an ultimatum when he sided with a moderate view allowing university students to wear head-scarves.[34] Generals publicly attacked and humiliated the previous two Prime Ministers, Necmeddin Erbakan, and his coalition partner, Tansu Ciller. They did not hesitate to voice their disapproval when Prime Minister Yilmaz gave a speech declaring that protection of democracy and the Republic is the job of Congress, not the military.[35] The following day, top generals held a meeting and in a brief statement rebuffed the prime minister by reminding him of the military’s constitutional duty to protect the country against domestic elements dangerous for peace and security. A prominent Turkish newspaper wrote:
The Generals [held] a meeting yesterday, after Yilmaz’s speech in the Parliament as a warning to the military not to meddle in government affairs and gave a harsh answer. The generals stated, ‘We don’t need anybody to remind us our duties. Regardless of their political post nobody has a power to force the military to give up its fight against the Islamic fundamentalism for the sake of their political ambition or benefits’ as a response to Yilmaz’ warning. . . . Coalition partner DTP leader Husamettin Cindoruk said . . .:’I want to perceive the declaration as the loyalty of the military regime.’[36]
Prime Minister Yilmaz, who just the day before was a lion of democracy,[37] characterized the military warning as a “democratic reminder.”[38] This spectacle once again disappointed those who had the dream of a truly democratic Turkey.[39]
While it is unlikely that all the generals involved in military coups or warnings have bad intentions, their possible good intentions are not sufficient by themselves to save Turkey from chaos, mismanagement and civil unrest.
Problematically, coup leaders are not held responsible for their bad actions. Rather, some of the leaders have been rewarded by the intimidated congressmen of the Republic and have been elected president.[40] The generals who participate in coups often retire with prestige and receive lucrative pensions. After retirement they usually obtain prominent jobs on the boards of big banks or corporations. Additionally, the Chief-Prosecutor, one who is adamant about the banning of political parties in the name of democracy, does not show the courage or wisdom to charge or arrest those who abolished the Constitution, banned all political parties, violated human rights, and filled prisons with authors, intellectuals and political dissidents.[41] Perhaps for the good of Turkey, Turkish attorneys should hold those generals responsible for their actions, and not pay attention to their good intentions. This would be a more productive use of their resources than attempting to ban a party that received more than twenty percent of the vote.[42]
Journalist/columnist Mehmet Altan complained that the Attorney General’s draft opinion scarred the legal system with its style, likening it to the biased and aggressive style of a rival politician. Mr. Altan reminded his readers of the double standard:
There are “colossal differences” between the practice of the modern world of the universal and the practice of Turkish judiciary. Therefore, we are always convicted by the European Human Rights Commission. For example, the Turkish legal system sentenced the major who forced villagers to eat shit to only ten months and released him on probation. The Turkish Supreme Court of Appeals confirmed the decision of the trial court. The European Human Rights Commission, later re-investigate the trial and penalized the Turkish government to compensate the citizens who were forced to eat shit by paying four billion Turkish lira (equivalent of approximately, fifty thousand dollar). We are reminded to take justice seriously and do not use double-standard.[43]
The responsibility of finding a solution to the problems of the crawling Turkish democracy should be left to people, civil organizations, politicians and scholars, not the military. Democracy cannot be restored by undemocratic or non-democratic institutions and authorities. Democracy cannot be reformed or improved by military minds. This is against the nature of things.
Democracy requires a price. Societies must freely pass through certain experiences to discover and appreciate democracy. Some of the experiences might be painful, but military intervention slows down and delays this process. Those who cannot tolerate a political party with religious concerns should take lessons from Algeria.[44]
IV. Democracy and Freedom of Expression
The Attorney General’s assessment that the abolition of Articles 141, 142 and 163 of the Turkish Criminal Law was a misfortune accomplished by the coalition of communist and religious parties is flawed.[45] It is incomprehensible that the Attorney General could talk about human rights, dignity and freedom while trying to reserve them exclusively for those who belong to the Kemalist elite.
The Attorney General defines democracy pretty well:
Democracy is not a system where only elections are held. It is a life-style that show itself in every aspect of life requiring free thought, arguments and investigation. In other words, democracy encourages individuals to actively participate in the political process through arguments, criticism, investigation and production of alternatives. This participation can be individual as well as in groups.[46]
It appears impossible for the Attorney General to be in favor of such a democracy while he defends the former repressive articles 141, 142 and 163 mandating imprisonment for those who question, criticize, argue and seek alternative solutions. One cannot preach about democracy, freedom and modern civilization while asserting that the truth and alternatives are in his backyard and if you look for the truth and alternatives outside you will be declared a traitor and beaten.
A. The Value of Freedom of Expression in the Western World
In the case of Texas v. Johnson,[47] the U.S. Supreme Court extended the freedom of expression to the burning of the American flag. The Supreme Court defended its decision with the following argument:
The state position, therefore, amounts to a claim that an audience that takes serious offense at particular expression is necessarily likely to disturb the peace and that the expression may be prohibited on this basis. Our precedents do not countenance such a presumption. On the contrary, they recognize that a principal ‘function of free speech under our system of government is to invite dispute.’ . . . If there is a bedrock principle underlying the First Amendment, it is that the Government may not prohibit the expression of an idea simply because society finds the idea itself offensive or disagreeable.[48]
Since Texas v. Johnson, there has not been an increase in the number of flag burning incidents in America. Rather, the controversy has since become moot. At the same time, financial resources of the American government are not spent to prosecute or imprison flag burners, and the energy of the police force has not been allocated to suppress them. Furthermore, the honor and the identity of the American flag was also rescued from being the subject of a naughty battle between the lawmakers and the militants determined to find loopholes, such as reducing or adding the number of stars and wearing flags on shorts.
Instead of buying arms from America, Turkey should take lessons from America’s examples. If there were a working democracy and respect for human rights in Turkey, the country could dramatically reduce the size of its armed forces and imports of arms. It would also establish a better relationship with its democratic neighbor, Greece, and would not be waging war against its own citizens. In such an environment the anti-democratic forces would lose power.
The passionate proponent of freedom, philosopher John Stuart Mill, made the following remark:
The peculiar evil of silencing the expression of the opinion is, that it is robbing the human race; posterity as well as the existing generation; those who dissent from the opinion, still more than those who hold it. If the opinion is right, they are deprived of the opportunity of exchanging error for truth: if wrong, they lose, what is almost as great a benefit, the clearer perception and livelier impression of truth, produced by its collision with error.[49]
Indeed, history is full of examples of universally accepted ideas which were first expressed by dissenting minorities.
B. International Law and Treaties
The Turkish Constitution incorporates international agreements into the domestic law. “International agreements duly put into effect carry the force of law. No appeal to the Constitutional Court can be made with regard to these agreements on the ground that they are unconstitutional.”[50]
Turkey as a founding member of United Nations has an international obligation to abide by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR).[51] The articles protecting minorities, religious beliefs and political opinions have been violated frequently by the Turkish government. Since the foundation of the Turkish Republic, Kurdish organizations, authors and parties questioning the militarist approach to the Kurdish problem have been under continuous assault and oppression,[52] as have religious organizations, parties and their members. Articles 19, 20 and 21 of the UDHR contain clear and comprehensive language regarding the religious, intellectual and political rights of individuals.
Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.[53]
Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.[54]
Everyone has the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and association. No one may be compelled to belong to an association.[55]
Everyone has the right to take part in the government of his country, directly or through freely chosen representatives. . . .[56]
Turkish governments, led by military leaders and the Constitutional Court, have frequently persecuted Turkish citizens for religious beliefs and practices that pose no harm to the principles of democracy and secularism. The Attorney General in his allegations quotes the decision of the Constitutional Court that struck down a statute permitting girls to wear head-scarves for religious reasons:
[C]lasses and related areas must be free of symbols of religious beliefs. Therefore, wearing head-scarves in the institutions of higher education for religious purposes cannot be reconciled with the secular scientific environment . . . . The issue of dress and attire is limited with the Turkish Revolution and Ataturk’s principles and it is not a subject of freedom of conscience.[57]
The language of the Turkish Constitutional Court is deceptive because it implies that wearing head-scarves is allowed in institutions other than universities. However, the ban is not only imposed on government employees but also enforced on students – the real cause of controversy. Forcing students and citizens to give up their personal or religious choices regarding their dress code is evidence of a military mentality. The Turkish government now refuses to issue official papers to citizens who submit pictures with head-scarves. By imposing “uniforms,” not only on government employees, but also on every citizen who comes in contact with government, the Attorney General and the Turkish Constitutional Court confuse secularism with their atheistic paranoia, and the laws of a nation with the rules of a military school. Creating a national crisis out of petty prohibitions has nothing to do with secularism and western civilization, the values to which the Turkish elite pretends to adhere.
The European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (European Human Rights Convention, or EHRC), to which Turkey is a signatory,[58] adopts many of the articles and provisions of the UDHR. For example, Article 9 of the EHRC repeats Article 18 of the Universal Declaration.[59] The EHRC, like Article 29 of UDHR, acknowledges that those freedoms will be subject to “such limitations as are prescribed by law and are necessary in a democratic society in the interests of public safety, for the protection of public order, health or morals, or for the protection of the rights and freedoms of others.”[60].
The word “democracy” appears in both the Universal Declaration and the European Convention as a standard for the application of the articles of the treaties. This language is an implicit acknowledgment of the right to democratic governance. Furthermore, on March 20, 1952, European countries explicitly mentioned the electoral entitlement in the Article 3 of Protocol 1.
The High Contracting Parties undertake to hold free elections at reasonable intervals by secret ballot, under conditions which will ensure the free expression of the opinion of the people in the choice of the legislature.[61]
In fact, democratic governance is an emerging international right. The European Union members (not including Turkey), with the participation of Canada, the United States and Eastern Europe, have officially recognized such a right. Thomas M. Franck enthusiastically summarizes the new international trend regarding democracy:
At a meeting in Copenhagen in June 1990, they affirmed that ‘democracy is an inherent element of the rule of law’ and recognized ‘the importance of pluralism with regard to political organizations. Among the ‘inalienable rights of all human beings,’ they decided, is the democratic entitlement. . . . participants also linked recognition of the democratic entitlement by governments to the validation of their right to govern.[62]
Turkey, with its history of military interventions and parties banning, is far from complying with the standards set by the European Convention. Of most concern, however, is the American-Turkish relationship. An editorial in New York Times noted this strange companionship:
Turkey’s politically meddlesome generals seem determined to push their country into crisis by thwarting democratic solutions to its problems. . . . Turkey is a NATO ally and an important American military partner in the Middle East. Hence Washington maintains cordial ties with Turkish generals. But it should reject the generals’ contention that their clumsy interventions in Turkey’s political life defend the causes of secularism and democracy. In fact, the military’s conduct undermines both.
The threat of Iran-style Islamic fundamentalism understandably worries secular Turks, especially women, and concerns Washington. But radicalizing an Islamic electoral movement and driving it underground will only lead its supporters to give up on the peaceful and democratic means they now believe in.[63]
Although it is not clear whether the editorial implicitly approves a non-clumsy military intervention, its primary reasoning appears sound. The United States, by supporting the militarist Turkish government, is ‘betting on the wrong horse’ both politically and morally. Human Rights Watch in its 1995 report demonstrates the inconsistency in U.S. foreign policy.
Despite documenting the fact that Turkey has misused U.S. weapons, the Clinton administration, which says it supplies Turkey with 80 percent of its foreign military hardware, has consistently refused to link arms sales to improvements in Turkey’s human rights record. . . .
In fact, based on Human Rights Watch interviews with U.S. military personnel, it appears that Pentagon representatives in Ankara are more eager than ever to sell Turkey U.S. weapons, including M-60 tanks, helicopter gunships, cluster bombs, ground-to-ground missiles and small arms. The U.S. is also involved in co-production agreements with the Turkish defense industry, most notably helping to build the F-16 fighter-bomber, which the U.S. State Department acknowledged may have been used indiscriminately to kill Kurdish civilians, and a new armored personnel carrier.[64]
In the past, the United States supported Iran’s oppressive king Shah Riza. Their actions backfired in the so-called Islamic revolution of 1979. Similarly, the U.S. supported Saddam Hussein against Iran. This also backfired in 1990 with Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait. The American support for Saudi Arabia’s oppressive regime, besides being morally wrong, incubates a social and political volcano in the region. The myopic American foreign policy with its multi-standard approach might serve the short-term interests of multinational corporations, but does not serve the long-term interests of the American people nor those of the people of the world.
V. The Paradox: Should Democracies Allow Anti-Democratic Parties to Grab Power?
Should democracies allow a political party whose members contemplate ideas of getting rid of democracy to exist, or should democracies require the abolition of such a party? Issues concerning the priority of democracy over political tolerance, reconciliation of political party banning with principles of democracy, and the role of the military in such a regime are key to the debate.
Gregory H. Fox, Professor of Law at New York University and Georg Nolte of the Max Planck Institute, evaluated the cancellation of the Algerian election and abolition of the winning party, FIS, by the military by asking the question, “how can a democracy protect itself against its enemies and still remain democratic?”[65] The authors, after distinguishing two categories of democracies according to their form and content, concluded that the struggle of democracy for survival is more important than the short-term rights of anti-democratic elements. If it is true that the FIS party in Algeria declared that it would put an end to democracy after winning the elections, then by voting for FIS, the majority of the Algerian population chose to deprive themselves of democratic freedom. Using Hitler’s rise to power through the democratic process as an example, the authors do not find the arguments raising worries about the abuse of this justification.[66] The authors list England, Botsawana and Japan as procedurally tolerant democracies, the U.S. as the militant substantive democracy, and France, Canada and India as tolerant substantive democracies. The authors find the substantive democracies more realistic:
In this view, democratic procedure is not an end in itself but a means of creating a society in which citizens enjoy certain essential rights, primary among them the right to vote for their leaders.
None of these rights, however, is absolute in the sense that it may be used to abolish the right itself or other basic rights.[67]
The authors argue that whenever the procedure shows diversion from the goal, the procedure should be sacrificed temporarily to save the goal. John Stuart Mill, in his book, On Liberty, appears to provide some support for the authors of “Intolerant Democracies.” Mill believed that in a civilized country a person cannot be free to sell himself as a slave since giving up one’s own freedom permanently creates a contradiction:
But by selling himself for a slave, he abdicates his liberty; he foregoes any future use of it beyond single act. He therefore defeats, in his own case, the very purpose which is the justification of allowing him to dispose of himself. . . .The principle of freedom cannot require that he should be free not to be free. It is not freedom to be allowed to alienate his freedom.[68]
There is a difference between not allowing a person to give up his own freedom and not allowing the majority to accept a “potential” totalitarian regime. Forbidding an individual from selling himself does not contradict the principle of democracy, or the majority rule, but banning a party which is playing according to the rules of democracy contradicts with the core of the system.
In the past, the United States has not always been very tolerant of anti-democratic parties. For instance, during the McCarthy era where communist paranoia was epidemic, fifty members of the Communist Party were charged in accordance with the Smith Act of 1940. They were sentenced to prison for attempting to change the state and government through force.[69] In 1969, twenty-eight years after the Dennis decision, when the anti-communist hysteria subsided, the Supreme Court started to apply a stricter standard. The state was required not only to prove that the speaker tried to entice people, it had to show that the speech would cause a serious and immediate danger.[70]
The Algeria example demonstrates the danger of “temporarily” suspending the democratic process to protect democracy. The cancellation of the election in Algeria caused a civil war resulting in thousands of deaths.[71]
Would Turkey be better if the military did not intervene? There should not be an absolute abstinence from banning political parties. Political activities that pose great and immediate danger for the survival of democracy might be controlled by the judiciary. Nevertheless, this solution should be the last resort. The justification by the judiciary of a bayonet/stock democracy for banning political parties in the name of democracy is not credible, especially if banning political parties has become a judicial habit. Numerous political parties have been banned by the Turkish Constitutional Court since a multiparty system was adopted in 1946, twenty-three years after the foundation of the Republic.[72] The Library of National Congress of Turkey recently published a list of all political parties and their fate since the beginning of the Turkish Republic. The list is a graveyard of political parties. Many were banned or forced to dissolve by the the Turkish Constitutional Court or by the so-called legislators who were controlled by military juntas. The political parties that were either banned or forced to resolve are listed below under their Turkish names in order of their chronological foundation:
- Cumhuriyet Halk Partisi, 1923, BANNED in 1981 by Law Nu: 2533.
- Demokrat Parti, 1946, BANNED in 1960 by Martial Court.
- Millet Partisi, 1948, BANNED in 1953 by Court.
- Ufak Parti, 1957, BANNED in 1957 by Court.
- Adalet Partisi, 1961, BANNED in 1981 by the Law Nu: 2533.
- Turkiye Isci Partisi, 1961, BANNED in 1971 by the Constitutional Court.
- Turkiye Isci Ciftci Partisi, 1961, BANNED in 1968 by the Constitutional Court.
- Turkiye Ileri Ulku Partisi, 1969, BANNED in 1971 by the Constitutional Court.
- Milliyetci Hareket Partisi, 1969, BANNED in 1993 by the Law Nu: 2533.
- Milli Nizam Partisi, 1970, BANNED in 1971 by the Constitutional Court.
- Milli Selamet Partisi, 1972, BANNED in 1981 by the Law Nu: 2533.
- Turkiye Sosyalist Isci Partisi, 1974, BANNED in 1981 by the Law Nu: 2533.
- Turkiye Isci Koylu Partisi, 1978, BANNED in 1981 by the Law Nu: 2533.
- Sosyalist Devrim Partisi, ?, BANNED in 1981 by the Law Nu: 2533.
- Buyuk Turkiye Partisi, 1983, BANNED in 1983 by the National Security Council
- Yuce Gorev Partisi, 1983, BANNED in 1983 by the Constitutional Court.
- Refah Partisi, 1983, BANNED in 1998 by the Constitutional Court.
- Turkiye Huzur Partisi, 1983, BANNED in 1983 by the Constitutional Court.
- Fazilet Partisi, 1983, BANNED in 1984 by the Constitutional Court.
- Sosyalist Parti, 1988, BANNED in 1992 by the Constitutional Court.
- Yesiller Partisi, 1988, BANNED in 1994 by the Constitutional Court.
- Cumhuriyet Halk Partisi, 1989, BANNED in 1991 by the Constitutional Court.
- Halk Partisi, 1989, BANNED in 1991 by the Constitutional Court.
- Turkiye Birlesik Komunist Partisi, 1990, BANNED in 1991 by the Const. Court.
- Halkin Emek Partisi, 1990, BANNED in 1993 by the Constitutional Court.
- Sosyalist Birlik Partisi, 1991, BANNED in 1995 by the Constitutional Court.
- Sosyalist Turkiye Partisi, 1992, BANNED in 1993 by the Constitutional Court.
- Demokrat Partisi, 1993, BANNED in 1994 by the Constitutional Court.
- Demokrasi ve Degisim Partisi, 1995, BANNED in 1996 by the Constitutional Court.
- Demokrat Parti, 1992, BANNED in 1994 by the Constitutional Court.
- Sosyalist Turkiye Partisi, 1992, BANNED in 1993 by the Constitutional Court.
- Demokratik Baris Partis, 1996, DISSOLVED after a law suit filed at Const. Court.
- Ozgurluk ve Demokrasi Partisi, 1992, BANNED in 1993 by the Const. Court.
- Dirilis Partisi, 1996, BANNED in 1996 by the Constitutional Court.
- Emegin Partisi, 1996, DISSOLVED after the suit was filed at Constitutional Court.
- Emek Partisi, 1996, DISSOLVED after the suit was filed at Constitutional Court. [73]
Journalist Robin Wright, the author of the book Sacred Rage: The Wrath of Militant Islam, evaluates the Turkish version of democracy in a different light:
The real danger in Turkey today, however, is not Refah [Party]. Rather, it is that either the military or the constitutional court will act on the pretext of preserving Turkey as a secular state. Because the price will be democracy. And in the end, Turkey will be no safer or more stable. Probably opposite.
Indeed, just how much of a “threat” Refah really represents for Turkey is seriously debatable. By standards in the United States, a land of personal freedoms and parochial schools, the majority of items on Refah’s agenda are petty or non-issues: allowing girls to wear head scarves to school if they prefer; permitting children to go to religious schools through middle school; allowing those with Islamists beliefs to remain or rise in the military.[74]
Returning to the argument based on Hitler’s rise to power through a democratic process, there is no evidence that Hitler would not have risen to power even if his party had been banned by the court.[75] Taking into consideration the extraordinary conditions of the time and region, one can assert that the rise of fascism was inevitable with or without democracy or Hitler. Condemning democracy to eternal paranoia and submitting the democratic process to the supervision and control of non-elected powers cannot be justified by speculating about a historical mishap, such as the example of Nazi Germany. Democracies can easily be turned on their sides when banning parties in the name of democracy is justified. The Turkish and Algerian examples are two recent examples of this slippery slope. They show that the real and most common suicide of democracies is not due to their tolerance but due to their deterioration to authoritarian and militarist regimes by groups who purport to save it from the harm of “evil” political parties.
VI. Factors Turning Turkish Democracy into an Oligarchy
Ersin Kalaycioglu, a professor of Social Sciences at the Bogazici University argues that the Turkish democracy has complex problems and lists several reasons for these problems.[76] Professor Kalaycioglu’s argument can be summarized in five main points:
(1) Transition to democracy did not immediately follow the fall of the authoritarian and totalitarian Ottoman regime. There were many Turks who admired and longed for the authoritarian past. The transition to democracy did not happen with the consensus of the political powers over the constitution and democratic rules and procedures.
(2) The Turkish political elite could not reach a compromise on a fair electoral system that woukd erase doubts regarding election results.
(3) Military interventions prevented the institutionalization of a party system in Turkey. Rapid urbanization and industrialization, combined with the banning of political parties and the division of the voting electorate caused a democratic crisis.
(4) Turkish interest groups are weak and ignored by statist politicians. The elite class of the State still looks suspiciously at civil organizations run by volunteers whose members make up only six percent of the entire voting population.
(5) The Turkish Grand National Assembly, and especially those who occupy ministerial seats and participate in clientelism, tends to please the short-term demands of their constituents through corruptive means.
While Kalaycioglu’s assessment is a valid starting point, there are other crucial factors that contribute to the malformation and degeneration of Turkish democracy. These factors include:
(1) Turkey’s population boom. Rapid increases in population bring many serious problems. Turkey, having doubled its population in thirty-two years,[77] will need resources to improve schools and universities, factories, hospitals, housing facilities, bridges and highways. If politicians continue to ignore the rapid growth of the population and do not mobilize families to use birth control, the population problem will continue to worsen, and will eventually shake the social, political and economic structure of Turkey.
(2) Several of Turkey’s official policies are racially motivated.[78] In the early days of the Turkish Republic, the founding father Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, sought to replace the Arabized Ottoman identity with a new national identity. He promoted the Turkish nationalism that is expressed in his most famous slogan “ne mutlu Turkum diyene” (Happy is he who can call himself a Turk). In those days, Turkish nationalism could be justified as a unifying symbol and a substitute of Ottoman identity against eastern and western cultural imperialism. The slogan, “Happy is he who can call himself a Turk” became the most repeated and visible official slogan. It was inscribed on government buildings, classrooms, monuments, highways, mountains, and textbooks. This slogan, however, soon became the motto of racists who attempted to deny the Kurds of their identity and prevent them from assimilating their culture into Turkey. While there are still those who claim that the word “Turk” defines a nation and not a race,[79] the problem caused by using the name of an ethnic majority as the name of a nation has caused racial division and civil war in modern Turkey.[80]
Turkey is paying a hefty price for its racial discriminations. Forcing elementary and middle school children who speak Kurdish at home to chant and declare “Happy is he who can call himself a Turk” and “I am a Turk, I am honest, I am hard-working” every morning has caused both psychological and sociological reactions among the Kurds. Economic deprivation and the military’s inhuman treatment and humiliation of Kurds for decades continue to ignite and fuel the current civil war in southeast Turkey.[81]
(3) Turkey suffers from a corrupt bureaucracy and a state policy that causes an unjust income distribution. This issue will be discussed briefly in the next section.
(4) Turkey’s political system makes it impossible to check and control the governments. Indeed, the military is the only exceptional power in Turkey. Also, the government has excessive powers which ultimately lead to corruption and abuse. Perhaps a presidential system like that the United States or France would prove to be a better alternative for Turkey.[82]
(5) Local governments in Turkey are not empowered to be more independent from the central government. Turkey would benefit enormously from a federal system. The Federal System should be considered, without listening to those who want to manufacture “uniform” citizens.[83] The federal systems successfully practiced in the US and Switzerland may provide valuable examples.
(6) The dogmas which are inherited from the Umayyad, the Abbasyd and the Ottomans era are promoted by powerful clergymen, and have turned a significant segment of the population into anti-democratic zealots.[84] Unless intellectuals seriously question the traditional religion and start a reformation movement, sects and orders will continue to mold medieval minds.[85]
(7) Women do not participate in the social and political life of Turkey: Women, who constitute half of the population, are left far behind men because of prevalent male chauvinistic attitudes in Turkey.[86] Even having a female prime minister, is not enough to change the long-held social attitudes.[87]
(8) Gross Human Rights violations are ongoing in Turkey. Turkey, with its criminal procedures, police and prisons has been violating the human rights of its citizens. To protect citizens against the aggression of law enforcement officials, Turkish criminal procedure should be reformed.
Anthropology professor Paul J. Magnarella, a consultant for the Third World Research Association, finds the human rights situation in Turkey appalling.[88] He lists four factors contributing to this situation: statism and authoritarianism; military involvement in government, the economy and society; Ataturk’s principle of populism; and legalism. Below is a lengthy excerpt from his analysis which is an impressively accurate diagnosis of the political, economic and social problems in Turkey. Any opposition that threatens the power of the ruling elite, be it religious, ethnic, or socialist, has always been crushed by the Kemalist oligarchy.
1) Statism and authoritarianism. The state, through the government in power, closely directs the country’s economy, society and culture. “In Kemalist Turkey, reform and centralization by a cohesive center was the ideal aim of stagecraft, as it had been in Ottoman Turkey. In the multiparty period [from 1946] this tradition persisted in the form of ‘bureaucratic paternalism’ and military imposition of reform.” The Turkish political scientist, Metin Tamkoc, has written: “Modernization of Turkey was initiated under the authoritarian regime of Ataturk. His authoritarian political system was the product of the traditional political culture and patrimonial infrastructure. . . . [In] Turkey there is no room for an ‘opposition group.’ The governing elite do not tolerate opposition to their authority or their policies.” The ruling elites have also shown little tolerance for criticism. For example, in her statement to the U.S. Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe, Lois Whitman, Deputy Director of Helsinki Watch, said police had harassed, detained, interrogated, and beaten scores of journalists for their writings. Some have been tried and sentenced, having been convicted under the very broad anti-terror law of such offenses as criticizing or insulting the president, public officials, Ataturk, or the military, or of printing anti-military propaganda.
2) Military involvement in government, the economy and society. The military elite, seeing themselves as the guardians of the state and Ataturk’s heritage, intervene frequently in the economy and government, either through authoritarian advice or coups. The noted Turkish political journalist, Mehmet Ali Birand, has written that the Turkish armed forces are perceived to have the legitimate right and duty to intervene in politics and government in the name of the nation. He adds that through coups and military rule, the generals “have stamped their imprint on every aspect of Turkish society for the foreseeable future.”
3) Ataturk’s principle of populism. Populism stands against class-based politics and for an indivisible, unified state based on one people and one language. A component of populism is Turkification; the state, through ruling governments from Ataturk to the present, has tried to convert ethnically heterogeneous peoples into a homogeneous population of Turks. The process has involved rewriting history (e.g., the sun-language theory, which maintains that Turkish is the origin of all other languages) and suppressing the cultural identity and expression of non-Turkish peoples within Turkey.
4) Legalism. The practice by both civilian and military governments to legalize all the above, so as to legitimize the state’s often intimate involvement in the economy, society and culture; the political and legal consequences of military intervention; and the related processes of Turkification and suppression of non-Turkish culture.[89]
VII. Oligarchy and Economic Corruption
The Attorney General of the Turkish Republic complained about the extremely low educational level of the majority of the Turkish population.[90] Considering that Kemalism rules every aspect of life in Turkey, from education to the media, from the banks to the armed forces, this is a surprising admission by a respected officer of the Turkish ruling class. Nevertheless, the Attorney General’s remarks appear to be more of a criticism of the population rather than of the system which governs the population.
The Attorney General, in his charge, attempted to explain the rise of the Refah Party: “Erbakan and his friends have found many supporters because the majority of the population has low level of education and the idea of democracy has not matured in the minds of our intellectuals.”[91] The implication of this complaint exposes the mindset of the Turkish oligarchy: democracy is a luxury for our people since they are not educated and intelligent enough to vote for the best party. I disagree. Even if we consider the majority of Turkish population as “uneducated,” they are still “self-interested, rational utility maximizers.”[92] People have been disappointed for decades by the practice of politicians who preach about Ataturk, secularism, democracy, western standards, science and the level of modern civilization. Turkey’s limited budget has beengenerously spent on an unnecessarily large military.[93] Prominent businessmen are favored through corrupt state auctions and protective tariffs that have turned Turkey into a gold mine, ready to be pillaged. The gap between the majority and the richest segment of the population has grown wider because of corruption in the political system. Cetin Altan, awell-known Turkish journalist,[94] frequently brings up this disturbing idea of economic corruption:
Thanks, the annual inflation finally reached to 90%. God willing, it will reach to 100% by the next year, of course, due to the indivisible unity of our country… The fortunate top 20% of population is devouring the 54% of the national income. The condemned bottom 20% of the population, on the other hand, is left with only 4% of the national income. . . .These are the data of a kettle steaming with “domestic troubles. . . .The kettle has already started bubbling. Can water be prevented from being boiled at 100° Celsius by formulas of shooting and getting shot in the cause of the State?[95]
Ziya Onis, a professor of economy at the Bogazici University, warns about the dangerous gap between the rich and poor:
Compared with its respectable growth performance, Turkey has a poor income distribution record. With a gini coefficient of slightly over 0.5 for the past three decades, the Turkish record compares favorably only with the worst cases of income inequality in the developing world: Brazil and Mexico. Its distributional record is considerably inferior to the hyper-growth cases of Taiwan and South Korea, both of which have substantially lower gini coefficients.[96]
The author blames unfair taxation as the cause of this dangerous income gap. While public and private sector employees earn only 20% of national income, they contribute to 80% of tax revenue.[97]
The Turkish oligarchy, or a small group of influential families, benefit from government auctions, slanted tax laws and the official economic policy. Unfortunately, the members of the Turkish Armed Forces have been attracted to this insensate pillage and plunder.
The Military Mutual Assistance Association (OYAK) that was formed in the 1960’s has invested heavily in industries such as automobiles, trucks, tires, petrochemicals, cement, food production, retail sales and service. This economic interest creates enormous incentives for military personnel, either retired or on-duty, to follow the domestic economy and politics a little too closely.
The Turkish military, through OYAK, became partners with foreign and domestic firms and shared with them the same concerns for profits, political stability, and labor compliance. Consequently, the military’s corporate interests expanded into the areas of labor law, trade unionism, monetary policy, corporate taxation, investment banking, the media, and other related matters.[98]
The descendants of pashas and feudal landlords who exploited the name of Turkey’s national hero Mustafa Kemal Ataturk for their petty interests have pushed Turkey into chaos. They have pushed Turkey far away from being a democratic state, and its people will not forever stand idly by. The majority of people might be ignorant but they are by no means stupid. Fed up with the corruption and mismanagement, the people searched for hope in the Welfare Party.[99] The Attorney General, instead of accusing the Welfare Party and insulting the intelligence of the people, should have questioned the ruling class.
There is no need to guess what topics are discussed by the Turkish National Security Committee. Who can question the glorious generals who are the defenders of the country, defenders of what they claim to be a democracy? Any political changes that challenge their interests are automatically labeled a danger for the country and regime. That danger is then exposed through the highly controlled media.[100]
Journalist William Pfaff made a correlation between the endemic economic corruption of governments and the rise of the Refah Party:
The political society of Turkey has been extremely but imperfectly Westernized. The modern party system has shallow roots and tends to produce governments closely, and sometimes corruptly, linked to the major commercial and banking groups of the nation, cut off from the peasantry of what remains a poor if rapidly and erratically developing country. . . . The Islamist party, the Refah or Welfare Party, is paradoxically the only modern political organization in Turkey. It has deep roots in countryside and village, offering a program of religio-political reform to a population disoriented by the forces of modernization.[101]
Pfaff’s assessment is precisely accurate. Many Turkish authors acknowledged the economic component as the cause of the Welfare Party’s unexpected popularity. For instance, Ali Riza Karduz, a Turkish columnist, wrote: “Refah Party, did not accomplish just by exploiting religious beliefs for their political ends, but it also managed to establish a dialogue with people, especially the poor.”[102] Ironically, there is no hope looming on the horizon that the oligarchy, whose responsibility is to solve the economic disparity in the country, has any intent of doing so.
VIII. Theocratic Secularism
A. Religious orders, faith-brokers and their followers
The Attorney General confuses the teaching of religious orders with the teachings of the Quran. In fact, these teachings can be very different and even opposite from one another. This misconception is a result of the distortions of religion caused by Muslim clergymen.
The Attorney General rightly believes that religious orders, in general, are institutions where faith-brokers enter as a median between believers and God and exploit them economically, politically and mentally. However, one cannot disregard some of the good aspects of orders that attract many. Orders provide for their members psychological support and a social environment as well as economic cooperation networks. Religious orders fill a vacuum that Masonic clubs and secular institutions do not reach. Nevertheless, many of those who struggle to preserve their culture and identity against atheism and modernism fail. Those who are deprived of economic opportunities, after falling into the web of religious orders, give up monotheism and become worshipers of their religious leaders. They soon lose their identity and freedom.
The following question is relevant to this discussion:
World religions give hundreds of different answers for a single question. Dogmas attract the highest rate of conformists. Conformity, sooner or later, causes the private acceptance or justification of the dogma. Some people become fanatics, dedicating themselves to the dogma. The old conformists cause the newcomers to conform. This chain attraction goes on. Why is the percentage of religious conformists and their private acceptance so high?[103]
While there are many possible answers to this question, economic, social and psychological biases may offer valuable guidance:
Third world countries that are inflicted with economic, politic and ethnic diseases a minority enjoys the resources through government subsidies, nepotism, monopolies and high interests while the majority struggles in the quagmire of unemployment and poverty. Those countries where injustice and corruption is epidemic, a leadership that provides religious identity for the oppressed class through radical opposition to the establishment attracts masses. The religious causes are no more philosophical or personal, but are political tools, energizing drugs, and symbols of rebellion. The anger and dissent that has been accumulated against the ruling class throughout generations are finally released through sacred volcanic eruptions with hot slogans hurled in the name of God. In such an environment religions and religious orders represent mixed and complex emotions created by social and economic trepidation.[104]
Those who join religious parties and orders merely to protest political, social and economic injustices are similar to gang members who use gangs to escape from family troubles.
A private confession of Prof. Esad Cosan, the leader of a powerful religious order called Iskender Pasha Community, exposes the dimension of the ugly and “holy” economic exploitation. Prof. Nejmeddin Erbakan, the leader of Welfare Party, was affiliated with the order until 1990. In the following secretly-recorded private speech, Mr. Cosan complains about Erbakan to his elite followers:
“The Prophet, our lord, says: ‘Those who break their promises have no religion.” Where is loyalty? Where is the 20, 30, 40 years-old friendship? Where is reciprocating goodness with goodness? I have supported you until 1990, then why do you not support my foundation? What did you see in my book contrary to Islam? He has adapted a cause of his own by saying, “I am the commander of jihad.” What jihad? This is not a struggle in the cause of God. We know each other for 40 years, we have supported him for 40 years, we have fed him, we have allied with him with all our might, he is someone whose budget has swelled by the financial contribution of our brothers, fattened, became rich by the Marks sent from Germany filled in bags, he is the one who did things with the money came from Saudi and Kuwait.[105]
Religious orders and their leaders advocate blind faith which is in contradiction to the Quranic principles advocating empirical and rational methods in acquiring knowledge.[106] Religious organizations and orders tends to create polytheists. The members of orders are discouraged from studying the Quran; they are told it can be understood only by clerics. Instead of focusing on the Quran, members are fed with miraculous stories of the leaders of the orders, thereby brainwashing them into obedient servents.
Religious orders are institutions of ignorance. They advocate superstitions and commentaries on dreams instead of rational thinking: they prefer amulets and miraculous healings to medical treatments based on research and experiments; they teach mythologies exalting their dead “saints” instead of a falsifiable and verifiable thesis; they promote intercession through dead or live clergymen instead of asking help from God alone; and they promote medieval cleric-made teachings such as Hadith, Sunnah and sectarian jurisprudence instead of the Quran alone.[107]
The fight against these social and religious cancers must be fought through reason, science and education. The fight will be successful in a democratic environment, in an environment where all ideas and beliefs, including those of religious orders, and the right of free association, are protected. A secular government should not be involved in such a fight, and should not get involved by banning religious orders, since it incurs more harm than good.
A state with frowned eyebrows and steel fists trying to teach religion and morality to its citizens creates negative reactions and only increases the number of followers and their level of fanaticism. The Turkish state should sincerely adhere to democratic principles, observe international treaties, stop subsidizing the wealthy and stop imposing official dogmas and religion onto its citizens. Otherwise, the war between the interest groups who fight in the name of a deformed democracy and the interest groups who fight in the name of a deformed religion will only escalate.
Aping the practices of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk contradicts the principles of modern civilization. Ataturk’s era was an extraordinary era and had its idiosyncrasies and limitations. The transition from monarchy to republicanism required certain bold and dramatic actions. Therefore, adopting democracy was delayed until after Ataturk’s death in 1938.[108]
Freedom and democracy protect the ideas and institutions that we may not approve of. Abolishing the institutions that we do not like, denouncing the politicians that we disagree with as traitors and putting them in prisons is a contradiction to the “standards of progressive modern civilization,” a phrase frequently used by the Attorney General and the Turkish elite.
Our century is the era of freedom and respect for personal beliefs. In the “civilized” world, secularism is not a machete to rive and carve religious beliefs and orders. On the contrary, secularism protects them from the oppression of states and majorities. Religions and orders which are not disturbed by democratic regimes usually do not choose to fight against the state, rather, they choose to compromise and live together. In fact, radical elements of organized religions and orders will lose power over the minds of people if ideas and beliefs are discussed with minimal prohibitions and taboos. The quality of societies increases dramatically when ideas are freely and publicly argued. They become more productive, creative and successful. In the open market of ideas, a minority that could be influenced by amulets, charlatan healers, and cults can hardly pose danger to the well-being of the entire society. If it is the majority who is fooled by these elements then the problem is not the suppliers of such ideas, but the causes of such a mass demand.
B. Asking Help from the Shrines
Under the title, “The Principle of Secularism” the General Attorney quotes from Ataturk: “imploring the dead for help is shame for a civilized society.”[109] Nevertheless, the Attorney General is not following the advice of Ataturk. In his draft opinion, the Attorney General proudly quotes the first paragraph of the Preamble of the Turkish Constitution where Ataturk is described as an “immortal leader and matchless hero” and referred to by the capital He, implying divinity.
The difference between the members of the religious orders and the members of Kemalist oligarchy is only in labels and their power base. The Attorney General, the members of the Constitutional court and military leaders have betrayed Ataturk by turning his grave into a house of worship. The Kemalist elite is obsessed with erecting busts of Ataturk everywhere. Every school and every government office has a corner where his brass or stone bust appears and rooms are filled with Ataturk’s sullen pictures looking down on those who enter them. Inscribing “words of wisdom” attributed to Ataturk is another national and official obsession. One may find a quotation from Ataturk where the word airplane or sky is mentioned on the gates of airports, or another quotation adorning the most visible walls of railroad stations, on the gate of a park, or in a police station. A Turkish author who was fed up with this idolization and exploitation of Ataturk wrote: “Turkey, for long time, has afflicted with three disasters: terror, inflation, traffic. Unfortunately, we cannot find a single word from Ataturk on these issues. If Ataturkism is merely all about his words, then we should watch these 3 monsters demolishing the Republic…”[110]
The mindset and attitude of those who claim to be Kemalist are no different than members of a religious sect. This can be observed by those that do not belong to the circle. For instance, the observation of an American anthropologist is very accurate:
Ataturk as “father of the Turks” is symbolically allied with both God and the Prophet. He has been referred to as Tek Adam, “A Singular Man” (Aydemir 1969). Tek means single, alone, unique, solitary, without a partner, an attribute that we have seen belongs only to God. Even in official documents “He” is always capitalized when it refers to Ataturk.
Like the Prophet, he brought the Turks the message of their origin and orientations, to recall them to their true heritage. They were to make the land a place where his laws and customs would prevail. The national bayrams (holidays) compare with the religious ones. For example, May 19 commemorates the date Ataturk arrived at Samsun in 1919 from the capital, Istanbul, where he would surely have been arrested. This movement could be considered his hicret (hijra, hegira), analogous to Muhammed’s exodus from Mecca to Median; alternatively, it might be imagined as the time he received his “call” to begin a cihat (holy war) to cast off the yoke of the infidels (the Allied Powers). October 29 commemorates the proclamation of the Republic (1923), the beginning of the new nation living under new laws. April 23, Children’s Holiday, commemorates the opening of Parliament, which might be inversely comparable to Seker Bayrami, the Candy Holiday, which closes the period of fasting.
In addition, statues and pictures of him are ubiquitous, an obvious contrast with Islam’s aniconic tendency and the invisibility of God. His death date (November 10, 1938) is remembered every year by several minutes of silence at 9:04 a.m., but all children must learn a song that begins “Ataturk is not dead, he still lives.” General Evren, after the military intervention in 1980, placed a wreath at his tomb, Anitkabir, a large square structure dominating Ankara that is referred to even by taxi drivers as “our kabe'” (Ka’ba), implying that Ankara is a new Mecca. Like its Meccan counterpart, Anitkabir is also a place of pilgrimage. Many children are taken there on finishing primary school; others go whenever means and opportunity allow. It was the first place I, as a Fulbright grantee, was taken.
The symbolics of political geography reinforce the belief that secularism in Turkey cannot mean merely a separation of religion and state. Rather, the state has taken over the symbols and the structure of the authority of Islam but changed the referents. The secularism Turks are confronted with is a mirror image of the religious worldview reflected back to this world. But is the nation a sacred state or a secular religion?[111]
The oxymoron “secular religion” provides a critical insight into the nature of the troubles that Turkish society has been experiencing since the transformation from a theocratic monarchy to a secular republic. The transformation, or more accurately, mutation, did not result in a different species, but rather a bizarre hybrid creature. The suppressed and condemned characteristics of the Ottoman Empire somehow survived and became the alter ego of the new nation. Donald E. Smith of Yeshiva University provides another example of such complex national personalities:
. . . particularly in the Soviet case, something else was also at work: the gradual elaboration of an official cult, complete with sacred books, revered prophets, holy shrines, unquestioned creeds, moral imperatives, and a promised utopia. From the point of view, revolution brought not secularization but establishment of a new secular religion.[112]
If the Turkish state wants to rise to the “level of modern civilization,” instead of replacing a religion with another religion it should start practicing real secularism. The Attorney General, in his charges before the Constitutional Court, subscribed to a tyrannical definition of secularism: “This word does not merely mean the separation of worldly and religious authorities in the state, but it also means the determination of social life in the area of education, family, economy, law, manners, attire, etc., according to the time and requirements of the time.”[113] The understanding and practice of secularism as an officially mandated lifestyle for individuals explains the root of most of the social and political problems that Turkey is struggling with.
The United States, with its well-calculated tolerance towards religions, is a good model for Turkey to follow. For example, in Wisconsin v. Yoder, a suit brought by the state against members of the Amish Church who did not send their children to public schools, the U.S. Supreme Court held that the state has no authority for compulsory education.[114] Worried that compulsory education would be a threat to the rural lifestyle of Amish community, the Supreme Court balanced the First Amendment right with the state’s interest.
The United States Supreme Court, in another case found prayers at high school graduation exercises unconstitutional since the supervision of prayers by teachers could create psychological pressure on students and therefore violate the separation of church and state.[115] The First Amendment of the American Constitution aims to protect religion from the intrusion of the state and prohibits the state from supporting any particular religion.[116] The United States Supreme Court, despite occasional staggering, has drawn a functioning line by balancing the delicate tensions inherent in the First Amendment.
Turkish secularism on the one hand is antagonistic to religion, on the other hand, it continues the Ottoman tradition of discrimination based on religion. While there exist a small minority of Christians and Jews within the Turkish population,[117] in the history of Turkish Republic, with the exception of Jefi Kamhi,[118] there has not been a single congressman from these religious minorities Nor has any Turkish citizen belonging to a religious minority been placed in the cabinet or in the ranks of lieutenants of the Turkish Armed Forces.
Turkey is the only “secular” state that imposes compulsory religious education in its high schools. Article 24 of the Turkish Constitution is a monument of contradiction. The first three paragraphs are filled with freedoms and rights:
Everyone has the right to freedom of conscience, religious belief and conviction.
Acts of worship, religious services, and ceremonies shall be conducted freely, provided that they do not violate the provisions of Article 14.[119]
No one shall be compelled to worship, or to participate in religious ceremonies and rites, reveal religious beliefs and convictions, or be blamed or accused because of religious beliefs and convictions. [120]
The following paragraph, however, is unique to the Turkish version of secularism:
Education and instruction in religion and ethics shall be conducted under State supervision and control. Instruction in religious culture and moral education shall be compulsory in the curricula of primary and secondary schools. Other religious education and instruction shall be subject to the individual’s own desire, and in the case of minors, to the request of their legal representatives.[121]
Turkey is perhaps the only “secular” government that does not accommodate the religious needs of the majority. In Turkey, while the Christian minority can go to church on Sundays and the Jewish minority can observe Sabbath on Saturdays without risking their jobs, the Muslim majority are deprived of a two hour break during Friday at noon.[122] The Muslim majority in Turkey has fewer rights than the Muslim minority in the U.S. The backward official policy that considers waging war against the head-scarves of women citizens as a progressive act and as a craft of governance germinates and augments another similarly backward alternative. Turkey has been transformed into a war zone between the followers of secular religion and the traditional religion with their multiplying silly symbols, such as neckties versus beards, hair versus turbans, wineglasses versus rosaries. The occasionally emerging bayonets and gunfire accompanied by nationalistic or religious slogans promises a dark future for Turkey. Turkish democrats and intellectuals cannot watch this ridiculous fight continue.
IX. The Reasoning of the Constitutional Court and the Defense
The Constitutional Court, with two justices dissenting,[123] found Professor Nejmeddin Erbakan, the leader of Welfare Party, inter alia, guilty of violating secularism on four counts. The court described the first “crime” with these words:
Nejmeddin Erbakan, the Leader of the Party, ignored the Constitutional rules and the opinion of the Constitutional Court by his speeches encouraging the use of head-scarves and turbans in the universities. His speeches became a message for those who are against the secular system. Therefore, in various universities and in front of mosques demonstrations were held, disrupting the public order.[124]
Though none of the demonstrations were organized by the Welfare Party, the Constitutional Court assumed a nexus between Erbakan’s speech defending “real” secularism and the demonstrations.[125] In the list of crimes committed by Nejmeddin Erbakan, the Constitutional Court lists his speech asking for a pluralistic legal system, similar to the American federal system.[126] The defense again claimed that the speech was protected and also quoted from other party leaders praising Erbakan’s speech as “very informative.”[127] The defense also interpreted the speech as being about the “freedom of contract,” meant to promote the goals of international institutions such as, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, European Human Rights, Helsinki and Paris conditions.[128] The defense quoted a part of Erbakan’s speech that was not mentioned by the Court. In the same speech that the Court found criminal because of its anti-secular message, Nejmeddin Erbakan, is ironically an ardent defender of secularism:
The entire world is expecting three things from secularism: the state should not blame anyone because of his or her belief; should not oppress anyone because of his or her religious conviction; and every person should be free in choosing his or her faith. When we say ‘a state that stops all kinds of oppression’ we mean that the state itself should not be a tyrant, the state should be there to serve the citizens, and it should be concerned about human rights. . . . it will be democratic . . . What is the meaning of this? It means that the state should get the support of the people when it makes legislation, the state should not act with a SCHOLASTIC reasoning and claim that ‘our religion dictates this, so the law should be this way.’ We do not approve such a compulsion; the law should be based on scientific inquiry.”[129]
The defense rightly questioned the logic of accusing the orator of such a speech with a violation of secularism. The defense, knowing that the Turkish establishment has a very different concept of secularism, also resorted to the International Treaties and Article 25 of the Turkish Constitution which reads: “No one shall be compelled to disclose his thoughts and opinion for any reason or purpose; nor shall anyone be blamed or accused on account of his thoughts and opinions.”
The Constitutional Court lists Erbakan’s speech in the Welfare or Refah Party’s group meeting at the Great National Assembly as another reason for the abolishment of the Welfare Party. The “criminal act”, according to the Court, was the following words: “Refah Party will bring a just system, this is a must. Sixty million of Turkish population will decide whether the transition will be soft, hard, or bloody.”[130] The defense accused the media and the Attorney General of distorting the speech and taking it out of context. The defense provided faxes and media accounts of the speech to demonstrate its context and purpose. After the Refah Party won the municipality election in major cities, the Party received many threats from various sources, including the military. For instance, one threatening fax read, “Ankara will be a grave for Melih Gokcek [the mayor from the Refah Party] . . . We will fight until the last drop of our blood.”[131] Nevertheless, the Constitutional Court tried to read more into Erbakan’s speech, and interpreted his words “just system” to mean “religious system,” one reasons cited for abolishing the Rafah party.[132]
The last “crime” attributed to Erbakan is no more persuasive than the previous ones. His invitation of some religious leaders to a dinner during the month of Ramadan to the House of Prime Minister was found to be criminal. Erbakan, both as a party leader and a Prime Minister, according to the Court, violated the Article 174 of the Constitution by inviting people with illegal attire to an official dinner, whereby implying the consent of the state to such illegal attire.
The lengthy Article 174 to which the Court refers, starts with “no provision of the Constitution shall be construed or interpreted as rendering unconstitutional the Reform Laws indicated below” and lists eight of Ataturk’s reforms, such as uniform education system, the wearing of hats, the closure of dervish convents and tombs, civil marriage, the adoption of International numerals and the Latin Alphabet, abolishing of titles and appellations such as Efendi (Lord), Bey and Pasa, and finally the wearing of certain garments.
Most of these reforms are dead in the daily life of modern Turkey. Virtually no one is wearing hats, and the prohibited titles Efendi, Bey and Pasa are widely used among the people and in the media causing no legal problems. The reasons for these reforms evaporated a long time ago and these reforms are inserted into the Constitution solely to revere Mustafa Kemal Ataturk. But it is impossible to understand how the Attorney General and the Justices of the Constitutional Court, who themselves do not wear hats and who address one another with titles such as “bey efendi,” are able to accuse a party leader for inviting some people wearing “illegal attire” to a dinner of violating the Constitution. Besides, Article 174 has nothing to do with those who wear or do not wear certain attire, nor has it anything to do with inviting such people to an official dinner. Article 174 is about misinterpreting the Constitution contrary to the reforms, which Erbakan apparently never did.
This paper cannot respond to every claim made by the Attorney General. His non-traditional opinion boldly demonstrates the ever increasing polarization between the Turkish ruling class and the traditional population. It also exposes the true nature of the “secularism” and “democracy” intended by the ruling class.
The proponents of this bizarre secular ideology have been controlling, manipulating and exploiting religious beliefs while aggressively attacking those who are not converted to the official version. Under the pretext of protecting democracy, they have been inviting and applauding militarist interventions and have been banning political parties ad nauseam. But their end is near. They should show the wisdom of studying the international trend. In an information age where the Berlin Wall has crumbled and the Chinese Wall is shaking it is not possible to keep Turkey as a land of dogmas and dinosaurs. The future of Turkey is not open to totalitarian oligarchy. Turkey, God willing, will become a democratic secular land in a real sense, where Kurds and Turks, Muslims and non-Muslims will live together peacefully and respect rights of one another.
A poem by Turkish poet Nazim Hikmet[133] is a perfect invitation:
Galloping and leaping from far Asia
Stretching out the Mediterranean like a head of a mare
this land is ours.
Wrists soaked in blood, teeth that are locked, feet that are bare
and this ground akin to a silk carpet,
this hell, this heaven is ours.
Close the doors that are foreign, let it not open again
Abolish slavery of humans to humans
this invitation is ours.
Living like a tree, individual and free
and like a forest that is friendly,
this aspiration is ours…
[1] *Author, human rights activist. J.D., University of Arizona College of Law, 1998. I wish to thank Professor David Golove for his enthusiastic feedback and the editors of this Journal, especially Alexandra K. Zois and Heidi Joy Schmid, for their input. My ultimate thanks go to God for enabling me to immigrate to America, the land of freedom. The author may be reached through his website, <>.
Spelled “Turkey” in English, the English spelling is used throughout this article for convenience.
[2] Paul J. Magnarella, The Legal, Political and Cultural Structures of Human Rights Protections and Abuses in Turkey, 3 Det. C.L J. Int’l L. & Prac. 439 (1994). In the introductory paragraph Professor Magnerella describes Turkey with the following words: “Turkey stands as the only democratic state with a predominantly Muslim population. Although most of Turkey’s territory lies in the Middle East, its political leaders created a West European-style constitutional republic with a pro-Western foreign policy. Turkey boasts a democratically elected parliament and an independent judiciary. It is a member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, the Council of Europe, the European Community (associate member), and the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe. Turkey is also an American ally and the third largest recipient of United States foreign aid.”
[3] The Turkish Constitutional Court is the Turkish equivalent of the US Supreme Court.
[4] “[The] Welfare Party has more than 4 million members among the total 35 million vote[r]s and received 22% of votes in [the] 1995 elections.” Resmi Gazete [Official Reporter], Feb. 22, 1998, at 68. It is the progeny of the National Salvation Party (Milli Selamet Partisi) and the National Order Party (Milli Nizam Partisi) which were both abolished in 1973 by the Constitutional court, and in 1980 by the generals. For the role of the military in Turkish politics see Feruz Ahmad, The Making of Modern Turkey (1993).
[5] Bassavci Savas’in Mutalasinin Tam Metni [The Text of the Attorney General Savas’ Opinion], Sabah [Morning] Aug. 1-12, 1997. Sabah is a major Turkish daily newspaper, with a searchable archive at its website, <>.
[6] Resmi Gazete, supra note 4, at 13.
[7] I do not endorse the ideology of the Welfare Party, which is now on the lengthy list of abolished political parties in Turkey. However, I do have many friends and relatives among the members of the Turkish National Congress (TNC) from the Welfare Party (including my uncles who have been in the Congress and affiliated with the same party for decades, and my cousin, whom I consider a democrat and humanist, who is a member of the Congress elected from the Welfare Party). I therefore cannot deny that there are some elements in the party that advocate the establishment of “shariat,” the medieval sectarian jurisprudence attributed to God and Muhammad.
As a researcher who has written scores of books and articles on Islam, I denounce the traditional Islam since it has nothing to do with the teaching of Muhammad and the only book delivered by him, the Quran. I have discussed this issue in several books. See, e.g., Edip Yuksel, 19 Questions For Muslim Scholars (1996). For further analysis, see also Kassim Ahmad, Hadith: A Re-evaluation (1997) and Rashad Khalifa, Quran, Hadith and Islam (1982). These three books can be downloaded from the Internet at <> or <>. The Islam that is prevalent in Muslim countries, be it Sunni or Shiite or other sects, is the product of Muslim scholars introducing the medieval Arab culture and some other teachings in the name of God and Muhammad. Those who fanatically adhere to those teachings cannot be honest in their claims regarding democracy and freedom since the sectarian jurisprudence and their holy sources besides the Quran, such as Hadith and Sunnah, justify and even encourage oppression and terror against those who do not uphold those teachings. Id. The orthodox religion of the clergymen teaches religious zealots to kill apostates, issue harsh penalties for personal sins that have no direct connection to society, and subordinates women and discriminates against them. Id.
[8] The Quran is considered sacred by the majority of Turkey’s population.
[9] I will discuss the first four points in more detail. I will not elaborate on the fifth point in this paper. For more information of the fifth point, see Edip Yuksel, Devlet/Demokrasi/Oligarsi/Teokrasi (1997) where I have dealt with the Attorney General’s argument against the Quran extensively.
[10] In 1982, I was a 25 year-old political prisoner in a military dungeon when the current Constitution was put on the ballot. During my prison term, I was allowed to read newspapers and magazines, but only after they were censored by the prison authorities. At that time, newspapers were writing about the coming ballot on the proposed new Constitution prepared under the supervision of the members of the military coup. (Interestingly, the previous Constitution was also a “new” Constitution drafted by a military junta after the 1960 coup.) However, the military junta prohibited newspapers from publishing opinions and propaganda against the proposal. Criticism of the proposal was against the Turkish version of “democracy of modern civilization.” Those who dared to declare “NO” would be grabbed by their ears and put in prison. Therefore, some “enemies of the country” who defied the ban ended up in Turkey’s already crowded jails and prisons. Though the ballot was to be a secret ballot in theory, the “NO” or “YES” voters to the proposal would wink to the officials attending the ballot boxes. An insidious ballot scheme that is rarely seen in the history of democracy would be employed. The “No” votes were printed on blue paper while the “Yes” votes on white. Those who wanted to vote “No” would insert one of the blue papers into a translucent envelope in a private cubicle or room. Nevertheless, this secrecy would last until the ballot box. The ballots of opponents would wink blue to the attending officials!
Meanwhile, opponents of the proposal tried creative ways to undermine the ban on the “public no.” For instance, in a cartoon in Cumhuriyet Gazetesi (Republic Newspaper) a cute character enters his room in suspicion and fear; he searches the room. He looks under the couch, looks out the window, checks the closets and drawers and he even looks under the carpet. When he finally feels that he is alone and no surveillance equipment is around, he takes out his guitar and starts reciting the Turkish translation of “ooh mammy, ooh mammy blues, oooh blues…” Another creative protest that I still remember was published on the back cover of Sizinti, a religious monthly magazine. The Turkish word “hayir” means both “no” and “good luck.” The magazine used the double meaning of the Turkish word cleverly: “Anayasa oylamasi HAYIRLI olsun” (We wish that the vote on the Constitution will end with good luck/no). But the results were not lucky; according to the official claims, more than 90% of the votes were “Yes.” (“. . . the Constitution was submitted to a referendum on November 7, 1982. It was officially reported that 91.27% of the eligible voters cast their votes. Of these, 91.37% voted for. 8.63% cast negative votes.” Gisbert H. Flanz, Constitution of The Countries of the World: Turkey 2 (Albert P. Blaustein & Gisbert H. Flanz eds., 1994). See also Turkey’s de Gaulle, Economist, Nov. 13, 1982, at 7.).
[11] Turkey’s Constitution of 1924 was drafted under the supervision of Ataturk, the founding father of the Turkish Republic; The 1961 Constitution was supervised by General Cemal Gursel, the leader of the 1960 coup; and the present Constitution was supervised by General Kenan Evren, the leader of the 1980 coup. Metin Tamkoc, Inconsistency between the Form and Essence of the Turkish Political System (1983).
[12] Mustafa Kemal Ataturk is considered the founding father of the Turkish Republic.
[13] Ersin Kalaycio_lu, Constitutional Viability and Political Institutions in Turkish Democracy, in Designs For Democratic Stability: Studies in Viable Constitutionalism, 179, 180 (1997).
[14] “The 1961 Constitution emphasized fundamental liberties while the present Constitution seeks to assure the authority of the state.” Flanz, supra note 10, at 2.
[15] Suna Kili, Turkish Constitutional Developments, 21 Cap. U. L. Rev. 1059, 1068 (1992).
[16] Id. at 1069-70.
[17] Id. at 1070.
[18] In 1996, I first became interested in studying the Turkish Constitution. Prior to immigrating to the United States I had no desire to read the Constitution of a country which had alienated me for my religious convictions (Islam), my ethnicity (Kurdish) and my unorthodox socio-economic (anti-capitalistic) ideals. The constitution would not protect the liberty and dignity of dissidents against the steel fist of the state and therefore had no meaning for me as a young university student. I was sentenced to a six-year prison term for violating Article 163 of Criminal Code and for showing the courage and dignity to defend my position in front of the judges of the martial court. I was released from the prison after 3.5 arduous years which included nearly one year of physical torture, verbal abuse, malnourishment and many other indignities. After a coerced military service as a “dangerous foot soldier,” I was again detained for my book “Interesting Questions 1” for 6 months, this time ending with an acquittal with no compensation. As an interesting quirk of fate, the number 163, the “legal” number that I hated throughout my political activities, was assigned to me in law school as my locker and mailbox number.
[19] I have examined the constitution of the countries that are members of the European Union, Canada and the United States.
[20] Turk. Const. art. 27.
[21] For a more detailed argument on the Kurdish issue, see Edip Yuksel, Yes, I Am A Kurd, 7.3 Det. C. L. J. Int’l. & Prac. 359 (1999).
[22] Turk. Const. art. 26.
[23] Turk. Const. art. 28.
[24] “No language other than Turkish shall be taught as a mother tongue to Turkish citizens in teaching and learning institutions.” Turk. Const. art. 42.9.
[25] See, Kalaycio_lu, supra note 13, at 179-192.
[26] “Fundamental rights and freedoms my be restricted by law, in conformity with the letter and spirit of the Constitution, with the aim of safeguarding the indivisible integrity of the State, its territory and nation, national sovereignty, the Republic, national security, public order, general peace, the public interest, public morals and public health, and also for specific reasons set forth in the relevant articles of the Constitution. . . . ” Turk. Const. art. 13.
[27] “Every individual has the right to form associations without prior authorization. . . . Associations shall not contravene the general grounds of restriction in Article 13, nor shall they pursue political aims, engage in political activities, receive support from or give support to political parties, or take joint action with labor unions, with public professional organizations or with foundations. Associations deviating from their original aims or conditions of establishment, or failing to fulfill the obligations stipulated by law shall be considered dissolved. . . . ” Turk. Const. art. 33.
“Everyone has the right to hold unarmed and peaceful meetings and demonstration marches without prior permission. . . . The competent administrative authority may determine a site and route for the demonstration march in order to prevent disruption of order in urban life. . . . The competent authority designated by law may prohibit a particular meeting and demonstration march, or postpone it for not more than two months in situations where there is a strong possibility that disturbances may arise which would seriously threaten public order . . . . In cases where the law forbids all meetings or demonstration marches in districts of a province for the same reasons, the postponement may not exceed three months. . . . Associations, foundations, labor unions, and public professional organizations shall not hold meetings or demonstration marches exceeding their own scope and objectives.” Turk. Const. art 34.
[28] See e.g., Texas v. Johnson, 491 U.S. 397 (1989), discussed infra note 47.
[29] Flanz, supra note 10.
[30] For instance, Article 118 of the Turkish Constitution “The National Security Council” gives the armed forces the duty to protect the “integrity and indivisibility of the country, and the peace and security of society.” Turk. Const. art. 118.
[31] However, this militaristic intervention in Turkish domestic policy is not only a modern conundrum. The military has always been in the middle of political affairs since the decline of the Ottoman Empire. During the Ottoman Empire, “[t]he Janissary army became the scourge of Europe. But during the centuries of decline, this same army, now actively engaged in palace politics, became a greater threat to the ruling sultan than to his enemies. The Janissaries, in alliance with the men of religion, the ulema, became a formidable obstacle to reform.” Feroz Ahmad, supra note 4, at 2. Today, the modern Turkish army has changed its alliances; instead of clergymen, the military has established strong alliances with Kemalist businessmen, bureaucrats and journalists.
[32] Cemal Dogan, Savcilara Deri Talimati [Skin Order to Prosecutors], Sabah, Apr. 3, 1998, at 18.
[33] See, Burton Bollag, A Ban on Islamic Head Scarves Unsettles Turkey’s Universities, Chron. Higher Ed., Apr. 24, 1998, at A59. See also, Philip G. Smucker, The Meaning of a Scarf: Turkish Students Fight to Wear Islamic Head Coverings, U.S. News & World Rep., Mar. 16, 1998, at 31. “The secular Turkish media and elite deliberately misuse the word “turban” for headscarf, in an attempt to hide their unpopular crusade against the attire of a considerable number of Turkish women. This silly and oppressive official war against the head-scarves, especially of university students has backfired and made the “head-scarf” a symbol of freedom for many women!” Id.
[34] Haber Merkezi [News Center], Askerlerden Sert Bildiri,[Harsh Declaration From the Military], Milliyet, Mar. 21, 1998, at 11. The Milliyet Newspaper has an archive on its web site:
[35] Id.
[36] Id.
[37] In a lengthy and courageous speech to the Turkish Grand National Congress, the Prime minister Mesut Yilmaz warned the Turkish military. For the complete text of the speech see, Shamil Tayyar, “Askere Gorev Vermedim” [“I Did Not Delegate The Military”], Sabah, Mar. 19, 1998, at 20.
[38] Krizden Cikis, [Exit From Crisis], Milliyet, Mar. 21, 1998, at 1. Derya Sazak, Artik Guven, & Bunalimi Asildi, [The Trust Crisis Is Over Now], Milliyet, Mar. 21, 1998, at 16.
[39] A columnist described the conflict as a power struggle framed by a corrupt system. Mehmet Altan, Huysuz, [Bad-tempered], Sabah, Mar. 23, 1998. Another columnist likened it to the quarrel between Gurcu Mehmet Pasa and Lame Recep Pasa of the 1630’s. Cetin Altan, Ah Su Siyasal Patronluk Didismeleri, [Ahh These Political Power Struggles!], Sabah, Mar. 22, 1998. One columnist asked, “can’t the un-armed forces keep the soldiers in their barracks?” and reminded the Prime Minister of the impossibility of riding two horses together. Hasan Cemal, Nerede Silahsiz Kuvvetler, [Where Are The Un-armed Forces?], Sabah, Mar. 22, 1998, at 23.
[40] General Cemal Gursel, the leader of the 1960 coup was elected as president and remained in the office until his death in 1965. General Kenan Evren, the leader of the 1980 coup was elected as president and remained in the office until 1987. General Evren is now a respected and privileged “former President.”
[41] See, Political Parties and Democracy in Turkey (Metin Heper and Jacob M. Landau eds., 1991).
[42] Resmi Gazete, supra note 4, at 68.
[43] Mehmet Altan, Serefli… [Honorable…], Sabah, Aug. 11, 1997, at 17.
[44] See, Washington Post, infra note 71.
[45] The former Articles 141 and 142 of Turkish Penal Code. As a political activist who in his youth was convicted by Article 163 of the TCL for merely publishing two articles critical of the secular militarist regime I can not agree with the Attorney General. As a young university student, I was one of the many who was subjected to brutal and inhuman treatment by the military government. Besides years in prison, I also suffered other penalties, such as, a two-year probation, a one year mandated exile in another city, a ban from continuing the university, a ban from getting passport, a permanent ban from holding public offices, being treated as a “dangerous foot soldier” during the mandatory 18-month military service, and ostracization from the establishment.
[46] Sabah, supra note 5, Aug. 6, 1997, at 11.
[47] Texas v. Johnson, 491 U.S. 397, 408, 414 (1989).
[48] Id.
[49] John Stuart Mill, Utilitarianism, On Liberty, Essay on Bentham 142-143 (Meridian 2d ed. 1974) (1962).
[50] Turk. Const. art. 90.
[51] G.A. Res. 217A, 3 GAOR, at 71, U.N. Doc. A/810 (1948). GAOR, Dec. 10, 1948. See Frederic L. Kirgis, Jr., International Organizations in Their Legal Setting 261 (1993).
[52] See Michael M. Gunter, The Kurds and the Future of Turkey (1997). See also A People Without a Country (Gerard Challiand ed., 1993) and Yuksel, supra note 21.
[53] G.A. Res. 217A, art. 18. See Kirgis, supra note 51, at 264.
[54] G.A. Res. 217A, art. 19. See Kirgis, supra note 51, at 264.
[55] G.A. Res. 217A, art. 20. See Kirgis, supra note 51, at 264.
[56] G.A. Res. 217A, art. 21. See Kirgis, supra note 51, at 264.
[57] Resmi Gazete, supra note 4, at 36.
[58] European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, Nov. 4, 1950, 213 U.N.T.S. 222 [hereinafter ECHR}. The ECHR was signed by 15 European countries, including Turkey. See Kirgis, supra note 53, at 349.
[59] ECHR, supra note 58, art. 9. See Kirgis, supra note 53, at 353.
[60] ECHR, supra note 58, art. 9. See Kirgis, supra note 53, at 353.
[61] European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, Mar. 20, 1952, Protocol No. 1, 213 U.N.T.S. 222. See Kirgis, supra note 53, at 364.
[62] Thomas M. Franck, The Emerging Right to Democratic Governance, 86 Am. J. Int’l L. 46, 66-67 (1992).
[63] Editorial, Turkey’s Destructive Generals, N.Y. Times, Apr. 27, 1998, at A14.
[64] Human Rights Watch, Weapons Transfers and Violations of the Laws of War in Turkey 3 (1995).
[65] Gregory H. Fox & Georg Nolte, Intolerant Democracies, 36 Harv. Int’l L.J. 1, 9 (1995). (Please note that this article was published before the recent Algerian civil unrest started).
[66] Id. at 13.
[67] Id. at 16.
[68] Mill, supra note 49, at 236.
[69] Dennis v. United States, 341 U.S. 494 (1941).
[70] Brandenburg v. Ohio, 395 U.S. 444 (1969).
[71] See, More Killings in Algeria, Wash. Post, Mar. 29, 1998. (More than 70,000 people have lost their lives in the civil war since the military-backed Algerian government canceled the1992 elections the Islamic Salvation Front was expected to win).
[72] See Mehmet Y.Geyikdagi, Political Parties in Turkey: the Role of Islam, 69 (1984). See also Political Parties and Democracy in Turkey (Metin Heper & Jacob M. Landau eds., 1991).
[73] The list is posted on the Turkish National Congress’ web site, <>.
[74] Robin Wright, Democracy Vital, Even at Secularism’s Expense, The Record (Northern New Jersey), June 20, 1997.
[75] Id. at 13.
[76] Kalaycio_lu, supra note 13, at 179-210.
[77] Ustun Erguder, The Turkish Party System and the Future of Turkish Democracy, in Turkey: Political, Social and Economic Challenges in the 1990’s, 65 (Cigdem Balim et al. eds, 1997). According to the statistics provided in this book, Germany doubles its population in 139 years, Japan in 174, Spain in 231, Greece in 347, Italy in 347, and Bulgaria in 1000 years. On the other hand, Iran doubles its population in 20, Syria 18, and Saudi Arabia in 17 years.
[78] During my mandatory military service in 1986 as a “dangerous foot soldier” at the 56th Regiment in Samsun, I witnessed what for me defines the culmination of racial discrimination against the Kurdish people. One day before our company assembled, two rankless soldiers from the East of Turkey committed the mistake of talking with each other in Kurdish, their mother tongue. These two foot soldiers, who had not had more than an elementary school education, had no ideological or political predilections. When the commander of the company overheard their conversation in Kurdish, he grabbed both of them and punched and kicked them in front of the entire battalion until, as Turks say, “donkeys came from water!” I would not be surprised if those two foot soldiers later had joined the PKK. Partiya Karkera Kurdistan (Kurdish Workers Party) is a Kurdish guerrilla group lead by Abdullah Ocalan (aka, Apo) and trained in guerrilla camps at Baka Valley, Syria. The PKK orchestrated many insurgencies against the Turkish military and underground police force. See Yuksel, supra note 21
[79] Every day, Hurriyet [Freedom], Turkey’s largest newspaper, and one of the oldest Turkish newspapers, carries a flag on the left side of its title with a caption declaring: “Turkey is for Turks.” This is not similar to saying “America is for Americans,” but, rather, is similar to saying “England is for Anglos.”
[80] “About 35,000 Kurds and Turks have died since the Kurdish insurgency began in 1984.” Kurdish PKK Pledges More Violence Against Turkey, Reuters, Apr. 30, 1998. See also CONG. REC. (Nov. 7, 1997).
[81] See Edip Yuksel, Yes, I am a Kurd, 7 D.C. L. J. Int’l L. & Prac. 359 (1999). This racist official policy temporarily softened during the presidency of Turgut Ozal, who was the first top official in decades that dared to utter the word Kurd and suggested lifting the ban on Kurdish. Unfortunately, after his departure from office, official racism returned with full force. Trying to eradicate the Kurdish problem through rifles and bombs, instead of democratic and political solutions, is an expression of a horrible racism.
[82] See Altay Unaltay, Bir Ejderha Masali ya da Yeni Turkiye Anayasasi [A Dragon Story or The New Turkish Constitution], Ulke, July 1997, at 42. Sedat Aloglu, congressman from Istanbul and a proponent of open society and human rights, suggested 12 reforms in the political system and demanded more power for the President via direct elections. Can Atakli, Secim Neyi Degistirir? [What Change The Election Will Make?], Sabah, Aug. 8, 1998.
[83] President Suleyman Demirel in a public speech expressed his desire for “uniform” or “monotype” Turkish citizens. See Ali Ozluer & Zuhal Erguzel, Birakin Turkiye Yoluna Devam Etsin [Let the Turkey Continue its Journey], Sabah, July 27, 1997, at 19.
[84] See Yuksel, supra note 9.
[85] I do not suggest that the government contribute or even support such a reformation movement. Brave Muslim reformers are needed who can say to the government, “Leave us alone!”
[86] “You act like a woman” is considered a great insult in Turkish culture. A business almanac cautions foreign traders about Turkey with the following remark: “Despite modern changes, many Turks think of the three legs of their culture as, “I am Turk, a Muslim and a man.” Mlly E. Thurmond, J.D. et al., World Trade Almanac: 1997-1998 (1996).
[87] Professor Tansu Ciller, the leader of DYP (Straight Path Party), became the first woman prime minister of Turkey on June 25, 1993.
[88] Human Rights in Turkey: Briefing of the [U.S.] Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe 20 (Apr. 5, 1993), quoted in Magnarella, supra note 2, at 461. “Since the Demirel Government took office [November 1991], more people have been killed in house raids, more non-violent demonstrators have been shot and killed by security forces, authorities have failed to investigate hundreds of assassinations in the southeast, brutal torture continues to be used as a standard interrogation technique, the Kurdish minority continues to suffer grave abuses, and there are continued violations of the freedom of the press, association, and assembly.”
[89] Id. at 447-449 (citations omitted).
[90] Sabah, supra note 5, Aug. 5, 1997, at 17.
[91] Ersin Bal, Bassavci: Refah Bolucu [Attorney General: Erbakan is a Divider], Sabah, Aug. 5, 1997, at 17.
[92] See Carol M. Rose, Property as Storytelling: Perspectives from Game Theory, Narrative Theory, Feminist Theory, 2 Yale J.L. & Human. 37, 41-42 (1990).
[93] As of 1987 the total personnel on active duty was 654,000, including 576,000 draftees serving for 18 months. Reserves total 951,000. As of 1986 the total military budget was 18.4% of the total government budget. This was equal to 4.5% of GNP in 1984, among highest in NATO. Statistics miss one important point, however. This budget does not include the cost of draftees to the economy. Draftees are not paid and if the loss of workforce and opportunity is added then Turkey’s military buget would be close to 8% of GNP. According to “World Military Expenditures and Arms Transfers 1993-1994,” Turkey imported $975 million worth of arms in 1993 alone, becoming the fifth largest arms importer in the world. The other leading countries were Saudi Arabia which spent $5.1 billion on arms imports followed by U.S. with $1.4 billion (The U.S. is the leading arms supplier with about $10.3 billion in official sales in 1993), Egypt $1.1 billion and Iran $1 billion. Defense News, Apr. 1995. See also <>, <> and <> for updated information on military expenses.
[94] Cetin Altan, a moderate leftist author, was former member of Turkish National Assembly and the controversial leader of the Turkish Workers Party. Altan’s political activities led to his imprisonment.
[95] Cetin Altan, Suyun 100 Derecede Kaynamasi Zorla Degistirilebilir mi? [Can the Boiling Point of the Water Be Changed From 100° C. by Force?], Sabah, Oct. 5, 1997, at 4 (The author chose the wrong metaphor because the boiling point of water can be changed by force or pressure. The boiling point rises proportionally to the pressure. )
[96] Ziya Onis, The Political Economy of Export-Oriented Industrialization in Turkey, in Balim, at 125.
[97] Id.
[98] Magnarella, supra note 2, at 444. See also, Feroz Ahmed, The Turkish Experiment in Democracy 1950-1975, 280-81 (1977); Dogu Ergil, Class Conflict and Turkish Transformation (1950-1975), 41 Studia Islamica 148 (1975).
[99] A poll conducted by Professor Bahri Ozturk of Dokuz Eylul University, who interviewed 7,657 Turkish citizens, demonstrated an acute distrust to the regime. According to the poll completed April 22, 1998, only 15.12% of the interviewees believed democracy existed in Turkey, 47.82% believed that Turkey has a partial democracy, and 31.57% believed that democracy is nonexistent in Turkey. According to the same poll, 34.63% of the population held politicians responsible for the military interventions, and only 25.82% approved military interventions. Forty-one and two hundredths of a percent of those polled believed secularism was in danger, while 47.54% did not believe such danger existed. This outcome was in sharp contrast to the view of the majority of the Turkish media that frequently publicize paranoid headlines about the eminent danger to secularism. Worst of all, only 9.95% believed that Turkey was a state of law. See, Birol Aydin, Adalet Yargilaniyor [Justice is Judged], Zaman [Time], Apr. 30, 1998, at 14.
[100] I would like to congratulate several columnists who have been brave voices of democracy and freedom. Intellectuals such as Mehmet Altan, Mehmet Barlas, Cengiz Candar, Guler Goktan, Murat Belge, Umut Kivanc and Yildirim Turker are the honor of Turkey.
[101] William Pfaff, Turkey’s Painful Struggle Between Old and New, Int’l Herald Trib., May 19, 1997.
[102] Ali Riza Karduz, Refah/Fazilet”Fakirin Umudu,” [Welfare/Virtue “The Hope of the Poor”], Sabah, Mar. 26, 1998, at 11.
[103] Edip Yuksel, Uzerinde Ondokuz Var [Over it is Nineteen] 21 (1997).
[104] Id. at 23.
[105] Rusen Cakir, Ayet ve Slogan [Verse and Slogan] 52 (1990).
[106] “You shall not accept any information, unless you verify it for yourself. I have given you the hearing, the eyesight, and the brain, and you are responsible for using them.” The Quran 17:36. “Most of them follow nothing but conjecture or hearsay. Surely, conjecture is no substitute for the truth. God is fully aware of everything they do.” The Quran 10:36.
[107] “As a result, Monotheism is redefined as a ‘Limited Partnership’, in which the recognition and submission to God alone becomes an oxymoron; a contradiction in terms in which other ‘partners’ are submitted to and accepted by these ‘believers.’ The most common set-up for Sunni shirk is: the Quran (God) + hadiths and sunnah (messenger) + the practice of the Prophet’s companions + the practice of the companions of the Prophet’s companions + the opinions of emams (qiyas and ijtihad) + consensus of ‘ulama’ in a particular sect (‘ijma’) + the comments and opinions of their students + the comments and opinions of early ‘ulama’ + the comments and opinions of later ‘ulama’ + the fatwas of living ‘ulama.’ Edip Yuksel, Kuran Cevirilerindeki Hatalar [Errors in Translations of the Quran]108 (1998).
[108] C. H. Dodd, a professor at the Middle East Studies of London University, evaluates Ataturk’s view of democracy. See C. H. Dodd, Ataturk and Political Parties, in Political Parties and Democracy in Turkey 24-42 (Metin Heper et al. eds., 1992).
[109] Sabah, supra note 5, at 17. As a monotheist, I am aware of all kinds of intellectual, social and economic exploitations associated with hero or saint-worship and agree with the Attorney General’s statement in that regard.
[110] Ahmet Tan, Vecizesi Yok Diye [Because He Didn’t Have a Saying], Sabah, Nov. 10, 1997, at 23.
[111] Carol Delane,, The Seed and Soil: Gender and Cosmology in Turkish Village Society 281-282 (1991).
[112] Donald E. Smith, Religion and the Good Polity, 4 Cardozo J. Int’l & Comp. L. 277, 283 (1996).
[113] Resmi Gazete, supra note 4, at 34.
[114] Wisconsin v. Yoder, 406 U.S. 205 (1972).
[115] Lee v. Weisman, 505 U.S. 577 (1992).
[116] “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition to Government for a redress of grievances.” U.S. Const. amend. I.
[117] According to census, approximately 2% of the population are Christians and Jews.
[118] Jefi Kamhi is a Congressman elected from the Dogru Yol Partisi [Straight Path Party].
[119] Turk. Const. art 14 (takes all the granted rights and freedoms back and leaves them to the arbitrary discretion of the state).
[120] Turk. Const. art 24.
[121] Id.
[122] Congregational prayer on Fridays at noon is the only obligatory mass prayer in Islam and it can be fulfilled within an hour. The Quran does not require believers to stay idle on Fridays, but on the contrary advises them to go back to work after the prayer. See The Qu’ran 62:10. Turkish work hours can be rearranged and a two-hour break during Friday noon time can be recognized for every employee.
[123] The Turkish justices Hasim Kilic and Sacit Adali wrote extensive dissents.
[124] Resmi Gazete, supra note 4, at 261.
[125] In its defense the Welfare Party claimed that those speeches were not against secularism and they were protected by the Article 83/1 of the Constitution which gives immunity to the speeches made in the Great National Assembly. The defense claimed that Erbakan’s speeches defending the head-scarves were just repetition of his speeches in the Assembly. See, Resmi Gazete, supra note 4, at 140-141.
[126] Id. at 261.
[127] Id. at 141-142.
[128] Id. at 142.
[129] Id. at 143.
[130] Id. at 263.
[131] Id. at 146.
[132] Id. at 263.
[133] Nazim Hikmet, considered to be one of the great Turkish poets, promoted a socialistic revolution in Turkey and as a result spent years in a Turkish prisons. He finally immigrated to Russia and died there with great longing for his homeland. This translation does not reflect the true literary power of the original poem.
Genetic and Rational Origins of Human Rights
Genetic and Rational Origins of Human Rights
The Survival of The Fittest
Edip Yuksel, J.D. 1997
Why should I care about other humans, or why should you care?
I DO care about other humans, for my own interest, and you should care too. If you do not care, I will not care about you too since you are a present or a potential danger for me. So, either you start caring about other humans or you will not be cared by them. Get ready for a ferocious fight. Most likely you will be the loser, like your imbecile ancestors.
The paragraph above is the caricaturized summary of my theory of human rights. Before attempting to define what we mean by “human rights,” I have to answer why we care about other humans, especially those who are very remote from us? The answer is simple: human evolution AND experience.
We are the descendants of those humans who survived. Our ancestors were more rational than those who perished since they could exploit the nature more efficiently by better reasoning and they could ban together against their enemies, animals or other humans, in better organized groups. Those early Homo Sapiens who were not caring about each other could not form big and strong gangs and tribes, so in the course of struggle they lost the fight and they were left with little chance to produce and multiply. But those who could find a way to balance individual needs with the necessities of having a group, formed the strongest tribes or nations. They lasted. They were compassionate towards each other and were good fighters. They were smarter and they could engage in better war strategies. They also had better memories and learning capabilities. They were, in other words, the fittest.
The genetic survival and progression of human mind and also the lessons learned from failures have created modern Homo Sapiens and modern nations that are genetically and culturally (via lessons from history) inclined to form most efficient societies. Efficiency of a society depends on the happiness of individuals and their contribution to the society. The cumulative value of interaction among the members of a society defines the efficiency and life span of that society.
A society consisting of members that do not care about each other, a society consisting of hostile groups that oppress each other is inflicted with the worst curse: the mathematical contradiction. The biology of human being cannot survive with that contradiction. The apathy or friction among members is in conflict with the very nature of society and will ultimately reduce their society to its atomic particles.
I believe and argue that humans are “rational self-interested utility maximizers.” This is the primary reason why we are on the top of the food chain. The animalistic nature “self-interest” promoted and guided by “reason” forces rational humans to cooperate and maximize the utility. The rational human being has discovered, through the course of thousands years of trial and error, that optimum utility is obtained when each individual enjoy their personal desires and goals in a delicate balance with the desires and goals of other individuals.
So, comes the freedom of expression.
As rational beings, we have learned that mere expression of ideas or beliefs do not hurt the common interest. On the contrary, we have learned that the more people are free to express their opinions the more reduction in the accumulated negative stress in the society. We have learned that occasionally, their ideas, including those ideas that were unpopular at certain times, could provide solutions for some problems. We have learned, with enormous costs, that suppression of ideas create closed societies where corruption, oppression, exploitation and inefficiency reigns. We learned that useful ideas blossom where there is freedom of speech. We know that we are rewarded by the technological innovations when we have more brains enjoying creative thinking. And we are gradually learning that we will be committing national suicide if we use the technology to commit atrocities against other nations.
We have learned that a corporation can exploit its employees to a certain limits. Heavily exploited employees become unhappy, unproductive, and even rebellious which in turn hurting the interest of their employers in the long run. So, both employee and their employers have learned by using their “reason” that an environment of caring for each other is in their best interest.
The same with the “right to life” and “right to privacy”. These rights are not absolute, since humans have interest in staying together, in towns or cities, or states, or on the planet. In fact, with the dramatic increase in human population, humans are forced to live together. So, balancing the individual needs with the requirements of a cohesive and functioning society is an art. Those who have mastered this art are the ones who will progress and ultimately survive. A century from now, this planet, I believe and hope, will be occupied by more peaceful and just societies who have discovered the best formula of that balance. The success of freedom and observing human rights in domestic arena is inspiring the nations to wish the same standards for other societies.
Negative freedoms, in other words, freedoms that do not require affirmative action are the easiest ones to recognize and agreed on. Positive rights, such as right to education or housing, however, is mostly a matter of resources and we, the “rational self-interested utility maximizers,” need further historical experiences and negotiations to understand that it is in the best interest of EVERY PERSON that each member get a minimum share from vital resources. The definition of the “minimum” also depends on this experience.
For instance, the constant increase in the number of prisoners (currently, 1.6 million) and their cost to American society might one day teach the capitalists to look for preventive measures instead of band-aid solutions. I am very optimistic that countries with established democratic systems will implement the International Covenant On Economic Social And Cultural Rights in the next century. As for those countries who are still resisting to implement the Political and Civil Rights: they are going to become extinct. Either by the internal problems or external pressure exerted by those who have discovered the merits of human dignity and individual rights. The world, it seems, will be rotating around an amalgamation of two principles, that is, the golden plated brazen rule: “Treat others the way you are treated by them and occasionally show random act of forgiveness.”
Biology of Human Rights
We Are Bound To Promote Human Rights, Since We Are The Progeny Of
Self-Interested Rational Utility-Maximizing Homo Sapiens
Who Have Genetically Survived In Us
© Edip Yuksel, J.D. 1997
“The captain was innocent of the charge but the judges and the generals agreed that the doctrine of ‘utilitas populi’ must prevail.” (Lukes, Steven. “Five Fables About Human Rights.” On Human Rights: The Oxford Amnesty Lectures 1993. Ed. Stephen Shute and Susan Hurley. New York: Basic Books, 1993. p. 22)
Steven Lukes, in his lecture “Five Fables About Human Rights,” evaluates five main moral theories in fictional lands named Utilitaria, Communitaria, Proletaria, Libertaria, and Egalitaria, in relation to human rights. He suggests to keep the list of human rights short and reasonably abstract. This conclusion comes from his observation that the principle of defending human rights is “accepted virtually everywhere. It is also violated virtually everywhere, though much more in some places than in others.” (p. 20). A short and realistic list, according to the author, has “a prospect of securing agreement across the broad spectrum of contemporary political life.” (p. 38). He abruptly ends his article with a passionate invitation to stand against barbarian Serbs who are committing “ethnic cleansing”. Journey to Egalitaria can be resumed only through defending basic human rights in real world.
Since I am a resolute proponent of Utilitarianism, I will briefly summarize his criticism of other four theories and later deal with the author’s evaluation of Utilitaria.
Communitaria, according to the author, is plagued with the problems resulted from friction among subgroups struggling for recognition and from incompatibility created by the ideal of relativistic multi-culturalism. Communitarians do not need to determine human rights since they have faith in “abstract perfection” which according to a Communitarian orator Edmund Burke is their “practical defect.”
Proletaria, is a dream land far from the reality of human nature. A problem-free society is not possible when some people has to allocate resources or occupations for others. Proletarians are not aware of the fact that power corrupts. Proletarians reject the human rights as “ideological nonsense” and “obsolete verbal rubbish,” created by bourgeoisie to hamper the class struggle against enemies of proletariats. Human rights are needed only in imperfect, conflictual and class-ridden world. Proletaria, of course, does not need such rights since the dicta of working class allegedly will make it unnecessary. A wishful thinking!
Libertaria, on the other hand, recognizes the need for human rights, nevertheless, their achievement is left entirely to market principles. Individual’s right to own property and profit from his labor will achieve human rights through cost-benefit analysis. Public welfare is reduced to minimum because of strong belief in the merits of social Darwinism. Human rights, according to the author, is not taken seriously in Libertaria since despite its theoretical rhetoric, all people do not have equal power to organize and access to legal process or compete with the media owned by the rich.
Egalitaria too does not provide hope for human rights, since they are, like libertarians, extremely concerned to achieve maximal economic growth. The adopted Libertarian economic ideal is in conflict with egalitarian ideal. In cultural sphere Egalitaria suffers from communitarian constraint. The suggested “veil of ignorance” by Professor Rawls to achieve social harmony is not practical, since it cannot answer why should people make moral decisions behind “veil of ignorance” if it might result in sacrificing their immediate self-interest. Nevertheless, the author thinks that we can reach Egalitaria if we all agree on a short and reasonable list of human rights and work for it.
As for Utilitaria. . .
The author, in his evaluation of Utilitaria demonstrates his misunderstanding of utilitarianism, a theory that is based on reason and reality of human nature. “Life in Utilitaria has its hazards. . . The problem is that no one can ever know for sure what sacrifices he or she may be called on to make for the greater benefit of all.” (p. 22). He claims that innocent people will be sacrificed if their sacrifice will make the majority happier. He sees the doctrine of “utilitas populi” a dangerous tool in the hands of technocrats, bureaucrats or judges who might hurt innocent people based on their cost-benefit calculations.
The author, like many other critics, has missed the entire point of utilitarianism. One of the famous illustrations of this misunderstanding was expressed by Dostoyevsky. I will reject Lukes’ criticism of utilitarianism by using Dostoyevsky’s famous hypothetical question:
“Imagine that you are creating a fabric of human destiny with the object of making men happy in the end, giving them peace and rest at last. Imagine that you are doing this but that it is essential and inevitable to torture to death only one tiny creature? That child beating its breast with its fist, for instance? In order to found that edifice on its unavenged tears. Would you consent to be the architect on those conditions? Tell me. Tell me the truth?” (Fyodor Dostoyevsky, The Brothers Karamazov, 226, quoted by Legal Ethics p. 9).
I call my personal moral philosophy “evolutionary intelligent utilitarianism.” I am sure that those who are not familiar with utilitarian philosophy will erroneously second-guess the utilitarian response to Dostoyevky’s mischievous question. They might say: “to achieve happiness for millions of individuals a utilitarian would of course torture a single child.”
First, Dostoyevky’s famous question has a deceptive language and a twisted logic. The language is deceptive, since it only tends to create sympathy with the pain and suffering of the presumptive sacrifice, but not with the pain and suffering of millions of children and adults who would be saved from all kinds of torture. The question could reduce our ethical resistance against sacrificing a child had it shifted sympathy towards those who would be saved from all kinds of painful tortures. (Just as I did it here).
Second, it is twisted since it is as a hypothetical question far from reality. Real life presents no choices between torturing a child to death or saving the world or others. This question carries an inherent contradiction if it is applied in real life: you can never save a person by torturing another similarly situated person. To demonstrate the latent problem twinkling under the Dostoyevky’s tricky question, here are some other questions:
- Would you spend 10 dollars to make 1000 dollars?
- Would you deprive a 70 year-old patient of a vital organ transplant to save a 30 year-old patient?
- Would you deprive a 30 year-old patient of a vital organ transplant to save a 70 year-old patient?
- Would you cut the public funding for an exotic and scarce medical technology that benefits a few rich people to allocate more funds for low-cost but desperately needed basic technology to save the lives of many middle-class and poor people?
- If you had two options, letting the burglar who robbed the bank go with the money or stealing the money from the burglar and keeping it for yourself, which one would you pick?
- Would you kill yourself to save your life?
Answering the first question is easy, especially in America. Your answer to the 2nd and 3rd questions might differ, though they are two identical problems stated in different ways. Your answer to the fourth question might differ not based on your ethical considerations but purely based on the interests of the class you belong at the time. Your answer to the 5th question might differ if the very same case was presented in a slightly different language: “if you had two options, letting the burglar who robbed the bank go with the money or taking the money from the burglar and keeping it for yourself, which one would you pick?” Probably, your answer would differ if the money did not belong to a bank; but to your neighbor. The size of their wealth to absorb their loss might affect your answer.
As for number 6, I think, it is the closest to Dostoyevky’s question (assuming that the meaning of “life” will not be construed according to the teachings of religions which promises life after death). Yes, my last question is a simplified version of the same problem presented in Dostoyevky’s question. I would not kill myself to save my life, and I would not torture a child to death to save other children’s life.
You might object by citing the famous utilitarian principle: “those actions are right that produce the greatest happiness for the greatest number of people.” Well, I do abide by this principle and for the same reason reject the torturing of a child or punishing an innocent person to (supposedly) save others. Inconsistent? Not really.
If I were God, as Dostoyevsky craftily wants me to pretend without explicitly telling me, then, in that case I would think and act like humans. In other words, even hypothetically, I as a human being, can never put myself in the position of God, since I can never mentally isolate myself from the human intelligence which has evolved through natural selection. As the product of natural selection, I am inherently concerned about my survival and the survival of my decendents. My ethical problems are peculiar to humans and for humans. God, might have different ethical standards towards humans. For instance, we Homo Sapiens, do not treat our own species and animals the same. We might find it an easier decision to kill animals to save a human, though we will find difficulty with the notion of torturing animals. The reason is simple: torturing animals, in our evolutionary experience, does not have a utiliteran value; but killing them does.
Those who survived, in other words, those human genes who survived in us were those intelligent animals that happened to discover the power of being a member of a pact. Those who became a member of a pact or a community became superior against their solitary rivals. They also learned very soon that they could not stick with each other as a community unless they cooperated and trusted each other. Therefore, their survival depended on their level of trust to each other. Those who cheated others were cheated by others and became extinct species. Only those who were intelligent enough to understand the connection between the level of their commitment/loyalty to the common objectives and their existence survived. There were and are always some anomalies, but they usually get rid off each other. Those anomalies who survived were eliminated or neutralized by the society via mobilization of shame, ethical sanctions or criminal law.
Our ancestors were evolutionary-intelligent-utilitarians. They discovered, probably after witnessing the costly blunder of their neighbors, that the principle of “greatest happiness for the greatest number of people” could not be achieved by sacrificing a law abiding or innocent member of their community, since it would be contradictory. They were intelligent; they knew empirically that contradictory actions would inflict them with painful misery and disasters. They knew that they came together to survive, not to kill each other. If they killed an innocent member in their community to please the majority, then, who could assure each of them that they would not be the next victim. They saw the disastrous slippery slope of such an action. For their own future security, each individual had to protect the rights of other individuals. The security of any individual was ultimately a guarantee of security for the other. Therefore, the security of an individual was equivalent to the security of the whole, and vice versa.
As their progeny, I inherit the same utilitarian intelligence, and therefore I advocate human rights for all people since it is also a guarantee for my own rights and my children’s as well. Oppressing minorities constitutes a danger to the well-being of the majority in the future, since the slippery slop of oppression cannot be stopped. Oppressive majorities will always be pregnant to new-born sub-classes or minorities. Being insensitive towards the pains of the members of the same species creates unreliable, irrational monsters. The members of oppressive group eventually become enemy to each other. Obviously, “self-interested rational utility maximizers” will not put their own future into jeopardy.
I believe that the prime reason that ended slavery in this country was the physical and emotional interaction of masters and slaves which resulted in the creation of an interracial minority. Those hybrid “brown” children, as a new group of minority, triggered and alarmed the intelligent members of the majority regarding their own future.
In a world that is becoming smaller and smaller by the dramatic advance of modern technology and inter-continental nuclear missiles, we are compelled to be concerned about the plights of those who live in other countries. We are intelligent and experienced enough to fear from the tyrannical governments that treats their subjects badly. We know very well that dictators are not intelligent and trustworthy; they harm their own people, themselves and others. Equal rights for every single human being is the ultimate goal to live in a peaceful world.
In brief, we should promote human rights for our own security and self interest. We need to remind each other to use our God-given intelligence since it is what has elevated us to the top of food chain. The atrocities committed by those less intelligent ones should be stopped by those who are more intelligent. We are marching, walking, crawling, slithering or being pushed towards Utilitaria. Those who resist this evolutionary movement will ultimately lose power and become extinct. Like dinosaurs. Utilitaria is the manifest destiny of our evolutionary adventure.
I cannot resist of quoting a verse from the Quran, the holy book which is abandoned by most of the sectarian Muslims. It articulates this evolutionary intelligent utilitarian principle in few words:
“We decreed for the Children of Israel that if anyone who murders a human being who did not commit murder or a horrendous crime, is as if he murdered all the people. Anyone who saves a life is as if he saved the lives of all the people . .” (5:32).
Democracy and Corrupt Elite
Democracy and Corrupt Elite
Edip Yuksel, J.D.
“Our people naturally looked to the United Nations for solidarity and support in their struggle against the Fascist dictatorship. For eight years they cried out in the wilderness for help; unfortunately, their cries seemed to have fallen on deaf ears.” (Uganda’s President Godfrey Binaisa, after overthrowing Idi Amin’s junta, chiding the delegates of General Assembly for their indifference to his people’s plight) (1)
Thomas M. Franck, in his article titled “The Emerging Right to Democratic Governance,” cites various international agreements and practices indicating a new international trend towards considering democracy a new legal right, transforming the democratic entitlement from moral prescription to international legal obligation (2). The would be Idi Amin impersonators should think twice before attempting to declare their dictatorship. “Dictatorship of the proletariat” is no more a hip, nor the fascist dictatorship called “modernization.” Democracy is the contemporary goal of the international community. It might soon become an international religion. The “democratic entitlement is the craving of governments for validation” (3). The superstition asserting that “parliamentary democracy is a western illusion and neocolonialist trap for unwary Third World peoples” is no more a popular reaction. Three vital elements for a democratic governance have already became buzzwords in international agreements and the operations of United Nations. The trinity of Self-determination, Freedom of Expression, and Free and Open Elections now promise the coming of the omnipresent democracy. Intelligentsia now can diagnose the legitimacy of a democratic system by checking up the quadrilateral indicators named with fancy words: pedigree, determinacy, coherence and adherence.
The author wrestles in futile to clarify the most problematic element of democracy, that is, self-determination. Article 1 of the International Covenant of Civil and Political Rights which has been ratified by 113 states as of November 1991, and almost has become a customary law, proclaims that “all peoples have the right of self-determination.” It is a concept with a powerful appeal to self-interested rational utility-maximizing humans, since it includes the sweet word “self”. But, when you ask about the idendity of those “peoples,” those who are deemed to be eligible for the right for self-determination, it loses its magical appeal. Self-determination quickly mutates and becomes Janus, the mythological goddess: one of her jovial face promising self-determination for people and her other cantankerous face protecting the rights of those who already determined their fate from those who had not yet. More than 30 million Kurdish people, for instance, has always met with the grumpy international face of Janus who always has generously smiled to those countries that brutally panelized Kurdish people for their gullible demand for equal enjoyment of the so-called right to self-determination. Neither their geographical separation, nor their distinct ethnicity and culture, nor their population entitled them to have this right. It seems that to enjoy that right you must prove your eligibility by shedding barrels of human blood in a brutal international ritual called war. Pedigree, thus, is not self-determination, but winning a bloody war for self-determination. Unfortunately, I cannot see where we can draw a line to stop other “people” who crave for their right of self-determination. Why deprive Militia of Montana from self-determination, or deny the people of S. Carolina from declaring their independence from the dictatorship of federal government of United States?
The second element, Free Expression, is clearer than the previous element. Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which is my favorite article, specifically recognizes this right. Article 20 recognizes the right to peaceful assembly and association. The Covenant of Civil and Political Rights expresses these rights more specifically in various articles (4).
Electoral Right, according to the author, is a recently emerging and evolving democratic right. Article 21 of the Universal Declaration acknowledges a universal and equal suffrage held by secret vote or free voting procedure. Article 25 of the Civil and Political Covenant extends this right to every citizen. The author cites many examples of recent international efforts to promote and monitor free democratic elections in troubled countries.
Nevertheless, the author is silent regarding the implementations of this right in western countries, especially in the USA. When we reflect on the role of interest groups and lobbyists in the political landscape of Washington, we cannot stop but ask ourselves: is this really a “democracy” representing all the people? Is this the system that was hailed as “by the people for the people of the people”? How can electoral participation be considered “equal” in a country where 1% of population owns the 39% of total wealth and lobbyists are the respected pigs of the political carnival? Why not question the practice of democracy and its electoral system? Can “democracy” be a new clandestine, efficient and clever device to establish the dicta of the powerful elite? Can it be another “opium of masses,” a diabolic mass-deception?
Well, I do believe that democracy is the best system we have so far. But, I think we should not ignore its problems and should always keep our critical eye on it. Every week, approximately 1500 US patents are issued for new inventions in physical sciences. We should not be arrogant that we have invented the ultimate political system. I think we should use our creativity to improve and better the democratic system. We should test them in our neighborhoods, colleges and towns. Even if it requires to abandon the non-surprising element of “free election.” I believe that it will be wrong to sanctify a procedure. I do agree with Professor Reisman that elections “serve as evidence of popular sovereignty and become the basis for international endorsement of the elected government” (5). But, I think, free elections is only one of the evidences of popular sovereignty.
As for the tension between enforcing or monitoring free elections and sovereignty of governments in their domestic affairs. . . I think this tension is caused by the patronizing attitude of western world. A universal observation of all elections by UN can eliminate this problem. This will save the monitored countries from the presumed stigma and humility. An international treaty can declare UN observation as a routine procedure of free elections in the territory of all parties. The author envisions a world democracy: “if voluntary acceptance of monitoring becomes the general practice of states, it will gradually evolve from an optional to a customary and, ultimately, mandatory means of satisfying the democratic entitlement” (6). Unfortunately, his and my hope seems to be a utopia, since the arrogance of super powers is a Himalayan barrier against such a simple international watch.
There is no doubt that democracy, even in its lame form, provides some protection for human rights. Knowing the enormous desire of the powerful elite to dictate their interest, and their incredible ability to mutate and adapt, a democratic system should be armored by protective procedures against this corrupt elite. Fighting against this political virus is not primarily an international task, but a duty of each citizen. A never ending duty.
(1) Thomas M. Franck, The Emerging Right To Democratic Governance, The American Journal of International Law, Vol. 86:46, p. 83).
(2) Id., p. 47
(3) Id., p. 50
(4) Articles 18, 19, and 22.
(5) Supra 1 at 75.
(6) Id., 85
Capitalist Crusaders vs Feudal Mujahids
The Unholy War between Capitalist Crusaders and Feudal Mujahids
Edip Yuksel, J.D.
©, 2002-2004
After the diabolic terrorist attack inSeptember 11, 2001, Americans need to know the theological and political roots of terrorism and wars. This knowledge will help us to eradicate the religious, social, political and economic factors that breed international terrorism and aggression, both committed by groups or states.
I am a muslim author/activist and I have written numerous articles and scores of books, including Turkish translation of the Quran, to promote reformation in Islam. (Currently, I with to of my colleagues we are working on the Reformist English Translation of the Quran). I was once a leader of a radical Muslim youth movement affiliated withIran’s Revolutionary Guards,Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood, and Afghan’s Hizb-i Islami. After corresponding and discussing theological issues with an Egyptian-American scientist, I later experienced a paradigm shift in my belief system and denounced my religious and political ideology, becoming the target of my former comrades as an “apostate” or “betrayer.”
The person pivotal to my conversion, Dr. Rashad Khalifa, was initially a popular scholar in Muslim world. However, in January 1990 he was assassinated inTucson,Arizona, by Fuqra, a domestic terrorist group affiliated to Bin Laden, the leader of international terrorist network Al-Qaeda, The Base.
As a muslim who once was a leading member of the international network of anti-American radical Islam, a muslim who continuously receive death threats from Muslim fanatics, a muslim who lost his closest friend to the knives of Osama bin Laden’s terrorists, a muslim who has dedicated himself to the promotion of human rights, freedom of expression, democracy and islamic reform, I invite all Muslims to abandon man-made teachings besides the Quran. I invite Muslims to reform themselves under the light of the Quran alone. We should seek peace and justice for all. We should attain individual freedom by submitting ourselves to God’s laws in nature and His scripture. We should use our reason rather than superstition. We should reject the teachings of clergymen, which have doomed us to the darkness of ignorance and to the backwardness of medieval culture.
Muslims must join the islamic reformation movement. Otherwise they become extinct. Our movement’s argument primarily relies on theological and philosophical arguments, logic, critical analysis of history and the lessons learned from the backwardness of Muslim Countries. The momentum of this monotheistic movement is so powerful that it is going to change the social and political landscape of Muslim countries.
Though the movement is in its embryonic stage, nevertheless, it is receiving a surprisingly broad sympathy inTurkey,Malaysia, andNorthern Africa. Muslim populations living in Western countries are also very interested in the message of the reformation movement. Monotheist, reformist, or progressive muslims are targets of oppressive and regressive religious governments or authoritarian regimes, ironically some supported by theUSA. Especially, those who live inIran,Pakistan,Malaysia,Saudi ArabiaandEgyptare risking their lives. Sunny or Shiite clergymen have demonstrated their determination to fight fiercely against monotheistic movement by labeling it as “apostasy” or “a Western or Zionist plot.”
The loosely organized islamic reformation movement involves a radical principle: all religious sources besides the Quran are irrelevant for salvation and they should be dealt like dinosaurs. By rejecting volumes of books of narration, contradictory sectarian teachings and numerous secondary sources, a new understanding of the Quran has emerged. The islam based on the Quran is dramatically different than the “Islam” of Sunni or Shiite clergymen. First of all, according to the Quran, islam is not a proper name, but a description meaning surrendering or submitting to God alone and seeking peace. Again, according to the Quran, search and promotion of freedom and peace did not start from Muhammad, but from the first Homo Sapiens. Most importantly, the Quranic islam requires a paradigm change that emphasizes rational and empirical methodology to blind faith. It eliminates the reliance on the fatwas of muslim clerics and rejects their power over them.
The ramification of following the Quran alone cannot be exaggerated. It provides a paradigm shift regarding the role of women, freedom of speech, democracy, position against science and technology, criminal system, international terrorism, and peace with other nations. (I have discussed some of these issues briefly in my first English book, “19 Questions For Muslim Scholars,” and it will be extensively argued in the upcoming Reformist Translation of the Quran, which will be published by a major American publishing house.)
As an American citizen, I also invite American people to be more sensitive towards the foreign policy of the American government. The myopic American foreign policy, which primarily serves the interests of big corporations, such as weapon and oil industries, has inadvertently helped the cause of religious terrorists. Perhaps it is inaccurate to refer to the current Bush government asUSAgovernment since it serves the interests of big corporations, and should be called the government of the United Incorporations of America.
For instance, in early 195O’s we alienated Iranian people by supporting an oppressive and corrupt monarchy against a popular prime minister (Musaddiq), thereby contributing in the success of mullahrchy inIran. We aided Saddam Hussein militarily and politically and used him againstIran, thereby participating in the destruction of hundreds of cities and millions of human lives. We did nothing when Saddam killed 5,000 Kurdish villagers instantaneously by chemical weapons in Halabja, but we brought the entire world together when an oil-richKuwaitwas occupied by the same Saddam. For more than a year we were bystanders when Serbs committed genocide and atrocities against Bosnian Muslims and we kept the sanctions banning Muslims from obtaining weapons for self-defence. The oppressive and racist Turkish government used our helicopters and weapons in its decade-long genocide against Kurdish population; we backed the Turkish military whenever they meddled with the Turkish democracy. Our economic sanctions intended to dethrone Saddam, our former ally, have contributed in starvation of millions of Iraqi children and ironically have turned Saddam, a fascist, to a hero in the eyes of starving people. We bombed a Sudanese medicine factory and killed many civilians by falsely declaring it to be a chemical weapon factory (Our TV stations did not interview the children and relatives of the employees we killed!). We support the Saudi monarchy, one of the most oppressive and corrupt regimes on the face of earth, and therefore have contributed in the creation of millions of oppressed and ignorant enemies; when they overthrow the Saudi King, they will surely chant “death toAmerica.” We used Afghani people againstRussia, our former arch enemy and abandoned them after their economic, social and political structure were in ruins. We declared a futile war against drugs and thereby making it a lucrative business for criminals and international terrorists. Our noble support of Jewish victims for their quest to turn to their historical homeland, unfortunately, has transformed to an unconditional support to Zionists’ racist and aggressive policy, leading to the creation of another victim nation. By supporting Israeli terrorism and occupation, we have created millions of enemies and potential terrorists in Muslim world. Now, by invadingIraq, and by killing Iraqi civilians, destroying their cities, and committing atrocities there we are planting the seeds of much bigger terrorist organizations againstAmericaand its interests.
Our warships expects friendly welcome in every foreign harbor, our bombers expect silent submissions from cities and their inhabitants, our companies are the prime suppliers of weapons for many world nations and terrorists, we are the first nation to use atomic bomb and kill record number of civilians in one day in the history of human race, we are the main producer of biological and chemical weapons, we sell our products to any price we choose but we want to fix the price of oil or other products sold by poor countries, we doom many countries to economic bankruptcy through IMF and myriad of financial institutions, and we stage military coups via CIA and support puppet governments to please our big corporations. Yet, we wonder why so many people in other countries hate us. Ironically, we brag to be a peace-loving compassionate nation! We show our compassion by dropping food by one airplane and bombs by another!
The Neocon-Zionist-Armaggedonite coalition, trough the publicized outrageous sexual abuse and physical torture scandal, proved that by the words “liberty and democracy” the Bush administration meant killing, destruction, humiliation and torture for Arabs and muslims.Israel, as the world’s only government recognized by the United Nations that tortures prisoners LEGALLY, through their immense influence in American policy, led the Neoconian USA government to follow their lead of torturing political prisoners or those they call terrorists.
Israeland its influential Zionist lobbies exercise incredible amount of influence on both major American parties; this is a fact known by every insider and by every outsider with average intelligence. For instance, James Bamford, an American intelligence expert, in his book titled A Pretext For War exposes the infiltration of Zionist gang into theUSA’s key political positions. Time magazine reporter Michael Duffy in the book review section wrote the following:
“The Bush hard-liners had long believed that stability could come to theMiddle East—andIsrael—only if Saddam Hussein was overthrown andIraqconverted into a stable democracy. Led by Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz, they were installed at various government, and nothing moved without their O.K. Bamford comes very close to stating that the hard-liners were wittingly or unwittingly acting as agents ofIsrael’s hard-line Likud Party, which believedIsraelshould operate with impunity in the region and dictate terms to its neighbors. Such a world view, Bamford argues, was simply repotted by the hard-liners intoU.S.foreign policy in the early Bush years, with the war inIraqas its ultimate goal. Bamford asserts that the backgrounds, political philosophies and experiences of many of the hard-liners helped to hardwire the pro-Israel mind-set in the Bush inner circle and suggests thatWashingtonmistookIsrael’s interests for its own when it pre-emptively invadedIraqlast year.” (One Expert’s Verdict: The CIA Caved Under Pressure, Michael Duffy, Time,June 14, 2004, p.65).
The only point I disagree is the depiction of the policy as “Israel’s interest.” I do not think at all that aggression, assassination, home destructions, leaving no hope for Palestinian youth who are pushed to become suicide bombers, massacres, erecting Jewish settlements on Palestinian lands, defying international laws and UN resolutions, dictating its will over its neighbours, committing massacres in refugee camps, and depriving an entire nation of their liberty, yes I do not think that any of these actions and policies is in the interest of Israeli people. What goes around comes around. Thank God, many of those Jews with intelligence and heart are aware of the fact that now they are gradually transforming to Nazis themselves. Hopefully, progressive and peace-seeking Jews will prevail over the extremist, racist and greedy ones.
After the collapse of communism and with the blessings of Zionists and Evangelical Christians, American Inc is trying to create another nemesis, this time islam or muslims, to distract us from their corruption and plunder of our resources. The powerful hormones of religion and nationalism are abused and manipulated to promote this agenda.
American foreign policy, Zionist racism, evangelical Christianity and sectarian Islam all are incubators of religious terrorism. War against terrorism has two fronts: reformation in American democracy and reformation in islamic world. Unfortunately, the victims of these wars, whether they live in skyscrapers or caves, are mostly innocent and poor people.
Theopolitical Roots of the so-called “Islamic Terrorism”
Approximately, four years after the publication of an article titled “Triarchy” containing the revised excerpts below, America was hit by the worst terrorist attack in her history, costing the lives of more than 6,000 civilians and total destruction of World Trade Center, partial destruction of Pentagon and four airplanes, billions of dollars, massive unemployment, and an open-ended war against international terrorism.
From the Perspective of a former Radical Muslim Leader:
The Theo-political Roots of “Islamic Terrorism”
Edip Yuksel, J.D.
Narrated ‘Ikrima: Some Zanadiqa (atheists) were brought to ‘Ali and he burnt them. The news of this event, reached Ibn ‘Abbas who said, “If I had been in his place, I would not have burnt them, as Allah’s Apostle forbade it, saying, ‘Do not punish anybody with Allah’s punishment (fire).’ I would have killed them according to the statement of Allah’s Apostle, ‘Whoever changed his Islamic religion, then kill him.'” (Bukhari, Volume 9, Book 84, Hadith Number 57)
Narrated ‘Ali: Whenever I tell you a narration from Allah’s Apostle, by Allah, I would rather fall down from the sky than ascribe a false statement to him, but if I tell you something between me and you (not a Hadith) then it was indeed a trick (i.e., I may say things just to cheat my enemy). No doubt I heard Allah’s Apostle saying, “During the last days there will appear some young foolish people who will say the best words but their faith will not go beyond their throats (i.e. they will have no faith) and will go out from (leave) their religion as an arrow goes out of the game. So, where-ever you find them, kill them, for who-ever kills them shall have reward on the Day of Resurrection.” (Volume 9, Book 84, Hadith Number 64)
Narrated Abu Burda: Abu Musa said, “I came to the Prophet along with two men (from the tribe) of Ash’ariyin, one on my right and the other on my left, while Allah’s Apostle was brushing his teeth (with a Siwak), and both men asked him for some employment. . . Behold: There was a fettered man beside Abu Muisa. Mu’adh asked, “Who is this (man)?” Abu Muisa said, “He was a Jew and became a Muslim and then reverted back to Judaism.” Then Abu Muisa requested Mu’adh to sit down but Mu’adh said, “I will not sit down till he has been killed. This is the judgment of Allah and His Apostle (for such cases) and repeated it thrice. Then Abu Musa ordered that the man be killed, and he was killed. Abu Musa added, “Then we discussed the night prayers and one of us said, ‘I pray and sleep, and I hope that Allah will reward me for my sleep as well as for my prayers.'” (Volume 9, Book 84, Hadith Number 58)
In many so-called Muslim countries, clergymen (Mullahs, Ulamas, Khojas, Mawlanas, etc.) are usually either the sanctifying puppets of oppressive governments or the spiritual leaders of terrorist organizations. They use God’s name to justify discrimination, torture, and oppression. Their influence within the political sphere comes from their shared interests with kings, sultans, emirs and totalitarian leaders of their countries.
Saudi’s top clergymen, Abdul Aziz bin Ba’z, wrote a book claiming that the earth was flat and still. The book is full of references to hadith (narrations falsely attributed to the Prophet Muhammad) accompanied by murderous instructions:
“If the earth is rotating as they claim, the countries, the mountains, the trees, the rivers, and the oceans will have no bottom and the people will see the eastern countries move to the west and the western countries move to the east. . . Those who claim that the earth is round and moving around the sun are apostates and their blood can be shed and their property can be taken in the name of God.” (FN1)
This “authoritative” book was not published by a private publishing house but, by the Islamic University of Medina, a prestigious university in modern Saudi Arabia in 1975, years after men landed on the moon. You may see this as an example of harmless nonsense or amusement. Unfortunately, for those who live in Saudi Arabia or who dare to criticize such corrupt and oppressive religious teachings anywhere around the world, the issue is not amusing. When clerics are united, every corner of the planet might become the target of their fatwas. Let me give just one example:
In February 19, 1989 a group of scholars (38 members according to the newspaper reports) met in Saudi Arabia to discuss the issue of Salman Rushdi. When they issued their fatwa (religious decree) it became a headline news in Muslim countries, including my homeland Turkey (FN2). Their fatwa was: “both Rashad and Rushdi are apostate.” The world knew Rushdi but who was Rashad? Dr. Rashad Khalifa, a biochemist resident of Tucson, Arizona became a popular figure in Muslim countries after he discovered a secret mathematical system in the Quran via computer analysis in the early1970s (FN3). The consequence of the mathematical code was too difficult to be accepted by the Muslim clergymen (FN4). Consequently, they issued fatwas calling for his assassination.
Although it was not as bold as Khomeyni’s fatwa, it sent a clear message to the fanatical followers of those clergymen, that Rashad and Rushdi should be killed (FN5). Rushdi is still alive, but the fatwa about Rashad Khalifa was executed in January 30, 1990. He was stabbed to death in Tucson Masjid before dawn prayer. For this task, a group of Black Muslims named FUQRA (squads)were used by international terrorist forces operating from Pakistan and Saudi Arabia. FBI discovered that the group “FUQRA” was a branch of the group that bombed the World Trade Center and it was receiving financial support from Pakistan.
Religious Muslims know very well that the teachings of the Sunni and Shiite sects demand capital punishment for apostates (FN6). Guess who was the chairman of that international committee of clerics? It was Abdul Aziz b. Ba’z, the same Saudi religious leader who wrote a book declaring that the earth was flat and still.
Often, dissident priests use religion to promote international terrorism. Omar Abdurrahman, an Egyptian cleric who recently became popular in western media, is such an example. Egypt has never had a democratic system by western standards and its oppressive regime has produced a myriad of militant religious factions of the Muslim Brotherhood. Egypt’s corrupt and totalitarian system has created many local and international heroes out of clerics such as Omar Abdurrahman. This Egyptian cleric who had immigrated to the U.S.A., did not hesitate to encourage his followers to agitate against the very country (U.S.A.) which provided refuge for him and some of his followers.
“The obligation of Allah is upon us to wage Jihad for the sake of Allah. It is one of the obligations which we must undoubtedly fulfill. . . and we conquer the lands of the infidels and we spread Islam by calling the infidels to Allah and if they stand in our way, then we wage Jihad for the sake of Allah.” (FN7)
Many blamed the U.S. immigration officials or procedures for letting the terrorists in U.S,A. I believe that the real blunder was not in immigration, but in U.S.’s foreign policy. Supporting undemocratic or totalitarian regimes, such as Iran’s Shah or Egypt’s current regime, was and remains, a myopic policy: it puts the security of USA citizens, here and abroad, in great danger. How can US expect security from international terrorism while it does not care about the security of people living under oppressive and corrupt governments?
Militant clerics, whether they are the collaborators with the totalitarian regimes or are the dissidents, should be taken seriously. Using the language of religion, the proverbs of their forefathers, they can mobilize gullible masses to bloody conflicts. The best way to deflate the power of militant clergymen is (1) to support intellectuals who promote democracy and freedom, and (2) denounce and punish the oppressive leaders without favoring one to another, through international legal devices such as, freezing their assets in foreign countries and trying them in international tribunals during their reign or after they are ousted from power.
Donna E. Arzt, Professor of Law at the Syracuse University College of Law, in a law review article provides us with some recent examples of repression of religious dissidents?apostates and blasphemers, heretics and renegades, and infidels?in so-called Muslim countries. He groups the repression into three categories: “(1) officially state-sanctioned enforcement actions; (2) extra-legal enforcement of apostasy decrees issued by vigilante extremist groups; and (3) mixed cases.” (FN8). Professor Arzt, concludes his article with the following caveat:
“Throughout Muslim history, and particularly in contemporary Muslim states, much of the persecution of alleged apostates, heretics, and infidels, and other violations of international standards of religious human rights has been politically motivated, designed to benefit hegemonic, orthodox groups who have resorted to religious justifications to legitimize their abusive power. It is improper to conclude that Islam is inherently militant, violent, coercive, or intolerant.” (FN9)
I agree with the author that “Islam” does not advocate violence, coercion or intolerance (FN10), but he is vague regarding the chronology and the source of the corruption. Religious justifications to legitimize political abusive power became an integrated part of traditional or contemporary Islam long ago. Repressive and oppressive religious instructions did not remain external or optional interpretations, but unfortunately, were labeled as “Hadith” (alleged narrations from the prophet), “Sunnah” (alleged practice of the prophet), “Ijma” (consensus of leading scholars), and “Ijtihad” (opinion of sectarian scholars) and were incorporated as part of the original message, the Quran, as early as with Umayyad dynasty (FN11). Today’s sectarian Islam, with its volumes of hadith books (narrations falsely attributed to Muhammad) and medieval sectarian jurisprudence, is utterly incompatible with the standards of universal human rights as defined in the Quran. Without a reformation of traditional Islam, there will always be a door open for abuse by tyrants and corrupt clergymen.
Noticing this fact, Professor Arzt finishes his article with a genuine invitation:
“Muslim dissidents and religious minorities in Muslim lands, however, do need and deserve more support from international human rights movements. The same is true for those within orthodox Muslim circles who are willing?but for their fear of persecution?to criticize abuses of human rights by their governments. Similarly, the international media must avoid giving undue prominence to violent Muslim militants, which in reality are small in number, and give proportional attention to liberal Muslim groups, albeit fledgling, who oppose violence, favor democratization and seek to promote accommodation and reform.” (FN12).
I applaud this invitation and I believe that extending such international support to Muslim dissidents and reformers will hasten a paradigmatic change in the minds of people subjected to religious ad political tyranny. The importance of religion in the lives of people cannot be ignored. Secular intellectuals might reconsider its positive power:
“Modern human rights laws will provide no panacea to the world crisis in the next century, but they will be a critical part of any solution. Religions will not be easy allies to engage, but the struggle for human rights cannot be won without them.” (FN13).
The history of Muslim countries, especially those in the Middle East, are full of religious and tribal wars. Their textbooks usually distort and sanctify these bloody histories with virtually no criticism. As written, this history of the third world is a major source of national pride. This nationalistic pride is used by corrupt and failing governments as “opium for the masses.” What can be expected from the next generation if their role models are those who knew nothing but the sword, and did nothing but kill their opponents and conquer others’ lands?
In this short paper I cannot provide references. If a person reads the high-school history textbooks of oppressive regimes, he will find repeated praises for the kings, caliphs and sultans who had oppressed their own people. Textbooks continue to promote totalitarianism, fanaticism, animosity and racism. How can respect for human rights be expected from those who are “educated” by these textbooks?
A paper written by members of the Consultation Group on Religion and the Roots of Conflict, concluded with some reflections on religion and violence. Here is an excerpt from the conclusion:
“An attempt to develop the resources of religious traditions against religious violence must deal with the phenomenon which some have termed the “reemergence of history” in the late 20th century. . . . Historical goals, now pursued with a militancy and mass-organizational character born of the modern ideology of nationalism, are supported by new communications and weapons technologies, and they are fostered by the complications of trying to build modern economies for modern states. Part of the irony of contemporary religious conflict is that religious factors in group life are at one and the same time among the most constructive and the most destructive forces in human affairs.” (FN14).
We cannot expect elimination of terrorism in Muslim countries without knowing and acknowledging the negative impact of religious teachings and oppressive environment justifying aggression. Human rights institutions must cooperate with dissident intellectuals to push for reformation in Islam.
The real interest of Western world is not in the hands of puppet kings and tyrants in Muslim lands, but in the reign of democracy and freedom. Oppressive regimes create a toxic ecology that incubates and produces hate, hopelessness, and ignorance. Unfortunately, corrupt Muslim scholars, oppressive kings, and the foreign policy of Western world, all have contributed in the production of the so-called “Islamic Terrorism.”
Muslims should abandon the backward teachings of clergymen and start following their only holy book, the Quran. American politicians should eliminate the antidemocratic influence of lobbies of big corporations and special interest in determining American foreign policy and start seeking the interest of American population.
(FN1). Abdulaziz Bin Ba’z, Al-Adillatul Naqliyyati wal Hissiyati ‘Ala Garayanil Shamsi wa Sukunil Ardi wa Imkanil Soudi Ilal Kawakibi (The Religious and Empirical Evidences that Sun is Moving and Earth is Still and the Possibility of Going to Planets), The Islamic University in Medina, Medina, 1975. (I have the original copy of the book in my library).
(FN2). Milli Gazete, the Turkish newspaper of a religious political party, gave an extensive coverage to the story. Nokta, a popular and secular weekly news magazine, made the “fatwa” against Rashad Khalifa its cover story in its April 16, 1989 issue.
(FN3). Rashad Khalifa, Ph.D., The Computer Speaks: God’s Message To The World, Renaissance Productions, Tucson, 1981. Also see: Rashad Khalifa, Ph.D., Quran: Visual Presentation Of The Miracle, Islamic Productions, Tucson, 1982. I have argued the mathematical structure of the Quran in my books such as, The Prime Argument (with Dr. Carl Sagan) and Running Like Zebras (with Abdulrahman Lomax). Both books were published by Monotheist Productions International, Tucson in 1995. They can be found in my web site: The author’s most recent Turkish book Uzerinde Ondokuz Var (On It Nineteen), an extensive evaluation and demonstration of the mathematical code, is currently in print.
(FN4). The mathematical code of the Quran required the rejection of other religious sources besides the Quran. Dr. Rashad Khalifa’s biggest offense was to expose the corrupt nature of today’s sectarian Islam and suggest reformation in religion (see: Quran: The Final Testament, Islamic Productions, Tucson, 1989, and Quran, Hadith and Islam, Islamic Productions, Tucson, 1982). By referring to the Quranic verses, he demonstrated that today’s Islam has nothing to do with Muhammad’s original message, but a religion concocted by scholars who traded the Quran with fabricated narration and medieval Arab culture (Hadith and Sunnah) falsely attributed to Prophet Muhammad two centuries after his departure. By incorporating their opinion with those mediaeval lies, Muslim scholars created various orthodox sects with thousands of contradictions, vicious and oppressive laws, hundreds of regulations that can turn the daily life of a zealot to hell. For an objective and extensive information on the mission of Khalifa I recommend the following book: Yvonne Yazbeck Haddad and Jane Idleman Smith, Mission To America: Five Islamic Sectarian Communities in North America, University Press of Florida, Gainsville, 1993.
(FN5). See: Chris Limberis, Terrorists in Tiny Town, Tucson Weekly, September 20, 2001, pp. 4-8. Mark Hosenball, Another Holy War Waged on American Soil, Newsweek, February 28, 1994, pp. 30-31. Also see: Tim Vanderpool, The No. 19 Murder, Tucson Weekly, January 19, 1994, cover story. Also see: Tucson Mosque slaying may be linked to sect, The Arizona Daily Star, October 12, 1992, first page. Most recently, this assasination was linked to Ben Ladin by CBS National News, Dan Rather, 10/26/2001 at 5:30 PM. Eye On America. Also visit:
(FN6). The author of this paper was also declared to be an apostate in Turkey. See: Hulki Cevizo¤lu, Edip Yuksel “Çöpe At” (Edip Yuksel ‘Trash It’), Ad Yayincilik, Istanbul, 1997. Bahaeddin Sa¤lam, 19 Meselesi ve Edip Yuksel’e Cevaplar (The Issue of 19 and Answers to Edip Yuksel), Tebli¤ Yayinevi, Istanbul, 1996. Sadreddin Yüksel (my father), Günümüz Meselelerine Kuran’dan Cevaplar (Answers From the Quran To Contemporary Issues), Madve, Istanbul, 1988. I was a best seller author and a well-known political activist; but my rejection of my father’s religion put my life at risk, forcing me to immigrate to USA. I still receive death threats from orthodox or sectarian Muslims.
(FN7). Joseph Grinstein, Jihad and the Constitution: The First Amendment Implications of Combating Religiously Motivated Terrorism, 105 Yale L.J. 1347 (1996). (Quoting from a Nov. 21, 1994 television broadcast.)
(FN8). Donna E. Arzt, Religious Human Rights In Muslim States of the Middle East and North Africa, 10 Emory Int’l L. Rev. 139, 144. (Spring 1996).
(FN9). Id. at 160-161.
(FN10). The Quran repeatedly condemns compulsion in religion (see: 2:256; 10:99; 88:21,22), advocates perfect freedom of belief and expression (18:29), permits fighting for only self-defense (60:8,9), advises not to harm apostates except if they mobilize with arms against believers (4:90), and advises passive protest against those who insult and make mockery of God’s revelation (4:140). A short article by Riffat Hassan, Professor of Religious Studies at the University of Lousville, provides some idea about the content of the Quran regarding human rights: Riffat Hassan, Religious Human Rights and The Quran, 10 Emory Int’l L. Rev. 85 (Spring 1996).
(FN11). See, supra note 13.
(FN12). Arzt, supra note 32, at 161.
(FN13). John Witte Jr., Law, Religion and Human Rights, 28 Colum. Hum. Rts. L. Rew. 1, 2 (Fall 1996).
(FN14). Religion and Human Rights, eds: John Kelsay and Sumner B. Twiss, The Project on Religion and Human Rights, New York, 1994, pp. 15-16.
Edip Yuksel’s English and Turkish Books
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2011 Running Like Zerbas (E). This book contains numerous debates on the prophetic numerical system embedded ni the Quran. Edip Yüksel responds and refutes critics and skeptics, such as: Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips: Sunni scholar Carl Sagan: astronomer, astrophysicist, cosmologist, and skeptic author Daniel Abdurrahman Lomax: Sunni computer engineer Ayman Mutaakher: anonymous Sunni critic James (Amazing) Randi: founder of Randi Foundation, a skeptic activist Michael Shermer: editor and publisher of the Skeptic Magazine, author, columnist The miraculous function of the number 19 prophesized in Chapter 74 was unveiled in 1974 through a computerized analysis of the Quran. Though, in retrospect, the implication of 19 in Chapter 74 traditionally called Hidden One, were obvious, it remained a secret for 1406 (19×74) lunar years after the revelation of the Quran. Edip Yuksel, Brainbow Press, 2012, 504 pages. $19.00. ISBN 978-0982586730
2011 NINETEEN: God’s Signature in Nature and Scripture (E, T). A comprehensive demonstration of the prophetic miracle. Edip Yuksel, Brainbow Press, 2010, 456 pages. $19.95. ISBN 978-0-9796715-3-1
2010 Peacemaker’s Guide to Warmongers (E). Exposing Robert Spencer, Osama bin Laden, David Horowitz, Mullah Omar, Bill Warner, Ali Sina and other Enemies of Peace. Edip Yuksel, Brainbowpress, 2010, 432 pages. $19.95. ISBN: 978-0-9796715-3-1
2009 Critical Thinkers for Islamic Reform (E, T). This book is the by-product of “A Celebration of Heresy Conference: Critical Thinking for Islamic Reform”, inAtlanta on March 28-30 of 2008. About hundred Critical Thinkers gathered inAtlanta to discuss the imperative of Islamic Reform. This book contains the articles submitted by thirty prominent Muslim reformers. Editors: Edip Yuksel, Arnold Mol, Farouk A. Peru, Brainbow Press, 2009, 262 pages, $17.95. ISBN 978-0-9796715-7-9
2008 Manifesto for Islamic Reform (E, T, A, P, R, I). This book contains comprehensive and concise theological and philosophical arguments for why Muslims need to follow the Quran alone under the light of reason and give up from following the regressive, misogynistic, violent teachings of hadith and sunna. Considered as a landmark defense of rational monotheism, the book has received worldwide attention and so far has been translated in five languages. Edip Yuksel, Brainbow Press, 2008, 2009, 128 pages, $9.95. ISBN 978-0-9796715-6-2
2008 Obsessed with Women’s Dress Code: Political and Religious Debates on Headscarves/Takanlar ve Takılanlar: Politik ve Dini Açıdan Türban (T). While criticizing the aggressive Turkish secular bureaucracy and military that banned women wearing headscarves in public buildings, including University campuses, the book defends women’s right to chose how to dress by exposing male hegemony, their religious arguments, and their obsession with women’s hair and dress. (Ozan Publishing, Istanbul, 2008-2010, 2nd edition, 144 pp.)
2007 Test Your Quranic Knowledge (E). Contains six sets of multiple choice questions and their answers. Edip Yuksel, Brainbow Press, 2007, 2010, 2nd edition, 84 pages, $7.95. ISBN 978-0-9796715-5-5
2007 Quran: a Reformist Translation (Annotated) (E). Co-translators: Layth Saleh al-Shaiban and Martha Schulte. Offering a non-sexist understanding of the divine text; the QRT is the result of collaboration between three translators, two men and a woman. It explicitly rejects the right of the clergy to determine the likely meaning of disputed passages. It uses logic and the language of the Quran itself as the ultimate authority in determining likely meanings, rather than ancient scholarly interpretations rooted in patriarchal hierarchies. It offers extensive cross-referencing to the Bible and provides arguments on numerous philosophical and scientific issues. It is God’s message for those who prefer reason over blind faith, for those who seek peace and ultimate freedom by submitting themselves to the Truth alone. Translated and Annotated by: Edip Yuksel; Layth Saleh al-Shaiban; Martha Schulte-Nafeh. Brainbow Press, 2007-2010, 2nd edition, 520 pages, $24.70. ISBN 978-0-9796715-0-0.
1999 The Message: Quran’s Translation/Mesaj: Kuran Cevirisi (T). A best-selling Turkish translation of the Quran that heavily relies on reason, science and linguistic analysis. The context and usage of words and expressions in the verses of the Quran are carefully analyzed for understanding of individual verses. Radical differences with traditional translations and commentaries are discussed in the footnotes. (Ozan Publishing, Istanbul, 2000-2010, 5 editions, 600 pp.)
2000 Purple Letters/Mor Mektuplar (T). Selected letters discussing a myriad of issues, such as, religion, politics, law, philosophy, women, and human rights. (Ozan Publishing,Istanbul, 2000-2010, 3 editions, 232 pp.)
1998 Democracy, Oligarchy, Theocracy/Demokrasi, Oligarsi, Teokrasi (T). A response to the Turkish Attorney General’s allegation asking the abolishment of Turkey’s biggest political party, Welfare Party (Refah) and a comparative evaluation of Turkish democracy and secularism. A robust defense of democracy and freedom of expression. (Ozan Publishing, Istanbul, 1998-2010; 133 pp.).
1997 United But Disoriented (E). Editor and author. Eight individuals, who have observed the creation and evolution of a new cult, evaluate the motivation and common patterns of hero-worship. A case study on a new cult, Submitters, promoting infallibility of a late religious scholar (The Monotheist International, Tucson, 1997, 62 pp.).
1997 On It Is Nineteen/Uzerinde Ondokuz Var (T). A comprehensive study of the mathematical structure of the Quran and the Bible, including answers to criticism raised in books and articles published in four languages (Milliyet Publishing, Istanbul, 1997-2010, 4 editions, 320 pp.).
1994 The Prime Argument/Asal Tartisma (E, T). A two-round argument with late astronomer Prof. Carl Sagan on mathematical structure in the scripture and its philosophical implications as evidence for the existence of God. (The Monotheist International, Tucson, 1994, 64 pp.); Turkish translation (Ozan Publishing, Istanbul, 1998-2010, 92 pp.)
1994 Unorthodox Essays (E). A booklet containing essays on Usury, Wife Battering and Abortion. Distinguishes usury from interest; suggests a new translation for verse 4:34, arguing that the traditional translations permitting husbands to beat their wives is a linguistic distortion originated from misogynistic all-male clergymen; and argues that abortion cannot be considered a murder if it is done within three months of conception (The Monotheist International, Tucson, 1994, 28 pp.)
1993 Nineteen Questions for Christian Clergy/Hristiyan Din Adamlarina Ondokuz Soru (E; T). A challenging examination of the teachings and practices of modern Christianity. Based on Biblical verses and historical facts, it promotes a “Copernican revolution” in the theology of religions, consisting in a paradigm shift from a Christianity-centered or Jesus-centered to a God-centered model of universe of faiths (Monotheist International, Tucson, 1993-1999, 3 editions, 100 pp); Turkish translation (Ozan Publishing, Istanbul, 1998-2010, 3 editions).
1992 Errors in Translations of the Quran/Kuran Cevirilerindeki Hatalar (T). A book studying eleven Turkish translations of the Quran and exposing some common errors due to the influence of Hadith and other sectarian teachings (Gosterge, Istanbul, 1992, 164 pp.; Milliyet Publishing, Istanbul, 1998; Ozan Yayıncılık 2006-2010, 182 pp.)
1991 Nineteen Questions for Muslim Clergy/Musluman Din Adamlarina Ondokuz Soru (E; T). A best-selling book written for the public, theologically challenging the consistency and authority of sectarian teachings of Muslim clerics (Renaissance Institute, Tucson, 1991, 66 pp.; The Monotheist Productions Int., Tucson, 1992, 4 editions, 80 pp.); Turkish version (Gösterge, Istanbul, 1992, 72 pp.; Ozan Publishing, Istanbul, 1997-2010, 7 editions, 110 pp.). The English version is currently revised for a new edition.
1989 Censored Essays/Sakincali Yazilar (T). A rebuttal against published articles critical of my controversial book, “Interesting Questions-2.” After being excommunicated and declared as an apostate, the publishing houses were too intimidated to publish any more of my work. The self-published first edition was stolen from the printing-house and the second edition was partially collected from bookstores (Devlet, Istanbul, 1989, 2 editions, 100 pp.)
1988 Books Are Dangerous/Kitap Okumanin Zararlari (T). A “delicious” book with a calculated dose of mischievous humor, challenging its readers to become critical thinkers. Contains articles on politics, psychology, and pop culture. (Beyan, Istanbul, 1988, 106 pp.)
1987 Interesting Questions-2/Ilginç Sorular-2 (T). The second volume that became radioactive because of its radical criticism to the traditional-sectarian Islam. Caused disappointment, excommunication, and generated death threats for apostasy. (Yuzondort, Istanbul, 1987, 190 pp.; Beyan, Istanbul, 1988, 2nd-3rd editions, 190 pp; a revised version was later published by Ozan, Istanbul, 5th edition, 1999-2010, 3 editions, 184 pp.)
1985 Interesting Questions-1/Ilginc Sorular-1 (T). A best-seller, arguing popular topics regarding religion, philosophy and politics among the university students. Arrested, jailed and tried by theState Security Court for advocating overthrow of the government by mass protests. Acquitted after spending 6 months in jail. (Inkilab, Istanbul, 1985-1987, 8 editions, 214 pp.; Beyan, Istanbul, 1988, 9th edition, 214 pp.)
1984 Is The Bible God’s Word?/Kitab-i Mukaddes Allah Sözü müdür? (T). Analysis of certain verses and critical evaluation of biblical history, versions, and translations. Co-authored with Ahmad Deedat. (Inkilab, Istanbul, 1984, 2 editions, 164 pp.)
1984 The 40th Commandment of Joseph/Yusuf’un 40. Emri (T). Poems written in prison as a political prisoner (Madve, Istanbul, 1984, 72 pp.)
1983 Quran, the Ultimate Miracle/Kuran En Buyuk Mucize (T). A best-selling book co-authored with Ahmad Deedat, president of Islamic Propagation Center inSouth Africa, analyzing certain verses of the Quran related to physical sciences such as astronomy, embryology, geology and mathematics (Inkilab, Istanbul, 1983-88, 16 editions, 204 pp.).
1982 The Interrogation/Sorusturma (T). A novel about police interrogation and torture of a political detainee that I secretly wrote while I was in Turkish prison. The novel was published and distributed by an underground publishing house during the military regime. Unfortunately, due to the unique circumstances of its “birth” I do not have any copy of the book nor its draft. It is lost! (XYZ, Istanbul, 1982, ??? pp.).
To Strike or Not to Strike:
Current jury selection method makes the system prone to exploitation and abuse. Current selection procedure eliminates those candidates who are more aware about current affairs, who show high level of intellectual abilities, and demonstrate signs of critical mind. The current system creates less random, less diverse, and less competent juries. Thus, it compromises the quality or fairness of jury trials. The paper, demonstrates the weaknesses of the jury system and suggests four potential reforms, which require further study.
To Strike or Not to Strike:
Selection by Elimination Creates Left-over Juries With Less Diversity and Competence
Edip Yuksel, J.D.
“A jury usually consists of twelve men and women chosen form the community. They are supposed to be totally impartial. Lawyers on either side will question prospective jurors; and the lawyer can “challenge”?that is demand dismissal of?any who seem unsuitable for one reason or another. A certain number, too, can be “peremptorily” challenged, that is, for no legal reason at all. Defendant’s lawyer may have a hunch that this sour-faced, mean-looking man would be deadly for his client; he can get the man excused by peremptory challenge.” (American Law, Lawrence M. Friedman, W.W.Norton & Company, 1984, p. 165)
“First, the most competent citizens are permitted to escape the jury pool. The pool is whittled down further by peremptory challenges, which allow lawyers to strike a potential juror from the panel without giving reasons. The lawyers have reasons, of course, often based on stereotypes of race, gender, age or income that lead them to believe a particular candidate will disfavor their client. Then the trial begins, when jurors face complicated testimony and evidence that judges and lawyers do little to help them understand.” (The Jury: Disorder in the Courts, Stephen J. Adler, Main Street Books, 1995).
The American jury system, regardless of its shortcomings, is a remarkable and unique tool in intimately involving citizens in the legal system. This involvement not only provides continuous justification of American legal system, it also allows politicians and social engineers to observe the heartbeats of common folks. Jury system also provides mandatory education for randomly chosen citizens regarding their rights, duties and the legal procedure. It gives them a sense of direct participation in the legal system and government. The power of deciding guilty or not guilty in criminal or civil cases raises them to a position even higher than the government and big companies. However, the current jury selection method makes the system prone to exploitation and abuse. Current selection procedure eliminates those candidates who are more aware about current affairs, show high level of intellectual abilities, and demonstrate signs of critical mind. The current system creates a less random, less diverse, and less competent juries. Thus, it compromises the quality or fairness of jury trials.
Especially, in high-profile cases, where jury selection becomes one of the most crucial elements for success, the system’s shortcoming is aggressively exploited and magnified. Big law firms employ salaried consultants who specialize in evaluating the prospective jurors. They study the profile of every individual in the jury pool and execute a sophisticated jury selection plan, hoping that their talented, articulate and charismatic attorneys will put the jury members into trans. These “left-over” jury members become the target of craftily orchestrated choreography of words, parade of ostentatious expert witnesses, strategic diversions, clever gimmicks, and artistic gestures, etc. Consequently, the credibility of jury system is tarnished.
Like many people, I also think that two recent well-known examples, trials of Rodney King and O.J. Simpson, have clearly demonstrated the weakness of the system and provided hints for a possible solution.
Rodney King’s First Trial
On March 3, 1991, in Los Angeles, California, several police cars chased Rodney G. King, a robbery parolee who was allegedly speeding. Two friends were with him in the car. After a police chase during which he drove through several intersections against red lights, King eventually was forced to stop. Although the two passengers in the car complied with police requests to exit the car and were subdued with minor resistance, King apparently refused to exit the car and was physically assisted in doing so. He was subsequently struck as many as 56 times by officers wielding batons, kicked at least six times, and shot with a Taser electronic stun gun. The beating was administered by three Los Angeles police officers, allegedly at the order of a police sergeant who was on the scene. Twenty-three other law enforcement officers were also present and watched the beating, but apparently made no effort to stop it. There were also several civilian bystanders, including George Holiday, who witnessed the incident. Holiday videotaped the beating of King. King suffered extensive injuries as a result of the beating, including skull fractures and nerve damage to part of his face.
All four police officers were charged with “assault by force likely to produce great bodily injury and a deadly weapon” and with assault “under color of authority”. Prior to the trial on these charges, the accused sought to obtain a change of venue for the trial to a county other than Los Angeles County. The change of venue application, originally denied at trial, was granted on appeal. The California Court of Appeal, Second District, approved the change of venue application, given the extensive pre-trial publicity surrounding the case, the fact that the defendants’ being police officers had caused a high level of indignation and outrage, and political factors involving criticism of the then Chief of Police, Daryl Gates. The trial site chosen was Simi Valley in Ventura County. Simi Valley is a predominantly white, middle-class community 35 miles from downtown Los Angeles. The jury comprised ten white, one Hispanic, and one Asian.
On April 29, 1992, the jury rendered its verdicts, generally finding the accused not guilty of the charges. The reaction to the verdicts was immediate: rioting, which resulted in loss of life and extensive damage to property (more than 50 dead and upwards of one billion dollars in damage).
After change of venue, voir dire, and peremptory challenges a jury without a single black person was selected. Defense was able to use evidence that appeared so patently detrimental to its case to prove itself innocent of the charges. They employed findings of modern psychology to use the video clip of vicious beating scene against the victim. The jurors heard testimony that Rodney King initially resisted the officers’ command to submit to arrest. From this testimony it was argued that King therefore “invited” the beating inflicted upon him. The jury, demographically not representing the population of L.A. and their experience with police, soon was desensitized by defense’s deliberate play of the beating seen over and over, especially in slow motion to depict the natural reflexes of a battered person as aggression. Finally, the jurors were convinced that it was not the police officers but Rodney King who controlled and directed the beating.
O.J. Simpson’s First Trial
Another disappointing jury verdict came several years later in the trial of O.J. Simpson. After a televised car chase on June 17, 1994, the famous hall of fame retired football player was arrested and charged for murdering his ex-wife, Nicole Brown Simpson, and her guest, Ronald Goldman, by stabbing them to death 5 days earlier. The trial became a live TV show. Millions of Americans watched the trial like their favorite soap operas. Finally, on October 3, 1995, jury found O.J. Simpson not guilty of two counts of murder.
Evidence demonstrated that Simpson was an abusive husband. However, the jury, mesmerized by defense lawyers, substituted the relevant picture of the “abusive husband” with the irrelevant picture of “loving father.” Simpson was jealous and ambitious to control his ex-wife. However, the jury believed that Simpson lacked motive. The murderer cut his finger during the slaughter. So did Simpson. However, the jury believed that Simpson accidentally cut his finger and was not bothered by the probability of simultaneity of this “accident” and the crime. Simpson, “the traveler,” was in town during the murder and left the town just after the crime. However, the jury believed that it was another coincidence. According to a limousine driver who was not accused of being racist, at the time when the double murder took place Simpson’s car was not in front of his mansion and he did not respond to the doorbell for half an hour. However, the jury believed that it was just normal to take a nap after calling for a limousine. Simpson escaped after he became the prime suspect. However, the jury found it a normal reaction of a brave, wealthy, prominent and innocent person. The glove found or planted by the racist police officer was identical to the ones found on Simpson’s hand in his previously taken pictures. However, the jury thought that it was just a coincidence. The glove did not fit Simpson’s hand, neither in the court nor in the picture. However, the jury believed that it was majestic evidence, recalling Cinderella and her cruel stepmother, they reasoned that if the glove did not fit they should acquit.
There are numerous “howevers” that the scope of this article cannot hold. Why, despite all the evidences, was a double-murderer acquitted? Was the jury racist? I doubt it. Then why were they fooled by the defense’s theory of a well-orchestrated “racist conspiracy” against Simpson? How can twelve “reasonable” people be fooled by conspiracy theories while there was conspiracy of facts?
The final jury was composed of 9 Blacks, 1 Hispanics, and 2 Whites of whom 10 were women and 2 were men. Out of 12 jurors only 2 were college graduates. The racial composition of the initial jury pool differed considerably from the racial composition of the final jury. The pool was 40% white, 28% black, 17% Hispanic, and 15% Asian. Some other facts about the final jury demonstrates how smart lawyers with deeper pockets can manipulate the system to compose a jury with lower competence and diversity than of the average population. The 250 prospective jurors were subjected to 79-page, 294-question questionnaire including questions proposed by both the prosecution and defense. The defense poured great effort into the jury selection process. The defense consultant coordinated massive data on each of the jury finalists, including their answers to the questionnaire, responses and body language during voir dire, and other data the defense had managed to collect. This data was put into a computer and each juror ranked according to their likely sympathy to the defense. After two months, 12 people were the jurors, which I call the “left-over” jurors:
(1) None regularly read a newspaper, but eight regularly watched tabloid TV shows;
(2) five thought it was sometimes appropriate to use force on a family member;
(3) all were Democrats;
(4) five reported that they or another family member had had a negative experience with the police; and
(5) nine thought that Simpson was less likely to be a murderer because he was a professional athlete.
These people were expected to represent the illusive reasonable person in a murder trial! These people were expected to evaluate the DNA evidence, which was crucial for finding the truth of the matter!
There were many factors in Simpson’s trial that hindered justice: culture of celebrity-worship, racist police officers, clumsy handling of the evidence, skulk of super attorneys, millions of dollars, colors of skins. However, the most important factor in the outcome was the current jury system that invited all other factors to have impact on the verdict.
Selection by Elimination Reduces Quality and Diversity of Jury
I believe that the current jury system, especially where parties spend enormous effort over the selection, most accurately, elimination of the jury, does not serve justice well. Let’s face it. The jury is selected from a pool of population containing a segment that demonstrates real problems in logical reasoning.
Millions believe in the stories of abduction by UFO astronauts. Millions have faith in astrology, the power of stars (that is, hot plasma) on human fate. Millions read the National Inquirer and similar tabloids. Millions follow charlatan evangelists and donate millions of dollars for their dubious causes. Millions call psychics for help. Millions are persuaded by silly TV commercials lacking even iota of information. Millions spend many of their waking hours watching soap operas and tabloid talk shows. Millions are addicted to fiction books, that is, fabricated stories. Millions worship celebrities who are mostly actors and actresses. Millions judge a word by the popularity of its source, rather than the inherent truth-value of that word. Millions are racists and bigots. And, millions hire lawyers hoping that they will twist facts and hide the truth in their favor.
Obviously, a randomly selected jury will most likely contain representatives of this intellectually or morally challenged segment. That’s fine, since the principles of modern democracy require representation or participation without discrimination. Whether we like it or not, we do not have a better choice. To select the so-called “reasonable person,” we cannot subject prospective jurors to a logical and critical reasoning test since it will create many practical and political problems. (Ironically, we ask them hundreds of silly and stupid questions during voir dire!). By definition these people are our peers! Statistically and hopefully, there will be some critical minds among the jury members who will strive to keep reason and critical mind in the jury room. In other words, if is really a random jury, the average IQ of its members should be close to average. Also, more or less, a randomly selected jury will proportionally reflect the presence of minorities.
But allowing attorneys to eliminate those they wish, tend to increase the number of the gullible and the weak minded in the jury; presumably they are easy customers of conspiracy theories, irrelevant claims, fallacious arguments, hallo effect, and charisma. Though, the IQ scores of jury members are not written on their foreheads and perhaps attorneys do not intentionally focus on their intelligence, however, their intelligence spark through their choice of words, their answers to the questions. Their occupation might also provide some hints. The party that feels the facts are not much in its favor will do its best to prevent the critical minded to sit in jury box.
The same elimination process also works against minorities. It is much easier to recognize minorities. Though the Supreme Court banned peremptory challenges motivated by race, this ban does not have much practical effect, since motive is elusive and proving it is a daunting task, and attorneys can find many other reasons to strike anyone. Let’s assume that the case is about the death of a black drug dealer who was allegedly shot to death by 40 bullets from the guns of three white police officers. Let’s assume that out of 24 prospective jurors 4 are black. Plaintiff wants to prove that there was no reason to use deadly force and the incident is the product of the racist attitude of the police department. Since each party will strike 4 jurors as their right of peremptory challenge the current system allows the defense get what it wants: an all-white jury. On the other hand, if the system allowed selection, rather than elimination, then, the chance of all 4 black jurors being picked by Plaintiff would be no surprise. So, is there a way to for creation of a fairer and more competent jury?
The answer, I think, has at least four components:
First, we should make it more difficult for judges to excuse highly competent jurors during voir dire. I have observed dozens of jury selection sessions and I found a common trend in excusing highly competent jurors, especially professionals from the jury duty based on frivolous reasons.
Second, knowing that in the Simpson’s case, more than 200 prospective jurors were eliminated, the pool of prospective jurors should be limited to not more than four or three times of the final number.
Third, we should modify the peremptory challenge rules by letting each party pick 3 and strike 3 out of the 18 prospective jurors who survived the voir dire. We might even consider letting each party pick half of the jury.
The fourth component might be explosive, but it is worth considering, at least theoretically. To expose jurors who do not have capacity or competency to understand and make judgments on the intricate factual disagreements of a particular case (such as, DNA evidence, or stock market), they should be subjected to a competency test. (I feel the ghost of Plato smiling). The questions of the test should be prepared by the court and parties. The scores may not be automatically used to dismiss any prospective jury, but they may provide valuable information for lawyers in their selection.
Edip Yuksel’s Speech at European Parliament
Edip Yuksel’s Speech
at European Parliament
7 June 2012
Below you will find the text and video of my speech at European Parliament in June 7, 2012. First time in my life, I made an obscene or insult gesture by showing my middle finger to the warmongers towards the end of the end of my speech:
“We are now using drones to assassinate people without trial, poor people who stand against our aggression and hegemony. The list of wars, covert operations and countries bombed by the USA-Inc, printed in 9 points Times Roman, single space, one line for each country, is five times longer than my middle finger. With Cognitive Dissonance every bloody list is possible!”
The link to the youtube video is in the bottom of the text. I recommend you reading the submitted text to the conference before watching the video. I did not have sufficient time to share all in my speech. I received a few more minutes to list the solutions in the end of the panel, which is not in the video clip I posted on youtube.
Dear sisters and brothers, peace, salam, shalom, aşiti!
During my research on the Constitution of countries for a legal article I witnessed that the Turkish Constitution was the only constitution that contained an article, banning a language, the Kurdish language. The 1982 Turkish Constitution, ironically, referred to the “banned language” under the subtitle “Freedom of Expression.” Some resisted to this cultural genocide and some yielded and were assimilated. Unfortunately, I belong to the second group. I know, more or less 5 languages, and thanks to my Turkish brothers, my mother tongue is the poorest of all.
I know the evil of racism firsthand. I lost my brother, Metin Yüksel, to the cowardly bullets of Turkish nationalists. While in Turkish prison, I was put in the same ward with the murderers of my brother. And, one of them is now an elected member of Turkish National Congress.
I teach and lecture without reading from papers. It is boring, I know. But, knowing that I tend to wonder in details while talking, and knowing the time limitations I decided to share with you my thoughts and feelings by reading from the paper. Please bear with me and listen to me carefully.
I am not going to talk just about a massacre happened some years ago… I am not a good story teller and I think there is another way besides discussing the details of past atrocities followed by finger-pointing, since we are all criminals, we all contribute to the unfair, myopic, diabolic echo system that is doomed to generate this sorts of tragedies and even more. As long as we do not focus on the main causes, yes plural, of all conflicts, fights, and atrocities that is committed by our ancestors we will never be able to break the cycle. Remember we are the children of Cain, the children of the killers who survived, the children of winners, bullies.
But, I believe that we are in a threshold point in history, in which we cannot go beyond without destroying everyone including ourselves. We need to give support to the peacemaker gene of Abel and try our best to suppress the barbaric genetic code we have inherited from a portion of our bloody ancestors. It is time to use the software, the 19 rules of inference embedded in our brain, to do some reformation in our nature, in our-selves. We have to look at ourselves before pointing at the other.
I am not talking as a Kurd, or a Turk or an American or as a Lawyer here. I have decided to talk like my hero, Socrates. I know that I am far being in caliber of that great man, and also I know that the European Parliament is much better than the 501 jury members of the Athenian senate. Of course, I am not on trial, but I want to put myself as a member of humanity on a short trial here.
I will have a bad news first, which I will harp on it not to annoy you, like a gadfly, but to tickle your brain, your heart, and your consciousness. But I promise that it will follow with a few good news, very good ones, which might create a butterfly effect for a new era in global politics, starting from you, from this room.
In 1948 the United Nations issued Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide with19 articles. In the 2nd article it defines genocide as:
In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:
- (a) Killing members of the group;
- (b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
- (c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
- (d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
- (e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.
Declaration of Human Rights, UN resolutions, International law…
Who cares about the laws? Not even those who drafted, dictated and passed the laws care about those laws!
Who cares about the laws?
Most countries are ruled by the children of Thrasymachus.
Long live Thrasymachus!
“Might makes it right”!
If we are the Exceptional Americans or the Chosen Ones in the Middle of Trouble of our own creation, why should we care about the laws? Neither the International Criminal Court can reach our exceptional people, nor can the UN resolutions stop our crimes. What happened to the war criminals of our decadent decade, such as Sharon, Bush, and his cabal, Cheney, Wolfowitz, Feith, Bolton, Perle?
Who cares about the laws?
Perhaps, only the poor, the weak has to follow the laws! No wonder, our justice system is designed to absolve and respect the biggest thieves while punishes mercilessly the hungry who steals bread to feed himself and his children.
WE HUMANS are HYPOCRITES and Suffer from Cognitive dissonance. Unless we ACCEPT THE TRUTH we will not be free from hypocrisy and tragedies.
What goes around comes around and the entire humanity suffers as in the case of global warming, gang terrorism, wars, etc. And what is going around is coming around much faster and with vengeance.
Let me confess my sin as a human being. I am confessing our sins not to ask forgiveness from those few bullies who arrogate themselves to be the world’s leaders, or the representatives of God on earth. No. I will confess to unite us, to remind us our aggressions and hypocrisy, and also our common bond as humans, our common destiny as travelers on this crowded and troubled spaceship called Earth!
A massacre, a war or a human rights violation is not an isolated incident. They are part of a much bigger system, ideology and lifestyle that we choose. It is connected to how we treat women, how we treat the poor, the working people, how we treat the animals, how we treat the earth, how we value family, humanity… A massacre, a war or a human rights violation is the symptom of our way of life, our system, our paradigm.
- We are oppressors, ignorant and self-righteous. We expect Bulgaria or Germany to give Turkish minority cultural rights while we first deny the existence, than we ban the language and culture, including the Holydays, of Kurdish minority and then we subject them to assassinations and massacres.
- We are oppressors, ignorant and self-righteous. We blame Kurdish minority of treason for demanding and fighting for their lives, human rights and dignity and we adopt a policy of cultural genocide and then assassinations, imprisonment, burning towns, torture and massacres, against the Kurds, indigenous population of Turkey. And at the same time, we go to war on behalf of a Turkish minority in Cyprus to DIVIDE Cyprus. Ironically, the Turkish minority in Cyprus did not suffer even a fraction of fascist policies and actions we imposed on Kurds. Costing 60 thousand dead in recent years, 80 percent of them being Kurds.
- We take it lightly of being the only country that has banned the language of a minority, comprising about 20 percent of its population. Ironically, we claim to be Muslims while Islam condemns racism and considers every language to be God’s signs deserving respect and appreciation.
- We are oppressors, ignorant and self-righteous. We expect Europeans to cherish our mosques, to enjoy our minarets punching holes in their skies, and if they convert an old mosque into a church we protest with loud noises, yet we are not ashamed of trying to convert Hagia Sophia into a Mosque, as if we were in desperate need for another empty mosque.
- We are criminals and in denial. We turned minorities against minorities and in 1995 we let the Turks and Kurds commit genocide against Armenians, exterminating more than a million Armenians. About a quarter million Assyrians became the victims of our spree of genocide.
- We are oppressors, self-centered and self-righteous. We protest and condemn American and European atrocities and neo-colonialism, invasions and wars in the Middle East, while we shamelessly glorify the same aggression of our ancestors by celebrating Fatih and other Ottoman tyrants whose major contribution to humanity was to invade other people’s countries, plunder their riches, levy on them taxes, kidnap and draft their children to the imperial military for more wars, invasions, and plunder.
- We are oppressors, ignorant and self-righteous. We condemn the genocides, atrocities of the past, big or small, especially if they were against our tribe, but we enjoy doing exactly the same thing even now while we are talking this issue.
- We are oppressors, ignorant and self-righteous. We declare about a quarter of human population to be terrorists while our quarter itself is the biggest terrorist, even 666 times more violent, supported with the most sophisticated armies, monstrous killing machines and unending imperial wars that is cunningly presented to be promoting freedom, democracy and human rights.
- We are oppressors, delusional and self-righteous. We fool ourselves to be Davids while we are the Goliaths. We have the audacity of depicting our fascist and well-nourished invaders and murderers-in-uniform inside a tank to be the victim and the poor teenager with a rock in his hand standing for his life, freedom, home and dignity against our tank to be the terrorist.
- We are shameless in praising our former enemies, such as Gandhi, Martin Luther, Mandela as great moral leaders, yet we did not stop our crimes just because they were nice people singing peaceful songs. We hide from even ourselves that we were forced to stop our crimes because of logistics, the rising cost of committing those crimes and the violent groups and elements among our victims. By making a deal with the peaceful group among our victims, we wanted save face, and negotiate new terms and try to keep our advantages as much as we could.
- We are cunning, delusional and self-righteous. We preach human rights to the people of poor countries which suffer under our SOB tyrants or friendly puppet regimes, while we had committed and still continue to commit the biggest atrocities in known human history: Holocaust, Carpet bombing, Use of nukes, Napalm bombs, Mines, Drones… So, it is not a surprise when we become the Geert Wilders, Robert Spencers, David Horowitzes, Neocons, Zionists, Rapture-freak crusaders and the 1 percent capitalists of the world and try every means and propaganda to escalate the conflict between the East and West. Our grandchildren should not be surprised if we repeat our bloody history by committing another major genocide, this time against Muslims, here in the West. With Cognitive Dissonance every evil is possible!
- We are oppressors, ignorant and self-righteous. We preach the world about nuclear weapons, declare war against terrorism, but we do not even apologize for committing much greater state terror and atrocities around the world, including the biggest terrorism (targeting civilians) in known human history: Nagasaki and Hiroshima. With Cognitive Dissonance every atrocity is possible!
- We talk about truth and justice, yet we are addicted with lies and we allocate multi-billion dollar funds to generate lies and propaganda through secret agencies and their puppets in the media and academia. No wonder we did not even regret for killing more than 1 million Iraqis while delivering our great democracy through bombs and bullets. We give Nobel Peace prize to the commander of the world’s biggest bloody military power that has killed tens of thousands of innocent people through euphemistic words such as surge, forward leaning, collateral damage, enhanced interrogation techniques.
- We are now using drones to assassinate people without trial, poor people who stand against our aggression and hegemony. The list of wars, covert operations and countries bombed by the USA-Inc, printed in 9 points Times Roman, single space, one line for each country, is five times longer than my middle finger. With Cognitive Dissonance every bloody list is possible!
- We brag with our civilization and technological advances, yet the Bosnian Muslims were massacred and raped in our midst for years. But our powerful military stood idle and perhaps we were busy pushing small countries around to plunder their natural resources and dictate our terms to continue our hedonistic consumerist life style. With Cognitive Dissonance all sorts of genocides are possible!
- We brag to be nice and civilized people, yet we feed our children all sorts of violence and atrocities through video games and films, desensitizing them against human life.
- We brag to have deserved our mansions and luxuries life style, while in fact, we made laws by legalizing usury, speculations, printing money out of hot air, crony capitalism, plutocracy and we stole most of our wealth from the services and products of those who worked hard day and night.
- While at it, we also polluted our land, our oceans and our atmosphere. With Cognitive Dissonance every disaster is possible!
- We brag with our technology and high-tech toys that come in fancy packages, we create mountains of trash from plastic bottles. A massive plastic garbage patch twice the size of the state of Texas circling in the North Pacific is growing faster than the power of big corporations over our so-called democracies.
- We complain about not having enough to feed the poor, yet just several weeks ago we saw the picture of millions of tons of grain, a mountain of food without exaggeration, left to rot by the Indian government following the dogmas preached by the high-priests of capitalism. Every year millions of tons of food are deliberately wasted by the capitalists while millions of people starve to death.
- Besides greedy capitalism, detached governments, the world population is posing one of the greatest threat to the future of humanity, yet, our political and religious clowns among Catholics, Sunnis, Mormons and many other manmade religions are competing with each other in turning every mother to octomoms.
- We brag to be Muslim (peacefully submitting to God and peacemakers) to be the followers of Muhammed, one of the most peaceful men in history, yet centuries after his death we make up volumes of lies about him thereby depicting him a warmonger, a torturer, a sexual maniac, a misogynist, a tyrant, an illiterate and superstitious medieval Arab. We demonstrate respect to the physical mediums where the Quran is recorded, yet we betray almost all its universal principles and instructions by promoting anti-rationalism, blind faith, intercession, by giving religious charlatans the power of making up rules in the name of God, by promoting violence, suicide bombing, antisemitism, the killing of apostates, oppressing our women, ignoring the plight of the hungry, homeless and jobless, stoning people to death, and many other appalling criminal acts. With Cognitive Dissonance every evil is possible!
- We brag to be Christians, to be the followers of Jesus, one of the most peaceful and just men in history, yet soon after his death we became soldiers of Roman empire, we became slave owners, we burned “witches” and “heretics” on stakes, waged bloody Crusades, invented various torture machines, condemned thinkers through inquisition, fought two world wars, killed millions in holocaust, worked day and night to make bigger and even bigger bombs, invaded and destroyed numerous countries, killed millions around the world, and replaced the golden rule with the iron rule called “pre-emptive strike.”
Should we become CYNICAL? NO
- We cannot afford it. No more. With the increase in population and popularity of Internet and communication technology, what is going around is coming around much faster and bigger. The imperialist powers, which have mutated their skin and predatory method of sucking other’s blood, yet remain the same with all its greed, arrogance and delusions, can no more shed blood in the so-called third world countries and get away with it. The world cannot sustain our wars, our lies, our delusions, our robber banks, our Zionist propaganda, our capitalist-consumerist BS that wastes limited resources and pollutes and poisons this precious Blue Planet, God’s free gift to us.
- We cannot afford being cynical. There are some pockets of hope and examples of promises such as Sweden, Norway, and Finland…
We have proposals for solution:
First, we should diagnose the disease, which demonstrate the symptoms of aggression, arrogance, delusions and cognitive dissonance. We have to recognize the cancer tumors in our body that causes wars and genocide:
- We should teach tolerance and respect to other people’s ideas as long as they are not used to harm others. We should question and reject the religious dogmas glorifying conquests, salvation through death and shedding blood.
- We should require critical thinking and philosophy classes as a required curriculum in our elementary, middle and high schools.
- We have to establish real democracy and ban lobbies from influencing our elected officials.
- We must stand against warmongers and it must be the priority of every human on this planet, be it poor or rich, be it religious or atheist, black or blue, purple or pink, man or woman. Military Industrial Complex. Weapon merchants. These bloodsuckers (s)elect and bribe politicians to constantly create conflicts and ugly enemies with highly exaggerated powers, and declare wars here and there. We should make a list of top 10 war profiteers globally and locally, and declare them to be the enemies of humanity, and demand our politicians to dramatically reduce the military spending. “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself” (FDR). We should listen to this historical warning, “… we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.” (Eisenhower).
- To eliminate corruption, capitalistic exploitation and guarantee food, home, education and a reasonable health care for every human being, we should design a fair economic system without creating a totalitarian regime. We should bury capitalism and consumerism in the same graveyard that we buried authoritarian communism. Multinational big corporations through their news media, film industry, internet sites, lobbies, politicians and academia promote capitalistic dogmas, glorifies greed, usury, and the consumerism that is destroying the fragile echo system.
- We should treat nationalism as a virus causing a mild disease that feigns as patriotism when in hibernation. But certain conditions, such as economic crisis or some provocations could trigger the virus to mutate into demonstrating the symptoms of jingoism and racism that may cause uncontrollable fatal complications and tragedies. These viruses are nourished and manipulated by inapt and evil politicians, weapon merchants, bigots and occasionally by global finance. Flags are used as idols. Waving flags triggers hormones of the subject thereby leading otherwise nice people to commit atrocities and genocides.
Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips, a Hoaxer or a Murderer?
The following is an excerpt from Edip Yüksel’s recent book Running Like Zebras, Brainbow Press
Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips is:
a) A Salafi scholar
b) An accomplice for murder
c) A hoaxer
d) A geocentric antique
e) A slanderer enemy of the Prophet Muhammed
f) A number-phobic innumerate
g) A father of 20 children from four concubines
h) Some of the above
i) All of the above
Who is Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips? For sure, he puts a Dr. before his name. In fact, he loves that title and uses it as a prefix for his name everywhere. So what? What is wrong with someone with a doctorate degree to put the word Dr. before his name? I have no problem with that, but here there is more to that title than meets the eye. Before you are impressed by his academic credentials, you should first know about where he got most of his education from and his role in the assassination of my friend, Dr. Rashad Khalifa. According to his website, Abu Ameenah:
“Shortly after his reversion to Islam, he embarked on a spiritual academic journey to the other side of the world seeking Islamic knowledge. This journey took him to Saudi Arabia where he completed a BA in Islamic studies in Madeenah, and an MA in Islamic Theology in Riyadh, then to the University of Wales, UK, where he completed a PhD in Islamic Theology in the early nineties.”
In other words, he was the student at a university when the notorious Bin Baz was the top cleric in Saudi Arabia and the most revered and influential professor at the universities there. Now, let’s learn a bit about the deeds of the top cleric who approved Abu Ameenah’s BA and MA diplomas and trained him as a model Salafi. I will be quoting from the introduction of the 2nd edition of Abu Ameenah’s Hoax book:
“Doubts about the correctness of his initial premise of 19 being the mathematical key to the Qur’aan were then raised and a number of emotional articles were written against both him and his theory. In fact, one of the leading scholars of Saudi Arabia, Shaikh ‘Abdullaah ibn ‘Abdul ‘Aziz ibn Baz, wrote a fatwaa (religious ruling) concerning Khalifa’s heretical claims in which he declared him an apostate.[1]
Note the words HERETICAL and APOSTATE above, which are justified by Abu Ameenah, a Sunni scholar, a student of ibn Baz. So what? He has the freedom to consider Rashad Heretical and Apostate as Rashad considered him and his sheikh mushriks and ignorant gang. But there is a great difference between the labels because of their implications in their context.
“Heretic” and “Apostate” are code words for DEATH penalty according to the Sunni jurisprudence. Ameenah’s father has the audacity to refer the reader to his book for the translation of his guru’s death fatwa. Ironically, in a book titled In Defense of the Qur‘an and Sunnah, he brags about “defending the Qur’an” by justifying and encouraging the murdering of people who dare to disagree with his ignorance and idolworship! His relation with ibn Baz was not mere formality. Here is some information about his personal life (emphasis is mine):
“Son of Jamaican parents born on 7th, July, 1947 in Jamaica, he grew up in Canada and lived and studied in Malaysia. He is the father of 20 Muslim children and has a black belt in Tai Kwon Do and currently studies Tai Chi. Among the more notable aspects of his academic life is that he sat in the circles of famous Hadith scholar, Shaikh Naaseer udeen Albani for 4 years in Madinah (1976-1980), as well as the circles of the famous Mufti of Saudi Arabia, Shaikh Ibn Baz in both Madinah and Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. He also translated for both Shaikh Ibn Baz and Shaikh Ibn Jibreen on numerous occasions.”
It is important to understand the real reason why Abu Ameenah is full of bigoted hatred against the number 19 and its discoverer. He has studied too much hadith, the volumes of contradictory and silly stories fabricated by ignorant people and he sat too long in the circles of the world’s most ignorant and bigoted shaikhs.[2]
It is now evident that he was an accomplice in inciting and perhaps planning the killing of Rashad Khalifa, like the monotheist mentioned in 40:23-35. So, before refuting their criticism of 19, it is important to understand the backwardness, the bigotry and the venomous religious views of Abu Ameenah and his late guru Abd al-Aziz ibn Baz.
Abu Ameenah’s Shaikh: “Earth is Fixed; or You are Dead”
Abd al-Aziz bin Baz was the chief cleric of Saudi Arabia, the head of the Council of Senior Religious Scholars for three decades. He had great impact in regressive and oppressive laws in Saudi Arabia, including the ban on women’s driving. A book authored by Bin Baz was published in 1975 carried the following title: Scientific and Narrative Evidence for that the Earth is Fixed, the Sun is Moving and it is Possible to Go to the Planets.
The book was not published by any publishing house; it was published by no other than the Islamic University of Medina. In that book, Bin Baz complains about a new heresy; he is saddened to see, well more accurately, hear, people talking about motion of the earth and he wants to put a stop to that heresy. In page 23, after listing some hadiths issues a fatwa, Bin Baz asserts that those who believe that the earth is rotating are kafirs (disbelievers), and if they were Muslims before they become apostate.
The Saudi Sunni leader does not stop there and explains the ramification of fatwa: any Muslim believing in the rotation of earth loses his or her right to life and property; they should be killed! This top cleric, İbn Baz, was the head of an international conference of Sunni scholars representing 38 countries discussing the Salman Rushdi affair. Then, Saudi Arabia was competing with Iran regarding leadership in the Islamic world and this was the hot issue then. The conference issued a unanimous fatwa in 19 March 1989, condemning Rushdi and Rashad, as apostates. The Western world by then knew Rushdi, but not many westerners were familiar with the second name in the fatwa. Dr. Rashad Khalifa, the late leader of modern reformist movement and the discoverer of the mathematical code of the Quran, in less than a year after this fatwa would be assassinated by a Sunni group affiliated with the Saudi terrorist Osama bin Laden in 31 January 1990, in his Masjid in Tucson, Arizona.
In his book, Bin Baz quoted some verses and many hadith to support his position that the earth is fixed. After expressing his religious verdict of death penalty for the apostates who believe in a moving earth, he included the following reasoning as his scientific evidence:
“If the world was rotating as they assert, countries, mountains, trees, rivers, seas, nothing would be stable; humans would see the countries in the west in the east, the ones in the east in the west. The position of the qibla would change continuously. In sum, as you see, this claim is false in many respects. But, I do not wish to prolong my words.”
Towards the end of the 20th century, a “university” of a Sunni country publishes such a nonsense authored by the highest ranking religious leader of that country! Considering that the Ottoman chief clerics banned the import and use of printing machine for about 300 years, it becomes clear the reason why the so-called Muslim countries are so lagging behind civilization, socially, politically, and in science and technology.
Ibn Kathir is a popular commentary of the Quran, which is respected because of its reliance on hadith to “explain” verses of the Quran. Ibn Kathir (d. 1372), in the classic commentary carrying his name, makes the following remarks on verses 2:29 and 68:1. For this commentary, he relies mainly on a hadith from Abud Dawud, one of the so-called authentic Sunni holy hadith books:
“Ibn Abbas told all of you by Wasil b. Abd al-Ala al-Asadi- Muhammad b. Fudayl- al-Amash- abu Zabyan- ibn Abbas: the first thing god created is the pen. God then said to it: write!, Whereupon the pen asked: what shall I write, my lord! God replied: write what is predestined! He continued: and the pen proceeded to (write) whatever is predestined and going to be to the coming of the hour. God then lifted up the water vapor and split the heavens off from it. Then god created the fish (nun), and the earth was spread out upon its back. The fish became agitated, with the result that the earth was shaken up. It was steadied by means of the mountains, for they indeed proudly (tower) over the earth.”
After learning the intellectual level of the believers, collectors, narrators, and commentators of the above hadith, such as Abu Dawud (d. 888), al-Tabari (d. 1516), and Ibn al-Baz (1995), it becomes clear why Muhammed would utter the words in 25:30.
As a Sunni scholar, as the student of the geocentric death-fatwa issuer Ibn Baz, Abu Ameenah is not a regular academician as you expect. Besides his connection with the assassination, he promotes pedophilia and polygamy. You can find his articles on the Internet and his speeches at YouTube defending marriage with girls at age 9, stating that it was “the norm of the time”. Like other enemies of the Prophet Muhammed, he follows the fabricated hadith that falsely accuses the Prophet Muhammed marrying Aisha at age 9 while he was 55![3] Salafis, like all other followers of fabricated hadith and Sunna, take the ethical role-modeling of the Prophet Muhammed outside the Quranic context and reduce it to trivial local cultural aspects such as growing beards and entering the bathroom with left feet, etc.
No wonder Abu also promotes the distorted practice of polygamy with virgins. Now, does it take a rocket scientist to guess about how many wives he has and their ages? He brags about the number of his children (20 so far), but he leaves his audience in darkness regarding the mothers of his children. They are invisible ghosts in his haram; they are women with no identities, with no voice of their own. In fact, they have no faces either. When they are allowed to go out they have to walk in black sacks their faces veiled according to the teaching of his mazhab!
Are these ad hominem attacks? No! They are all connected. They explain why Abu hates code 19; because he hates the truth, and mathematics is the ultimate truth! Without learning the horrible mindset and backward religious dogmas of this guy you will not be able to understand his modus operandi. Only after you learn his religious views, connections and environment, then you will understand why he and his ilk hate the truth so much. Only after that you will be able to comprehend the reason behind their contempt against the greatest miracles and their contempt to its discoverer.
“According to Holy Hearsay Reports the Quran is indeed a Miracle!”
- “Since the Quran claims that it is a miracle, then it is a miracle”
- “Muhammad is the messenger of Allah; and the book delivered by him must be a miracle”
- “I believe in the Quran; therefore, it must be a miracle”
- “I find the information in the Quran perfectly conforming to my culture, knowledge and expectations. Therefore, the Quran must be a miracle.”
- “I am not an expert on every scientific issue, history or archeology, and I am not a logician; but since I cannot find any contradiction in the Holy Book that I was raised with its beautiful recitation, therefore it must be a miracle.”
- “I do not really know how to prove it; but I believe that the Quran is a literary miracle!”
- “Neil Armstrong, the astronaut who first landed on the Moon, and Captain Custo, the renowned French explorer and many other scientists became Muslims. Therefore, the Quran must be a miracle.”
- “Our great scholars and saints all have asserted the miraculous nature of the Quran. How could all be wrong! Thus, it is a miracle.”
- “If more than a billion people believe in it, then it must be a miracle!”
- “I do not need a miracle to believe that a book is from God. Faith needs no justification. If I believe then it becomes a miracle!”
No wonder, millions who resort to silly and fallacious “reasons” like the ones I listed above have no problem in following silly, backward, harmful and contradictory teachings of Hadith and Sunna; no wonder they act blind, deaf and dumb when they are informed about the verses of the Quran or invited to engage in critical thinking.
Those who have no clue about the meaning of miracle are wrong even if the object of their claim is indeed a miracle. Compare these two: the assertion “67 is a prime number” to the assertion “My glorious ancestors believed that 67is a prime number and I am following their verdict without questioning”. While both of these agree on the numerical nature of 67, the difference between the two is akin to the difference between graphite and diamond. Though both are made of pure carbon, the diamond is one of the hardest matters in the world, while graphite is one of the softest.
You should not be a surprised if a person declaring that “According to reliable reports, 2 + 2 = 4”, also declares “According to reliable sources 1 + 1 + 1 = 1”. Why? Because such a person is not using his or her own mind; they have put their brains in the blind basket of religious adherence. Has become sheep in a herd… Has placed her eggs in in a nest that no bird has hatched! The blind bandwagoners do not witness miracles through critical and analytical thinking. All they do is copying, memorizing, parroting, imitating the religions, sects and cultures of their ancestors whom they have idolized!
Those who believe in the Quran blindly betray the Quran blindly, and unfortunately, they also lack the awareness and capacity to notice their contradictions, their ignorance and arrogance!
Signs/miracles (aya): As a divine response to the epistemological interrogation and objection to messengers, they are endowed in accordance to God’s law (Sunnatullah) with divine signs/evidences consisting of extraordinary and superhuman special events/phenomena that cannot be explained by our collective experience and knowledge yet can be witnessed by our senses and/or by our reasoning faculties.
Back to Abu Ameenah
I concede that Abu Ameenah is not as stupid as his late sheikh and he is clever to hide his backward and bloody religious views. It is now evident that he was the one who informed his blind sheikh about Rashad Khalifa and used him to issue the death fatwa against Rashad after he wrote his book against him (1987) and his historical discovery. You may expect such a scenario from Hollywood movies, but it is real.
Though, unlike his sheikh he was raised in the Western world and studied in secular schools, he got his share of backwardness from the same “university” where Sunni students are trained in ignorance. In his Hoax book, Abu Ameenah briefly mentions my name:
“Since his death in 1990, no new leader has emerged to take his place in the cult. However, Edip Yuksel, a well-educated Turk provided religious leadership during the 1990s (His father is a Muslim scholar who has condemned his son’s writings.) Followers of Rashad Khalifa are currently located in such places as Phoenix, Arizona; Riverside and the Bay area in California; Vancouver, British Columbia; and other parts of the world. (Mission to America, pp. 137-165)”[4]
Apparently, Abu Ameenah, that is, Ameenah’s Father, knows about me a little more than I expected him to. However, he is again sneaky and ill-intentioned. His description of my father as “Muslim scholar” and referring to his “condemnation” of me is another insidious message to his Sunni followers. A short but well-understood message:
“Remember, how some brave Sunni brothers followed the fatwa of my teacher, the Muslims Scholar ibn Baz, and assassinated Rashad Khalifa, the chief heretic! This guy named Edip too is a heretic and has received death fatwa from his Sunni father. Thus, if any idiots among you wish to do some jihad, you may as well plan to put that fatwa into action.”
No, I am not reading too much into Abu’s statements about me and Rashad Khalifa. I know these enemies of freedom very well. The meaning of his statements is obvious to anyone who is familiar with their diabolic teaching. According to all Sunni sects, an apostate deserves death. As you will notice, this so-called Doctor of theology does not use a single word condemning the barbaric assassination of Rashad Khalifa. To the contrary, he presents it as well-deserved job! Here how he introduces his book:
“However, there still remains the question of whether the basis on which Rashad Khalifa’s theory is built is valid or not, as it continues to attract the unsuspecting and the ignorant. Hence, it is not sufficient to merely discredit Rashad Khalifa based on his many heretical statements, any one of which is sufficient to remove him from the fold of Islam. This controversy has to be laid to rest by a factual dismantling of its foundations.”[5]
“The following chapters of this book systematically and methodically challenge and disprove the vast majority of the so-called fundamental ‘facts’ of Rashad Khalifa’s theory. Furthermore, they clearly expose his deliberate falsification of data and alteration of the Qur’aanic text in order to bolster his theory of 19 as the miraculous numerical code of the Qur’aan. This work will demonstrate, without a shadow of a doubt – God willing, that the Theory of 19 is a shoddily concocted hoax unable to withstand serious scientific scrutiny. However, before proceeding with the refutation of Dr. Rashad Khalifa’s claims, the following summary of his theory has been prepared for readers unfamiliar with its core issues.”[6]
I will not spend much space here responding Abu Ameenah Philip’s book, since his criticism was fully utilized by two critics: Lomax and then by Ayman. To avoid too much redundancy, I will here briefly respond to the “conclusion” of his criticism, which he published in the end of his Hoax Book in pages 99-101. He introduces the summary or the conclusion as: “The following is a brief summary of the main points by which Dr. Khalifa’s theory has been proven false in the preceding chapters of this book.”
1. Misinterpretation of Quranic Texts: One of the foundations of Dr. Khalifa’s argument is that verse 30 (over it are nineteen) or Surah al-Muddaththir refers to the miracle of 19 being over anyone who claims that the Qur’an is false. However, it has been clearly shown that the number 19 refers to the guardian angels over the Hellfire as understood by the classical commentators of the Qur’an.
As you will read the section titled “Which One do You See: Hell or Miracle” and the rest of this book, Running Like Zebras, you will learn that Abu Ameenah is among those who are exposed by the prophetic verses of the Quran in 74:31-37, as an ingrate and one of those who regress. Here, I will quote a few paragraphs.
The punishment issued for the opponent is very interesting: nineteen. Almost all numbers mentioned in the Quran is an adjective for a noun. Forty nights, seven heavens, four months, twelve leaders… But here the numerical function of nineteen is emphasized. Nineteen does not define or describe anything. The disbeliever will be subjected to the number nineteen itself. Then, what is the mission or function of this nineteen? Those who tended to understand the meaning of Saqar as “hell” naturally understood it as the number of guardians of hell. However, the punishment that is described with phrases such as, difficult task, precise, and universal manifestations, was an intellectual punishment; a mathematical challenge. Indeed, the following verse isolates the number nineteen from the number of controllers and lists five goals for it.
74:31 We have made the guardians of the fire to be angels/controllers; and We did not make their number except as a test for those who have rejected, to convince those who were given the book, to strengthen the acknowledgment of those who have acknowledged, so that those who have been given the book and those who acknowledge do not have doubt, and so that those who have a sickness in their hearts and the ingrates would say, “What did God mean by this example?” Thus God misguides whoever/whomever He wishes, and He guides whoever/whomever He wishes. None knows your Lord’s soldiers except Him. It is but a reminder for people.
Traditional commentators of the Quran had justifiably grappled with understanding this verse. They thought that disbelievers would be punished by 19 guardians of hell. That was fine. But they could not explain how the number of guardians of hell would increase the appreciation of believers and convince the skeptical Christians and Jews regarding the divine nature of the Quran. Finding no answer to this question, they tried some explanations: the Christians and Jews would believe in the Quran since they would see that the number of guardians of hell is also nineteen in their scripture. Witnessing the conversion of Christians and Jews, the appreciation of Muslims would increase.
This orthodox commentary has three major problems. First, neither the Old, nor the New Testament mentions number nineteen as the guardians of hell. Second, even if there was such a similar statement, this would not remove their doubts but to the contrary; it would increase their doubts since they would consider it one of the many evidences supporting their claim that the Quran plagiarized many stories from the Bible. Indeed, there are many Biblical events are told by the Quran, though occasionally with some differences. Third, none so far converted to Islam because of guardians of hell.
Some scholars noticed this flaw in traditional commentaries. For instance, Fahraddin el-Razi, in his classic commentary, Tafsyr al-Kabyr, offered many speculations, including that the number nineteen indicates the nineteen intellectual faculty of human being. Tough it is a clever interpretation, it fails to explain the emphasis on the number nineteen itself, and it also fails to substantiate the speculation….
On the other hand, those who have deprived themselves from witnessing the miracle 19 because of their ill intentions or their dogmatic rejection try hard to render these key words incompatible with the semantic context of the Quran. They conceive God of the Quran as an angry and despotic God who is not able to provide any reasonable argument against those who question the Quran’s authenticity, but only resorts to intimidation: “I will burn you in hell!!!” The God they depict has double standard: He asks the disbelievers to bring their evidence for their argument (2:111; 11:17; 21:24; 27:64; 28:75; 35:40) but for His argument He only wants to scare them! The opponents of 19-based miracle, by distorting the meaning of the words in these verses, manage to blind themselves to one of the most profound philosophical and theological arguments and evidences in history. Not only they divert themselves from the right path they try to divert others too (6:25-26; 22:3).
Thus is the level of the understanding (more accurately, the misunderstanding) of those who cannot appreciate God as He should be (6:90-91). The argument of the god of their imagination for Quran’s authenticity is no more than scorching, burning, dark, hellish, misfortune, disastrous, and scary punishment! Thus, in the minds of opponents of miracle 19, the rhetorical value of these verses is simply a threat to burn and torture.[7]
2. Incorrect Letter Count Totals: Another foundation principle of Dr. Khalifa’s theory is that the Basmalah (i.e.Bismillahi-Rahmaanir-Raheem), some verses and some chapters consist of 19 or a multiple of 19 letters. Since the Qur’an was not revealed in the written form, this argument becomes meaningless. In fact, strictly speaking, the actual total of the letters composing the Basmalah is 22 and not 19.
This very criticism is another miracle of the Quran, since in order to blind themselves to its numerical structure, ingrates and bigots have denied the most obvious and simple fact: the numbers of letters in Bismillah or Basmalah. Lomax, who was inspired by bin Baz and his student Abu Ameenah, parroted the same claim.
I knew that some well-known Sunni critics of the code 19 counted the letters in Basmalah ending up with 18, 20, and even 21. For instance, according to Dr. Süleyman Ateş, an Al-Azhar educated scholar, Basmalah has 21 letters. After losing a live TV debate with me on a popular Turkish TV program, he wrote the following:
“The number 19 is the number of Bahai cult and has nothing to do with the Quran. It is modern cabbalism and nonsense. Quran’s first verse, Bismillah, does not have 19 letters as they claim, but it has 21 letters. I have written a book on this deviation… Recently numerous engineers and doctors started following this path. One of those who follow his imaginations is the guy who was once imprisoned for participating in terror activities in Turkey and now living in America. I met that guy first time during the Ceviz Kabuğu TV program and then I immediately understood that he had idolized his ego. He was rude and did not recognize any rules of etiquette.”[8]
But Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips is the only Sunni scholar who came up with 22! A whopping addition of 3 letters to the actual 19, which is 16% inflation! If Abu Ameenah counts the number of his children the same way he is counting the Arabic letters then he must have 17.27 children rather than 20. Of course, the number of the fingers in his two hands, according to the “invisible fingers” theory, which is an adaptation of his “invisible letter” theory, would be 11.58 fingers! Joke aside, this very claim of “22 letters in Basmalah” alone is sufficient to expose their delusional state of mind, their desperate attempt to turn their followers blind like themselves.
This example is enough to demonstrate how Muhammedans are twisting the simplest facts in order to cast doubt on the mathematical miracle of the Quran. It is noteworthy that not a single Muslim scholar had a different count for the letters of Basmalah before the discovery of the code. Whoever mentioned the numbers of its letters acknowledged the simple fact: Basmalah consists of 19 letters. For instance, Molla Jami starts his Persian Divan by referring to the 19 letters of Basmalah. Fakhraddin Al-Razi, in his 30 volume commentary, et-Tafsir al-Kabir, links the 19 letters of Basmalah with 19 guardians of Hell. Furthermore, the Abjad (Gematrical) value of Basmalah is well known as 786 for centuries, which is the numerical value of its 19 letters. Many a Muslim still use this number on top of their letters, instead of Bismillah…
What about this? Copy and paste a Bismillah (not its picture, but typed in Arabic characters) in MS Word. Then select it and ask the program to count the number of letters in it and check the “characters (with no spaces)”!
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
ب س م ا ل ل ه ا ل ر ح م ن ا ل ر ح ي م
You should be careful against the Hoaxers who use this very word to cover up their own character. Our Sunni “alims” who are well-trained in promoting ignorance, might try to add “invisible” letters or try to confuse Arabic letters with sounds. Don’t fall for their deceits! You should remember that there are 28 letters in Arabic alphabet and that all Arabic dictionaries follow this simple fact. You should also remember that no letter can be connected after Alif, since it would be confused with another letter, that is, Lam. So, if they tell you that there is an invisible Alif after B of Bismillah or a “short Alif” after Mim of RaHMaN, you should refuse to be tricked by reminding the following three facts: There is no dwarf or dumpy Alif in Arabic alphabet. If there were an Alif after B or Mim, there would be a space before the letter S or letter Nun. Besides, we are not counting invisible or ghost characters; we are counting written, visible letters of the Quran!
3. Letter Count Inconsistencies: A major pillar of Dr. Khalifa’s claim depends on his statement that “All Quranic initials, without exceptions, exist in their surahs in multiples of 19.” However, this is only the case in three of the 29 Surahs having prefixed Arabic letters, namely Surah Qaf, Surah YaSin and Surah Maryam.
This criticism is partially true and mostly false. Indeed, Dr. Khalifa made some errors in the count of Alif and there are a few issues with other letters; but MOST of the initial letters are multiple of 19 and the initials that do not fit the system needs a comparative study on the oldest available manuscripts. I have extensive debate on this issue with Lomax and Ayman in this book.
4. Manipulated Letter Counts: Dr. Khalifa achieved multiples of 19 in the letter counts for 13 chapters having Alif in the beginning of their “Quranic Initials” by counting the Hamzah as an Alif in some instances and not in others.
This is exactly the same allegation as in number 3, above. The example of the allegation in number 3 is perhaps listed as a different category in order to inflate the numbers.
5. Falsified Letter Count Data: In order to artificially create multiples of 19 in some of his letter count totals, Dr. Khalifa has doctored his date in the following ways: (a) Some non-existing letters have been counted; (b) Some existing letters have not been counted; (c) The text of the Qur’an has been changed in order to either add letters to the text, or delete letters from the text.
Again, this is exactly the same allegation as in number 3 and I have dealt with it extensively in NINETEEN: God’s Signature in Nature and Scripture. Besides, I responded to them in my debate with Lomax who used Abu Ameenah’s book.
6. Word Count Inconsistencies: A number of proofs used by Dr. Khalifa are based on the total number of words in verses and chapters being 19 or one of its multiples. This has been achieved by following an inconsistent system of letter counting whereby three or four words are sometimes counted as one word.
This is another highly exaggerated allegation, which we discussed extensively in this book.
7. Falsified Word Count Data: Dr. Khalifa’s claim that every word of the Basmalah occurs in the Qur’an either 19 times or one of its multiples is only true in the case of one of the main four words (i.e. ar-Rahman) and even in this case it is only achieved by excluding the 112 occurences of the word found in the 112 Basmalahs preceding the Surahs, yet he includes all the Basmalahs in his letter counts.
I have extensively discussed this issue with Lomax as my response to his “Claim number 13”. Let me briefly summarize it here.
The mathematical system puts an end to the chronic arguments among various sects whether Basmalah is the first verse of Chapter Al-Fatiha or not. Now, it is clear that the Basmalah in the beginning of Chapter Al-Fatiha (The Opener) is the first verse while other 112 Bismillahs crowning the other chapters are un-numbered verses.
Our counting excludes the 112 unnumbered Basmalahs. Had we include them, Abu Ameenah would object again by labeling it as an “arbitrary inclusion of 112 unnumbered initial invocations which are merely repetition.” Our exclusion is not arbitrary, since the other 112 Basmalahs are not numbered. Abu can see this fact in his own version of the Quran. Our method follows and justifies the well-known difference between the other two Basmalahs (1:1 and 27:30) and the 112 Basmalahs repeating in the beginning of chapters. It is a discovery which brings an explanation for this curious distinction. Though in the early manuscripts the verses were not numbered, they were ordered and separated from each other by dots which I believe justifies our numbering them. In fact, if there is a beginning and order of items of the same category, there is an implicit numbering in the structure. Therefore, early scholars were not wrong when they decided to number the verses as we know and use today.
8. False Claims for Surah Qaf: According to Dr. Khalifa, the term “Qawm قوم” is used to refer to Prophet Lot’s people everywhere in the Qur’an except in Surah Qaf in order to keep the total number of Qafs in Surah Qaf a multiple of 19. However, this claim is totally false because there are not one but four other places in the Qur’an wherein the term “Qawm” is not used in references to Prophet Lot’s people.
First, Rashad’s point about the usage of the Qawmu Lot (Lot’s People) had no substantial connection with the code; it was merely an observation regarding the usage of a word. Even if his comment was wrong, still the number of letter Qaf in Chapters starting with the letter Qaf would be 114 (19×6). Second, it is not Rashad but it is Abu Ameenah who is making false claim. Abu Ameenah is practicing his hoaxing skills as he did in the number of letters in Basmalah: He deliberately confuses the People of Lot, who are condemned, with the Family of Lot, who were saved.
Let me list all the verses where the People and Family of Prophet Lot are referred to:
Qawm (People): 11:70; 11:74; 11:89; 11:78; 22:43; 26:160; 27:56; 38:13; 54:33; 7:80; 27:54; 29:28.
Aal (Family): 15:59; 15:61; 27:56; 54:34
Ikhwan (Bretherns): 50:13
Contrary to what Abu Ameenah wants us to believe, verse 27:56 makes clear distinction between Qawm Lot (Lot’s People) and Aal-i Lot (Lot’s Family); they are not the same but opposing groups. The word Ikwan (Brethren) in verse 50:13 is referring to the People of the Lot not his Family.
In sum, to describe the people of Lot, the Quran uses the word Qawm (group, people, nation) 12 times. However, the 13th verse of the chapter that starts with the letter Q is an exception. Why then instead of the word Qawm, the word Ikhwan (brethrens) is used? For the answer, check the beginning of the chapter that contains that verse. As you see, the chapter starts with the letter Q.
Thus, Rashad Khalifa was right in his observation and Abu Ameenah is again proven to be confused.
9. False Claims for 19: The doctor claims that 19 was divinely chosen as the numerical code of the Qur’an because it translates into Arabic letters as “Waahidواحد” ( and as such means “God is One”, which he proposes is the message of the Qur’an. This claim is also incorrect as it is based on a system of numerology which has absolutely no place in Islam and is clearly rejected by Islamic law.
This is another evidence of blatant ignorance of Quran and the history of the number system used during the revelation of the Quran. Before and during the life of the Prophet Muhammed Arabs were using their alphabet as numerals. When Arabs decided to adopt the Hindu numerical system two centuries after the revelation of the Quran, they abandoned ABJAD and they changed the order of their alphabet to the current one about. I have presented conclusive archeological and Quranic evidence for the ABJAD system in the following chapters.
Abu Ameenah concludes his book with the following assertions:
“From the preceding thorough refutation of the “facts” of Dr. Rashad Khalifa’s Theory, it may be concluded that the theory of 19 as a miraculous numerical code for the Qur’an has no basis in the Qur’an itself and the few instances where 19 and its multiples do occur are merely coincidences which have been blown out of proportion by Dr. Khalifa. It may be further concluded that the Doctor’s record of data falsification, textual changes and figure manipulation clearly indicate his dishonesty as a researcher and expose the low levels to which he stooped to invent support for his hoax.”
“Hence, 19 and its multiples may not be used to interpret anything of the Qur’an or Islam and all those sincere Muslims who have publicly propagated this theory in ignorance are Islamically obliged to publicly disown and discredit it, and immediately cease the publication, distribution and sale of books and tapes which support it.”
“With that I hope that all the doubts and queries surrounding the authenticity of Dr.Rashad Khalifa’s “findings” have been finally laid to rest.”
The rest of this book exposes the deception and ignorance of Abu Ameenah and his ilk. They are described by the numerous verses of the Quran as ingrates, those who have disease in their hearts, arrogant, ignorant and backward people. After reading the following verses you will learn the real source of Abu Ameenah’s inspiration:
- 1:1 In the name of God, the Gracious, the Compassionate
- 2:17 Their example is like one who lights a fire, so when it illuminates what is around him, God takes away his light and leaves him in the darkness not seeing.
- 2:18 Deaf, dumb, and blind, they will not revert.
- 2:118 Those who do not know said, “If only God would speak to us, or a sign would come to us!” The people before them have said similar things; their hearts are so similar! We have clarified the signs for a people who have conviction.*
- 3:7 He is the One who sent down to you the book, from which there are definite signs; they are the essence of the book; and others, which are multiple-meaning. As for those who have disease in their hearts, eager to cause confusion and eager to derive their interpretation, they will follow what is multiple-meaning from it. But none knows their meaning except God and those who are well founded in knowledge; they say, “We acknowledge it, all is from our Lord.” None will remember except the people of intellect.
- 6:4 Whenever a sign came to them from their Lord, they turned away from it.
- 6:5 They have denied the truth when it came to them. The news will ultimately come to them of what they were mocking.
- 6:25 Among them are those who listen to you; and We have made covers over their hearts to prevent them from understanding it, and deafness in their ears; and if they see every sign they will not acknowledge; even when they come to you they argue, those who reject say, “This is nothing but the tales from the past!”
- 6:26 They are deterring others from it, and keeping away themselves; but they will only destroy themselves, yet they do not notice.
- 6:104 “Visible proofs have come to you from your Lord; so whoever can see does so for himself, and whoever is blinded, does the same. I am not a guardian over you.”
- 6:158 Do they wait until the controllers will come to them, or your Lord comes, or some signs from your Lord? The day some signs come from your Lord, it will do no good for any person to acknowledge if s/he did not acknowledge before, or s/he gained good through his/her acknowledgement. Say, “Wait, for we too are waiting.”
- 7:132 They said, “No matter what you bring us of a sign to bewitch us with, we will never acknowledge you.”
- 7:146 I will divert from My signs those who are arrogant on earth unjustly, and if they see every sign they do not acknowledge it, and if they see the path of guidance they do not take it as a path; and if they see the path of straying, they take it as a path. That is because they have denied Our signs and were heedless of them.
- 14:25 It bears its fruit every so often by its Lord’s leave. God cites the examples for the people, perhaps they will remember.
- 14:26 The example of a bad word is like a tree which has been uprooted from the surface of the earth, it has nowhere to settle.
- 20:133 They said, “If only he would bring us a sign from his Lord!” Did not proof come to them from what is in the previous book?*
- 20:134 If We had destroyed them with retribution before this, they would have said, “Our Lord, if only You had sent us a messenger so we could follow Your signs before we are humiliated and shamed!”
- 20:135 Say, “All are waiting, so wait, and you will come to know who the people upon the balanced path are and who are guided.”
- 25:4 Those who rejected said, “This is but a falsehood that he invented and other people have helped him with it; for they have come with what is wrong and fabricated.”
- 25:5 They said, “Mythologies of the ancient people; he wrote them down while they were being dictated to him morning and evening.”*
- 25:73 Those who when they are reminded of their Lord’s signs, they do not fall on them deaf and blind.
- 27:82 When the punishment has been deserved by them, We will bring out for them a creature made of earthly material, it will speak to them that the people have been unaware regarding Our signs.*
- 27:83 The day We gather from every nation a party that denied Our signs, then they will be driven.
- 27:84 Until they have come, He will say, “Have you denied My signs while you had no explicit knowledge of them? What were you doing?”*
- 27:85 The punishment was deserved by them for what they transgressed, for they did not speak.
- 27:92 “That I recite the Quran.” He who is guided is guided for himself, and to he who is misguided, say, “I am but one of the warners.”
- 27:93 Say, “Praise be to God, He will show you His signs and you will know them. Your Lord is not unaware of what you do.”*
- 29:1 A1L30M40
- 29:2 Did the people think that they will be left to say, “We acknowledge” without being put to the test?
- 29:3 While We had tested those before them, so that God would know those who are truthful and so that He would know the liars.
- 29:4 Or did those who sinned think that they would be ahead of Us? Miserable indeed is their judgment!
- 29:54 They hasten you for the retribution; while hell surrounds the ingrates. (Please read from 29:48)
- 38:1 S90, and the Quran that contains the Reminder.*
- 38:2 Indeed, those who have rejected are in false pride and defiance.
- 38:3 How many a generation have We destroyed before them. They called out when it was far too late.
- 38:4 They were surprised that a warner has come to them from among themselves. The ingrates said, “This is a magician, a liar.”
- 38:5 “Has he made the gods into One god? This is indeed a strange thing!”
- 38:6 The leaders among them went out: “Walk away, and remain patient to your gods. This thing can be turned back.”
- 38:7 “We never heard of this from the people before us. This is but an innovation.”
- 38:8 “Has the remembrance been sent down to him, from between all of us!” Indeed, they are doubtful of My reminder. They have not yet tasted My retribution.*
- 38:29 A book that We have sent down to you, that is blessed, so that they may reflect upon its signs, and so that those with intelligence will take heed.
- 41:53 We will show them Our signs in the horizons, and within themselves, until it becomes clear to them that this is the truth. Is it not enough that your Lord is witness over all things?*
- 46:10 Say, “Do you see that if it were from God, and you rejected it, and a witness from the Children of Israel testified to its similarity, and he has acknowledged, while you have turned arrogant? Surely, God does not guide the wicked people.”*
- 54:1 The moment drew near, and the moon was split.*
- 54:2 If they see a sign, they turn away and say, “Continuous magic!”
- 74:25 “This is nothing but the words of a human.”
- 74:26 I will cast him in the Saqar.
- 74:27 Do you know what Saqar is?
- 74:28 It does not spare nor leave anything.*
- 74:29 Manifest to all the people.*
- 74:30 On it is nineteen.*
- 74:31 We have made the guardians of the fire to be angels/controllers; and We did not make their number except as a test for those who have rejected, to convince those who were given the book, to strengthen the acknowledgment of those who have acknowledged, so that those who have been given the book and those who acknowledge do not have doubt, and so that those who have a sickness in their hearts and the ingrates would say, “What did God mean by this example?” Thus God misguides whoever/whomever He wishes, and He guides whoever/whomever He wishes. None knows your Lord’s soldiers except Him. It is but a reminder for people.
- 74:32 No, by the moon.*
- 74:33 By the night when it passes.
- 74:34 By the morning when it shines.
- 74:35 It is one of the great ones.
- 74:36 A warning to people.
- 74:37 For any among you who wishes to progress or regress.
- 74:38 Every person is held by what it earned;
- 74:39 Except for the people of the right.
- 74:40 In paradises, they will be asking
- 74:41 About the criminals.
- 74:42 “What has caused you to be in Saqar?”
- 74:43 They said, “We were not of those who offered support (or observed contact prayer).”*
- 74:44 “We did not feed the poor.”
- 74:45 “We used to participate with those who spoke falsehood.”
- 74:46 “We used to deny the day of Judgment.”*
- 74:47 “Until the certainty came to us.”
- 74:48 Thus, no intercession of intercessors could help them.
- 74:49 Why did they turn away from this reminder?*
- 74:50 Like fleeing zebras,
- 74:51 Running from the lion?
- 74:52 Alas, every one of them wants to be given separate manuscripts.
- 74:53 No, they do not fear the Hereafter.
- 74:54 No, it is a reminder.
- 74:55 Whosoever wishes will take heed.
- 74:56 None will take heed except if God wills. He is the source of righteousness and the source of forgiveness.
- 78:27 They did not expect a reckoning/computation.*
- 78:28 They denied Our signs greatly.
- 78:29 Everything We have counted in a record.
- 78:30 So taste it, for no increase will come to you from Us except in retribution.
- 83:18 No, the record of the pious is in Elliyeen.
- 83:19 Do you know what Elliyeen is?
- 83:20 A numerical book.
- 83:21 To be witnessed by those brought near.
[1] An English translation of the Fatwaa can be found in In Defence of the Qur‘an and Sunnah.
[2] For those readers who are not familiar with our resons for rejecting hadith and sunna, I recommend them to read one of the two booklets: 19 Questions for Muslim Scholars, or Manifesto for Islamic Reform. Bot hare available as boks or freely available on Internet, such as or
[3] I recommend an excellent article written by TO Shanavas on this subject. “Was Aisha a Six-Year-Old Bride?” has been published in the first volume of anthology after our first conference: Critical Thinkers for Islamic Reform, editors Edip Yuksel, et al, Brainbow Press, p. 39-46, 2009.
[4] Dr. Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips, THE QUR’AN’S NUMERICAL MIRACLE: Hoax and Heresy, 2nd Edition, 2002, p. 9
[5] Ibid, p. 16
[6] Ibid, p. 17
[7] For a comprehensive refutation of Abu Ameenah and other Sunni or Shiite 19-phobic critics, see the chapter titled, Which one Do you See: Hell or Miracle?
[8] Süleyman Ateş (76), former head of the Department of Religious Affairs in Turkey (1976-1978), theology professor and author, Turkey. At his personal website:
Edip’s 10 Day European Tour (1-10 June, 2012)
10 Days in Europe
Avrupa’da 10 Gün
Edip Yuksel
1 June/Haziran: Brüksel, Belgium
Live interview/Canlı Söyleşi, Nuce TV (Erdal Er), at 21.00
3 June/Haziran: Rotterdam, Netherlands
Converstaions/Sohbetler, (Volkan at: 31641763876)
5 June/Haziran: Brüksel, Belgium
Live interview, Nuce TV, at 20:00
7 June/Haziran: Brüksel, Belgium
Speech at European Parliament, daylong conference
Live interview, Sterk TV (Günay Aslan), 19:00
9 June/Haziran: London, UK
Debate on code 19 and Discussion on Islamic Reform Movement, The Muslim Institute, CAN Mezzanine, 49-51 East Road, London N1 6AH (Nearest Underground Station: Old Street), 12:00-14:30
10 June/Haziran: Dortmund, Germany
Conference, Technische Universität Dortmund, Internationales Begegnungszentrum, Emil-Figge-Str. 59, 44227 Dortmund, 14:00
If you live in Germany and Netherlands and would like to get information about the dates and locations of conferences, debates, and meetings for the two weekends, that is June 2-3 and 9-10, please visit here frequently, or join my Twitter and Facebook accounts at:
English Twitter: @19org
Turkish Twitter: @edipyuksel
Facebook Fan:
Invitation to the Conference on 7th June, 2012
in The European Parliament, Brussels
May 29, 2012
Thursday 7th June, 2012
09h30-13h00 & 15h00-18h30
European Parliament – Room ASP 1G2
Place de Luxembourg – Brussels (Belgium)
(Interpretation available in Turkish, English, French, German)
Dear Sir/Madam,
We would like to kindly invite you to attend the conference on THE DERSIM MASSACRE (1935–38): TURKEY AND THE INTERNATIONAL LAW on June 7th, 2012 in the European Parliament, Brussels (B).
The main purpose of this conference is to put THE DERSIM MASSACRE (1935–38) on the political agenda of the international community and more especially of the European Union.
There is no conference fee to be paid, but due to already engaged funds for the conference the organizing committee unfortunately cannot cover the cost of your travel.
We hope you can accept our invitation and look forward to hearing from you as soon as possible. Please send us your flight schedule and we’ll try to arrange transportation from the airport. Let us also know if you book your own hotel or if you want us to book a room for you.
Please note that in order to enter the European Parliament, details about your full name, date of birth, place of residence and ID card / Passport number are required. Please include this information in your answer to this invitation, before the 1st of June, to the following mail: . Please also find attached a conference’s draft program.
Best regards,
The Conference Organizing Committee
Thursday 7th June, 2012
Room ASP 1G2
09h30-13h00 & 15h00-18h30
European Parliament
Place de Luxembourg – Brussels (Belgium)
(Interpretation available in Turkish, English, French, and “passive” German)
(Including some technical information on how to participate and enter the E.P.)
The Conference will take place next Thursday 7th of June 2012 (09h30-13h00 & 15h00-18h30) in the European Parliament in Brussels (Belgium), room ASP 1G2 (building Altiero Spinelli, 1st floor, section G, room n.2 = ASP 1G2).
Please use the European Parliament’s main entrance in Place de Luxembourg (the so-called “Espace Simone Weil” and/or entrance “Altiero Spinelli”).
An official “European Parliament personal badge / pass” will be provided to all participants to the Conference.
All participants MUST communicate to the following information:
1) Name and surname
2) Date of birth
3) Place and country of residence (if possible, the full address of residence)
4) Number of a valid document (ex: passport, national ID, ecc…)
This information must be sent to the above-mentioned mail before the 1st of June.
Please note that NO ACCREDITATION will be accepted after this deadline, according to the rules established by the Security Department of the European Parliament.
Your “personal badge / pass” will be ready and delivered to you starting from 7th of June 2012 at 08h30. It will be available at the main entrance of the European Parliament (Place de Luxembourg – main European Parliament building “Altiero Spinelli” – just after the sliding doors you’ll find a conference desk).
09.30-10.30 – Opening Session
– MEP Mr. José Bové, Greens – European Free Alliance Group in the European Parliament
– MEP Mr. Jürgen Klute, European United Left – Nordic Green Left Group in the European Parliament
– Mr. Haydar Isik , Writer, Chairperson of the association “Rebuild of Dersim”
– Ms. Ayfer Ber, Chairperson of “Dersim Genocide Association”
10.30-11.30 – Panel I
The Dersim Massacre (1935-38): historical perspectives
MEP Mr. François Alfonsi, Greens – European Free Alliance Group
in the European Parliament
Dersim between history and nationalism
– Mr. Munzur Çem, Writer and Researcher
– PhD Mr. Berat Özipek, Associated Professor, Journalist daily newspaper “STAR”
Dersim, the Turkish state and foreign countries
– Mr. Martin van Brunessen, Historian (to be confirmed)
Dersim and “The Red Heads”
– Mr. Ali Köylüce, Chairperson of FEDA (Fédération Démocratique Des Alévis”)
Short video (10 min) on “DERSIM ‘38”, followed by a message by Ms. Fatma Tosum, survivor and witness of the massacre
11.30-13.00 – Panel II
International law, legal definitions and juridical responsibilities of the massacre
Mr. Erdal Dogan, Lawyer of Hrant Dink
The international covenants on human rights
– PhD Prof. Roland Mönch, Lawyer and legal expert
Dersim and the international justice
– Mr. Yusuf Alataş, Lawyer, Vice President of “International Human Rights Federation” (FIDH)
– Mr. Edip Yüksel, Lawyer and philosopher
– PhD Prof. Barry Fisher, , Juris Doctor and Doctor Jurisprudence, lawyer of “Dersim Genocide Case”
15h00-16h30 – Panel III
Towards a truth and reconciliation process?
Turkish political parties’ proposals
MEP Hélène Flautre, Co-President of the EU-Turkey Joint Parliamentary Commission, Greens – European Free Alliance Group
in the European Parliament
Political discussion with & between the following Members of Turkish Grand National Assembly and guests:
– MP Mr. Mehmet Danış, President of the Commission of Inquiry on Dersim, AKP Party (to be confirmed)
– MP Ms. Şafak Pavey, CHP Party
– PhD Prof. Mehmet Bekaroğlu, Vice-Chairperson of HAS Party
– MP Ms. Gülten Kışanak, Co-Chairperson of BDP Party
16h30-18h00 – Panel IV
Fundamental and minorities’ rights in Turkey, the Kurdish question and the current situation of Alevis
Mr. Ferhat Tunc, Artist
Ms. Nuray Mert, Writer and academic (to be confirmed)
Turkey and the Kurds
– MP Ms. Sebehat Tuncel, BDP Party
Turkey and the Alevis
– Mr. Ali Kenanoğlu, Chairperson of Alevi Cultural Associations of Hubyar Sultan
Sharing democratic values and constructive discussions
– Ms. Hilal Kaplan, Journalist, “Yeni Şafak” daily newspaper
– Mr. Dengir Mir Mehmet Firat, former MP of AKP Party
18.00-18.30 – Conclusions
Mr. Erdal Er, Journalist
MEP, Jürgen Klute, GUE/NGL Group
MEP, François Alfonsi or José Bové, Greens-EFA Group (to be confirmed)
Cartoon and Short Film Competition on Muhammad (2012)
“Protests inspired by an anti-Islam film targeted more U.S. facilities in the Muslim world Thursday, raising questions about whether governments had the will or even the ability to protect Americans abroad from angry demonstrator. Two days after the deaths of the U.S. ambassador to Libya and three other American diplomatic employees, the U.S. Embassy in Sanaa, Yemen, was assaulted by protesters as Yemeni security personnel did little to intervene, witnesses said. In Cairo, clouds of tear gas enveloped the fortified area around the U.S. Embassy as security forces clashed with protesters for the third straight day. Other anti-U.S. protests were reported in cities across the region.” (More protests break out in Muslim world as U.S. appeals for calm, Michael Birnbaum, Washington Post, September 13, 2012)
We are experiencing a de-ja-vu. About 6 years ago, the Danish cartoonists had stirred the so-called Muslim world with the cartoon depiction of Muhammad. Now, during the 11th anniversary of 9/11 attack, the so-called Muslim world are again furious over a nasty film, “Innocence of Muslims,” insulting Muhammad. The appalling movie was made by a Coptic Christian living in the United States, evidently to incite violence and thereby enjoy the flames rising in the Middle East followed by a new round of covert operations, wars, and invasions by the world’s super-duper power, which is suffering from middle age crisis. The film was made by Nakoula Basseley Nakoula Coptic Christian, a man with felony records. According to court papers, Nakoula, who served 21 months in prison and paid out $794,700 for bank fraud in 2010. In 1997 the producer of the sickening movie was charged with intent to manufacture methamphetamine and spent two years in jail.
Reformist Muslims Solicits Your
Cartoons, Drawings, and Short Films on
“Muhammad, a Messenger of Peace”
Awards for the cartoons/drawings:
1st Place: 1000$
2nd Place: 300$
3rd Place: 200$
Awards for the short films (10-19 minutes):
1st Place: 5000$
2nd Place: 3000$
3rd Place: 2000$
Edip Yuksel
13 September 2012
- “Say, “I am but a human being like you, being inspired that your god is One god. …” (18:110)
- “It has been sent down to you in the book, that when you hear God’s signs being rejected and ridiculed, then do not sit with them until they move on to a different subject; otherwise you are like them. God will gather the hypocrites and the unappreciative people in hell all together.” (4:140)
- “There is no compulsion in the system; the proper way has been made clear from the wrong way…” (2:256)
- “And the servants of the Gracious who walk on the earth in humility and if the ignorant speak to them, they say, ‘Peace.'” (25:63).
- “… and they counter sin with good; these will have an excellent abode.” (13:22).
- “… He casts the affliction upon those who do not reason.” (10:100)
- “Do not uphold what you have no knowledge of. For the hearing, eyesight, and mind, all these are held responsible for that.” (17:36)
- “O you who acknowledge, join in peace, all of you …” (2:208)
- “And the messenger said, “My Lord, my people have deserted this Quran.” (25:30)
- “… So, in which hadith, after God and His signs, do they acknowledge?” (45:6)
- “God bears witness that there is no god but He. …” (3:18)
(From Quran: A Reformist Translation by Edip Yuksel, Salih al-Shaiban, Martha Schulte-Nafeh)
As islamic reformers and progressive muslims, we believe that people should have legal right to express their opinion or dissent without fear of governments or mobs. In that regard, we applaud the people of Denmark and the United States for not censoring their media. (Well, the mainstream American media is auto-censored on some issues because of the interdependence between the media, big corporations, and powerful lobbies, which is another story). History has proven that truth and justice cannot flourish in an environment of suppression and oppression. Though the cartoons and the recent movie depicted and insulted our beloved prophet Muhammad, a figure that we consider dearer to us than our fathers and mothers, we stand by the rights of cartoonists to express their views.
Though we defend their freedom of expression fully, we morally condemn the ignorant and perhaps malicious act of the cartoonists, the movie-makers and their supporters.
Had the cartoonists and the movie-makers and their supporters in the media opened their eyes and connected the dots between the tens of thousands of tortured, injured, and killed Iraqi civilians and the lies of a Crusader-in-chief supported by Evangelical churches, they would perhaps have decided to draw the cartoon of Jesus with 666 bombs in his hair and beard! Anyone who has the knowledge of the New Testament would not hesitate to distinguish between the warmongering Crusaders and Jesus, the “Prince of Peace.” Similarly, anyone who has the knowledge of the Quran would not hesitate to distinguish between the terrorist Jihadis and Muhammad, the “Messenger of Peace.”
The cartoonists and the movie-makers and their promoters did not only insult one of the prophets, they also distorted the history of a great revolutionary leader who was a model peacemaker and defender of the rights of the oppressed; slaves, and women. In contrast to how the warmongering Crusaders and Jihadis wish to portray, Muhammad was not a man of violence but a man of reason and peace.
Numerous verses of the Quran and critical study of history will reveal that the portrait of Muhammad depicted in Sunni or Shiite hearsay books is fictional. A fiction created by the propagandists of rulers of Umayyad and Abbasid dynasties to justify their atrocities and aggression! He and his supporters were threatened and tortured inMeccafor their criticism of their corrupt and unjust theocratic system. They were forced to leave everything behind and immigrate to Yathrib (today’s Medina). There they established a peaceful city-state, a federal secular democracy, among its multi-religious diverse citizens. Nevertheless, the Meccan oligarchy did not leave them alone to enjoy peace and freedom; they organized several major war campaigns against the coalition of Muslims, Christians, Jews and Pagans united under the leadership of Muhammad. In all the wars, including Uhud, Badr, and Handaq, the monotheist reformers fought for self-defense. They even dug trenches around the city to defend themselves from aggressive religious coalition led by Meccan oligarchs. Muhammad’s message that promoted reason, freedom, peace, justice, unity of children of Adam, appreciation of diversity, rights of women and slaves, and social consciousness soon received acceptance by masses in the land. Yet, after ten years in exile, when finally Muhammad and his supporters returned to Mecca as victors, he declared amnesty for all those oppressors and warmongers who inflicted on them great suffering, who maimed and murdered many of their comrades, all because they questioned the teachings and culture they inherited from their parents. However, guided by the teachings of Quran, Muhammad chose forgiveness and peace; he did not punish any of his bloody enemies. After all, he was one of the many messengers of islam, peace and submission to God alone.
Not only those cartoons and the current film title “Innocence of Muslims” distorted the truth and committed injustice against one of the greatest men in history, their work unfairly stereotyped all Muslims as terrorists and barbarians. Promotion of xenophobic messages in Christendom might lead to another atrocity in human history. If we compare the massacres, wars, and atrocities committed in history by those who claim to be Muslims to those who claim to be Christians, we will find that those who give lip service to Christianity are more barbarians than those who give lip service to Islam. The wars, covert operations, occupations and destruction of countries, the use of atomic bombs on civilians, use of proxy corrupt and oppressive regimes, weapon industry and its global trade… Christendom and churches, in general, have been supportive of colonialism, jingoistic or imperialistic aggressions. In the times of inter religious conflict, unfortunately the voice of peaceful and moderate Christians and Muslims is not heard. It is like a dejavu. Remember sixty years ago? Jews were considered the source of all evil by Germany, a country with a majority Christian population. Hitler’s racist propaganda machine hypnotized many otherwise nice people. Now, as it seems, it is the turn of Muslims. There are enough ignorant and traumatized people among Muslims to justify the cunning propaganda machine that is working to establish moral justification for a new worldwide aggression.
The West possesses excessive deposit of atomic bombs and high-tech weapons, enormous amount of greed to suck the resources of the entire earth, and troops of religious and political leaders who can demonstrate the miracle of promoting wars and atrocities while at the same time singing peace and freedom with smirks on their faces. On the other hand, the East possess oil and many other natural resources, enormous amount of ignorance, poverty and destitute, and troops of religious and political leaders who can mobilize masses and turn them to terrorists and suicide bombs. These are explosive ingredients for the clash of two so-called civilizations that might turn the planet earth to hell. It is time for peace-loving honest people, especially Christians, Jews and Muslims start acting for peace and dialogue.
Sunni and Shiite Protesters Serve their Detractors
The reaction of Sunni and Shiite masses around the world to the cartoon and film controversy has nothing to do with the precepts of Islam. The exaggerated reaction, the violent protests, the gun-touting mouth-foaming angry mobs underscores the fact that they do not care about the teaching of the Quran. Especially, the reaction of an Iranian Newspaper that announced a cartoon competition aiming to poke fun at the Holocaust, started a competition in a diabolic race. The so-called Muslim world has betrayed the principles of the islam and is oblivious of the realities of the world they live in. The extremist elements, however, are still a minority in the so-called Muslim world. The silent majority is still watching; but they need to speak up soon. Otherwise, they will share the pain and tragedies invited by the active and loud fools among them.
The angry and occasionally violent protests have only helped the agenda and propaganda of Evangelical warmongers who betray the message of peace and love delivered by Jesus, the son of Mary. The Evangelical crusaders hope to flood the Middle East with blood in order to prepare for the second coming of Messiah. Their bloody dreams have now overlapped with the interest of global powers. The angry crowds in the Middle East have sent this message to them: “You may insult other prophets and messengers of God. You may even insult God through your movies, books, and cartoons. We will ignore them. But, if you insult Prophet Muhammad, we will leave our homes and workplaces and fill the streets yelling, screaming, and even killing. You can easily push our buttons. The cost of irritating and agitating us for you is close to nothing; but you may make us jump and scream in anger for weeks in our dirty and dilapidated streets.”
Through their irrational reactions, the so-called Muslim world lost the first round of the clash of civilizations. As a result, every psychopath loner, every animal-torturing freak, every spoiled loser, every troubled teenager, or every fame-seeker will fill the Internet with disparaging cartoons and images attributed to Muhammad. In their efforts to muzzle the powerful visual medium in this propaganda war, the rioters ensure that almost all visual material related to Muhammad in the media will be negative. This is called shooting oneself in the foot.
The primitive reaction of Sunni and Shiite population might ultimately accelerate their natural extinction from the face of earth. They are so disoriented by the clergy-made teachings, so regressed by upholding medieval Arab culture as God’s religion, so traumatized by their corrupt and cruel governments, and so much hurt and humiliated by the occupation forces of the western civilization (in Palestine, Chechnya, Iraq, Afghanistan…), they reflect the image of beasts in global political arena while they are in reality the victims of a powerful, cruel, and greedy global hegemony. For instance, the recent speeches by the Iranian leader Ahmadinejad have been so foolish they make the most absurd conspiracy theory a reasonable possibility. Is he an agent of the US-Inc?
The powerful coalition of multinational corporations, religious organizations and political groups that duped the US military into a destructive and cruel occupation in Iraq is now engaging in a psychological warfare to depict Muslims as barbarians. In order to justify the occupation of resource-rich lands, destruction of their infrastructure, and the killing and torturing their natives, they wish to agitate the extreme elements of the Islamic world so that they dehumanize that entire world in the eyes of others. After the fall of communism, the global hegemony decided to create another monster. The imperial policy of radicalizing Muslims is working well. Already the losing radical mullahs won the election in Iran. In Lebanon, Palestine, Egypt and Pakistan extremist religious groups are gaining more power.
In the hopes of hitting several birds with the same stone, the coalition of Crusaders, Neocons, Oil and Weapon industries invoke fear and tickle the jingoistic emotions of their nations. They hope to reach imperialistic goals of dominating a vast land in a strategic region; to Christianize the demoralized masses in the Muslim world; to depict them as barbarians and terrorists (the recent propaganda buzzword that somehow does not include state terrorism) deserving to be wiped out from the face of earth, and to distract the attention of their own citizens from their domestic failures and corruption. Those rowdy protesters, acting like wild cavemen, provide the best opportunity for the imperialist ambitions. Though they are unsophisticated trouble makers, they are gullible and petty criminals compared to their Western opponents who possess enormous destructive power, unlimited greed, and cunning propaganda for justifying their aggressive wars, their plundering of the resources of other countries and their killing and torturing of their civilians. The Western media especially searches and carefully picks the ugliest and angriest faces in the crowd to stereotype the entire Muslim population. It is not farfetched to expect the Western covert-operation personnel acting as agitators among the protesters.
Hypocrisy of Sunni and Shiite Clerics
On the other hand, the religious leaders of the reactionary protesters are acting with hypocrisy. When similar criticism or insults directed at Jesus or Moses they have no reaction, despite the fact that the Quran considers Jesus and Moses as selected messengers and prophets of God. It also asks Muslims not to discriminate among the messengers. When the Taliban destroyed the sculptures of Buddhist gods in Afghanistan, Sunni and Shiite masses around the world remained silent, and the religious ones celebrated the news.
Worse, in the Western world, cartoons are being published depicting God, occasionally with disrespectful humor. According to the Quran, only the depiction of God is blasphemous, since God does not look like anything His creatures can imagine. But, the Quran never approves the suppression of false and disrespectful religious or nonreligious opinions. How can a believer in the Quran, a follower of Muhammad, react to disparaging cartoons in a manner that contradicts the advice of the very book in which he professes to believe?
The only unforgivable sin, according the Quran is the sin of associating other partners/idols to God. God allows this biggest sin to be committed in this world. He fulfills his promise to test humans by giving them free choice. He condemns those who deprive others from exercising that freedom of choice. Who then, in the name of the same God, can force others from any expression of their belief or disbelief?
Billions of people, including Sunnis and Shiites, commit all kinds of idol-worship. For instance, they pray for the intercession of the prophet or saints, they prohibit many of God’s blessings in the name of God, they deprive women of their God-given rights, they worship meteorites or black rocks, they ask help from graves of their religious idols, etc. Unfortunately, Sunni and Shiite clerics and their followers have sunk deep in the quagmire of ignorance and polytheism. The progressive teachings of Islam cannot be represented and defended by those who do not respect the message of the Quran. They are prophetically described by verse 25:30 of the Quran.
In verse 4:140, the Quran recommends us to protest passively those who indulge in mockery of our faith by leaving their presence. Furthermore, it recommends us not to cut our relationship with them; we should turn back in peace and continue our dialogue when they come to their senses and are able to engage in a rational discourse. What do the so-called Muslims do? They do the opposite. By demonstrating an aggressive and belligerent behavior, they oppose and disrespect God’s instruction in their Holy Book, which they give only lip service. Interestingly, the aggressive and belligerent attitude and behavior is listed as characteristics of the enemies of Muhammad. How ironic that today’s so-called Muslims demonstrate many of the traits of Muhammad’s enemies. They have traded the Quran with fabricated hearsay stories (hadith books), sectarian jurisprudence, and fatwas.
If Muslims do really love Muhammad and respect him, they should have shown more negative reaction to the sources of hadith and sunna, such as Bukhari, Muslim, Ibni Hanbal, Abu Dawud, Tirmizi, Ibni Majeh, and Kafi, including numerous commentaries based on them, such as Ibni Kathir. In those and many other sectarian books, The Prophet Muhammad is falsely depicted as a torturing sadist, as a warmonger, as a tyrant, as a sex maniac, as a pedophile. Somehow, they are receptive to all the insults and defamation directed to Muhammad if they come in the form of a “holy hearsay” (holy hadith) story from a guy with a long Arabic name and beard who hypocritically praises Muhammad before spewing forth such vile statements. Muslims have become an irrational group that is described by verse 10:100.
Competition to Use Visual Media to Reflect the Truth about Muhammad and Quranic Islam
Years ago, we started thinking about making a computer animation film about Muhammad’s life. As a mental preparation for this project, we decided to organize a drawing competition. In October 2004, we posted an announcement at and some Internet groups, for a Drawing Competition regarding Muhammad’s portrait. Our announcement received only a few entries. We had multiple reasons and goals for that announcement. One goal was to expose and challenge the contradictory and hypocritical nature of traditional teachings. We cited the following reasons for that failed, perhaps untimely competition:
- The traditional reason against depiction of animated objects, or human faces: fear of idolization of those who are depicted in illustrations is a lie.
- The “authentic” hadith (hearsay) regarding visions of Muhammad in dreams contradicts the position of the followers of such hadiths. That anyone who sees Muhammad in his or her dream would be actually seeing him since according to the hadith the devil could not imitate his vision. What if the illustrator claims to have seen the image in his or her dream?!
- They use a double standard by not reacting equally to pictures, sculptures, and statues of other prophets, such as Jesus.
- They are hypocrites in their idolatry. They put Muhammad’s name next to God in Shahada, while the Quran mentions La ilahe illallah (there is no god, but the God) thirty times without adding Muhammad’s name to it, and the only Shahada containing Muhammad’s name is attributed to hypocrites (63:1). In contradiction to the Quranic injunction (72:18 ), they place Muhammad’s name and the names of early leaders next to God in places of worship. They promote Muhammad beyond messengership and make him a partner with God in issuing and defining islam (7:29;16:52; 39:2-114, 42:21, 98:5) …. According to the Quran there is no difference between associating a NAME to God or worshipping a picture (53:23). (During Muhammad’s time Meccan mushriks did not worship statues as claimed by fabricated hadith. They believed in the intercession of angels and holy people.)
No one will worship the illustration if they are not already ignorant idolaters. Since the fact that people worship Jesus does not stop us from mentioning his name or drawing an imaginary illustration of him, the fact that people worship Muhammad’s NAME should not stop us from mentioning his name or drawing his picture. As we learn from the Quran, the Prophet Solomon had pictures, statues and sculptures in his mansion (34:13).
We are announcing awards for cartoon/portrait of Muhammad or short film that would depict him accurately as a human being and a messenger of peace and progress. We will publish the winning portrait at and in the next edition of “The Quran: A Reformist Translation.” We may also publish many other submissions of high quality.
Our next step will be to make a computer animated feature film about Muhammad’s life. In that film, Muhammad will be represented by a human figure, not a camel, as in the movie, “The Message,” where Anthony Quinn played Muhammad’s uncle. We are looking for investors, directors and producers for this great project
Some Suggestions for the “Muhammad, a Messenger of Peace”
- Cartoons/portraits or short films should depict Muhammad as a 40+ years-old man with beard and long hair. Turban is not necessary, since he was most likely taking it off when he was under the shade or inside a building. If you are participating in drawing of his portrait, then we would prefer two copies; one with turban and the other without.
- Portraits/cartoons or short films should primarily use English language. However, you might create other copies of your work in any language of your choice.
- All portraits and films should contain the phrase, “Muhammad, a messenger of Peace” in its title.
- We will provide content for the script-writers and we recommend them to take it in consideration.
- We highly recommend artists and screen-writers to read the Manifesto for Islamic Reform, including its exposition.
Muslim Muhammad
- “It has been sent down to you in the book, that when you hear God’s signs being rejected and ridiculed, then do not sit with them until they move on to a different subject; otherwise you are like them. God will gather the hypocrites and the unappreciative people in hell all together.” (4:140)
- “Say, ‘I am but a human being like you, being inspired that your god is One god. …’ ” (18:110; 41:6)
- “The messenger of God has set up a good example for those among you who seek God and the Last Day, and constantly think about God.” (33:21)
- “Surely, you are blessed with a great moral character.” (68:4)
- “We have sent you out of mercy from us towards the whole world.” (20:107).
- “We are fully aware of what they hear, when they listen to you, and when they conspire secretly – the disbelievers say, ‘You are following a crazy man.’ Note how they describe you, and how this causes them to stray off the path.” (17:47-48)
- “There is no compulsion in the system; the proper way has been made clear from the wrong way…” (2:256)
- “And the servants of the Gracious who walk on the earth in humility and if the ignorant speak to them, they say, ‘Peace.'” (25:63).
- “… and they counter sin with good; these will have an excellent abode.” (13:22).
- “… He casts the affliction upon those who do not reason.” (10:100)
- “Do not uphold what you have no knowledge of. For the hearing, eyesight, and mind, all these are held responsible for that.” (17:36)
- “O you who acknowledge, join in peace, all of you …” (2:208)
- “And the messenger said, “My Lord, my people have deserted this Quran.” (25:30)
- “Their Lord responded to them: “I never fail to reward any worker among you for any work you do, be you male or female – you are equal to one another.…” (3:195)
- “The acknowledging men and women are allies of one another. They advocate righteousness and forbid evil, they observe the Contact Prayers and give the obligatory charity, and they obey God and His messenger. These will be showered by God’s mercy. God is Almighty, Most Wise.” (9:71)
- “God promises the acknowledging men and the acknowledging women gardens with flowing streams, wherein they abide forever, and magnificent mansions in the gardens of Eden. And God’s blessings and approval are even greater. This is the greatest triumph.” (9:72).
- “And from His signs is that He created for you mates from yourselves that you may reside with them, and He placed between you affection and mercy. In that are signs for a people who reflect.” (30:21).
- “They made for him (Prophet Solomon) anything he wanted – niches, statues, deep pools, and heavy cooking pots. O family of David, work (righteousness) to show your appreciation. Only a few of My servants are appreciative.” (34:13)
Sunni and Shiite Muhammad (PBUH).
- “When the messenger married with Aisha, he was 55 years old and Aisha was 9 years old.” (Bukhari, Muslim, Abu Dawud, Nasai, Tabari)
- “The messenger had the sexual power of 30 men.” (Bukhari)
- “The messenger was making sexual intercourse with all his nine wives in a single night.” (Bukhari)
- “Whenever the Prophet Muhammad saw a beautiful woman he would run to his home and sleep with Zainab.” (Bukhari)
- “A group from Urayna and Uqayla tribes visited Medina and converted to Islam. The weather of the city had negative effect on their health. They consulted the messenger and he advised them to drink the milk and urine of camels. Soon after they left, they killed Muhammad’s shepherd. The messenger sent a troop after the murderers. When they were brought he ordered their hands and legs to be cut. He later gauged their eyes with hot nails and left them dying under the sun. The messenger ordered his companions not to give them water.” (Bukhari, Muslim, Tirmizi, Abu Dawud, Nasai, Ibn Majah)
- “The property and blood of an apostate is not under the protection of law.” (Bukhari)
- “The Prophet sent a platoon of secret agents to kill Kab bin al-Ashraf and Abu Rafi, two poets who criticized him. They were assassinated that night.” (Bukhari, Abu Dawud, Muslim)
- “Muhammad ordered the killing of four hundred men of Bin Qurayza, a Jewish tribe. After the men were all slaughtered by sword, their children and women were distributed among Muslims.” (Bukhari, Muslim, Abu Dawud).
- “Leaders must be always elected from Quraysh tribe.” (Bukhari)
- “Bewitched by a Jew fromMedina, Muhammad wandered in the city for days, not knowing what he was doing.” (Bukhari; Hanbal)
- “Whoever eats 7 dates from the region Ajwa will be safe from any witchcraft and poison.” (Bukhari)
- “If a fly falls into the vessel of any of you, let him dip all of it and then throw it away, for in one of its wings there is a disease and in the other there is healing.” (Bukhari)
- “The cure is in three things: blood-letting, cupping, and cauterization.” (Bukhari)
- “If a monkey, a black dog, or a woman passes in front of a praying person, his prayer is nullified.” (Bukhari)
- “To find a good woman among women is similar to finding a white crow among a hundred crows. (Bukhari)
- “The marriage commitment is a kind of slavery for women.” (Bukhari)
- “If anybody has been required to prostrate before others beside God, the woman should prostrate before her husband.” (Bukhari)
- “I have been shown the dwellers of hell; the majority of them were women.” (Bukhari)
- “If the body of the husband is covered with pus and his wife licks it with her tongue, she still will not be able to pay her debt to him.” (Bukhari)
- “Those who entrust their affairs to a woman will never know prosperity.” (Bukhari)
- “There is no contagious diseases nor bad luck called Tiyara. However, there is bad luck in only three things: woman, house, and animal.” (Bukhari)
- “Angels do not enter a house that has a dog in it.” (Bukhari)
- “Kill every black dog; they are from devil.” (Hanbal; Bukhari)
- “Angels do not enter a house that contains dogs or pictures.” (Bukhari)
- “The most who will suffer in hell are those who draw pictures of God’s creation.” (Bukhari)
- “In the day of Judgment the artists will be challenged to give life to the pictures they made.” (Bukhari)
- “A tribe of monkeys arrested an adulterer monkey and stoned it to death.” (Bukhari)
- “The punishment of the criminal who had cut fingers of a woman is the following number of camels as compensation: for one finger 10 camels, for two fingers 20 camels, for three fingers 30 camels, for four fingers 20 camels. (Muwatta; Hanbal). (PS: Can you guess the number of camels for five fingers?)
Additional Terms
- The right to publish the cartoons and portraits in various media should be given to by an inscription “©”, preferably on the right bottom corner of the work. The copyright for the short film will belong to the makers. Acknowledgement of the should suffice.
- The portrait should contain one or more of the verses of the Quran related to freedom of faith and expression. We suggest the artists to embed or integrate the verses of the Quran in their drawings. For instance, the turban or beard could be drawn by using the letters and words of the verses quoted in the beginning of this article.
- If you are not willing to publicize your name we will not publish it. Instead, you may use a nickname or give us permission to publish your name after hiding it with a code.
- All work should be delivered in digital form. We prefer that you post it on the Internet and inform us its link via an email to However, if you do not have the technical skills to post it somewhere on the net, then you may send it as an attachment to the email. The Subject of email should read: “Muhammad, a messengers of peace Awards for the cartoons/drawings:
- Awards for the cartoons/drawings:
1st Place: 1000$
2nd Place: 300$
3rd Place: 200$
Awards for the short films (10-19 minutes):
1st Place: 5000$
2nd Place: 3000$
3rd Place: 2000$ - The deadline for participation is December 19, 2012.
LOXBOX13: “Learn how to respect other peole beliefs and feelings, drwings of the messenger mohamed mignt not offfend you or m or some others, but it will offend people of the sunnah religion, and we have no right to attack or mock any religion, and play it cool ? make fun of rashad khalifa, he was your friend and you belong to his line of thinking, in other words, make fun of yourself is less harmfull than offending others, why won’t you make fun of 19 for exemple, or is 19 holmy foor you ? peace”
EDIP: Silly! Nonsense! Whatever you do someone might get offended… Eat cow meat and Hindus might get offended… Eat onion, onion-worshipers might complain… Write God, Jews might be offended since they prefer G-d… The list goes on and on…
What about me? I am offended by Muhammadans! When I see that they turn a “human being like us” into a god, I am offended. Besides, I find their hadith stories to be the greatest insult to Muhammad. Would they stop publishing those stupid stories because I am offended?
Besides, why in the world I respect those who KİLL others because they believe, think or talk differently than them? I will defend Sunnis right to believe and practice their religion, as long as they do not harm others. But, do not expect me to respect their nonsense!
As for your making fun of 19? I really do not care. I will just ignore you…
But, you somehow craftily distort my invitation. I did not invite people to mock Muhammad or islam. To the contrary…!
ANDERSON: True. The ‘crowd’ and ‘mob’ has never shown great wisdom, thought or intelligence throughout history. They’ve always been controlled by emotion and chaotic dynamic patterns.
And also, Edip is NOT having intentions of instigating violence. He is not out there to insult the prophet (who is anyway dead and cannot be insulted). He is asking for POSITIVE cartoons, not ridiculing ones. That’s hell of a difference. The difference lies in the intent. Edip’s intention is good. I believe he aims to:
- Lessen the level of taboo that surrounds the cartoons, and thereby, over time, disarm the sheepish, insane and emotional tendencies to misdirected and unjustified violence.
- By taking the edge off the cartoon taboo… he is taking away power from those who indeed use cartoons in a ridiculing way.
- Indirectly expose the madness of hadith and show the world that there is more to islam and quran than what people think. That is, to give people a chance to find out about real islam.
There will always be resistance to change. Always. It stems from fear. But change is life and life is change. No change means death. One can never advance and develop by resisting change. When you move forward to grow, you will have to move through your current states. It cannot be avoided. Avoiding cartoons will just mean that we accept the current situation, and accept that it should not change. Truth and the exposure of falsehood will not be realized through fear and avoidance of change.
Edip’s work is commendable, no matter the details of his understanding. In my opinion there should be more people having a spirit like that of Edip’s. He’s doing a wonderful job in promoting the truth and exposing old, stagnant and mad things in religion.
RAAAJAH: “Is Edip following this Ayat while inviting people to draw NEGATIVE IMAGES OF PROPHET peace is upon him? What message he is trying to get across and how?”
EDIP: Thanks for the reminder… I am going to correct that part. I agree with you that such an invitation is not appropriate and I would never publish such disparaging cartoons, especially against any prophet or messenger of God. Knowing that many islamophobes, warmongers and provocateurs have already published many ugly cartoons based on hadith stories, I deleted that paragraph from the terms of the competition.
Philosophy 122 (God, Mind, and Matter)
Edip Yuksel, J.D.
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Course: Phil 122
Office Hours:
Instructor: Edip Yuksel
Add date:
Drop/Refund/Audit date:
Withdrawal deadline:
Final Exam date:
Last day of class:
Campus phone nu: 520 206 7314
Course Description:
Survey of Western Philosophy. Includes primary source readings in western philosophic areas: logic, epistemology, ethics, social/political philosophy, philosophy of religion, metaphysics, philosophy of science, and aesthetics.
Course Objectives:
- Develop the skills of attentive listening and dialog in group discussion
- Describe the principle ideas of the philosophers studied
- Analyze and critically evaluate philosophical arguments
- Construct logical arguments and identify errors in reasoning using philosophical language and terminology
- Design and support your own position on philosophical issues
- Express your thoughts clearly in both written and spoken formats
- Study the sources and nature of knowledge.
- Examine the meaning of terms God, metaphysics, mind, and matter.
- Review the classical arguments for and against the existence of God.
- Reflect on personal identity.
- Discuss freedom of will and determinism.
- Investigate new arguments for and against God and metaphysics.
Required Text:
- The Philosopher’s Way, John Chaffee
Recommended Texts:
- Philosophy of Religion, Selected Readings, Michael Peterson et al. Oxford University Press
- Faith and Reason, Paul Helm, Oxford University Press
Prerequisite: A 3.5 pound substance with active dendrites and synapses.
ADA Compliance: Pima Community College is committed to providing accommodations for qualified individuals with disabilities in a timely and effective manner. To request a reasonable accommodation, students must be registered with the campus Disabled Student Resources (DSR) office. Accommodations will be made based on eligibility determined by Disabled Student Resources. Services can be requested at any time during the semester. Requesting services well in advance will help to ensure that resources are available when needed. Please contact a DSR office at 206-4500 or
Mandatory Reporting for Abuse of a Minor: Pursuant to Arizona law (A.R.S. §13-3620), College personnel, including faculty, staff, and administrators, who learn in the course and scope of their employment that a minor (defined as under 18 years of age) has been the victim of physical or sexual abuse, are required to report this information immediately to law enforcement.
Class Conduct:
- Refer to the Student Code of Conduct for additional requirements relating to student behavior.
- Because of insurance limitations, non-registered visitors are not allowed at class sessions or on field trips.
- Possession of drugs, alcohol or firearms on college property is illegal.
- Eating, drinking, smoking and soliciting are not allowed in classrooms.
- Pets, telephones, pagers and other electronic devices that distract students are not allowed in classrooms.
- Students creating disturbances that interfere with the conduct of the class or the learning of others, violations of the Student Code of Conduct, will be referred to the Division Dean and/or the Dean of Students.
- Disruptive behavior will not be tolerated and can be cause for being dropped from the class. Disruptive behavior is defined as behavior that is disruptive to the learning process and outside normal behavior parameters. See the Student Code of Conduct for particulars, but examples of disruptive behavior are inappropriate talking, arriving late or leaving early, sleeping or doing other class work in class, etc.
- The use of the MyPima portal, for every student enrolled in this course, is specifically limited to the functions that are related to the course content and appropriate communications prescribed by the instructor. Inappropriate uses of MyPima may be subject to the PCC Student Code of Conduct.
Class Preparation and Policies: The course will consist of short lectures and critical discussions, which will analyze and evaluate the key ideas in the readings. Students need to read the assigned pages or chapter before the class.
MyPima: In this course, the instructor will not employ email and/or other MyPima course tools as a means of communication or for accepting course work. Instead, students should use instructor’s personal email, above.
Class Attendance: Attendance is required for all classes and will be recorded through in-class assignments. Students are assigned in-class writing activities and they are worth 20 percent of the final grade. The instructor will have the right to withdraw a student after six hours of absences. Death, birth, or marriage of close family members, including your death and marriage, might constitute as an excuse.
Academic Integrity:
- Students are expected to abide by the Code of Conduct, also available at PCC campus libraries.
- Pima Community College considers violations of scholastic ethics, including plagiarism, as serious offenses, which may result in failure of an assignment, the course, or possible expulsion.
- All work done for this class must be your own. For assignments, you may use work from books and other materials if properly cited. Copying from any source without proper reference is considered plagiarism.
Assessment: In order to determine whether this course is meeting its above-stated objectives, a variety of classroom assessment techniques will be used. The purpose of these assessment instruments is to assist your instructor in improving this course. Because this course fulfills a general education requirement, you will be assessed on your ability to communicate both orally and in writing, think critically and demonstrate global awareness.
Assignments and Make-up Policy: There is no make-up for in-class assignments. If you miss the mid-term or the class presentation, you should contact the instructor within a week and ask for a second chance. Based on your attendance and previous record, the instructor may make arrangements with you for make-ups.
Extra Credit Assignments: You may have chance to get extra credit but you should come with a proposal.
Grading Procedures and Policy:
The final grade will reflect a student’s ability to communicate their comprehension of course material in writing and speaking formats. Grading will be based on the following elements based on maximum 100 points:
- Participation in class discussions. 20 points
- Homework assignments. 20 points
- Pop quizzes. 30 points. Curved and the lowest 4 are excluded.
- Class presentations. Each student will make one or more in-class presentations on assigned philosophers or topics. For this exercise the student will be graded on their ability to gather, limit, interpret, analyze and critique philosophical material, and present it in a clear and interesting way. 20 points. The distribution of points:
Background information: 2
The philosophical argument: 8
Personal critique: 4
Discussion questions: 2
Answering questions: 2
Delivery (power point): 2
For more than one presentation, the average point will be awarded.
- Final paper consisting of 1500-2000 words. On a given topic, later to be determined. Students will be examined on their ability to present and support a thesis, express their arguments cogently, interpret and evaluate information, and apply principles of critical thinking to various paradigms. Avoid plagiarism! 10 points.
Written work will be graded for thought content, and only the final paper will be graded for both form and content.
Points will be deducted for assignments turned in after the due date. The grade equivalents of points are:
90-100: A
80-89: B
70-79: C
60-69: D
Absent students are responsible for getting class notes and assignments from a classmate and coming prepared to the next class.
Active participation is a necessary part of the work of this course. You should come prepared with quality input, such as, ideas, criticism, and questions. You should listen respectfully to the input of others, especially those with which you may disagree. The rule that one person speaks at a time reflects the value of respecting individual and their thought process. Cell phones, pagers, and headsets are to be turned of during class.
All written work must be typed, except for the in-class quizzes. The final paper must be double-spaced, in 12-point times new roman, and include a reference page. Final paper must have a title, preferably a catchy yet relevant title. In the upper right hand corner of page one, and single-spaced, put the following information: Your name, Course number, Day and Time of, Class, Date
On all following pages, including the reference page put your last name and page number in the right hand corner, for example: Gonzales 3 of 17. Please attach the pages together with a staple. No title pages or special covers for the papers.
Student Withdrawal “W” Grades: Students may withdraw from class without instructor permission and without incurring any grade penalty until the official withdrawal deadline. Students who fail to withdraw themselves by the withdrawal deadline and quit attending class, remain on the active class roster and may receive a grade of “F”.
Instructor Withdrawal after the College Withdrawal Deadline for “W” Grades: You may request a grade of “W” after the official College withdrawal date only if all of the following conditions are met: extenuating circumstances made it impossible for you to finish the course, your request is made in writing to the instructor and is received by the instructor on or before the last day of the class and the instructor gives permission to do so.
“AU” Audit Grades: Auditing a class means to enroll in and attend without working for or receiving credit. Students auditing a class must register by the end of the official refund period and must receive written permission to audit from the instructor, who is not required to grade assignments submitted by students who are auditing the class.
Final Grades: For privacy and security reasons, instructors are advised NOT to give grades over the telephone or via email unless the student signs the exception box on the acknowledgment page of this syllabus. Students who wish to check grades may access grades online using Banner Online at:
Warning: If your religious faith is fragile and cannot handle blows of skeptical criticism; or if you have vested interest in a particular religion or cult; or if you are socially, financially, or psychologically dependent on a religious bandwagon; this class might be excruciatingly painful for you. Thus, you might drop the class and leave this classroom now. Similarly, if your lack of faith or atheism cannot handle scrutiny, you should also consider dropping this class. There are no sacred cows in this class. We treat all of them equally: we question them, we pester them, and we occasionally slaughter and eat them.
Caveat: The instructor reserves the right to make changes to the syllabus and will notify students of those changes in class.
Phil 120 (Logic) Syllabus
Edip Yuksel, J.D.
► ►
Course: Phil 120 Logic
Office Hours:
Instructor: Edip Yuksel
Add date:
Drop/Refund/Audit date:
Withdrawal deadline:
Final Exam date:
Last day of class:
Campus phone nu: 520 206 2200
Class Philosophy:
Before putting anything in our mouths we observe the color, smell its odor. If it looks rotten or smells bad we do not touch it. If food passes the eye and nose tests, then our taste buds will be the judge. If a harmful bit fools all those examinations, our stomach come to rescue; it revolts and throws them up. There are many other organs that function as stations for testing, examination, and modification of imported material into our bodies. They ultimately meet our smart and vigilant nano-guards: white cells. Sure, there are many harmful or potentially harmful foods that pass all the way through our digestive system into our blood, such as alcohol and fat. Nevertheless, without using our reasoning faculty much if at all, we have an innate system that protects our body from harmful substances. It would be a mystery then how we can input information and assertions, especially the most bizarre ones, into our brains without subjecting them to the rigorous test of critical thinking. Our brains should never become trashcans of false ideas, holy viruses, unexamined dogmas and superstitions. We should be wise!
How can we protect our minds and brains? Do we have an innate system that protects us from harmful or junky ideas, especially dogmas or jingoisms that could turn us into zombies or self-righteous evil people? Yes we do: our logic is the program that detects and protects us against the most harmful viruses, which usually find their way when we are hypnotized by crowds, salespeople, politicians or clergymen.
Indeed, our brain comes with a pre-installed virus-protection program, called reasoning, logic or inference. Unfortunately, this program is constantly attacked by false ideas, prejudices, dogmas, and contradictory stories. We are fed lies all the time, from fairy tales in cradles to silly stories in holy guises in places of worship. Fiction books are the bestselling. Actors whose entire profession is based on faking other characters are treated like gods and goddesses. They are meteorites and hence are called ‘stars!’ Similarly, we reward liars in politics and in our relationship. We prefer to walk around with ketchup on our nose, since we do not expect our friends to be truthful as a mirror.
Logic or reason is despised by some as “the art of going wrong with confidence” (Joseph Wood Krutch ), “the greatest enemy that faith has”(Martin Luther), “an emotion for the sexless” (Heatcote Williams), “reason enslaves whose minds are not strong enough to master her . . . the reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man” (G.B. Shaw), and “I’ll not listen to reason. . . . Reason always means what someone else has got to say” (Elizabeth Gaskell).
However, logic and reason is praised by many as “the anatomy of thought….natural revelation” (John Locke), “the only oracle given you by heaven” (Thomas Jefferson), “come now, and let us reason together, says the Lord”(Isaia 1:18), “Do not accept claims without knowledge; your ears, eyes and mind are responsible ” (Quran, 17:36),”the only faculty we have wherewith to judge concerning anything, even revelation itself” (Joseph Butler), “the light and lamp of life” (Cicero), “God’s emissary” (Abraham Ibn Ezra), “the technique by which we add conviction to truth” (Jean de La Bruyere).
Logic is the study of reasoning: how it is done correctly, how it goes wrong, and how to distinguish between the two. We are born with hardware and system software that uses the rules of logic in interpreting information and arriving conclusions. Bad reasoning can hurt individuals, societies, nations, and even your grades.
Course Description:
Introduction to the main types of logical reasoning. Includes the nature of language, deductive logic, and inductive logic.
Course Objectives:
- Learn how to recognize, analyze and paraphrase arguments.
- Analyze and critically evaluate philosophical, political, economic, scientific and religious arguments
- Construct logical arguments and identify errors in reasoning by using categories, Venn diagrams, matrixes, retrograde analysis, symbolic logic and other methods.
- Distinguish and learn how to asses the validity of deductive arguments and the probability of inductive arguments.
- Recognize syllogistic arguments and learn how to translate them into standard forms.
- Learn the 19 rules of inference: the nine rules of inference used in constructing formal proofs and the ten rules of replacement.
- Recognize singular propositions and apply quantification theory to check their validity.
- Learn the six criteria to determine the probability of an analogical argument. Learn Mill’s five methods of experimental inquiry or inductive inference.
- Learn the five criteria by which the scientific hypotheses are evaluated and the seven stages of any scientific investigation.
- Analyze and compute the probability of inductive arguments by using the product theorem and the addition theorem.
- Develop the skills of attentive listening and dialog in group discussion.
Express your thoughts clearly and logically in both written and spoken formats.
Course Outline:
I. Nature of Language
A. Introduction to logic
B. Uses of language
C. Informal fallacies
D. Nature of definition
II. Deductive Logic
A. Categorical propositions
B. Categorical syllogisms
C. Arguments in ordinary language
D. Testing by Venn diagrams
E. Basic symbolic logic/truth tables applications
F. Relations between statements, including
1) Contradiction
2) Entailment
3) Contraries
4) Logical necessity and relevance
5) Nature of paradoxes
III. Inductive Logic
A. Analogy and probable inference
B. Causal connections: Mill’s Methods
C. Science and hypotheses
D. Logic and the law
Required Text:
- Introduction to Logic, Irving M. Copi & Carl Cohen.
Recommended Texts:
- The Power of Logical Thinking, Marilyn Vos Savant
- A Rulebook for Arguments, Anthony Weston
- Viruses Fallacious, Edip Yuksel
Prerequisite: A 3.5 pound substance with active dendrites and synapses.
ADA Compliance: Pima Community College is committed to providing accommodations for qualified individuals with disabilities in a timely and effective manner. To request a reasonable accommodation, students must be registered with the campus Disabled Student Resources (DSR) office. Accommodations will be made based on eligibility determined by Disabled Student Resources. Services can be requested at any time during the semester. Requesting services well in advance will help to ensure that resources are available when needed. Please contact a DSR office at 206-4500 or
Mandatory Reporting for Abuse of a Minor: Pursuant to Arizona law (A.R.S. §13-3620), College personnel, including faculty, staff, and administrators, who learn in the course and scope of their employment that a minor (defined as under 18 years of age) has been the victim of physical or sexual abuse, are required to report this information immediately to law enforcement.
Class Conduct:
- Refer to the Student Code of Conduct for additional requirements relating to student behavior.
- Because of insurance limitations, non-registered visitors are not allowed at class sessions or on field trips.
- Possession of drugs, alcohol or firearms on college property is illegal.
- Eating, drinking, smoking and soliciting are not allowed in classrooms.
- Pets, telephones, pagers and other electronic devices that distract students are not allowed in classrooms.
- Students creating disturbances that interfere with the conduct of the class or the learning of others, violations of the Student Code of Conduct, will be referred to the Division Dean and/or the Dean of Students.
- Disruptive behavior will not be tolerated and can be cause for being dropped from the class. Disruptive behavior is defined as behavior that is disruptive to the learning process and outside normal behavior parameters. See the Student Code of Conduct for particulars, but examples of disruptive behavior are inappropriate talking, arriving late or leaving early, sleeping or doing other class work in class, etc.
- The use of the MyPima portal, for every student enrolled in this course, is specifically limited to the functions that are related to the course content and appropriate communications prescribed by the instructor. Inappropriate uses of MyPima may be subject to the PCC Student Code of Conduct.
Class Preparation and Policies: The course will consist of short lectures and critical discussions, which will analyze and evaluate the key ideas in the readings. Students need to read the assigned pages or chapter before the class.
MyPima: In this course, the instructor will not employ email and/or other MyPima course tools as a means of communication or for accepting course work. Instead, students should use instructor’s personal email, above.
Class Attendance: Attendance is required for all classes and will be recorded through in-class assignments. Students are assigned in-class writing activities and they are worth 20 percent of the final grade. The instructor will have the right to withdraw a student after six hours of absences. Death, birth, or marriage of close family members, including your death and marriage, might constitute as an excuse.
Academic Integrity:
- Students are expected to abide by the Code of Conduct, also available at PCC campus libraries.
- Pima Community College considers violations of scholastic ethics, including plagiarism, as serious offenses, which may result in failure of an assignment, the course, or possible expulsion.
- All work done for this class must be your own. For assignments, you may use work from books and other materials if properly cited. Copying from any source without proper reference is considered plagiarism.
Assessment: In order to determine whether this course is meeting its above-stated objectives, a variety of classroom assessment techniques will be used. The purpose of these assessment instruments is to assist your instructor in improving this course. Because this course fulfills a general education requirement, you will be assessed on your ability to communicate both orally and in writing, think critically and demonstrate global awareness.
Assignments and Make-up Policy: There is no make-up for in-class assignments. If you miss the mid-term or the class presentation, you should contact the instructor within a week and ask for a second chance. Based on your attendance and previous record, the instructor may make arrangements with you for make-ups.
Extra Credit Assignments: You may have chance to get extra credit but you should come with a proposal.
Grading Procedures and Policy:
The final grade will reflect a student’s ability to communicate their comprehension of course material in writing and speaking formats. Grading will be based on the following elements:
- Attendance and participation in class discussions. 20 points.
- Multiple choice tests. 40 points.
- Home works. 10 points
- Class presentation. Each student will make an in-class presentation on a topic. For this exercise the student will be graded on their ability to gather, limit, interpret, analyze and critique philosophical/logical material, and to present this information in a clear and interesting way. 10 points.
- A comprehensive multiple choice test in the end of the semester. 20 points.
Written work will be graded for thought content, and only the final paper will be graded for both form and content.
Points will be deducted for assignments turned in after the due date. The grade equivalents of points are:
90-100: A
80-89: B
70-79: C
60-69: D
Absent students are responsible for getting class notes and assignments from a classmate and coming prepared to the next class.
Active participation is a necessary part of the work of this course. You should come prepared with quality input, such as, ideas, criticism, and questions. You should listen respectfully to the input of others, especially those with which you may disagree. The rule that one person speaks at a time reflects the value of respecting individual and their thought process. Cell phones, pagers, and headsets are to be turned of during class.
All written work must be typed, except for the in-class quizzes. The final paper must be double-spaced, in 12-point times new roman, and include a reference page. Final paper must have a title, preferably a catchy yet relevant title. In the upper right hand corner of page one, and single-spaced, put the following information: Your name, Course number, Day and Time of, Class, Date
On all following pages, including the reference page put your last name and page number in the right hand corner, for example: Gonzales 3 of 17. Please attach the pages together with a staple. No title pages or special covers for the papers.
Student Withdrawal “W” Grades: Students may withdraw from class without instructor permission and without incurring any grade penalty until the official withdrawal deadline. Students who fail to withdraw themselves by the withdrawal deadline and quit attending class, remain on the active class roster and may receive a grade of “F”.
Instructor Withdrawal after the College Withdrawal Deadline for “W” Grades: You may request a grade of “W” after the official College withdrawal date only if all of the following conditions are met: extenuating circumstances made it impossible for you to finish the course, your request is made in writing to the instructor and is received by the instructor on or before the last day of the class and the instructor gives permission to do so.
“AU” Audit Grades: Auditing a class means to enroll in and attend without working for or receiving credit. Students auditing a class must register by the end of the official refund period and must receive written permission to audit from the instructor, who is not required to grade assignments submitted by students who are auditing the class.
Final Grades: For privacy and security reasons, instructors are advised NOT to give grades over the telephone or via email unless the student signs the exception box on the acknowledgment page of this syllabus. Students who wish to check grades may access grades online using Banner Online at:
Warning: If your religious faith is fragile and cannot handle blows of skeptical criticism; or if you have vested interest in a particular religion or cult; or if you are socially, financially, or psychologically dependent on a religious bandwagon; this class might be excruciatingly painful for you. Thus, you might drop the class and leave this classroom now. Similarly, if your lack of faith or atheism cannot handle scrutiny, you should also consider dropping this class. There are no sacred cows in this class. We treat all of them equally: we question them, we pester them, and we occasionally slaughter and eat them.
Caveat: The instructor reserves the right to make changes to the syllabus and will notify students of those changes in class.
Phil 101 Syllabus
Edip Yuksel, J.D.
► ►
Course: Phil 101
Office Hours:
Instructor: Edip Yuksel
Add date:
Drop/Refund/Audit date:
Withdrawal deadline:
Final Exam date:
Last day of class:
Campus phone nu: 520 206 7314
Course Description:
Survey of Western Philosophy. Includes primary source readings in western philosophic areas: logic, epistemology, ethics, social/political philosophy, philosophy of religion, metaphysics, philosophy of science, and aesthetics.
Course Objectives:
- Develop the skills of attentive listening and dialog in group discussion
- Describe the principle ideas of the philosophers studied
- Analyze and critically evaluate philosophical arguments relating to epistemology, ethics, metaphysics, philosophy of religion, aesthetics or philosophy of science.
- Construct logical arguments and identify errors in reasoning using philosophical language and terminology
- Design and support your own position on philosophical issues
- Express your thoughts clearly in both written and spoken formats
- Recognize and examine major philosophical issues.
- Analyze and critically evaluate philosophical, political, economic, scientific and religious arguments
- Express your thoughts clearly and logically in both written and spoken formats.
Course Outline:
- I. Logic
- A. Definition of an argument
- B. Definition of an inference
- C. Inductive reasoning/deductive reasoning
- D. Formal fallacies/informal fallacies
- II. Epistemology
- A. Rationalism
- B. Empiricism
- C. Intuitionism
- D. Analytic claims
- E. Synthetic claims
- F. A priori claims
- G. A posteriori claims
- III. Ethics
- A. Nature of normative claims
- B. Prescriptive
- C. Descriptive
- D. Instrumental
- E. Intrinsic
- IV. Social/Political Philosophy
- A. Nature and legitimacy of authority
- B. Absolutism
- C. Theocracy
- D. Democracy
- E. Utilitarianism
- F. Fascism
- G. Communism
- H. Anarchism
- V. Philosophy of Religion
- A. Nature and meaning of religion
- B. Meaning of ” God “
- C. Classical arguments for the existence of God
- D. Critiques of the Classical arguments
- VI. Metaphysics
- A. Nature of mind and body
- B. Existence of other minds
- C. Nature of reality and ultimate reality
- D. Free will
- VII. Philosophy of Science
- A. Scientific method
- B. Aristotle’s philosophy of science
- C. Axioms
- D. Scientific revolution
- E. Causation
- Aesthetics
- A. Nature of beauty
- 1. Objective
- 2. Subjective
- B. Emotionalism vs. functionalism
- C. Theories of art criticism
- A. Nature of beauty
Required Text:
- The Philosopher’s Way, John Chaffee
Recommended Texts:
- Lovers of Wisdom, Daniel Kolak
- Invitation to Philosophy, Honer/Hunt/Okholm
- Viruses Fallacious, Edip Yuksel
Prerequisite: A 3.5 pound substance with active dendrites and synapses.
ADA Compliance: Pima Community College is committed to providing accommodations for qualified individuals with disabilities in a timely and effective manner. To request a reasonable accommodation, students must be registered with the campus Disabled Student Resources (DSR) office. Accommodations will be made based on eligibility determined by Disabled Student Resources. Services can be requested at any time during the semester. Requesting services well in advance will help to ensure that resources are available when needed. Please contact a DSR office at 206-4500 or
Mandatory Reporting for Abuse of a Minor: Pursuant to Arizona law (A.R.S. §13-3620), College personnel, including faculty, staff, and administrators, who learn in the course and scope of their employment that a minor (defined as under 18 years of age) has been the victim of physical or sexual abuse, are required to report this information immediately to law enforcement.
Class Conduct:
- Refer to the Student Code of Conduct for additional requirements relating to student behavior.
- Because of insurance limitations, non-registered visitors are not allowed at class sessions or on field trips.
- Possession of drugs, alcohol or firearms on college property is illegal.
- Eating, drinking, smoking and soliciting are not allowed in classrooms.
- Pets, telephones, pagers and other electronic devices that distract students are not allowed in classrooms.
- Students creating disturbances that interfere with the conduct of the class or the learning of others, violations of the Student Code of Conduct, will be referred to the Division Dean and/or the Dean of Students.
- Disruptive behavior will not be tolerated and can be cause for being dropped from the class. Disruptive behavior is defined as behavior that is disruptive to the learning process and outside normal behavior parameters. See the Student Code of Conduct for particulars, but examples of disruptive behavior are inappropriate talking, arriving late or leaving early, sleeping or doing other class work in class, etc.
- The use of the MyPima portal, for every student enrolled in this course, is specifically limited to the functions that are related to the course content and appropriate communications prescribed by the instructor. Inappropriate uses of MyPima may be subject to the PCC Student Code of Conduct.
Class Preparation and Policies: The course will consist of short lectures and critical discussions, which will analyze and evaluate the key ideas in the readings. Students need to read the assigned pages or chapter before the class.
MyPima: In this course, the instructor will not employ email and/or other MyPima course tools as a means of communication or for accepting course work. Instead, students should use instructor’s personal email, above.
Class Attendance: Attendance is required for all classes and will be recorded through in-class assignments. Students are assigned in-class writing activities and they are worth 20 percent of the final grade. The instructor will have the right to withdraw a student after six hours of absences. Death, birth, or marriage of close family members, including your death and marriage, might constitute as an excuse.
Academic Integrity:
- Students are expected to abide by the Code of Conduct, also available at PCC campus libraries.
- Pima Community College considers violations of scholastic ethics, including plagiarism, as serious offenses, which may result in failure of an assignment, the course, or possible expulsion.
- All work done for this class must be your own. For assignments, you may use work from books and other materials if properly cited. Copying from any source without proper reference is considered plagiarism.
Assessment: In order to determine whether this course is meeting its above-stated objectives, a variety of classroom assessment techniques will be used. The purpose of these assessment instruments is to assist your instructor in improving this course. Because this course fulfills a general education requirement, you will be assessed on your ability to communicate both orally and in writing, think critically and demonstrate global awareness.
Assignments and Make-up Policy: There is no make-up for in-class assignments. If you miss the mid-term or the class presentation, you should contact the instructor within a week and ask for a second chance. Based on your attendance and previous record, the instructor may make arrangements with you for make-ups.
Extra Credit Assignments: You may have chance to get extra credit but you should come with a proposal.
Grading Procedures and Policy:
The final grade will reflect a student’s ability to communicate their comprehension of course material in writing and speaking formats. Grading will be based on the following elements based on maximum 100 points:
- Participation in class discussions. 20 points
- Homework assignments. 20 points
- Pop quizzes. 30 points. Curved and the lowest 4 are excluded.
- Class presentations. Each student will make one or more in-class presentations on assigned philosophers or topics. For this exercise the student will be graded on their ability to gather, limit, interpret, analyze and critique philosophical material, and present it in a clear and interesting way. 20 points. The distribution of points:
Background information: 2
The philosophical argument: 8
Personal critique: 4
Discussion questions: 2
Answering questions: 2
Delivery (power point): 2
For more than one presentation, the average point will be awarded.
- Final paper consisting of 1500-2000 words. On a given topic, later to be determined. Students will be examined on their ability to present and support a thesis, express their arguments cogently, interpret and evaluate information, and apply principles of critical thinking to various paradigms. Avoid plagiarism! 10 points.
Written work will be graded for thought content, and only the final paper will be graded for both form and content.
Points will be deducted for assignments turned in after the due date. The grade equivalents of points are:
90-100: A
80-89: B
70-79: C
60-69: D
Absent students are responsible for getting class notes and assignments from a classmate and coming prepared to the next class.
Active participation is a necessary part of the work of this course. You should come prepared with quality input, such as, ideas, criticism, and questions. You should listen respectfully to the input of others, especially those with which you may disagree. The rule that one person speaks at a time reflects the value of respecting individual and their thought process. Cell phones, pagers, and headsets are to be turned of during class.
All written work must be typed, except for the in-class quizzes. The final paper must be double-spaced, in 12-point times new roman, and include a reference page. Final paper must have a title, preferably a catchy yet relevant title. In the upper right hand corner of page one, and single-spaced, put the following information: Your name, Course number, Day and Time of, Class, Date
On all following pages, including the reference page put your last name and page number in the right hand corner, for example: Gonzales 3 of 17. Please attach the pages together with a staple. No title pages or special covers for the papers.
Student Withdrawal “W” Grades: Students may withdraw from class without instructor permission and without incurring any grade penalty until the official withdrawal deadline. Students who fail to withdraw themselves by the withdrawal deadline and quit attending class, remain on the active class roster and may receive a grade of “F”.
Instructor Withdrawal after the College Withdrawal Deadline for “W” Grades: You may request a grade of “W” after the official College withdrawal date only if all of the following conditions are met: extenuating circumstances made it impossible for you to finish the course, your request is made in writing to the instructor and is received by the instructor on or before the last day of the class and the instructor gives permission to do so.
“AU” Audit Grades: Auditing a class means to enroll in and attend without working for or receiving credit. Students auditing a class must register by the end of the official refund period and must receive written permission to audit from the instructor, who is not required to grade assignments submitted by students who are auditing the class.
Final Grades: For privacy and security reasons, instructors are advised NOT to give grades over the telephone or via email unless the student signs the exception box on the acknowledgment page of this syllabus. Students who wish to check grades may access grades online using Banner Online at:
Warning: If your religious faith is fragile and cannot handle blows of skeptical criticism; or if you have vested interest in a particular religion or cult; or if you are socially, financially, or psychologically dependent on a religious bandwagon; this class might be excruciatingly painful for you. Thus, you might drop the class and leave this classroom now. Similarly, if your lack of faith or atheism cannot handle scrutiny, you should also consider dropping this class. There are no sacred cows in this class. We treat all of them equally: we question them, we pester them, and we occasionally slaughter and eat them.
Caveat: The instructor reserves the right to make changes to the syllabus and will notify students of those changes in class.
Look Again at that dot (Carl Sagan)
Look Again at That Dot
Carl Sagan
“Look again at that dot. That’s here. That’s home. That’s us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every “superstar,” every “supreme leader,” every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there-on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam.
The Earth is a very small stage in a vast cosmic arena. Think of the endless cruelties visited by the inhabitants of one corner of this pixel on the scarcely distinguishable inhabitants of some other corner, how frequent their misunderstandings, how eager they are to kill one another, how fervent their hatreds. Think of the rivers of blood spilled by all those generals and emperors so that, in glory and triumph, they could become the momentary masters of a fraction of a dot.
Our posturings, our imagined self-importance, the delusion that we have some privileged position in the Universe, are challenged by this point of pale light. Our planet is a lonely speck in the great enveloping cosmic dark. In our obscurity, in all this vastness, there is no hint that help will come from elsewhere to save us from ourselves.
The Earth is the only world known so far to harbor life. There is nowhere else, at least in the near future, to which our species could migrate. Visit, yes. Settle, not yet. Like it or not, for the moment the Earth is where we make our stand.
It has been said that astronomy is a humbling and character-building experience. There is perhaps no better demonstration of the folly of human conceits than this distant image of our tiny world. To me, it underscores our responsibility to deal more kindly with one another, and to preserve and cherish the pale blue dot, the only home we’ve ever known.”
― Carl Sagan, Pale Blue Dot: A Vision of the Human Future in Space
Capital Punishment for Capitalism and the Epithet for its Tombstone
Capital Punishment for Capitalism and
the Epithet for its Tombstone
Edip Yuksel
17 May 2012
This is CAPITALISM. One of the thousands pictures depicting the barbaric nature of capitalism. The Indian government, instead of distributing the MILLIONS of tons of wheat to starving population, let it rot! While people dying of starvation? Why? In order to keep wheat prices high.
I bet you will find many economists in your country trying to justify this self-evident stupidity and cruelty in the name of the dogmas of the capitalistic system! The corporate owned propaganda machine will open its screens and papers to these well-trained sales people to bent and distort the reality. They will tell you to keep working to get a few crumbs and hoping of getting a slice from the rotten and poisonous capitalistic pie. They will peddle it as the best available food, alternative to the communist pie.
Let me start by quoting a paragraph from the article sharing my observations and experience during my trip to China in 2008. It gives you the picture of the modus operandi of a capitalist pig (You may read the full article at
“However, this fitness might soon become an old glory. Already, the golden ark of McDonald’s, the red hut of Pizza Hut, and the goatee of the KFC are blinking and winking in major corners of the city. If the Chinese do not pay attention, they might soon import our obesity in addition to paying us hefty franchise loyalty. I remember reading an article in Time magazine on Wal-Mart’s expansion in China. The reporter directed a loaded question to the director of the China operation, which I paraphrase: “Wal-Mart is carrying junk food and fatty snacks. Wouldn’t those items harm the health of Chinese population?” The leader of Wal-Mart’s Chinese operation did not lose a beat, “Well, no problem. They will learn through experience. And we will also open up a new shelve selling diet products followed by exercise equipment. The business will be good!” Being in China and personally experiencing the fact that they are humans like us, with families, feelings, concerns and dreams, I am disturbed by the audacity of financially attractive, yet morally questionable business plan of that Wal-Mart top manager.”
A satanic economic system that let bankers, speculators, the 1 percenters steal wealth from the working people “legally”; a system that plunders and consumes the resources of the earth recklessly; uses its global military machine to wage wars to steal the natural resources of poor countries and dictate the terms of multinational corporations; poisons our lands, oceans and atmosphere; controls the so-called democratically elected politicians and the so-called academicians; corrupts our youth by transforming them into hedonistic zombies through its media, schools and political system,..
Yes, this rotten capitalism is magically juxtaposed with democracy, as if they were Siamese Twins, and is introduced by us to us as an ideal system. The peddlers of capitalism are as skilled as Pharaoh’s magicians.
The words of Biraj Patnaik, an adviser to India’s Supreme Court on food policy issues, summarize one of the many crimes of capitalistic system:
“The rotting of food grain is tantamount to criminal neglect in a country which has one of the highest rates of child malnutrition globally and the largest proportion of hungry people… The government’s refusal to distribute the grain to the poor, holding it back to rot purely on fiscal grounds, is particularly distressing.”
The picture of mountains of bags of grain left to rot in the midst of a starving population provides sufficient evidence and reason to convict capitalistic monster for treason against humanity. We should hurl the capitalist monster to the pit of history and let it rot together with its twin devil, authoritarian communism. They fooled the world for too long by using the fallacy of false dilemma. Yes, capitalism has earned the “capital punishment.” You may write Biraj’s statement above as the epithet on its tombstone, which needs to be the size of a Skyscraper in order to list a portion of the list of the injustices and tragedies created by this capitalist monster.
Divine Stone; A film by Hasan Mahmud
Dear all,
This is our deadly weapon that radical Islam cannot survive. Two years ago in the MECO conference on Oxford University London I asked your support for DIVINE STONE, my 2nd Docu-Movie on Sharia law and I was blessed by you all. I am taking the scholarship of our scholars such as Dr. Abdullahi Ahmed An-Na’im, Dr. Asghar Ali Engineer and Dr. Edip Yuksel to common Muslims through punching massive Islamic references into a love-story. It works magic on common Muslims.
Divine Stone
I showed it to some Muslims who believe in Sharia law as divine and their reaction exceeded my expectation. All of them were shaken from inside and are now against this man-made institution in the name of Islam.
Please post in your website and propagate it everywhere so that we can turn as many Muslims as we can against radical Islam. Needless to say Sharia law makes the backbone of radical Islam.
Please watch it not as a movie but as weapon against radical Islam.
Best, my 3rd such Docu-Movie THE SHARIA CONUNDRUM (in English) is coming up soon. Its shooting is completed in Vancouver.
Cheers !
Hasan Mahmud
The Making of a Documentary
Adventure of a Rational Monotheist in Atlanta, New York, Vancouver and Los Angeles
Edip Yuksel
June 2011

Edip and Dr. David Silverman, President of American Atheists, at the headquarter, New Jersey, warming up for a heated debate on God.
(See more pictures under the page)
About ten years ago, several months after the chickens of Arabia came to roost in America; I contacted dozens of literary agents regarding my autobiography. Few of them expressed interest in my story. One of them was enthusiastic. The owner of the literary agency had already talked to publishing houses and was expecting to get around 700,000 US dollars as down payment. He had also contacts in Hollywood and they too were interested in making a feature film based on my life story. That was way too much money and potential deals for me, and still is. At the time, I had given up from the practice of law since I could not work for the partners of a law firm who expected me to participate in legal decisions I deemed unethical; they would take frivolous cases to the court thereby milking more money from their long-term client, a municipality in Arizona. At the age forty-four, I was unemployed and had no clear idea what to do with my law degree. So, even a few thousand dollars would be a life-saver for my family.
However, after a few phone conversations with the literary agent and a Hollywood film producer, I learned that their interest in my life story was not within my interest. They wanted me to depict my life story as a thriller. I had a few chapters that had all the elements of a thriller such as confrontations with police and political rivals, assassination of my brother and my mentor, several assassination attempts against me, scuffles and riots in prisons, plan to hijack an airplane to join Afghani mujahids, secret meetings with leaders of the Iranian revolution, etc., but I did not want my life story become an ordinary thriller. Though I am an ordinary man, my life was an extra-ordinary adventure of philosophical and theological transformation. Knowing the quality of thrillers made by Hollywood, I knew that the intellectual and spiritual aspect of my story and its message would be squandered and get lost among special effects, explosions, bloody scenes and fast-paced chases. I could not let the main message of my life get lost among some generic Hollywood scenes: There is no god but the God. Put your full trust in God, do not follow anything blindly. Stand for peace, justice, and liberty without fear. Accept the truth so that the truth will set you free. Thus, my response to the literary agent and the Hollywood producer was a simple “no.”
I was thrilled when Aslbek, the owner of Asitana Productions, a non-profit foundation from Kazakhstan, contacted me regarding their intention to produce two documentary films on two of my books, Manifesto for Islamic Reform, and NINETEEN: God’s Signature in Nature and Scripture. Last year, they had already filmed numerous lectures and interviews at our annual Critical Thinkers for Islamic Reform Conference at Oxford University, but they were not happy with the quality of the recordings. This time they had a professional team. They asked me to provide them with a list of interviewees and guide the crew for the shootings. I came up with the names of people and we planned a two-week schedule on the corners of a big trapezoid, starting from Tucson, Los Angeles, Atlanta, New York, New Jersey, Vancouver, Los Angeles and back to Tucson. The experience was fascinating and occasionally extra-ordinary.
- June 11-16, 2011, Tucson, AZ. (Submitters, Edip, Scenes)
- June 16-17, 2011, Los Angeles, CA (Dr. Michael Shermer)
- June 18-21, 2011, Atlanta, GA (Prof. Ali Fazely, Prof. Abdullahi an-Naim, Fereydoun Taslimi, Melissa Robinson)
- June 21-25, 2011, New York, NY (Imam Shamsi Ali, Dr. David Silverman, Edip on Ground Zero)
- June 26-29, 2011, Vancouver CA (Raymond Catton, Sophie Catton, …)
- June 29-30, 2001, Los Angeles, CA (Dr. Ali Bahzadnia, Imam Yassir Fazaga, Matthew Capiello, Souran Musin)
Though our schedule did not allow us to interview Prof. Aisha Musa, Prof. Martha Schulte-Nafeh, Dr. Reza Aslan, Dr. T.O. Shanavas, Dr. Mahmoud Sabbahi, and a few other affiliates, we are planning to record their interviews separately before the end of this year. Of course, we have another list from Europe and Asia, such as Layth Saleh al-Shaiban, Arnold Mole, Yeşim Cansu, Mustafa Akyol, Prof. Caner Taslaman, Prof. Yaşar Nuri Öztürk, Chris and Linda Moore.
Hugging Cacti in Tucson and chasing Numbers on the Highways
The film crew, consisting the producer Aslbek Mussin, director Alan Shaikhin and camera operator Tom O’brady, was excited to shoot in Tucson. Unfortunately, we did not have a better word than “shooting” which when it is juxtaposed with Tucson usually invokes the bloody shootings of the wild west in cowboy movies. It was a good start, since the discoverer of the prophetic number had a masjid here and he was stabbed to death by a gang of Sunni group affiliated with the terrorist organization, al-Qaida.
I contacted numerous people from Masjid Tucson or International Community of Submitters, who had the opportunity to meet Rashad and were frequent to the Quranic studies and sermons on Fridays. We were united until an idol-carving gang split the group. I called Abdullah Arik and wanted to set up a time for the interview. Though Abdullah sided with the gang, he tried to put a calculated distance between himself and their claims, such as infallibility of Rashad Khalifa. Like many of the early supporters of Rashad, Abdullah too has been dancing on the sensitive theological border that separates the love of messenger from the worship of messenger. Abdullah is a dignified leader who likes vanilla flavor. I have in the past accused him of by-standing while Rashad’s message was polluted and distorted by a gang of ignorant idol-carvers.
I should have expected. Abdullah was not interested in the project. He declined my invitation without providing an explanation. I contacted several members of the congregation in Tucson: Kathrin, Linda, Mahmoud, and even Lydia. Kathryn had to work and could not spare even an hour. Linda claimed to be shy for cameras. Mahmoud had an important business to take care. Lydia was on vacation. I contacted a few old friends residing in other states and cities. Dr. John Spooner who is still a good friend of mine, articulated some excuses. I had a few close friends from Phoenix. One was scared from the Iranian government. The other, Dr. Douglas Brown, responded with enthusiasm and set up a time for an interview. But, he later called me and cancelled the meeting. He told me that he consulted Abdullah and received no permission. Ironically, he did not ask Abdullah’s permission when he was promoting the doomed May 19 doomsday prophecy soon after Rashad’s assassination. I should have expected such an evasive attitude. We would later interview several of those who met Rashad in person, such as Ray and Sophie Catton, Eric Thornwall, Fereydoun Taslimi, and Ali Fazely. Aslbek was disappointed by the response in Tucson. He could not understand how these people would miss an opportunity to be witnesses for truth. We both remembered the divine law:
47:38 Here you are being invited to spend in the cause of God, but some among you turn stingy. Whoever is stingy is only being stingy on himself. God is the Rich, while you are the poor. If you turn away, He will substitute another people instead of you, then they will not be like you.
To satisfy Aslbek’s curiosity, I arranged a meeting between the crew and Sam(ih) Khalifa, Rashad’s son, who has been aloof and ignored within the community. Sam was once a successful baseball player in major league, playing for Pittsburg Pirates. Though Sam lacks intellectual acumen and scholarship, he has a good heart. We reminisced our days together at Masjid Tucson.
Masjid Tucson is located in the corner of 6th Str and Euclid Avenue and Euclid is the most famous Egyptian mathematician (Rashad was Egyptian). Another very famous Egyptian mathematician Hypatia was declared heretic by Catholic clergymen and was stabbed to death by fanatic Christians 1575 years before Rashad was declared heretic by Sunni and Shiite clergymen and was stabbed to death.
Sam was and still is resentful of people in the Submitters community. After his father’s assassination, Sam was enticed by a few flattering troublemakers to play for leadership. Since he lacked the emotional and intellectual capacity to lead, the small community of submitters chose Abdullah’s leadership and was forced to abandon the original location of Masjid Tucson at Euclid and Sixth Street. We had lunch together at the corner of University Blvd and Euclid where I noticed that he had forgotten some memories that I remember very clearly.
Unable to interview a “living sahaba” in the “holy dessert” of Tucson, Aslbek and his crew decided to shoot dessert scenes, interview living cacti, and chase numbers in the wilderness. I let the child in me come out and I spoiled him. I talked while hugging a cactus in the Saguaro National forest. Posing before Biosphere 2, I talked about evolution and the engineering marvels and environmental troubles of a plastic bottle. And the most strangely, I joined the crew in chasing the number 19 on the highway. Aslbek and Alan had already learned the following curious “coincidences”:
- Tucson’s zip code number: 57
- Masjid Tucson’s zone number: 19
- Masjid Tucson’s land parcel number: 114
- The year Masjid Tucson was constructed: 1919. See
- The only highway in the USA with the metric system connecting Tucson to Nogales: Highway 19
They wanted to see the highway 19 with their own eyes. We stopped at the triangle shoulder in front of the traffic sign where Highway 19 was written. They gave me the microphone and wanted me to say something in front of the Highway 19 sign. I felt like a strange storm chaser, or weatherman or traffic reporter. Well, even stranger. With a big smile on my face, I started like this: “There is a fine line between genius and crazy, between sanity and insanity; and I believe that here we might have passed that line…” I know that if this scene is included in the documentary film, it will be cherry-picked by bigots and will be used as distraction as a straw man to punch. Ingrates need a few silly excuses to blind themselves to divine signs and I could not resist providing them a few.
“Ambush” at Skeptic Society in Altadena, Los Angeles
An American Iranian Armenian (yes, three qualifications) taxi driver took me and Alan from Los Angeles airport to Pasadena Inn. Matthew Capiello was already there waiting for us. The morning of June 17, Laleh, the American Iranian Jew camera operator showed up at the hotel. Then, Sauren, Aslbek’s brother, joined us there with a huge van. We helped Laleh to move her camera, tripad, lights and other gears to the van. We were ready to interview Michael Shermer, the president of Skeptic Society and the chief editor and publisher of the Skeptic magazine.
Before five of us headed towards the Skeptic Society in Altadena, a few miles North, Matthew learned from Internet that the cover story of The Skeptic magazine’s June issue was on Islam and Quran. That was a big surprise. We rushed to Barns Noble and purchased two copies of the magazine.
Michael was first interviewed by Matthew. Matthew was not in the scene; he was directing his questions behind the scene and Michael was answering each after repeating them. It was very successful. Questions were open-ended and direct. Almost no follow up or difficult questions. Michael was comfortable, articulate and had big smile on his face. After Matthew was done with his interview, it was my turn. I was not going to pitch soft balls; I was there for cross-examination and Socratic dialogue.
I had to inform Michael that I was not the usual religious guy that he was accustomed to deal with. In order to prevent him from hasty generalization and wasting our time on his criticism directed to wrong address, I inform him about my philosophy. Then, I challenged his atheistic dogmas and his claims about the Quran with philosophical arguments supported by verifiable/falsifiable evidences. As a prominent skeptic and atheist, what did he do? He acted like a religious bigot with no interest in philosophical debate. He acted as if he had seen a lion (or a WWF wrestler!) in the open. I was surprised when I provided some examples of numero-semantical system in the Quran, such as the frequency of the word Month being 12, and the frequency of the word Day, as he expected, being 365, even so he still did not demonstrate any interest in the subject matter. He acted as if he was sitting on a bunch of nails with sacks of potato chips on his shoulders. He knew that he was being subjected to a Socratic cross-examination and the person next to him was not a religious piñata, a believer of dogmas and contradictory stories whom he could easily punch to death and declare another cheap victory. It was too late when he realized that he made a remark that he regrets making. Interestingly, he repeated that remark at least twice.
He lost the debate. No, it was not he who lost. It was his prejudices and arrogant claims about God and the Quran that lost. Instead of considering it as a victory for truth and for himself, instead of asking me to meet him another time after he study our arguments more carefully, he acted like the prototype ingrate described in 74:16-25 and 7:146 and chose to stay in Saqar, which is described in 74:26-30.
Fearing that the video recording of him with self-incriminating confessions of idiocy may be released to the public, he calculated the risks and decided to pre-emptively react, by any means possible. The evasive, the “not-knowing-anything,” the “looking-like-an-idiot” atheist against me in June 17th 2011 somehow turned into a skeptic hero who was “ambushed” by a lunatic man who had escaped from a Turkish prison! A nice Hollywood movie!
For my response to Shermer and Randi, see:
Meeting with muslim reformists at my friend’s mansion in Atlanta
Aslbek needed to go overseas to take care of his business and would later join us in New York. So, Alan was the only one who accompanied me in Atlanta. We hired three professional camera operators for the two-day shootings there.
Fereydoun and Nahid were hospitable as usual. We have known each other for more than twenty years. They opened their house to the film crew, to the guests whom we have invited for the interviews. They live on top of a hill in Sandy Springs in a huge mansion with three stories that had dozens of rooms. The house is surrounded by tall trees. Each time I am hosted in one of the wings of the house, I still get lost finding my way. The house has central control systems for lights, curtains, AC, etc. One of the rooms which I stayed had a high- tech seat in the restroom that had a complicated control panel on the wall, which allowed me to adjusting the heat of the toilet seat and other sorts of things related to end of my digestive assembly line. During one of my stays there I saw a walkie-talkie in Fereydoun’s hand communicating with his wife. At one point I heard him saying, “Where are you Nahid?” Though obtaining and maintaining such a huge house is beyond my American dream, sometimes playing hide-and-seek with my wife would be an interesting experience.
Nahid and Fereydoun, both are activists for peace, justice and freedom. They have supported the Critical Thinkers for Islamic Reform conferences and they are involved in charity work through Noor Foundation. Though I have some political and theological disagreement with Fereydoun, I respect his intellectual independence and expressing them without fear.
Prof. Ali Fazely was already there when I arrived. I had not seen him for years. I had met first met him during our conference in 1988 when Rashad was among us. He was a good lecturer. Later he became more involved in the relationship of prime and composite numbers and their indices with the numbers in the Quran, which he calls the Ultimate Mathematics. I do appreciate some of his observations, but I find most to be disconnected or anecdotal examples lacking a system. Perhaps, in the future those fragmented observations might be combined by a unified formula.
Melissa Robinson of American Islamic Fellowship foundation played piano after being interviewed. Tough I am musically challenged I still could appreciate the tune of Ey Iran Marze Pur Gohar. Her collogue Kelly Wentworth could not make it due to personal engagement. Trina Scott was a passionate feminist yet was promoting co-existence.
Prof. Abdullahi An-Naim was there, yet he was in rush since it was father’s day. We had time to interview him. He joined us for a group discussion, but the technician responsible for the audio confused the connections and delayed the meeting for more than half an hour. Witnessing the tangled microphone lines on the floor with a confused man made me appreciate the children puzzles where you follow the lines to find which object belongs to which child. Because of that technical mishap we lost Abdullahi and Nahid. Abdullahi went to meet his children and Nahid went upstairs, perhaps to the kitchen. Yet, the panel consisting of Melissa, Fereydoun, Trina, Ali and I had a good conversation on various issues involving Muslims.
President of American Atheists Organization, Sunni imam and Speech at Ground Zero
We reserved 3 rooms, one double, at Affinia Hotel in Manhattan on 3rd Avenue and Lengston. I asked Mrahil to bring the boxes containing about 200 copies of the Quran: a Reformist Translation to the hotel.
The morning of June 24th, I met the film crew at the headquarter of American Atheist Organization. It had a big room and a stage for TV programs. David Silverman was a young and energetic atheist, a proud activist in the cause of fighting religious dogmas and bigotry. After the interview with me he would be joining other atheists to protest Harrisburg Mayor’s ‘Prayer to Fix the Financial Crisis.’ He was enthusiastic about his jihaad.
Before the interview I requested him to print two copies of the release form, which he did. Before the recording started I found him happy and ready for the debate. Unlike Michael Shermer who was way too serious and reserved, David was jubilant and humorous. If I invited him to my balancing game, he would gladly accept. Perhaps, he would even take his chance in an oil-wrestling challenge…
June 24, 7:00 pm
Today afternoon we had appointment with, Shamsi Ali, the imam of the biggest mosque in New York at 3rd Avenue and 96th street. He could not keep his composure after a few rounds of cross examination. This smiling, moderate, window-dressing imam suddenly got mad and start yelling at me… He left the debate after 15 min, virtually running from me, leaving his mosque to me and the film crew. Everything is on HD video!
June 24, 9:41 pm
We are too very excited about the debates so far I had, both with leading atheists and religious scholars. As I have been saying for long time: the best way to expose ignorant people, liars and imposters is to subject them in Socratic grilling sessions. I am not the best griller, but my honesty in seeking the truth, this by itself is a great threat to any debaters who have vested interested in falsehood.
June 25, 5:14 am
Dear Mohran, I call the moderate Hadith and Sunna peddlers to be worse, since with their smooth talking, nice look, and smiling faces, they keep their followers in the darkness of polytheism, ignorance, backwardness, superstitions, and injustice. They are window-dressers of teachings that have doomed their followers to a hellish life on earth and perhaps in the hereafter. Thus, they might cause more harm than the “ugly and angry” Sunni or Shiite clergymen. They have traded their integritiy and eternity with cheap worldly gains.
June 25, 5:37 am
Brother Recep, I do not know your religion, ideology, but if you are going to argue against rational monotheism, you are doomed to lose. When I was a young Sunni author, I lost the debate against a monotheist, and it was the best loss in my entire life.
June 25, 7:52 am
RECEP: “Edip has the courage to stand up to a pagan imam why does not he have the same courage to stand up to these corrupted officials who are shedding blood all over the world?”
EDIP: Recep, my book Peacemaker’s Guide to Warmongers, with its 400+ pages and cover, and hundreds of articles and comments I have written testifies that you are either have no clue about the person you are accusing of or you are a liar! I am tired of people like you who act like provocateurs! If you are brave do something about what you are saying. Go and engage in some activities against the American government.
June 25; 4:59 pm
I was in Ground Zero challenging Americans and telling them the naked truth. Inshallah you will see some segments on you tube and in the upcoming video. Peace.
June 25, 11:48 pm.
Today, with the loudest voice that I could produce, I lectured the crowd near the Ground Zero and challenged them to engage a 3 minute conversation. My political statements were provocative. The crowd literally froze during each lecture. It was a powerful event. Inshallah some segments will be posted on youtube.
Edip Yüksel Challenges Fellow Americans at Ground Zero
I challenged fellow Americans at Ground Zero on 25 June 2011:
Peacefully engage in an intellectual/philosophical debate with me. Criticize my assertions regarding the politics and religion for three minutes. Randomly pick three Americans from the street as referees.
If after three minutes they decide that you are right, you will get:
1. $100 with no further questions asked.
If the three referees decide that you lost the debate, then you may choose any of the following two options for free:
2. A copy of the QURAN: a Reformist Translation;
If you are scared of the Quran or if you are illiterate, then:
3. A can of soda and a bag of potato chips!
You have nothing to lose. You may learn something, or you may win 100 dollars or gain a little weight.
In four sessions (about 30 minutes), I asserted that:
- the USA government is no more the government of the people, by the people, for the people; it is an oligarchy. It has become the USA-Inc: the government of the corporations, by the corporations and for the corporations.
- that the filthy rich has declared war against working class, condemning the bottom fifth to prisons, the next fifth to military service so that with the wave of a flag could use the children of the poor people to kill the children of poor in other countries to make bloody profits for corporations.
- that capitalism or consumerism is neither fair nor sustainable. Greed and materialism is destroying and poisoning the land, the sea, the air, while exploiting the working people.
- that the USA Constitution needs amendments for the separation of corporations and state, for public financing of political campaigns, for reducing corporate control and monopoly over the media, and for protection of environment. Another amendment is needed to ban making profits from health care, manufacturing and sales of arms, and wars.
- that the USA Constitution needs an amendment to create another house to monitor the financial ties and transactions of the U.S. Congress through lottery elections (See the details at Peacemakers Constitution drafted by Edip Yuksel and his colleagues).
- that the USA-Inc is addicted with wars; fulfilling Eisenhower ‘s prophetic warning, the Military Industrial Complex, with its bloody appetite for wars, has grown monstrous.
- that those who live by sword die by sword.
- that the USA is cutting from education, health care, infrastructure to feed the military beast and the top one percent.
- that the USA-Inc has been supporting dictators and fascist regimes like Saudi Arabia and Israel.
- that the USA-Inc is now forced to replace its puppet dictators with puppet democratic (!) governments.
- that the Al-Qaida and similar terrorist organizations are the byproduct of the USA-Inc’s imperialism, overt and covert operations, occupations, terror, tortures, rape and plunder of resources of poor countries.
- that the wrong-wing-warmongering Christians are hypocrites; they sing peace in their churches while they vote for bigger military, for more weapons, warmongers, the torturers, and the mass murderers.
- that the biggest terrorist organizations are states, the global arms producers and merchants
- that the USA terrorists just killed more than a million people in Iraq alone, a country that never attacked to the USA and never supported al-Qaida.
- that if Muslims are terrorists then, Christians are terrorists 666 times.
- that it is imperative for peacemakers of the world to stand as a united force against warmongers, big corporations, banks, Wall Street, and Zionist organizations.
“Descartes said ‘I think therefore I am.’ I say I think twice; therefore I do not believe.”
“Discover the truth so that it will set you free.”
On June 27, 12:58 am, I posted the following note on my Facebook page.
I am having the worst ordeal in airports. I have not slept for two days. Presently, I am stuck in Calgary, Canada airport and waiting for another flight to Vancouver. The airline error, and my wrong choices and forgetfulness due to sleep deprivation and tiredness have so far created a long nightmare for me. I hope that I do not fall asleep on the bench or get lost in Internet and miss the 7 am flight too 🙂
June 27, 3:03 pm:
Thank God, I am now at a beautiful house with a fantastic view in Vancouver. I have learned some lessons.
June 28, 8:47 am:
Thank you for your care. I did post an update. Now I am in a luxurious home with a fantastic view. My long-time friends Ray and Sophia are hosting me much better than a six star hotel. So, I am grateful to God for relieving me from a two-night and three-day ordeal. I learned some good lessons.
We are shooting for the documentary film now and inshallah I will leave here to LA this Wednesday. We have two more interviews there.
June 28, 5:53 pm:
Lesson ONE: This world is not heaven. Must expect errors, accidents, and injustices. (Orbitz had sold me a multiple-city destination ticket through three airlines. United, Continental and Alaska Airlines. Alaska Airline’s ticket from Newark,… N.J. to Seattle/Billingham was deleted by Continental Airline staff when I changed my time of flight to Atlanta. Thus, stopped from boarding the plane.)
Lesson TWO: Do not get angry when things go wrong. Anger will make the things even worse, since you will not be able to think properly and you will make wrong choices. (Disappointed for being stopped from boarding the flight that I had on my itinerary, I forgot to ask my luggage to be pulled back from the plane. My luggage ended up in Billingham without me)
Lesson THREE: Do not get distracted when distraction could be too costly. Do not go on Internet, even if you are sitting by the Gate of your next flight. (Without my awareness, they had changed the gate of my departure. This cost me one more night of delay)
Lesson FOUR: ….
New York
- Del Frisco’s (Shawn Spolski, one of the managers) 1221 Avenue of the Americas, NY
- Ali Baba, Turkish Cuisine, 2121 East 34th Street, (between 2nd and 3rd str).
- Gazihan Alankus, PhD Candidate, Computer Science, Washington University in St. Louis, School of Engineering and Applied Sciences
- Habibur Rahman, MD,
- Ray Catton, All Season Tree Servic Ltd.
- Raziya Sattar, Lawyer
- Los Angeles
- Sh. Yassir Fazaga, Religious Director, Orange County Islamic Foundation, Mission Viejo, CA,

Edip and Shamsi Ali, the imam of the mosque at 1711 Third Avenue, between East 96th and 97th Streets. In order not to scare him and thereby jeopardize the interview/debate, I am covering the on my shirt before the interview.

In order to blend in the crowd and make it easy for the imam to sit, Edip even tried Pakistani attire at Islamic Cultural Center, New York. But, since the weather was too hot and the attire was too ugly, he gave up the accomodation.

Alan Shahin, the director of the film and Matthew, the reporter. As Alan is folically challenged, by putting that silly hat on his had Matthew is aesthetically challenged.